Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1924, p. 7

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,* <\t. it A splendid line of new ginghams and [peixaes •'"'•A- . :A. •:C; Mrtoil Fire hsvace Co. FOR ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Good protection at very low cost. The fact that company has written more than $225,000 worth ci ; new business, without much Canvassing, during thf year just ended, indicates that the people of thiscommunity are beginning to realize that a Mutu$: * insurance is the only insurance. ( McHenry: Michael Freaitd, Pfcone U7-J^':v AGENTS-J Johnsburg, Ringwood: M. N. Schmitt,U3-R-1 { Spring Grove and Richmond: Fred Meyers Lei Small For aovemor S • ROMAN'S CLUB : \ ^ - 'OF MCHENRY COUNTY Application for Membership' MRS. C. M. KENNED^Pft^' . Woodstock TEMPORARY OFFICERS iSiis;'FRANK J. GREEN, 8ecy. Woodstock MRS. D: T. SMILEY, VleeFrea. M«a. Ll D. LOWELL, Vice Prea. Harvard Crystal Lake / ,--v : MtS&CARRIE RUSHTON, ^ Woodstock Preamble I, the undersigned, favor the policies of government advocated by Governor Len Small. He has given the State of Illinois an honest, humane, progressive and economic administration, has maintained a liberal attitude toward education, has- developed an intelligent and<^ effective health program, and haa shown a sympathetic and kindly interest and attitude toward the 30,000 unfortunate inmates uf. our state institutions. I am pleased with his couragous stand for the policies which he advocates and heartily endorse his program for permanent hard roads, which are now "pulling Illinois out of the mud." I believe the best interests of Illinois and her oitisens will be served through his re-election as governor and I hereby pledge my vote and support for hkf re-election. Name ---v, . , Address • (Cutout this blank, till in your name and address, arid-mail- tajaoy of the above temporary officers.) Refurnishing Time Is Now Here A. Leath & 'Co. Stores Elfin, 7S-74 Grove Ave. Rock ford. Opposite Court Hoiim . Dvbuque, S7t-SM Main St. Aurora. 31-33 Island Ave. Free port, 5-7 W. Main St. Waterloo, 5M-5M LmfayeUp St. Beloit, M7-M1 4th St. > Joliet, 215-217 Jefferson St. -,' ianesville. N2-N4, Milwaukee St. Ban Claire. Masonic Temple. | Oabkosh, 11-13 Main St. * Peoria, US South Adams St. Decatur, 432-45* N. Water St. It i» time to get rid of every stick of QM-fashioned out-worn, unattractive furniture in the house. Spring Ijouse-. leaning -- plus New Leath Quality Furniture |For Less will make the house into a real HOME. toon* and let us help you do it--says Leath m Buicks Serve Indefinite!^ So often the remark is made, "Buicks never waar out*'. The service record of Buick can throughout the country fully justifies this statement. No matter how many years a Buick owner drives his car or how many miles he travels, his Buick continues to perform faithfully and economically. Why not use Buick transportation yourself? Any Buick dealer stands ready to give you a demonstration. -- Hm-lt OVERTON & CO WEN McHENRY, II I. HARVARD, ILL. -• ' V " ; SLOCUM I-Agtt Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston McHenry Friday. Page Smith sawed wood for Henry Geary last Thursday. Market your eggs at Erickaon's. percales at Erickson's. Eat eggs now. We sell them at a fair price. --Smith Bros. Emmett Geary of Fravont called on his parents one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary were pallers at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. McGlU were Crystal Lake callers Monday and Friday. J. D. Williams of Crystal Lake was a Sunday caller at the Orchard farm. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Granger were Crystal Lake callers Thursday last. Fred Monahan of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers at McHenry Wednesday. Edwin Underwood of Area spent Saturday with his cousin, Chesney Brooks. Mildred Hoffman sprat Saturday night with her cousin, Mrs. Albert Stubbings. Helen Bonnin of Elgin spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnin. Mr. and Mrs. John Geary were Sunday callers at the home of Len Geary at Wauconda. Mildred Hoffman made her usual trip to Chicago Thursday and returned Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutaon of Woodstock were Saturday callers at the W. E. Brooks home. Willard Darrell attended a Farmers' Protective association meetiflg at Libertyville Wednesday. Little Miss Beulah Bacon- of Crystal Lake spent the week end with her cousin, Frances Converse. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks visitefl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook near Wauconda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett spent an evening recently at the Henry Geary home and enjoyed euchre. Mildred Hoffman spent Thursday evening with her cousin, Bfrs. Will SpafFord, at Jefferson Park. Several parties from Chicago owning property at Mylith park visited at their cottages over Sunday. Many from here attended the farm sale of Manuell Eatinger on the Anderson farm west of Wauconda. Harold and William Brooks of Wan kegan spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks, Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Willard Darrell were Wednesday afternoon visitors at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Green were Sunday guests of thp latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Ki*k «Mr and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children spent Sunday afternoon with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were guests of their home folks at Oak Glen farm over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall of Crystal Lake were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mis. John Pfannenstill, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burnett and Mrs. Burnett returned home... with them for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were among the club members who were ttt^taiped at euchre at the home of Mrs! Julia Broncheon in Wauconda Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children were at Crystal Lake Friday and were accompanied home by Joe Kirk who has speht several weeks visiting friends at Aurora. OSTEND A thousand and one bargain* at Erickson's store. We sell real shoes for work'at $8.75 pair. Smith Bros. A large assortment of Easter goods just received at Vycital's. A family recently moved to the house on the Wallis farm. We have not learned their name or where they are from. Alvin Weiss and Ernest Brott came over from west of. Woodstock Sunday in Alvin's car. Ernest took his own Lizzie back. C. B. Durkee motored out Saturday from near Chicago and visited his old farm home. Mr. Durkee is enjoying good health. Little Helen and Joe Harrer are now pupils in Cherry Valley school. Miss Arlene Harrison of West McHenry is their teacher. Some of the men folks turned out again Saturday and shoveled snow to make the road passable and there is lots more that needs moving to make the road any ways passable. J. N. Salyer is surely one of the pluckiest rural mail carriers. He has missed but one trip all this bad, snowy weather. Some or the roiads he travels other people thought impassable, but Jim went thru. Arthur Hoppe boarded the eight o'clock train Saturday morning for Chicago to visit his parents. He reports his father a little improved, being able to sit up a half hour each day. Mrs. Ffc>ppe has been with him for several weeks at ^he home of her sister in the city. VOLO Save in Lent; buy at Smith's. Mrs. Anna Vasey is on the sick list John Wagner transacted badness at Wauconda Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk spent Monday in Waukegan. Jay Vasey was a business caller at McHenry Monday. French flasher flash lights and batteries at J. J. Vycital's. V Frank Meyer of McHenry passed thru our village Friday. Frank Wilson made a flying trip to Wauconda Tuesday morning. Frank Rossdeutscher transacted business in Wauconda Saturday. George Dasher and Martha Bauer of Wauconda were seen" in our town Sunday. Harry Knox of McHenry was a,.business caller at the Michael Krapf home Monday. Mrs. L. V. Lusk spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Harry Lusk at Grayslake.- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Molidor of Round Lake spent Sunday with#relatives here. Miss Viola Wagner and Mrs. Sabel Paint! Paint! Tune to think of painting. We have what you want. John J. Vycital. Ray Horlick of Woodstock was a guest at the home of Stephen H. Smith last Sunday. Mrs. John Schaefer and daughters, Eva and Anita, drove to McHenry Saturday afternoon. Wm. Althoff has just received a good supply of boots, the short as well as the hip sporting boots. Miss Frances Miller spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Lay, at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen of Spring Grove were guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund Sunday. Math. Lay and family of Spring Grove were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt Sunday. St. Agatha court, W. C. 0. F., had a very interesting meeting on Tuesday of this week, when new officers were elected for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan and son, George, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.-Wm. H. Althoff at McHenry Sunday, of Fremont spent .Tuesday Wffh j Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Sompel and friends here. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meersman wish to Esther Russell is now driving back express their sincere thanks to the and forth to her school duties at Quen-' Johnsburg people for showing their ten's corners. willingness to help them during th,eir James Haverin of Lily Lake was a' bereavement in the loss of their business caller at the Vaupell farm j mother, Mrs. Virginia Meersman, who on Thursday. | passed away here last Thursday night Pete Engeln and Jack Nicholls of j at a little after one o'clock after be- McHenry were business callers in' ing sick only a few days of heart town Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Vaupell of Chicago is making an extended visit at the Wm. Duesing home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bietzel and son of North Chicago were Sunday guests of Mrs. John Molidor. Dr. T. P. Gallahue of Grayslake was a professional caller at the Wm. Duesing home Sunday evening. Lee Huson, L. V. Lusk ^nd Math. Rossdeutscher attended a tnilk meeting at Grayslake Tuesday. The Camp Fire Girls mefe*t Dillon's last Saturday. Next Saturday will meet with Esther Lusk. Mrs. C. G. McCandless and daughter, Eloise, of Round Lake spent Saturday with Mrs. Rose Dunnill. Mrs. Mike Wagner and son, Bill, Mrs. Frank Rosing and daughter, Delores, spent Saturday in McHenry. Miss Evaline Hironimus has returned home after having spent the past week with friends at Liberjbyville. Adeline Rossdeutscher has returned to her position at Long Lake after a couple of weeks' vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegener have moved into the Dan Richardson home, recently, vacated by the P. Engeln family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Halstead of Aurora spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and family. Wm. Nicholls, John Blongren and John Kaiser were Canvassing our community last Thursday for the Milk Producers' association. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey, Mrs. Harry Passfield and son, Joe, and Mrs. Frank Wilson spent Monday at the Vasey homstead east of town. Mr. and Mrs. George Schaid and daughter, Lillian, Joe Schaid and Lloyd Dowell of Wauconda were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duesing and family. /• The state veterinary has completed testing the herds of Fred Converse and L. V. Lusk. He tested twenty-seven from a herd of sixty-four at Couverse's and twenty-four from a herd of thirty- seven at Lusk's. There was a drattiatfe debate on "Can the Law Be Enforced" by E. E. Hudson and Ralph Owen given at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon. It was a most interesting debate and much enjoyed by all. The Volo Ladies' Aid and husbands TOO CAN trouble and, no doubt, old age. Th« deceased was very near her eightyeighth birthday, being born on the 29th of April, 1836. She was a hearty woman and always took an interest in her surroundings up to the last few days of her life. She was conscious to the last moment and received the last rites of the church. She was buried from St.' John's church here at ten o'clock Saturday morning, when requiem high mass was celebrated by the reverend pastor of Milwaukee, who came here Wednesday to they ! take charge during Father Weber's ab- [sence. Mrs. Meersman only lived in Johnsburg a short time, it being a little over three years ago that she moved out from Chicago with her daughter, Mrs. Henry V. Sompel, where she has since made her home. Those from Chicago who attended the funeral were August Meersman and son, Joseph Meersman, Eirtil Meersman, and two sons and Mrs. Maes a near friend. SOLON MILLS ' The best in groceries at Erickson's. Victor Aim of Chicago spent Sunday with his family herer Peter Doyle of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting in the Geo. Vogel home. Mrs. Berry and son of Chicago were out at their summer home here over Sunday. A social party was held at the home of Miss Mae Aylward Saturday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Aylward of Hebron' are visiting in the Chas. Vogel home here. Mrs. A. C. Merrell spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Louis Schroeder at Ringwood. Howard Ambler of Brooklyn, Mich., was a Saturday caller at the ll. G. Reading home. Mrs. Al. Bennett of Fox Lake was a caller in the Jack Pester home Monday eveningy Harry Turner and son, Clarence, of Woodstock spent Sunday with his father, R. L. Turner. Miss Emily Cole returned to DeKalb Sunday after spending a week's vacation with her parents here. Mrs. James McCannon of Wilmot was a caller in the home w her mother, Mrs. Geo. Westlake, _ Mr. and Mrs. Will Aylward entertained their sister and her husband from Detroit, Mich., last week. Jack Pester was called to Libertywere entertained last Thursday at^the J v.jje gun(jay on account of the serious home of Mr. and Mrs* J°e Vogt. After illness of his sister, Mrs. Davis. a delicious dinner, all repaired to the parlor, where a short program was given. Rev. James sang in his usual pleasing manner. Mrs. James read an inspiring poem and Miss Mary Vogt delightfully played two piano selections. After the program and business meeting, sewing and visiting were in order. Everyone had a fine time and voted Mr. and Mrs. Vogt royal entertainers. Ti_l JOHNSBURG Quality tea-arid coffee at Erickson's store. Cushion sole work shoes for $4.75 " WmxTttaer of Spring Grove; dames A. C. Merrell, Lynn Overton called on friends here Saturday. Clarence and Art Aubert of Chicago were over Sunday guests in the home of their mother, Mrs. Mary Aubert. Mrs. Geo. Brown of Van Buren, Arkansas, and Earl Harrison were guests in the C. W. Cropley home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of McHenry were over Sunday guests in tho home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. -Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley entertained at Sunday dinner Messrs. and Mesdames W. H. Gardner, L. S. Overton and^jSeo. Richardson. Miss Emily Cole, Messrs. and Mes- Henry Tonyan and son, George were Chicago visitors Thursday of last week. Joseph Hettermann and Otto Adams motored to Spring Grove-.Monday evening. Miss Katherine Rieber was among the Chicago passengers this -week Monday. Miss Coletta Freund is spending a few days with Mrs. Louis Althoff at McHenry. Albert Justen of McHenry was a Sunday guest at the home of Jacob A. Miller. Miss Leona Regner of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regner. E. Cropley, Clay Hardy and George Richardson attended the old folks dance at Spring Grove Friday evening. The Solon Mills Improvement club held their regular meeting last Friday evening. Two new members, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pierce, were taken into the club following the meeting. Atty. Alford H. Pouse of McHenry gave a real interesting talk. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER NUNDA TOWNSHIP 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of highway commisisoner for the town of Nunda, subject to the approval of the voters at the coming town election April 1, 1924. 40-3t* JOHN C. SMALL. YOUR AT THE •V FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE BAM McHeury, !Slmois win We keep tab on lie taste, and you always find at our the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. .v,^ We find it pays as to keep just wtiat our customers demand, so we never try to sell you "something just as good." Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater to your wants. M. M. Niesen R DM ^ AlfR.IL 21, 1924 -AT---- . Jonas* Hall, Johnsburg -VOTI RiK. ALFORD H. POUSE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATE S ATTORNEY McHENRY COUNTY McHenry County will soon nominate a State's Attar* ney. It needs a man who is free from all political entanglements, who will not close his eyes and be indifferent to frequent and open violations of the law, and who himself, enforce the law without fear or favor. I stand squarely for the enforcement of the law and will continue this policy throughout the term of office, if (Elected State's Attorney. M A m •m ' V?-. *. : V ay GRANDMA WAS WORRIED Wben Jghn brought home his girl bride from the city. She was so prettycand wore such modish clothes that Grandma jumped to the conclusion that she would never fit in with their sphere of life. Then it came Saturday, and when she donned her dainty apron she went into the kitchen and did the family baking in a workmanlike manner with results that pleased the appetite, and Grandma admitted that her fears were unfounded. The youog bride's only comment was that "althoagh she had never used EARLY RISER flour before, she found it to be a splendid flour and that some day she was going to visit the mill wheat it was made." You, too, will like EARLY RISER flou^beeauee it II good and deserving of appreciation. McHenry Flour Mills WEST McHENRY. ILL. 7-7 THE FAME STANDS Radio Storage Batteries GREBE 1ENITH RECEIVERS EXIDE BATTERIES FOR EVERY PURPOSE AUTO STARTER AND GENER A FOR REPAIRS 4 HOUR CHARGING SERVICE Farm Electric Plants i KOHLER UO VOLT^PO wm •'SfiY

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