THE McHENRT PLAINDEALER, McHENRY, ILL. m makes good bread Bread making Is easy to learn and is an. £%•••'• education ifi* other cooking. Sefu! for free booklet The Art of Baking Bread99 Northwestern Yeast Co, 1730 North Aihland Ave. Chicago, I1L Fresh Answer Sunday School Teacher--Now what happened to Lot's wife when she turned and looked back? Bright Boy--It went hard with- her, miss.;--Boston Transcript, •J Anything to Oblige Bing--Do you have animal crack-; ers? ° Bang--Here, boy, show this gentleman the dog biscuit.--The Progressive Grocer. YOUR MAIL BOX IS YOUR TICKET OFFICE!!! FLAN TOUR Tluatr* Parh* VQV if You art goin- toClncM* xvxxroMS -vaht* to go to the STUDEBAKER THEATRE. cracAflO ANKE NlCKlS ' XaogK Xiofcji f)/ie iShov that hw mad» <5Million. "Fewou Happt. You don't have to stand in line to buy tickets? J list tear off the coupon! Fill it in--mail it! Your tickets will reach you by return mail! This service is all free! Nighta Prices -Lower Floor, $2.20. Balcony, $1.65 and $1.10. Gallery, 50c Wednesday and Saturday Matinees--Lower Floor, $1.65. Balcony, $1.10. Gallery, 50c. Saturday and Sunday Nights--Lower Floor, $2.75. Balcony, $2.20, $1.65. Gallery, 50c (All Price* Include Tax) TEAR OFF ON DOTTED LINE Studebaker Theatre, Chicago, 111. lor which m (2) TO <•) t« <»> Ticket. Enclosed "find t.. •• (fa&stsbj --rft isnrtu ti --1» w1«4) for the { } perfonaanet «f f ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" at the STUDEBAKER Theatre, Chicago, on - •V • • *" tFffl is day and date of teat* wanted on abort Una) Name Street Number. •••«**St****•••»••*• City or Town. Note: Our check room open at noon checked free of charge. ______ (SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER) ..State matinee dajn, when article* may be Match This Fair Angler (to guide)--Now, remember, please, that I desire to catch only fish that go well with tartar sauce.--Philadelphia Inquirer. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION inwgestkh* 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief 25* AND 75* PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Kill All Flies!,, thUase 4D Pltrci anywhere. DAISY FLY KILLER attracts and fciii- mil tlies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and »--»-T0T5OBC|I^^X cheap Laets allnea- ArAVKraS'e•W»on. Made of mrtal, j fcan't spill ortipover; 'wii! not soil or fnjnr* Anything. Guarantaed. D A I S Y F L Y K I L L E R at your dealer or E by EXPRESS, prepaid. S1.26. SQMERS. 160 D« Kalb A vs., Brooklyn. N.X. When in Doubt Lady Pianist (who, after an hour of It, has nearly played her visitor to sleep)--What would you like m» to play now? The Visitor (dreamily--Oh, I dunno --I should keep right on with trumps. --London Passing Show. <3 And Shave With Cuticura Soap > double your razor efficiency a* well as promote skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irritation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses--shaving, bathing and shampooing.--Advertisement. ***** Jelly 1D, , dlrt ait and It keep* "ut For coo«h» or *.k*r*^*i abtC** t,aIvket aa• te**tt>eoleonM' . oJ*j^0j1r*t*a"aa" ,.day. V l.rfflleta. ' If* ab«°l°te * MFG.COJlC^* Sesebboughmfu fT'-Vaaclm.; ^trolCU _ --aT.O'" too vackag<- itfc" feline to Bid for where Nice Adjustment "I can't make up my mtndto go for my vacation." "Why go anywhere?" "Well, I like to be thoroughly uncomfortable for a few weeks each year, so that I can enjoy my home all the more the rest of the time.**-- Boston Transcript. Forecasting the autumn mode has come to* be »>ne of the favorite pastimes of midsummer at the exclusive resorts on the continent, observes a fashion correspondent in the New York Herald-Tribune. The clothes worn at Biarritz, Deauville, Longchamps and other modish environs of Paris are closely scanned, aud the slightest insinuation of something new is avidly seized upon by the observers, professional and otherwise, at these fashionable watering places. As a matter of fact, these resorts do exert a surprisingly strong prenatal influence over the lesser details of the approaching mode--an Influence which will be more than usually potent this year because of the unusual variety of styles that the French designers are displaying. There are numerous ajtlstic Innovations and • elaborations, but there Is no evidence of a new silhouette. al« though indications point toward ait outline more involved than has beeir offered in many seasons. Sleeves, waistline and skirt length are essentially unchanged, and If these Olympic models be any criterion. It is apparent -that the autumn mode will derive its variation from the Intricate manipulation of trimming details. Plait, flounce, tunic, plaid fabric ami the ensemble^are the dominating features of the Colombes costumes. Another manifestation of the urge toward plaids is seen In a three-piece costume of Philippe et Gaston, and consists of a plaid wool dress In beige tones, accompanied by a beige kasha coat malching one of the tones of the plaid. The coat is at the front and has a shawl collar with square-cut ends. For Formrfl Affairs. Let-it not be understood, however that the vogue for plaids extends to formal clothes. It does not, ' save when developed in taffeta and chiffon, which are worn on dressy afternoon occasions. At the supplementary formal affairs crisp, full-skirted taffeta models in monotone plaids of rose, clear yellow and pale green are In evldence upon the smartest dressers. Generally, tlioufdi, the plaid design belongs to the field of sports clothes, and where It Is not used for the costume Itself it Invariably makes its appearance as a trimming or an accessory. Thus, a plain beige or white kasha wool coat may have a plaid border, either woven In the cloth or cut from a plaid and applied In the form of a border. Or varl-colored soutache braids may be used to form plaid borders for plain cloths. This very charming Idea Is distinctly new. Many beautiful braids woven in plaid design are employed to give a touch of novelty to demurely toned suits or dresses. Some women who consider plaid effects too striking for the entire costume adopt them only for linings. * V The plaid hat and the plaid scarf are two other Important landscape notes. The bungkok, woven in plaid design and either trimmed slightly or not at all is accompanied by a wool scarf, developed In the same plaid or tn a different design with the same colorings. The trend toward the ensemble Is rapidly gaining momentum at every smart watering place on the Continent. For the benefit of those who do not know just what an ensemble Is, It Is explained' by the translation of Its name. Ensemble is a French word meaning together, and an ensemble costume Is one in which two or more of the component parts are brought together by a fabric, color, pattern or trimming which Is Identical on each. No radical change in autumn styles ts indicated by the Olympic fashions. and this announcement ts bound to cause disappointment among many who have confidently expected that fall would manifest fundamentally change^ fashion tendencies. For them there is this consolation. While minor tendencies of the mode are often predicted before the openings, it Is the custom of Paris to be entirely mute concerning basic changes until the actual moment when the new styles are launched. Which Is possibly tbe case In the present Instance. The London Modes. Since the early days of Vartfflh, flay and the memorable Dohertys. England and the social sports have been indlssolubly linked. From this alliance there has come a type of sportswomen's clothes which bears the stamp of London as clearly as the Jenny or Lanvln frock carries the mark of Paris. It Is recognizable anywhere, and It is A girl sings acconiing to her ability, and she gets married according to that of her mother. The man who says that he can marry any girl he pleases is seldom able to please one. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Should . Use Swamp-Root Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that is been very successful in overcoming .ese conditions. The mild and healing fluence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stand* the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one ot- the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance age rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the ' rge majority of those whose applications •e declined do not even suspect, that • • ley have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's - wamp-Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this trreat preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing, be sure and mention this paper.--Adverti*a»e«fc. One Way of Figuring "Are you behind in your feoardfr* "No, I'm ahead--the landlady'* behind." Flesh Colored Crepe de Chin* Costume, Chic Sports Model. differentiated from the French sport frock In that It has a distinctly more bristling, active atmosphere. A glance at the British Empire exhibition at Wembley emphasizes this pure English sports clothes strain despite the fact that the models shown are the Joint contribution of every section of the British empire, from South Africa to Nottingham. Flannel^ cretonne, English and Scotch woolens and jerseys In many shades and designs are the principal sports fabrics seen at fhe exhibition. The typical frock Is cut on simple lines and is distinguished by either n complete absence or a minimum of trimming. There Is nc attempt at elaboration of details and, for once. Paris Is entirely forgotten in a collection of athletic models which express the active English sportswoman and not her passive sisters from other climes. Sports blazers of flannel, trimmed with brass buttons and cut on mannish lines, are particularly effective on links, court or In the galleries. They may be used at the end of the game by the player, or they can be wore in cooler weather by the spectator. Cretonne coats , and jumpers are also In evidence and they serve the. same pur* poses-as tliej blazer. Lace Panels Are Much Admired Cry for "Castoria" A Harmless Substitute for Castor 0ilf Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups -- No Narcotics! Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has been in use for over SO years to relieve babies and children of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverlshness arising therefrorp. and, by regulating the Stomach •Old Bowels, aids the assimilation '«* Food; giving natural sleep without opiates. The genuine bears signature of The Wembley exhibition also Includes formal clothes, but these accept the leadership of France and follow the tenets of Paris except for the fabrics which are essentially British. English woolens, Nottingham laces and South African feathers express the nationalistic fashion tendencies ttae empire. Panels of Nottingham lace characterize the dress which was most admired In the exhibit. The pattern of the lace is picked out with fine beads on the net, and there is a looped bead fringe finishing the scallop of the panels. A large cluster of flowers and grapes at the waistline and a second group on the right shoulder were the only touches of color on the cream ground of the lace. The Youthful Clothes. Touth may be fleeting, but no one will ever guess It If modiste and couturier continue to cater to the misguided tasVe of that portion of femininity who cannot understand that the belle of t'he 1905 prom has become quite archaic in the eyes of the 1924 alumnus. The war started It since tlio cessation of hostilities the urge toward youthful clothes has rap- Idly gained momentum, until Inst season every new design, whether created for sub-deb or dowager, was motivated by the Ideal of eternal youth. Within certain limits this tendency is distinctly praiseworthy--no- one wishes for a return of the times when mature women clothed themselves In sober, fctraight-laced gnrmots and then settled down to become passive spectators to the end of their days, but when fashion sends forth grandmothers with short skirts, short hair and the much-acclaimed natural silhoueite. It Is "obvious that something bas blurred the esthetic vision of the creators of the mode. A new mode is in making. In a short time the Paris autumn collections will be ready for the eyes of a waiting world. It is the custom of the Important designers to seek inspiration from historic epochs of the past, and our suggestion Is that they refer to the much-disdained Victorian period for nd | the fall styles of 1924 Interesting Negligee Made on Simple Lines It setpas as if there never was a time when \fomen were" allowed so wide a scope In the matter of negligees as they enjoy at present, write* a correspondent in the Boston Globe. Not only is it possible to suit all types of women, but It is al"o possible to suit nil moods and hours of the day. Satin and chiffon, old standbys though they are, are forced to make a place for many materials that never hitherto have been considered suitable for informal garments. From early morning until late at night all the hours are accounted for, and It is a foolish woman indeed who cannot take her rest becomingly. An exceedingly clever use of material is shown In a bathrobe made of black-and-white hand-blocked linen and lined with white bath toweling. A wide «hawl collar and cuffs of the same roweling add much to tire chic of the, robe, whose suitability and usefulness are apparent at a glance. Then there are simple little pullman robes in subdued colors that are made of satin or crepe de chine.; They fold up flatly and fit Into envelope bags of th£ same material. Another type suitable for the overnight visit is of allk jersey, wonderfully soft and limp. This, too, has its accompanying bag, a soft and puffy one this time, that pulls up with draw-strings. An attractive negligee, cut on severely simple lines, is made of brilliantly printed silk designed by a famous Russian artist. The peignoir 19 trimmed with clipped marabou in a clear tangerine shade. Remover of Grease Stains To remove petroleum ointment stains, wash the stained part of the material in warm water and soap; rinse, and apply chlorinated soda. Watch as Pendant *• The newest'pendant Is a watch elab< orately ornamented. Often It ls"a beautiful oval of Jade trimmed with diamonds and bung from a brooch. Her Neighbor's Advice Helped Mrs. MRS. ad\ rniCK oMIO ««' YOU can be just atf healthy, strong and happy as I am,' said one womitt ^ to her neighbor after listening to the description of her ailments,-®- ; you will take Lydia E. Pinliham's Vegetable Compound. My condition was very similar to yours, I suffered from those awful bearing .flown pains, weakness, backache, nervousness and headaches until I i'icould hardly drag around. Today I am strong, well and happy becausd J followed the advice of a friend who had been greatly benefited by this old-fashioned root and herb medicine." Kearly fifty years ago Lydia E. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass, prepared from medicinal roots and herbs Lydia E. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Compound. Its fame haa spread front shore to shore. You will now find in every ' community or neighborhood some woman who has been restored to heal til. l>y its use, or has some friend who has. Therefore ask your neighbor. Thousands of unsolicited testimonials such as the following1 are on fllo at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., and prove the merit of this medicine. Therefore no woman should continue to suffer from such ailments. Mrs. Frick Tells of Her Experience TlEBBTSBTBO, OHIO--"I took Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound because I Suffered with p&ina in my sides all tho time. I can't remember just how long I Buffered but it was for some time. One dav I was talking with a neighbor and I told her how I was feeling and Bhe said she had been just like I was with pains and nervous troubles and, she took the Vegetable Compound and it helped her. 80 then I went and got some and I certainly recommend it for it is good. Whenever I see a woman who is sick I try to get her to take Lydia E. Pinkliam's V egetable Conpound's-- Mrs, ABA FBICK, R. >0. 3, Perrvsburg,'Ohio. .•rrf: Such letters Should Shduce others to try lydia E. Pinkliam's vegetable Compound ILVYIDMIAA EV. PBINiyKifHUAAMIi feM £DICINE CO. LYNN, MASS. Fancy Work The Surgeon--I'll sew up that scalp wound for you for $10. The Patient--Gee, Doc! I Just want pluln sewing, not hemstitching. Perhaps Vo one fully realizt* hqw painful and mortifying a family Jar is to the children. The bee and the serpent often sip from the selfsame flower.--Metastasio. The Complete Course First Man--Ever been married? Second Man--Yes, I've been through it all from courtship to courthouse. "Tobacco eye," a serious ailment of the eyes, is suid to be du£T to habitually smoking strong tobacco In foul pipes. A picture is an Intermediate something between a thought and thing. When wife goes away on a visl& that's when the canned frolt Id tM cellar flies. : ^ Any map who really understands women is too wise to boast to them of bis wisdofH^ . Which is worse, not to understand the world, or not to b* understood by the world? New Money Maker For Business Men! 5 $15 la Two Days "The O. K. Vender you B^nt us tonk In Jlfl.OO the first two days. Enclosed find deposit for $35.00. Please send me another machine. . - "F. R. Bonn, Minnesota." 5 ,*>oo From One Machine "I have Y. n<iing- Machine which I pur. hased of you last summer. I have taken from this machine i^bout Jl.600.00 since I received It. It has given absolute satisfaction. "Maurice Ingram, IUiBola." There's a MINT in MINTS! OUR New 1925 Model F. O. K. Mint Vending machine is now ready for immediate delivery direct from our factory to wide-awake proprietors of hotels, restaurants, confectioneries, drug stores, billiard halls, soft O drink parlors, general stores and summer resorts. This new F. O. K. Vender ha% many new and interesting features, not only dispensing the highest quality mints at 100 % profit, but helps stimulate trade and moves stagnant stock. Ho'vrto Get This Big Money Maker For the next THIRTY DAYS this vender and 2,000 FIVE-CENT PACKAGES OF MINTS will be sent to you upon receipt of $25.00. Balance $100.00 C. O. D. on our SEVEN-DAY TRIAL OFFER To insure you absolute satisfaction as to the moneymaking possibility of this new Mint Vender, we offer you a SEVEN-DAY TRIAL OF SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. If after seven days you are not entirely satisSed, return the machine and mints and we will refund your money at once. 'Send for our booklet "How Bmnesi Men Make Money {Pith the 192 J F. O. K. Mint Vending Mdchtnk:" WATO MILLS NOVELTY COMHfcNY 301 Mills Building Chicago, Illinois World'* Largft M*nufuctut*r* of Coin < )p*rat*J Mm hint t Representatives Wanted We will pay a liberal jcash discount to representatives in your territory. If your neighbor is as anxious to increase his profits as you are there is no reason why you should not be the man in your territory who is benefiting by the sales in your community. Send for our representatives' offer TODAY. mail this special 30-DAY COUPON NOW T" MILLS NOVELTY COMPAKY. SOI Mill* Bid*.. Chicago, 11L. Gentlemen: 1, Enclosed find $25 00 for which under your »pecl*l J»-DAT OFFER please ship m- one 19*5 Model F O. K. Mint VeadMaf Machine and J.OfiO five-cent packages ot O. K. V«ns Mint, il promise to pay, $100 upon receipt of °»«nie 1 also that If I am not satisfied after 1 days" trial you wl'l rtfusd ay full payment, upon return ot vender and mlata. Kind o'f Business.. 1 l»t» » i ' »