Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1924, p. 7

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^.S u.y.'?^ 'J,J- '; r^;V%^ A » ^ »{T| ft ^ « For 100 per cent Insurance in *11 branches, call on or phone |;' WH. G. SCHRE1NER '• ' " Pluoe 93-R. Auctioneering %fcHEN&Y . « ILLINOIS ALFORD H. POUSE - Attoi aey-at-Law East Side Service and gfrST Transfer Station • Herman Schaefer A Co., Props. General Garage Moving |KVto . fhone 49 McHENRY, ILL Phone 26 u !' West McHenry, HI. Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS * PI'BENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. iKMrance for Farm sod Residence C Property-;;;:'.. ! ;€«Mgl P r o t e c t i o n a t L « * r C o p t t , ' Agents ^ • McHeifiry,* Michael FreuncT, phone 148- , J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. N. Flaff and Rag Rugs made to ord*r' ( Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring.Grove ilRS B POPP „_i'HONE 142 I and Richmond, Fred Meyers. |1IU9. V. • VII WEST McHENRY WlWi T«» WK.U AT JOHNSBURG HALL WED., OCT. 1 Tractor and Motor Oils THE FOX VALLEY BRAND * When in need of Tractor and Mot»^ , -------- Oils call on the McHenry ---- Lubricating Co. PHONE 60-W McHENRY, ILL. ^cr p 1 perp one o1 the new Ihiick models embodies all of the Features and dualities that have made Buick (amous. <Jttiu new prices you can afford to own tfohuckyawwanL ...N M4 OVERTON & COWEN 1 McHENRY, ILL. * HARVARD, ILL. f |r baflt, Bufcic will build II H. HT w. D. WADEY £> A A SLOCUM LAKH You save when you trade at Erickeen's. Forty-five and 100 piece dinner sets now on display at J. J. Vycital'sl Miss Orpha Morlock speflt the week end with her parents at Rosecrans Willard Darrell was a business visitor at Round Lake Saturday morning. Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Blomgren were business callers at McHenry last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston spent Sunday with the Misses Kearns at Oak Park. George Passfield was a Friday evening caller at the Darrell-Matthews home. - - Miss Corinne Blomgren spent last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Harry Matthews. Henry Hansen of BarrevUle was a Monday morning caller at the R. Mc- Gill home. Mr. and Mrs.'B. C. Harris of Wauconda spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with relatives at Oak Glen farm. Corinne Blomgren was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk at Volo. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston were business callers at McHenry last Saturday afternoon. Abel Vasey of east of -Volo was • Sunday caller a't the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dowell. Willard Darrell and Harry Matthews attended a farmers' meeting at Volo Monday evening. Mrs. Robt. Kirk and daughter, Darlene, and Joe Kirk were Crystal Lake Sunday callers at the G. J. Burnett home were Mr. and Mrs. Al. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Gross and son, Joe, of Chicago, Mrs. Mary Clark and grandchildren of Roseville and Mr. Harvey of Elgin. Mrs. G. J. Burnett returned home Sunday from caring for her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, at Round Lake. Mrs. Burnett returned to her daughter's Monday as she is not so well as at our last writing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrsv C. E. Wheelock at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Swanson and t\fro children, Mr. Swgodin, Mr. Carson, Mr. Hagglund, Mr. Holnquist and Mr. Sjogren, all of Chicago, were entertained at a picnic dinner at the Blomgren home Sunday. #JME Mediurrv PENCIL COMBVNY PHILADELPHIA yirze JOHNSBURG If you don't trade here we both lose. Smith Bros. Nick Weber of Spring Grove was h caller here Monday. .• Mrs. John King of McHenry visited with relatives here this week. The very best quality groceries at rock bottom prices at Erickson's. Anthoily Slax of near Wilmot called "on friends here one day this week. . All kinds of children's lunch pails and buckets to be found at Vycital's. Mrs. A. F. Mueller was among the Chicago passengers one day this week. Theodore Meyers boarded the train at Crystal Lake for Chicago Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer and son, Elmer, of McHenry visited with ralacallers Monday afternoon J,tives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Francisco ofT Wauconda called on Mrs. Al. Granger who is still ill at her home. Mrs. H. Passfield of Volo was a Frank Mathieu left for Siftux City, Iowa, last week, where he is filling a theatrical engagement. .. , Misses Mary and Katherine Althoff Monday morning caller at tje home of, motored up from Elgin with their ' r sister Mrs. Bert Dowell uncle, Henry Althoff, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Swanson of Crystal ~ .JUmMr I ike were business callers at the I lomgren home last Thursday. Willard Darrell and C. A. Bevans 1' Wauconda made a business trip to Arlington Heights last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and Mr?. \ rilbur Cook of Wauconda were Mct' enry callers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis to Vaukegan last Tuesday afternoon. Al. Staples went to Evanston last Wednesday to visit his . sister, Mrs. Geo. Windle, and family for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gilly of Barringt jn spent Sunday with the former's Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rauer and family of Volo visited with^he former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bauer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller an4 family "of Lily Lake were guests of the former's parents, M^. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Sunday. Jacob Adams and son, Otto, returned to their home here on Tuesday after a most enjoyable auto VOLO Plaindealer ads bring results. Mrs. Miller is on the sick list./ D. C. Townsend and family were Waukegan callers Sunday. Miss Katherine Henkel is S] a week's vacation in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. The Herb Davis family entertained relatives from Waukegan Sunday. Miss Fern Grantham of Wauconda spent Sunday at the Ben Walkington home. Earl Townsend was , home from school three days last week on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townsend spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs Levi Wkite. Miss Beatrice Wilson spent Friday night and part of Saturday with Miss Alice Russell. Mrs. Adeline Neish spent the week encNwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waite. Messrs. John and Jay Walton spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Kauten berg in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Benwell and family spent Sunday with the Frank Davis family at Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Appel and son of Danville, HL, spent several days recently at the John Rosing home. Sunday school at 1:45 and church services at 2:15 as usual at the Volo M. E. church next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kruger and family of Wauconda £pent Saturday afternoon at the W. C. Dillon home.* The infant daughter of Mr. and "Mrs. Lester Dolph was operated on,at a Chicago hospital Saturday. Mrs. Will Paden and daughter visited at the D. C. Townsend Mid Earl Townsend homes last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dillon and son, Walter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon at Round Lake. Robt. Dalziel, Jr., of Big Hollow was I in this vicinity Monday evening, look-! ing after interests of Grant cemetery.' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen start today (Tuesday) on an auto trip to Wisconsin and Minnesota to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daughters, Lisle May and Ruth, spent Sunday with the Jepson family at Ringwood. Robert Grainger has returned to his trip to | home in Chicago after spending some I time at the home of his daughter, Mrs. ' RINGWOOD You save when you trade at. Erickson's. High time to have a furnace installed. Let Vycital do it... Miss Flora Taylor is visiting her Asters in Winslow, 111., this week. We buy groceries in small lots often and sell many, result, fresh groceries. Smith Bros. G. W. Russell of Bloomington, 111., was a Monday visitor at the home of S. W. Smith. . , Mrs. Emma Brown is spending the week with her niece, Mrs. Del Warren, at Zenda, Wis. Mrs. Minnie Coates of McHenry spent several days last week with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bacon were Sunday guests of their son, Delbert Bacon, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Jacob Freund of Spring Grove was a pleasant caller in the home of Mrs. A. W. Smith Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson entertained their granddaughter and family from Elgin last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and family were Sunday guests of their daughter, Mrs. George Shepard, and family. Mrs. W. A. Dodge and Mrs. Nancy Lawson are spending the week at Antioch in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. G. H. Harrison. . Mrs. Jas. Bell, Mrs. Geo. Shepard, M isses Mary Nimsgern and Susan Speaker were Woodstock shoppers Tuesday morning. Phone 162 The Best-Service Always BERNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker I! '• . $ t>4 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and two daughters of Volo and Clark Huson of Elgin were Sunday guests of Mr. amf Mrs. C. J. Jepson. ] W. R. Giddings, accompanied by hi# daughter, Mrs. Weter of Hebron, went. H to Pekin, 111., last Friday to visit hiti „-Vf) daughter, Mrs. Bigler. They 'returned Monday. t Rev. Ross will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday at 2:00 p. m. ^J| This closes another year as Rev. Ros4 will leave Monday for conference^ which will convene at Sterling, 111. The Ladies' Aid society will serv#"fi|l a dinner at M. W. A. hall on Wednesday, Oct. , 1. All are invited. Thd usual prices will prevail. The ladies. are planning on giving their chicken w pie dinner and bazaar on Nov. 19. %|| The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Chan* ciy Harrison last Wednesday. J. C. " ; Hsia, a Chinese student of the Chica->< , r go University, gave a demonstration -:"4M of the Wear-Ever aluminum cooking;' utensils. The young man cooked a whole meal and then served it to allpresent. The following members from visiting units were present: y " Mrs. E. G. Turner, Mrs. Ben Winn, Mrs. Robt. Sutton, Mrs. E. E Cropley,^ A - . Mrs. Geo. Richardson from Richmond unit; Mrs! Brooks and Mrs. Haw-.-,', '-.-I ley from Hebron unit; Mrs. Frel Ep» " ^ pel, Mrs. Jack Walsh, Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs, Miss Nellie Clemens, Mrs;. ' Clifford Sherman, from McHenry unit. Miss Bennett, the new county advisor, was present and held a business meeting. Everyone present thoroly enjoyed the afternoon, as it was a very instructive meeting. ¥ J •1 West McHenry, Illinois mom 126-W. Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS Cleveland, Ohio. Misses Agnes Hettermann, Dorothy j John Brimer. and Martha Bauer went to Chicago] Mrs. John Rosing and children, Saturday to spend a few • days' with j Ernst and Charlotte, visited Mrs. Rosrelatives and friends. " I in*'s mother, Mrs. Appel, at Wooster Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hettermann i L»ke OI»e day last week. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, i and family visited with Mr and Mrs. j Messrs. Carlson and Soderstrom of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Masters of Norv ood Park were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr.', and Mrs. Joe Dowell and little daughter, Stella Helen, were business callers at Volo last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lambke and son of Woodstock were Thursday afternoon callers at the W. E.Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Algonquin spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and two children and Joe Kirk spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives at Aurora. Wil!ard Darrell attended a protective association meeting at the Farm Bureau office at Libertyville Saturday evening. ^ Roy Winkler of Chicago is enjoying a week's vacation at his home here and with his sisters at Wauconda and Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and two children and Joe Kirk attended the state plowing match at Wheatland, 111., last Saturday. Mrs. Clark' Smith was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Louise Werden, at the C. K. Werden home south of Waficonda last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake were "Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mrs. Mort Baseley and daughter, Mrs. Anderson, of Wauconda were Friday morning callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, enjoyed the radio which is installed on trial at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill Sunday. Albert Martin, formerly of thfe locality, but who has spent the past few years in the western states, was a dinner guest at the G. J. Burnett home Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hick of Chicago, Wm. Hansen of Barreville and Russell Heckstead of Portsmouth navy yards, New Jersey, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and daughter of Brownsburg, Ind., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson from Friday until Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and children, Mr. an0 Mrs. Frank Bullock and "•Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis and daughter enjoyed a trip and the scenery at Lake Geneva Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fink and Mrs. Fannie Carr of north of Wauconda and Mr. Kennebeck and daughter, Clara, of Griswold Lake were Tuesday evening callers at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Willard Darrell attended the meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Federated church at the home of Mrs. Wm. Fink north of Wauconda last Thursday aftarnon. Mr. and. Mrs. Sam, Dickson and children, accompanied by their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis and daughter of Brownsburg, Ind., enjoyed a Sunday outing at the naval training station Waukegan, and Foes park. Louis Althoff and family at McHenry last Thursday evening. Misses Coletta and Pauline Freund came out from Chicago Saturday to spend Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Freund. the Y. M. C. A. are working at Camp Duncan, making some changes and1 additions to the camp equipment. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Harris and chil-1 dren and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker and children of Wauconda called at Joseph Huff and friend, Miss Verona i the D. V. Waite home Sunday evening. Smith, and Miss Martha Miller and! Among those from here who attend-; Louis Huff of Spring Grove motored, ei the Farm Bureau meeting at Liberto Holy Hill, Wis., Sunday. | tyville were Messrs. Radcliff, Fred; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fteund, Mr. j Converse, Howard Converse and L.j and Mrs. Bernard Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lusk. Wm. H. Althoff and family of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and. sons from here were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and Mrs. Frank Mathieu motored to Chicago Saturday to visit with their sister, Mrs. Emil Simon, who has been seriously ill at the Norwegian American hospital in that city/ returning home Monday. TERRA COTTA Full line of headers and cook stoves. John J. Vycital. Mrs. Earl Wilcox called on relatives here Sunday. Miss Marion Lowe of Cary was calling on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hoffman were Chicago visitors last Friday. Miss Alice Leisner was a business visitor in Woodstock Monday. , In wet weather it surely pays to buy Honorbilt shoes at Smith's. Miss Marion Shales spent Sunday with Miss Marion Lowe in Cary. Mrs. David Johnson of Chicago was a recent guest of Mrs. B. J. Shine. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan were callers in Elgin last Wednesday evening. Miss Eleanor McMillan of Elgin spent the week end with her parents here. Miss Lillian Riley of Chicago was a Sunday guest of her sister, Mrs.\ B. J. ] Shine. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck spent last Wednesday at the home of Henry Mc-*' Millan. Mrs. Wm. Coleman spent a few days last week with her father at Davenport, Iowa. •• • " Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilcox of Woodstock called at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters called at the Courtney home near Wauconda Sunday. Miss Eleanor Walsh of McHenry visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. M. Knox, from Friday until Sunday. Mrs. Irene Benwell and children of Gurnee spent the week end at the Bert Vasey home, returning to their own home with Mr. Benwell Sunday afternoon. The Volo Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Mary Lusk on Thursday, Oct. 2. All are invited to attend. Plans will be made at this meeting for the bazaar to be held later. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Converse and Mr. Radcliff start Wednesday morning on a motor trip to Waterloo, la.,' where they will visit Mrs. Converse's | sister, Mrs. Humby. Work in Grant cemetery is progressing nicely. The arch and gate will be erected next Saturday, Sept. 27, and help from any who are interested will be appreciated. The railroad men's committee of the Y. M. C. A. held a meeting at Camp Duncan at Fish Lake Sunday. A chicken dinner served by members of the camp staff preceded the meeting. Miss Bernice Geary entertained as follows last week. Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd of Chatanooga, Tenn., and Ira Sturr of Byron, 111., for the week and Fred Pittwood of Maywood for several days. Friends of this vicinity wer& sorry to hear of the death of James Dalziel of Texas formerly of Gurnee. The remains were brought back and laid at rest in the cemetery at Spaulding's corners Thursday, Sept 18. Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Miss Maud Rotramel and Mr. Ivy Morgan on Sept. 9. Miss Rotramel has lived in our community in the capacity of teacher at Volo and Brick schools and has the good wishes of all. j Henry Stoffel, the mail carrier, is, taking a two weeks' vacation, during which time Mrs. Hendee will carry: the mail. Many of utf remember when Mrs, Hendee, then Maud Eatinger.j was , the regular and very efficient j carrier on this route. ' The farmers of this district met at j the Volo garage Monday night to or-| dress L. A. ganize a Cow Testing association. We are now selling a splendid newi g;>me moving pictures of farm scenes were shown and the following officers were ^elected: Pres., Wm. C. Dillon; Sec., L. A. Huson. Another meeting will be held Wednesday of this week at the L. A. Huson home to transact near {further business. The Dillon home was the scene of a very happy gathering Saturday afternoon, the occasion being Miss Eleanor's eleventh birthday. There were games, a truck ride to visit the almost completed Vasey school and dainty refreshments. Some of those® present were Alice Russell, Beatrice and Junior Wilson, Helen, Dorothy and Leita Vasey, Esther Lusk, Mildred and katherine Duesing, Lisle May and Ruth Huson, Alice, Helen and Jean Brimar and V«m Vaaey. f line of wool and wool mixed goods in a variety of patterns. Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck at their cottage Wauconda. Atty. W. D. Bartholemew of Chicago was a visitor in MclHenry over the week end. Henry Kinsala and son, Billy, spent Sunday as the guests of relatives at Waukegan. * If you reside in McHenry township your legals belong in The Plaindealer. Dont' let anyone tell you any different. Our prices for legals are the same as any other paper published In McHenry county. 44 9* That's the verdict given agiinst housekeepers in the matter of GA!» Bl * LS, as explained by Hope Finfrock, writer for the Woman's Home Companion. Miss Finfrock says that gas bills arc larve for these reasons:-- Hocaust- the housewife usee the giant burner on her range when a smaller one would do. She lights two burners al a time, and then lets one of them wait while she is getting fi>od ready. ,"v She takes food off the fire and leaves the burner lighted until she has time io put on a te.i-kett.le of dish water. 8he buys all soris of all< god gas-savin?devices, without fSiidiug out whether they really save gas, altho her gas company would tell her.' She uses the ens oven td1 host the kitchen and to dry damp clothes. t> She uses the oven as a storage place for food, the moisture of which causes the oven to rust. Then she complains because the range lsols so short a time. * She allows water aDd food to boil furiously, instead Of turning down the flame.- She has her husband turn the gas part way o'f at the meter Thin gives her low pressure, and Increases (he time necessary for preparing the meal. She uses a wornout tauge, with burners out of adjustment. She does not know that the gas company would be glad to tell her what is the matter with the range. She never cleans the burners of the range. She uses the oven for baking, but does not plan to keep it full. She could plan baked potatoes or acasserole dinner for baking day She uses larger cooking utensils than she needs. In a set of triplicate saucepans she could cook three vegetables elver one burner. She uses open vessels, which consu much gas as closed vessels of the same size. She fails to report to the gas company when she gets a wasteful yellow flame. * Your'Gas Company is always glad toco-operate with you in securing the most perfect adjustment of appllaacM and pressure. ASK FOR OUR SERVICE. WesleroUoited Gas Electric Compaoy O? C. E. COLLINS, District Manager, Elgin, 111. I Williamson Furnaces MADE RIGHT--INSTALLED RIGHT Remember--- that Recirculated moltt air is more comfortable at K8 degrees than dry heat at 75 degrees. --rtiat you are more likely to catch colds in bous< s heated by Radiation instead of Circulation. --that a Recirculated Heat System supplies the greatest amount of moist, fresh, sterilized, warm air, and, unlike other systems, does not cause dust to collect on walls and ruin decorations. --thai it will ventilate your rooms and make your home tujre comfortable and'healthful. --that it is recommended b y physicians as well as healing and ventilating engineers. --that it requires much less fuel than any other type. it it ca that there la no pounding, rattling or hissingno leaky valves. --that the first cost is less than that of any other ^ype. Let Us Do It Now CALL--WRITE--PHONE / JOHN J. VYCITAL McHENRY, ILL. Dletofs for QmUit PndKa i WILLIAMSON HEATER CO. V 3 - dm. PHONE *4* Cincinnati, U. S. A.

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