• i i-rV, iAl/'.-- ^ A*. -a i --, ' /, c;„ >«?:&• :Mpp. Community High School ? i ' KENT & GREEN Real Estate A Insurance r i/' Summer Resort, Town and Farm Property Phones 84 ft 85-M :: McHenry, 111. Phon« ^ * Reasonable Kates A, H. SCHAEFER ^ Draying • " McHENRY, ILLINOIS fit McHenry Township Mntnil Fire iosaram* Co FOR ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE ? ^ : y - Good protection at very low cost. The fact that our *4^ iV.V company has written more than $225,000 worth of' , "l new business, without much canvassing, during the -f - year just ended, indicates that the people of thisE-'•*- '-i community are beginning to realize that a Mutual^ ^ insurance is the only insurance. * , & ( McHenry1: Michael Freund, PfefJ«el2T-J *'> •&•••• AGENTS < Johnsbiitg, Ringwood: M. N. Sctamitt, 623R-1 ^ ( Spring Grove and Richmond: Fred Meyers NortMrn Id (rw Parlor f : C H A P E L L ' S I C E C R E A M ; Brick, New York and Strawberry FANCY (X0C0LATES OGAKS AND TOBACCO SCHIESSLE 8c WEBER Furniture That Says Welcome To *Your Friends When They Visit You A. Leath & Co. StMrw • H|to>NGm*cAn. Rock ford. Opposite Court Hovw Dubuque, 57fc-5#4 Miiv St. Aurora, 31-}3 Island Ave. FrMport. 5-7 W. Main St. Waterloo, Mt-SN Lafayette St. Beloit, *17-*il 4th St. iollet. J1S-2I7 lefferaon St. JtMsville. M2-1H, Milwaukee St. Eta Claire. Maaonic Temple. Oahkoah, 11-13 Main St. Peoria. 3fi South Adanu || Decatur, 432-45# N. Water 9$, How refreshing It Is to walk Into a home when the furniture is comfortable and holds forth an inviting hand that suggests you are most weloome. We sell that kind and sell it for less. Leath's Furniture makes your baiisi a HOME. And Let Us Sell You That Kind of Furniture Buick Value--The Measure of,Automobile Values People now-a-days measure automobile values on the basis of Buick value. How often you hear such remarks as: "It's not nearly as good as Buick". People make these remarks both consciously and unconsciously. Consciously, because they actually know Buick value either from their own experience or that of their friends; unconsciously, because for twenty years Buick has been the accepted standard of the industry. Good reasoiia»vIiet3», wfcy you should own a Buick. OVERTON & COWEN Medium m A & m!LW-OKl-WHAE> McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. When better automobiles are built, Buick will build SLOCUM LAKE Socks for the children o£ aH sixes. Smith Bros. A splendid line of new ginghams and percaes at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett were business callers at Waukegan Friday. Henry Geary and Jack Geary were business callers at Yolo Friday norninp*. Emmet Geary of Fremont spent Tuesday and Wednesday with his home folks. Mildred Hoffman spent three hours in practice on the pipe organ in Chicago Monday. Now is the time to seed your lawns. Dickinson's seeds at Alexander Lumber company. Roy Winkler of Chicago was a week end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler. Otis Phillips and Darwin Brown of near Wauconda wen Sunday morning callers at Cary. * Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett are enjoying a new radio which was Recently installed. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children were business callers at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Al. Staples went to Eva'nston Friday, where he will spend a few days visiting his sister. Anson Davis of Wauconda celebrated his birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Q. Burnett. Louis Rhoman of Barrington installed a radio in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks Saturday. Willard Darrell attended the executive meeting of the Farm Bureau at Libertyville Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jenks of Wauconda were- Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent Tuesday evening at the home of Darwin Brown in Fremont township. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary were Friday night visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington were Wednesday night visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews enjoyed Easter Sunday dinner at the home of the former's parents at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary were Thursday morning callers at the home of Mr. and Mr$. H. E. Maiman at) Wauconda ,T Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and two children were Sunday afternooif visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis near Wauconda. Mildred Hoffman has been engaged at the pianist for the movies to be shown at the PalacS theatre during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were Friday evening visitors at the home of the latter's daughter and son-in-law at Barrington. Willard Darrell and C. E. Bevans, who is living at the Jencks House in Wauconda, were business callers at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Do well aiiu^ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson attended the funeral of Mrs. Dowell's father, Wm. Baseley, at Wauconda. Mildred Hoffman, accompanieed by Mrs. Paul Schlottman, motored to DesPlaines Thursday and went to Chicago via the Northwestern. Mrs. Wayne Bacon of Crystal Lake, who has been visiting her parents the past week, spent Friday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Robt;* Kirk and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell of Grayslake were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Detrick of Chicago, Darwin Brown and daughter, Orissa, and Miss Althea Coff of Fremont township. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler were their three sons, Henry of Waukegan, Roy of Chicago and Walter of'near Wauconda, and Herman Hoelscher of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington and family from east of Volo, Fern Grantham of Wauconda and Raymond Lusk of Volo were dinner and supper guests at the Blomgren home Easter Sunday. Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick and Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake. John Blomgren accompanied Oscar Hamerstran to the Lake county hospital Sunday morning, where he will receive treatment for a few days for hemorrrhage of the nose, from which he is suffering. Sunday afternoon mod sapper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary were Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda and Mrs, Al. Granger. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston, Mrs. Wm. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston of Plymouth, Wis., motored to Park Ridge Sunday and visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks and Mrs. Ella Parks. Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington spent Saturday with her parents and remained over night and Sunday accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks, Harold and Wm. Brooks to Kenosha, Wis., where they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughters, Myrtle and Mrs. Harry Matthews, were business callers at McHenry Friday afternoon ad motored from there to Crystal Lakfe and were supper and evening guests of Mr. and fifrs. LaDoyt Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the euchre club party, entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock of Wauconda at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour, Monday night. Mrs. Harry Matthews won the ladies"first prize. RINGWOOD Get good groceries at Smith. Bros.' A thousand and one bargains at Erickson's store. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and Mrs. Hepburn motored to Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Allen of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitch ens. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin were week end guests of their daughter, Mrs. C. J. Jepson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones are the proud parents of a son, born Monday, April 21. His name is James Warren Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner and daughter, Marion, of McHenry were Sunday guests , of Mr. and Mrs. A Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith announce the arrival of a daughter at their home last Saturday. The youpg lady will answer to the name of Esther Lillian. Mr. and Mrs. I. Merchant went to Woodstock Sunday afternoon to visit their granddaughter, Violet Webster, who underwent an operation at the Woodstock hospital last week. * There will be a May party at M. W. A. hall Thursday evening, May 1, given by the Ladies' Aid society and Home Circle. There will be a good program and a pot luck lunch, which means that each family will bring their own sandwiches and one dish to be passed around. The small charge of 10 cents a person will be made to help buy some needed dishes fo^ the societies. Everybody is urged to come and bring your family and enjoy a pleasant everting. TERRA COTTA New dress goods at Smith Bros.' Visit our 10c department at Ericsson's. 1 Mrs. Frank McMillan was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Edward J. Knox of Aurora visited at his home here Sunday.* Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Margaret Gracy and friend of Crystal Lake visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shine and sons were guests*of relatives near Woodstock Sunday. Russell Allen of Northwestern University spent Monday evening with Robert Knox. P. H. Conway and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Adams near Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke of McHenry visited at the h°me of M. Knox Sunday afternoon. Merton Gracy of Honey Creek, Wis., sQ£nt Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy. Mrs. M. Schoenknecht, daughter, Evelyn, and son, Gordon, were visitors in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Levings of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay Saturday and Sunday^ Full O'Pep growing mash and Full O'Pep baby chick feed.. Farmers' Cooperative association. Phone 29. OSTEND Quality tea and coffee at Erickaon's Store. Frank Kaiser was a business caller at the county seat Friday last. Several men are at work finishing up on the cement road, putting in culverts and grading. Henry Hobart and wife entertained their daughter, Mrs. Nina Sherman, and family at Easter dinner Full O'Pep growing mash and Full O'Pep baby chick feed. Farmers' Co operative association. Phone 29. C. E. Jecks has to move his old horse barn soon as the cement road bosses want it out of the way. Mrs. Abbie Martin has not yet returned from her winter's stay in Florida, but expects to before many weeks. There is no family in the farm house recently vacated by Gilbert Harris, but Math. Glossen is putting in crops on the farm. Mrs. Maude Clark and two daughters and* Mrs. Lou Francisco were evening callers last week at the Francisco and Hobart homes. Alice and Leta Clark are music pupils of Miss Marion Murphy of Woodstock and are having ne% gowns mode for the recital Mfty 1. Myron Francico and wife of Wau conda were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Myron is so he can walk without a crutch or cane now. Miss Ammie Francisco is much improved in health, but there is chatice for much' more. She is able to see after household duties and a reasonable amount of food. She is. troubled with rheumatism colli, damp weather. JOHNSBURG Market your eggs at Erickson's. Nick Weber of Spring Grove here Tuesday of this week. Alfred Debrecht went to St. Louis, Mo., Monday to stay for a few weeks. Peter Ruenz of Zenda, Wis., was visiting at the home of N. M. Schaefer last week. Mrs. John' F. Freund of McHenry was visiting with relatives here a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and family of McHenry were guests of relatives here Sunday. Full OTep growing mash and Full O'Pep baby chick feed. Farmers' Cooperative association. Phone 29. Mrs. Christine Brefeld of Chicago spent last week Friday with her mother, Mrs. Bernard Tonyan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guzzarde of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Cossmann and family of Waukegan were visiting at the home of Nick M. Schaefer Sunday. Joseph B. Hettermann and George «Frett went to Detroit, Mich., Friday to attend to business rtiatters there "Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt in McHenry last Thursday. Misses Agnes Wagner and Priscilla Wagner of Volo visited their cousins, Misses Angela and Rose Tonyan, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Pitxen and son, Louis, of Pistakee Bay were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pitsen Monday evening. If you intend having an auction 4|)e, farm or anything in the auction ine, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schroeder and family of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitxen. • I Mr. and Mrs. John Jerak and fam-l ily of McHenry were guests Th the i home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, Sunday. Misses Margaret, Ella, Theresa and Rosemary Huemann of Chicago spent a few days xfrith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bishop and little daughter, Jeanette, and Miss Emma Freund of McHenry were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meersman of Chicago passed several days this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Sompel and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meersman. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Mary Althoff and Henry Althoff of Elgin and Henry W. Hettermann motored tj Kenosha, Wis., Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. St. Agatha court, No. 777, W. C. O. F., held a most interesting meeting here this week Tuesday, when a class of six new members were_ initiated. The Rev. Father Wisermann, who has had charge over the parish here during Rev. Wm. Weber's absence, delivered an interesting talk for the good of the order and some of the members of St., Clara's court also spoke a few words, which were greatly appreciated by the members. On Wednesday, April 23, 1924, at 9:30 a. m. at St. Peter's church at Spring Grove, a nuptial high mass was celebrated. The wedding chimes rang happy times for Miss Dorothea A. Freund, daughter of Nick Freund of Spring Grove, and Mr. George Frett, son of Mrs. Josephine Frett of Johnsburg: All their many friends were present to extend their sincerest congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. The bride's attendant was Miss Martha Freund, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, and little Lucille acted as flower girl. Mr. Ben Frett was his brother's groomsman. The services were followed with a reception given at the bride's home. Miss Anna Schaefer of DesPlaines and Miss Beth V. Schmitx of Chicago, old time friends of the bride, were guests of honor Health, wealth, prosperity without a strife, May they dance as merrily thru life As we danced on* their wedding - night. Market your eggs at Erickson's. Buy your real estate thru Kent A Green, McHenry. Don't forget the confetti dance to be held at Smith's hall, Ringwood, tomorrow (Friday) evening, April 25. Music by the Fox River Four. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. Reckless automobile driving thru our streets is once more quite a common practice with some. Last Sunday morning a youngster residing on the west side of town and driving a car that he did not own, stepped onto the gas and burned up our streets for some time. Evidently city officials are awaiting a killing or two before they will set forth sincere efforts to put a stop to this kind of business. ALFORD H. POUSE AttstMey-afeiiaw Phone 26 ... West McHenry, 111. Telephone No. 106-R. V SIMON STOFFEL ' Insurance agent for all daana «I . property in the best compadriefc WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS YOU CAN YOU* THE RIVER .STATE BAKK McHenry, Illinois We keep tab on the public taste, and you will always find at our store fhe groceries most in y iemand by discdoyeat- Ing consumers. ' ^Ve find it pays Hi to y§jkeep just what our ctis- 1 lomers demand, so we tljiever try to sell you v ^'something just as good." vOur years of experience iure at your service and ready to cater to your ,;.,i;4»vants. -: M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 4t •t ••• - "-zyZ • M» E H. tnlmnxw {«•* Hubby Was Surprised * . I never was much of a success asVa hope biltir UiilUt I" tried T.ARLY RISER flour. It seems I can get splendid results at whatever I attempt to lake now, and each new baking brings volumes of praise froop my other (I won't sfaty better) half. Baking has always been my one greatest failing in my sphere as a housewife. . Now I feel that I MI nearer to 100% efficient, thanks to EARLY RISER flour. If you have not tried it, friends, do! You'll like it. Signed,--just a well wisher of our community, who appfeelatsa the merits of one of our home products. A Housewife*' McHenry Flour Mills WEST McHENRY. ILL. •' , V ?*-4, 'fr - :: 'Sj >.v £:.s;wj •fyil \ For Safety's Sake t BEFORE locating your, radio aerial ask yourself this question Is It Safe ? Then, after carefully considering the location, if you have any doubt about its safety, call at our office and we will gladly advise you. As a general safety measure it is best to consider every wire a live one and keep away from it until you are reliably informed to the contrary . Precautions are than accidents. better PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS G.'E. McCOLLUM, District Mgr. $ WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN STORAGE BATTERIES, GENERATOR AND STARTER TROUBLE OUR MODERN EQUIPMENT ENABLES US TO RENDER 24 HOUR RECHARGING SERVICE. BETTER, QUICKER AND LASTING EXIDE BATTERIES LAST LONGER AND COST LESS PER MONTH OF SERVICE. ASK AN EXIDE OWNER, . PHONE 101-R , W. L. HOWELL & CO., Ilnc.l " % % j mm •WW v> w ' • % *"• m