Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1924, p. 10

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The street paving1 improvement at: completed within course of the) Cwgatal Lake is g»iag on with great j next isw weeks. j progress and, according to the present! Winter underwear for all. the fami| §nMl. the two contracts will be | ily at Erickson's. >*"•> t?: i-- PffcCfflffte rLl\Uwmtu BOWLERS O'B. J*/.: fox River y "•* -.f * *' 1 " * £? JlE officials of this bank e*-.. tend a hearty invitation to the public of this community to make the Fox River Vallfey * State Bank THEIR bank. WW They will always find the very best of service, courteous treatment, fair and honest dealings. Dr. D» G. Wells, President BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wm. Smith N. H. Petesch ? #m. Welch Jfcay McGde Wm. Pries John F. Miller ^ Dr. D. G. Wells 3% Paid on Savings Accounts ?K'A. Conrad, Cashier Make Your Home Pleasant With Good Furniture FURNITURE RUGS Really good furniture will give • you comfort, the satisfaction of long wear, and the great pleasure of an attractive home, furnished in good taste. LINOLEUM UNDERTAKING JACOB JUSTEN \ - McHENRY. ILL. "*pHE reason our ice cream has grown so popular and i~X is now considered the finest and best obtainable any where is because of the fact that nothing but the purest and most wholesome foods go into its making. First of all our cream undergoes one of the most complete tests known to the creamery world before it reaches our factory. The cream is sediment Jested, pasteurized and goes thru all of the various operations known only to the most modern scientific methods of purification. We do not use powder in any form. After the cream reaches our plant it goes thru a spotless process while in the course of being made into ice cream. Every piece of machinery in our modern plant is of the very latest type and design and undergoes a thoro cleansing after every operation while our modern cooling system keeps the product at the correct temperature until ready for delivery to the customer. We pride ourselves on the completeness of our modern plant and invite inspection at any titpe. Demand the best by calling for McHenry Ice Cream, irspfp" McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE PHONE 79-M T./; £. COMERS AND GOERS Of A WEEK IN OUR BUSY CITY ; : ' AS SEEN BY PLAiNDBALBt^W PORTERS AND HANDED IN BY OU K FRIENDS Mrs. John E. Freund was a bwinfess visitor In Chicago today. B. J. Brefeld and son, Paul, were Waukegan callers Tuesday. ! SCHEDULES IN BOTH ABE OPENED THIS WEEK . Bowlers of this city held a meeting At Smith's bowling alleys last Friday evening, at which tithe they ware successful in the formation of two leagues. One of these, which will be known as the Regular league, is made up mostly of players who have taken part in tournaments staged here in Mrs. Jos. N, MUler passed last Sat-, the past. The other, to be known as uk-day in the metropolitan city. : the Business Men's league, is also Arnold and Joyce Chesnut passed! ready for action. There are four the week end with relatives at Elgin Mrs. Fred Jus ten was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. Wm. A. Sayler spent several days last week with relatives at Woodstock. Mi-s. John £ Freund was a. business visitor in the Metropolitan city last Friday. J. B. Kelter of Chicago passed the Week end as the guest of McHenry relatives. Miss Carolyn Steflfes spent Saturday ajiid Sunday with Miss Carolyn Miller ill Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Meyer and son, Donald, spent Sunday with relatives at DesPiaines *";v Lewis Braun and Joe Laricin of dhicago were recent guests in the home of E. F. Kelter. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hapke of Libertyville were Sunday guests ' hi the borne of George Meyers. Mrs. John Pint spent the latter part of last and the first of this week with her daughters in Chicago teams in each league. The teams which are to form'the Regular league are as follows: Team No. 1, Mohawks. Alfred Patzke, captain; Arthur Meyers, Clifford Buss, Math. m B. Laures, Robert Patzke and Robert Weber. Team No. 2, Rexalls. Walter P. Vogt, captain; Edward Rossman, Wat. Heimer, Bernard Thurlwell, G. C. Boley, Wm. Schaefer. Team No. 3, (to be named later). Lester Bacon, captain; Leo Thurlwell, Frank G. Spurling, Louis Stoffel, Lester Page and Earl Gorman. Team No. 4, (to be named later), N. F. Steilen, captain; Vern Lock wood, Henry Weber, Wm. Bickler, M. B. Schmitt and Arthur Patzke. This league will open its schedule this (Thursday) evening, at which time the Mohawks and Rexalls will come together. Tomorrow (Friday) evening teams No. 3 and 4 will do battle and on next Wednesday evening, Nov. 26, the Mohawks will meet Lester Bacon's team, while the following Friday night, Nov. 28, the Rexalls Mrs. Elizabeth Brooksbank of Chi- j are scheduled to meet Steilen's outfit, cfgo spent a few days the past week i schedule was necessarily changed in the home of George Buss. Elmer Koerner attended the home coming of Northwestern college at Naperville over the week end. Miss Marguerite Farrell of Chicago passed the week end in the home of Mrs. ,D. A. Whiting, northwest of this city. on account of Thanksgiving. The full schedule of the league will be printed in i\ext week's issue of The Plaindealer, while the management is also preparing a printed schedule. The Business Men's league will be made up of the following teams: Central Market team. Wm. Pries. Mrs. Lucy Thomas of Woodstock; captain; Herman Kreutzer, Walter spent several days this week as the Donavin, Chas. J. Relhansperger, puest of her daughter, Mrs. F. H.. George Barbian and Fred Nickels Wattles. Artificial Stone company team. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conley of Chica- j George Bohr, captain; Mathias Stefgo were Sunday guests in the home of feH> Wm j Meyers, Frank Thurlwell, the latter's -parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.jSr jacob Steffes, R. I. Overton and G. Barbian. ; George Wirfs. Mrs. A. G. Barbian has returned Team No 3> (to be named later). FOX R1VE8 Dean O'Bankm, Chieago florist and beer operator, who was mysteriously shot and killed in his Chicago floral store two weeks ago, was a frequent visitor in McHenry last summer. The victim of the shooting, with his wife and" parents, spent most of the summer season at a cottage on Fox rivet, at what is known as German village, near Pistakee lake. The victim of this recent shooting in Chicago was in town, quite often last summer, purchased a fishing liecene here and also did more or less of the fan^ily's shopping. IAL BaMANGE of a mStbership drive now under way forty-eight new members have already been signed up with the Crystal Lake Country club. The school boards at Crystal Lake have -offered a reward of $300 for iflfprmatioo leaUin* ,to the of the party or parties who enters the Crystal Lake community high, th< junior high and the grade schools tiur ing the night of Nov. 2. This is th fifth tiMe .since June 10 that places have been burglarised. •$*&v " •*TT •49 Ijfp* .v>%f ^'Vr *'** S5 . yf fc l l*" McHENKY S mm or andsephmt "WC CAN T PLAY TMEIf AtL SO WE PLAY THE BEfJ" from a couple of weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. C; G:' Burkhartsmeier, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dryer of Forest] Johnson. J. A. Conrad, captain; Robert Thompson, H. C. Hughes, Carl Weber, C. W. Goodell, Romo Bobb and George H. Park passed the week end in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dowling of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Gans. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander and Miss Bernice Henry of Hebron were Fords. ' Ted Schiessle, captain; J. F. Knox, W. Patzke, Ed. Buss, J. C. Thies and James Sayler. The Artificial Stone company team met the Fords on Tuesday evening of this week, while the Central Market team met Conrad's quintet last night. Next Monday evening the Artificial Stones will meet the Central Markets, Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and: wbae Tuesday night will see Conrad's team in action against the Fords. The regular schedule of this league has also been changed on account of Thanksgiving. Mrs. Robt. Thompson. Mrs. Kate Stoffel passed the latter pai tof last and first of this week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Aebischer, in Chicago. Mrs. Robt. Thompson, Mrs. Harry! SHOT GUN VICTIM Alexander and Misses Maude Granger RETTURNS HOME THURSDAY and Bernice Henry motored to Wra-j kegan Sunday afternoon. ' j Henry Foss, one of the proprietors Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth and' of the Rosedale grertihouses, who so Mr. and Mrs. James T. Perkins and j unfortunately lost the fingers of his family were guests of relatives and j left hand by the accidental discharge friends at Lake Geneva Sunday. j of a shot gun two weeks ago, and Mrs. Emil Vwoiky of Chicago andj who was taken to the Woodstock hos- Mrs. George Brown of Evanston spent ipital following the accident, was able several days last week in the home of! to return to his home here last Thurs- Mr. and Mrs, Raymond V. Powers. i day and since then has been a fre- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger j quent visitor in town. While the and children were week end guests of j accident caused the loss of all of his the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. j fingers on the injured hand, attending John Reihansperger, at West Chicago.; surgeons were able to save the thumb Atty. and Mrs. A. H. Pouse and son, and palm, thus the accident did not Mrs. Raymond V. Powers and son and| prove quite as serious as first reports Mrs. L. F. Pouse called on relatives1 would have it. The hand is healing I at Waukegan and Racine* last Satur-iup nicely and from present indicaj day." e 'I tions Mr. Foss will be able to return Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Albright of I to work within the course of the next Mulvane, Kan., and Mr. and Mrs. John j few weeks. Frankeberger of OrangevUle, 111., KNIGHTS COLLECT FUND were week end guests in the home of i pQB SICK BROTHER Mrs. Ada Bobb. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers andj At.the regular meeting of the Medaughter, Marcella, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. * Hem^ Knights of Columbus, Gunderson and Philip Giesler of Chi-ja8 hejd at their hall last Thursday cagowere weekend guests in the, evening> a fund 0f $126 was raised Geo. Meyers hojpe. which is to be forwarded to a sick Mrs. Carl A. Schmitt of Belvklere j brother, George Lay, who is making is spending the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz of this city. Mr. Schmitt will spend the week end here. his home in Colorado. The turkey was won by Chas. Mullen of Chicago, who happened to be a guest of the evening. Rev. George Schark, pastor Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thurlwell and sons I 6fSt Petei..s church at Volo, was and Mr. and 'Mrs. John Bushaw 8°^ present and gave the assemblage a very interesting and Instructive talk. About seventy-five members were present at the meeting. sons of Rockford were week end guests in the home of Jlrs. Bushaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Mrs, E. G. Peterson and son, Glenn, and Mrs. Harvey Baron and son, Cloice Wagner, saw the Duncan sisters in RESOLUTIONS FOR H. C. BOBB To Mrs. Howard C. Bobb and Family: Whereas, The Almighty God in His "Topsy and Eva" at Selwyn theatre i infinite wisdom has removed from this in Chicago Monday evening. life our prefect, esteemed worthy and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel, Mr. and' lriend, Howard C. Bobb; Mrs. Wm. Bonslett and Mrs. Margaret! Therefore, be it resolved, That Pros. Bonslett spent Sunday as guests in the perity lodge, No. 1080, Mystic home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Frett Workers, extend its heartfelt sympaat Aurora and assisted them in cele- thy to the bereaved JNURSOAy, NOV. 20 Tom Mix IN LADIES TO BOA# AND COMEDY BACK T0 THE. WOODS FRI. AND SAT.. NOV. 21 AN& 22 Virginia Valli r WITH-- " Milton Silts T -INA U|dy of Quality . i AND % i TfcfeTelephone if1 '> LIVE AND LEARN : BAT A SUN , NOV. ^2 & M BIG TIME :S VAUDEVILLI SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINKE 2:30 Prices l#c-2#e "•SimttAY. NOVPMBiP Yankee Madnefs WITH BKAUTIFUL * Biliie Dove AND DAREDEVIL George Larkin AND THE COMEDY "WINTER HAS COME" MATINEE AT 2:30 TUES.ft WED-. NOV. 25 Another Big Picture Judgement of the Storm AND COMEDY THE WIOLE TRUTH " • : THURSDAY, NOVEMBER** "DADDIES" Its a Warner Attricti<p. ^ AND THE COMEDY "TB£ GOOD OLD SIMMERTME" •{$¥ We belieye that It is our job to hel{j i^men and women get tfahead in life. Your account here enables you ^1 "to make this bank your ^ ^ active partner. - West MtHcnrf State M '"WEST McHENRY, ILL, ^ s • -'v • ' 'Tar--' of Business When you come into our store we try to show you the same courtcsy, and offer you the same honest values in quality merchandise that we would like to have shown and offered to us if we were the customer and you were the druggist. That is the only way in which a lasting business can be built and we believe our progress is in tio small measure due to adherence to that goldftfi rule of business. •f one wt-JN. H. PF.TR.SCHo mis elST brating their twenty-fifth wedding j anniversary. Mrs. John Washington of Cartersville, la., spent the first of the week. as the guest of Mrs. Mary Green.; Mrs. Washington was called here by the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jack Green, which occurred in Chicago last week. Mrs. Theresa K. Abt of Chicago spent a few days last week calling on friends here. Mrs. Abt will be remembered as the wife of the late Dr. Abt, who practiced his profession in McHenry a number of years ago. They left McHenry more than twentyfive years ago, moving from here to Chicago, where the doctor passed 1 jwaif itiiii hifk * •• ; v" .• family; j >lved, that a copy ] be spread on thtfr re and a copy b||.; Be it further resolved, of these resolutions records of this lodge sent to the bereaved family. Nettie Weber. M. M. Niesen. Agness Went worth. MATH. BAUER IN GERMANY The boat upon whieh Mathias Bauep of this city sailed for Europe abou| two weeks ago arrived at its Europeajk port last Saturday and by this timi the McHenry ice dealer is undoubtedly mingling amonz relatives Md oil friends in Germany. NOTICE No hunting or trespassing on mf •?nr^ More Comfort for Less Money tm Ford Coupo it the lcmm pricod closed car on the marked-* yot one of the most satisfactory. Costing less to boy end maintain, every dollar invested brings (reateet Nturns in comfortable, dependable ttaveL Sturdy, jong-lived and adapted W ell cooditloM at roads and woatbir--k meets ovorf Mod of a two- e Coupe passenger car Steadily pow^detaend a^dthoi swwi roeeenH fsrUhloe the Ford Motor Company have mado posslbk a car, at * price millions can afford, rigluiy ed, carehdly buik and backed by as effidaat Mtrvice nization in every neighborhood ol^She natkm. F&rdor Smdaif *686 890 298 268 Tbdor Sedan Tkuring Car Runabout A -2f iKNOX MOTQR SALES : / V. • ~ ' tin*' .... ... . T.

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