Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1924, p. 10

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4%:«f'f tf* /„• The Golden Role of Business 9* • ; * • • ' 5 - : . • * • " < • , ' . • ; • • " • * ' " • ' • When you come into our store we try to show you the same courtesy, and offer you the same honest values in quality merchandise that we would like to have shown and offered to us if we Were the customer and you were the druggist. That is the only way in which a lasting business can be built and we i>elieve our progress is in no small measure due to adherence to that golden Affile of-bt»iiiesar^ x-.5 -- A L~,*J THONE iiwN. H. PETESCHOIMO I BUY YOUR NEW t.. 4' • NOW We have a nice line of dress goods to select from in the leading shades and designs in ratines, crepes, silks, fancy cantons suitable for waists and blouses, ranging in price up to 13.75 per yard. Fine oxfords, shoes and strap effects with fancy buckles, priced at $4.75 to $8.99. Some lines from last season to dote out at greatly reduced prices in men's, women's, misses' and boys' shoes. Do not forget to call early and select your new Easter suit Have it made to measure for you and get a perfect fit. Over 500 samples to select from. Men's caps, new spring models, priced from It Jt to $L4|r': Plenty of good things to eat in our grocery department Try our tea and coffee, it's the best on earth. Gooda Delivered Proapft Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH :. v vM Rugs and Furniture The freshness of spring is a great relief to the system after the rigors and dullness of winter. Your home is as badly in need of freshening up as yoQ are yourself. Give your rooms a dressing up with SPRING RUGS, FURNITURE AND LINOLEUM Fresh bright linoleum and airy sprjpg rugs on thflt floors, and comfortable, sanitary furniture, wilt transform your home and make it truly the "dearelt spot on earth." We have the materials and want to co-operate with you in the pleasant work. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. W" --Dessert of Desserts No other goodie can take the place of icecream as dessert, all the year'round. ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. COMERS AND GOERS OF A WOK. HOUR BUSY VILLAGE - McHenry Ice %ith good cake rounds off the meal and injures its success. Everybody likes McHenry Ice Cream/ AS 8S8N BT PLAINDEALRR PORTERS AND HANDED IN BT OUR FRIENDS Miss Esther Stoffel spent Monday in Chicago. Wm. Schaefar vm ft Ckicago visitor last Saturday. " Martin Knox spent last Saturday in the metropolitan city, Mrs. Walter J. Walsh wan a county seat visitor last Saturday. Wm. J. Welch transacted business at the county seat Monday. Miss Mayme Keg of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Anna Frisby passed last Saturday in the metropolitan city. A. A. Landwer of Woodstock was a McHenry visiter last Saturday.' Miss Clara Stoffel sp«iftt a few days this week in the metropolitan city. Mrs. F. E. Covalt and daughter, SHrVty, were Chicago visitors Monday, Mfcss Vera, Nellie and Lillian Doherty were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Mrs. Mayme Harrison and daughter, Arline, were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel and Mrs. Al. Krause were Chicago visitors last Thursday. Miss Catherine Ashburner spent Saturday and Sunday at her home at LaGrange. Miss Ethel Jones attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Friday. Mrs. Richard Cronin and Miss Mildred Zuelsdorf were Chicago shoppers last Saturday. « John I. Sutton of Chicago passed the week end with relatives in and near this city. •-» Misses Leone and Kathleen Givens passed Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Elgin. Mrs. Nellie Rogers of Glencoe, Minn., is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins and children spent the latter part of last week with friends at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and daughters spent Sunday as the guests of relatives at Crystal Lake. Misses Floribel Bassett and Angela Petesch spent the week end as the guest of friends at Evanston. Misses Gladys and Pamela Rietesel passed Saturday and Suriday with relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Gertrude Kisch of Evanston is spending a few days this week as the guest of McHenry friends. Miss Helen Justen of Chicago spent the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Albert J. Barbian of Chicago spent the week end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Wm. Pries accompanied his wife to Chicago Monday morning, where the latter entered the West Side hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. Buch and daughter returned to Chicago last Friday after few days' visit with relatives here. Michael Freund, daughter, Dorothy, and son, Henry, spent a couple of days last week with relatives at Burlington, Wis. Thos. Knox of Chicago passed a few days this week in the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Knox, on Center street. Clarence Baron of Hebron passed last Friday evening as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller of Chicago passed the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrr. John H. Miller. Miss Margaret McCabe of Waukegan waB a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe. Mrs. Wm. J. Welch and daughters Mildred and Helen, and Mrs. Nellie Rogers spent Sunday with Woodstock relatives. Mrs. Frank Spieker and daughter, Kathleen, of Burlington, Wis., spent last week in the home of her father, Michael Freund. Mrs. Walter J. Donavin and daughters, Kathryn and Eleanor, returned home Saturday from a few days' visit with relatives at West Chicago. i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mix, Mr. and! Mrs. Claude May and Mrs. J. L. Mix ! of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland and children of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Durland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann. Mr. and Mn. George Stoffel and daughter, Rosemary, of Woodstock were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Stoffel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. > Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schuenemann and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schuenemann and children of Waukegan were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. ME. and Mrs. Henry Schuenemann and children of Chicago passed Sunday as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr.- and Mrs. John Schuenemann. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers and da jhter, Marcella, and John Gullachson of Chicago passed the week end in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MeyersV Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay, who "have been making their home at Kenosha Wis., spent a few days last week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay. They have gone to Elgin to reside, where Mr. iMEor *m.*sat, AP*u. ie a i Reginald Denny *V. --IN-- "SptrtMj Ywtk* Different! Starts with i wow! Excites Cwlostty--Punchy 8 c • a* %-RoaHu Finish AND THE COMEDY "MB mmr r ;: ' ffift:-: SUNDAY. APRIL 20 '•. * • WRST NATIONAL ~ *•«V < --PRESENTS "CtoMren of Dust" --WITH-- Johnny Walker, FrankJe Lee, Pauline Garon, Bert Woodruff, Josephine Adair, Newton Hall, tiugikea, George Nicjud* . AND ; Floyd Hamilton V •' IN "HO LUCK" SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2:3# COMING ATTRACTIONS "MY or HOC' t=fc: 'HIE HUNTRESS" ^ "THE VUMHNWK" tO THE CITIZENS OF McHENRY We, the undersigned, successful candidates at Tuesday's electron, herewith express our gratitude in appreciation for the honor Imposed upon us by the voters at Tuesday's election. There is but one other way in which we can further show our appreciation to the voters and that is by our conduct while acting in the capacity of your public officials and servants and this we aim to do. We wish it distinctly understood that we stand for a modern business administration and a greater McHenry. • : ®rir your servants, r C. W. Goodell. ^ Robt. J. Frisby. Peter M. Justen. James T. Perkins. , TO THE VOTERS In this public manner I wish to extend my sincere thanks in appreciation for the very splendid endorsement extended me by the voters of the city of McHenry at the election held Tuesday. It will be my constant endeavor to discharge the duties connected with the office of city clerk in a fair and impartial manner, giving the public the benefit of the very beat that there is in me. Once more thnnlfir^ the JJUbli.C, I am, ? " Sincerely yours, Ray F. Conway. TO THE PEOPLE I wish in this public manner to thank my friends for their votes on Tuesday. Altho losing out I can't help but thank all again for the loyal support they gave me in the past year, which was highly appreciated. Wm. G. Schreiner. Miss Mayme Ibsh was an Elgin visitor Monday. Mrs. C. W. Stenger was a Chicago visitor Monday. C. Unti attended to business matters in Chicago Monday. Miss Lena Stoffel passed Tuesday in the metropolitan city. Miss Villa Rothermel passed the week end with Chicago friends. Miss Esther Richmond was a week end guest of friends at Wheaton. Misses Dorothy and Genevieve Knox passed last Saturday at Woodstock. Atty. A. H. Pouse attended to business matters at Waukegan Monday. Mrs. Mollie Givens and son, Donald, spent Sunday with relatives in Elgin. Mrs. Geo. J. Schreiner and Mrs. P. A. Neiss were Elgin visitors Wednesdky. Wm! Smith attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Mrs. C. W. Stenger passed Tuesday and Wednesday with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Malone of Elgin were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. E. R. McGee attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Miss Ruth Stockebrand spent the week end with home folks at La- Grange. f Mesdames John A. Engeln and Richard Cronin were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Thos. Phalin of Palatine spent the past week as the guest of McHenry relatives. Miss Dorothy Spencer was the guest of friends in Chicago over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pufahl and daughters were guests of Hebron rel atives Sunday. Mrs. Anna Mollohan of Ridgefield passed the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. Leo Stilling of Chicago spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. Mrs. Christine Brefeld of Chicago spent a few days this week with Me- Henry relatives. Miss Rosemary Nye of Notre Dame, Ind., is spending her Caster vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chicago passed the week end as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Helena Heimer passed several days this week with her daughter Mrs. Jos. Hoffman, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and children spent the latter part of last week with Woodstock relatives. Mrs. Simon Stoffel spent a couple of days this week with her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Westfall, in Chicago. Miss Gertrude Fletcher of Whea spent a couple of days last week 1 the guest of Miss Esther Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell of Spring Grove were recent guests of the letter's grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Sherburne. Mr. and Mrs. Parke N. Musser of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams 6f Austin are spending the week in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Berner and Anita Bacon were Chicago visitors Sunday, where they called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Epstein. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Garrity of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer. Miss Margaret Stenger, who is attending school at Longwood, is spending her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Harry Morris of Chicago passed Sunday in McHenry. Mr. Morris is the professional at the McHenry Country club and is anxious for Hie np swing e| ifce golftng wen., ? Latest Victor records at Nye's. SUMRTVISOR FREUND GIVEN CREDIT FOB VOTE In its write-up of the recent primary, the Woodstock Sentinel pays Supervisor S. H. Freund a very high tribute for the part played by the McHenry man in giving Governor Small the splendid vote which he received in McHenry. The county seat paper isn't a bit off as Mr. Freund is easily the strongest vote getter we have in the town. Here's the way the Sentinel puts it: "McHenry township gave the governor 929 votes and 265 to Senator Essington, a majority of 664. This splendid vote is a tribute to Stephen H. Freund, who was an enthusiastic supporter of Governor Small and under whose leadership the town was organized." ^ THOMAS GRAHAM DE* : • ' ; FEATS HAYES EASILY Your Easter dinner will not be complete without a brick of our delicious ice cream. McHenry lee Cream pany. New curtain material at Erickaoofc For 100 per cent Insurance ill all branches, call on or phone WM. G. 8CHSEINEB Phone 98-R. A "*1 McHENRY ttoneertijfK? ILLINOIS Graham, Long Lake farmer, .easily defeated Messrs. Hayes and Mc- Gabe of Harvard for the Democratic nomination of legislative honors in this, the eighth district. Mr. Graham served in the Illinois house a few years ago, but since then has been crowded out by Republican, who have elected three men. The primary vote on the three Democratic candidates was as follows: Lake McHenry Boone Total Graham .1454 224 41 1719 Hayes ... 899 469 31 899 McCabe .. 145 293 16 464 Easter cartls and booklet, 5 to cents, at Petesch's. The Novelty Five orhestra is now open for engagements. For particulars call 93-J. JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRjpS i. Peaches, larffeca* .. ..He Preserves, good kind, jar 3Ie Cocoa, 1 lb. can.. 18c Coffee, Special Blend, lb. S2e Raisins, seedless, 2 pkgsJSe Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkg__ fe Prunes, Santa Clara, lb-lSe Beans, navy, per lb.--.. 8e Corn Flakes, Kellogg's large pkg._ 1* lie Soap, Jap Rose, 3 for.._2Se Puffed Wheat, pkg......12c (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of v %• located at West McHenry, State ot4llinois, at the close of business on the 31st day of MarOfc, W24, a* eaade to the Auditor-^l Public accounts of the State eiiilinui*, puraitant to law. '3- ,. / ' v2lii RESOURCES ' -y' :• Loans on Real ^tate.r.".:rpp^..... H*I,45S.H Loans on Collateral Security.... v., Other Loans ..............._ Overdrafts. U. S. Government Investments.. Other Bonds and Stocks ^<$#- Banking House, Furniture and fixtures .. Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resource#..... 81,518.98 $87,225.44 • -- -- • - - <*.«ivmm LIABILITIES ^ 555.7S ^ 50.M H4,859J9 £3,506.90 92,595.95 g3,899^1 Surplus Undivided Profit* * Time Deposits... .....I*.*. Demand Deposits.... .r/t.*- Dividends Unpaid... Reserve Accounts._..A. ' " * * ~" - - - - - - - -* • » : '4- St. • r; §159,999.99 29,999.99 11,405^0 184,99745 |27,JJ9.I9 ---- - . - w-'s.. 49.99 1,969.99 : , $791,899.51 I, Oarl tf. Stenger, CaeMer of die West McHewy Slate Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and . amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown, in the report made tcr Auditor of Publie Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. «. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. 5 Subscribed e^ awern to be/ore me this Wkh 1924. * ; ' " : V . ' E l l e n W a l s h , N o U r j P u b l i c . Appliance* Mold by thu Company are guaranteed A for one year that your flat irons, percolators, grills, cords, eta, can be repaired by this Company^ We maintain a repair department, as a part of service to customers, and all standard household appliances brought into this store will be properly repaired at a small charge* PUBLICSERVTCE COMPANY AP MflBTHEBM ILLIMQIfl fc Phone 25 HI Williams St., OtytM Lake, •sy::

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