Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1924, p. 12

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Hear the mv i at Nye's. Tour news items fiated. Phone 98-W. always appre- Basket spctaia are new in order. Let Auctioneer Wm. G. Schreiner sell your baskets. Office pbom 9&-R, Me- Henry, Di. • :m «s. *** fe , *•„ .• iM'l v;~, •Afew.-* vAfe, t.Xy.,'; " (if'™. \ St.. 1923 CHRISTMAS CLUB Everybody is Invited to Joints Dqes< 'No Fetfc:' - V ^ ; • \ ' / <'V •just oat how much you want to t . have io "Ready Cash" next llristmas, so as to provide suitable presents for everybody--one of our clubs will meet your requirements exactly--iben come in and let ns «»• . iill you. You make a very small deposit and add a little each |f|eek. Next November we send you a check for Jlbat you have accumulated plus interest % ' You will find yourself in possession of enough money to provide handsome gifts for all and will sever miss the money, because you have saved it in such an easy way. Join our Club now and make giving next Christmtt ^ pleasure instead of a burdts. Join Today! DR. D. G. WELLS, PRES. GIVE FURNITURE A piece of furniture or t#o always make wry acceptable gifts. In many families throughout this section, to "add a piece of furniture at Christmas time" has become more or less of a motto. As always, our stock is very complete and therefore we are in a position to offer an assortment such as is rarely found in a town the size of McHenry. FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS In the selection of our Christmas stock we have not forgotten the little folks. We have had them in mind for many weeks before the Christmas shopping season and therefore we are also well Etopplitd ^ith the things that bring joy to them. »You are welcome to come in and look over our stock whether you buy or not. We are here to serve you. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY ILL. ITEMS flfJTBBT AS PICKED UP BY PLAfNOEALER REPORTERS DURING WEEK WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOtNG IN THIS CITY AND IMMEDIATE VICINITY Matt The Plaindeater as a Christina gift j t. All kinds of wintejr apples. I. Levison. Phone 119-R. ' ? 2ft-tf Do your Christmas shopping at Erickson's, the Christmas store. Vaudeville and pictures at the Em* pii-e theatre Saturday and Sunday. Give mother an electric washer and that will make her happy every wash day. Sold at Vycital's hardware store. Insure--in sure--insurance with Wm. G. Schreiner. Office at residence. Phone 93-R, McHenry 111 Auctioneering. j The farm auction sale held at Henry Dyko's last Friday drew out a large crowd and cows averaged $68 each. Wm. G. Schreiner was the auctioneer. The Mystic Workers will meet at the home of Misses Eleanor and Mildred Kinsaia on Wednesday evening of next week, Dec. 17. All members are kindly asked to be present. The members of the board of local improvements are scheduled to meet at the city hall this (Thursday) evening to act upon matters appertaining to the proposed paving improvement for this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary, who reside southeast of this city, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born to them at the Washington Park hospital, Chicago, on Wednesday of last week, Dec. 3".' The next regular meeting of St. Mary's court, C. O. F., will take place at their hall in the telephone exchange building next Tuesday evening, Dee. 16. One of the special features of the meeting will be the giving away of a duck. All members are kindly asked to be present. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will give a 35 cent supper at the church on Friday evening of next week, Dec. 19. The menu: Baked ham, salmon salad, scalloped potatoes, sauer kraut, pickles, Parker house rolls, coffee and doughnuts. Supper will start at 5:00 and will continue until all have been served. According to reports from Woodstock Mrs. Lucy Renich, wife of Editor Chas. F. ftenich of the Sehtinel, wilj be the next postmaster of the county "seat city. Her appointment, it is said, will come shortly. Mrs. Renich has been an attache of the Woodstock postoffice for a number of years. The office pays an annual salary of $2,600. The Social Wheel meeting of Dec. 4 and held at the Universalist church parlors was well attended. There were twenty-two ladies present and all agreed that they had passed a happy afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the church parlors on Thursday evening of next week, Dec. 18, in the form of a seven o'clock dinner, to which the husbands are invited. , A general good time is planned. The members of the McHenry band are more or less disappointed with the financial results of the concert as given in this city on Wednesday evening of last week. While ther^will be a small net ba'ance, by the time all of the bills are paid the amount will not come anywhere near that which had been anticipated. The McHenry band, the best in McHenry county today and now considered one of the best small city bands in this part of the country, is deserving of better support. Let us hope that this will be forthcoming in the future. > MOHAWKS AND FORDS LEAD McHENRY *•» HONE OF AMUSEMENT **WE CAN T PI AY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" % 7 V ' .. '$h u RSOAV. j>t£.' Fred Thompson Thundering -ANDBAWKS or TIE SK FRI. AND SAT., DEO. 12 AND 13 Hrtr iUri*1-- Poisoned Paradise -AND THE LATEST fATHE REVIEW $£r; A SdiN., DEC. 13"4$*:. BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE ' SPEC,AL T-IMIINDAY MATINEE 200*.') Prices l®c-20c SUNDAY. DECEMBER l4> "FOG BOUND" -FEATURING- r - fDorothy Daltofl V" ---AND-- A STAR COMEDY MATIN EE AT 2.30 MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WED. DEC. 15. 16IAND17 . "The Covered Wagon" '•jpWO thouafend miles of screen romance. and every mile atone a distinct thrill. Nothingl'more amazing ever haa been seen on stage or screen and Ita equal majr nOt kj> PRODUCTION Fords ' 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. E. Buss ......137 233 182 552 184 Knox ........ 97 140 164 401 133 Schiessle 121 146 127 394 131 Sayler . .,..,.<£02 125 153 480 160 H. Wattle! V. .140 148 185 472 157 THEIR RESPECTIVE LEAGUES IN BOWLING TOURNAMENT TEAM STANDING 697 812 811 2320 773 Cent. Markets 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. Kreutzer .....165 146 148 459 153 Reihanspergen 113 134 100 347 115 Donavin .100t 102 G. .... 156 358 119 Halpin ....... 80 112 160 352 117 Pries ...153 220 157 530 176 715 THE reason our ice cream has grown so popular pnd is now considered the finest and best obtainable any where is because of the fact that nothing but the purest and most wholesome foods go into its making. First of all our cream undergoes one of the most complete tests known to the creamery world before it reaches our factory. The cream is sediment tested, pasteurized and goe$ thru all of the various operations known only to the most modern scientific methods of purification. We do not Use powder in any form. After the cream reaches our plant it goes thru a spotless process while in the course of being made into ice cream. Every piece of machinery in our modern plant is of the very latest type and design v and undergoes a thoro cleansing after every operation while our modern copling system keeps the product at the correct temperature until ready for delivery to the Customer. We pride ourselves on the completeness of, ©ur modern plant and invite inspection at any time. De-1 Bland the "best by calling for McHenry Ice Creamv •Am McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE PHONE "9-lkl Begulftf Wsue W. . L. Pct.l Mohawks ............ 6 3 .666 Hudsons & 4 .655 Frott's Markets 4 6 .444 Rexalls 6 .833 Business Men's LcagM Fords 7 2 .777 Central Markets . T... ,6 4 .655 Buicks ftr'***9 Art ficial Stones.. .8 S .833 6 .833 Since the publication of the scores 611 714 721 2146 REGULAR LEAGUE Hudson lst2nd 3rd Total Av. ]H. Weber ...>192 156 123 Bickler ......167 195 156 Smith . . .,i;. . .136 175 164 Steilen ...». LockwooA, 471 518 475 157 172 158 which appear elsewhere in this week's issue, and which were intended for last week's publication, there has been :-ome change in the standing of the teams in the two leagues. Up to and including last Friday rrpht's games, the Mohawks led the Mohawks Al. Patzfep . C. Buss ... R. Patzlte Laures R. WebeJr... Laures .... A. Mey«r» Rexalli* Vogt .. the same honor in the Business Men's j Rossmann . . 152 149 190 leajrue. * „ j B. Thurlwell .. 170 165 132 During the past week the Bricks | p. Meyers ....168 144 161 took two out of three from the Arti-' ; ficial Stones; the Fords took three! . ggo 814 812 2486 829 straight from, the Central Markets, Frett's Market 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. 485 491 467 473 162 164 156 158 ; the Hudsons dropped two out of three Spurling j to the Mohawks and the Rexalls took Bacon two otit of three from Frett's Markets, j Stoffel . The scores follow: BUSINESS MEN S LEAGUE Art. Stones 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av Wm. Meyers . .105 113 143 361 120 Steffes ...118 132 120 F. Thurlwell ..181 114 139 Wirfs Bohr ..-,..-,110 94 111 .....802 186 128 370 484 316 516 123 144 105 172 Buicks Conrad Gtodell Overton . Johnson . C. Weber 116 639 641 1996 666 -fist 2nd 3rd Total Av Gorman L. Thurlwell .170 171 129 .196 169 166 ,.168 133 154 ,.186 155 182 ..192 164 180 470 631 445 523 536 167 177 148 174 179 892. 791 811 2494 831 .&?V£61 196 146 .v.;..il2 121 118 125 133 118 .....450 139 193 ..,}02 156 146 '*50 745 721 ADDITIONAL PERSONAL . Toys and gift goods at Erickson's store. John Brefeld and Mr. Brown oi Waukegan spent Friday evening last in the home of the former's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Leo Smith spent the week end in Chicago as the guest of the G. J. Wagner family, who have a summer home on Fox river. He visited the live stock show and Jephthah chapter, &. J* «Jg. 60S 361 376- 482 404 167 117 125 16G 134 4'- YOU NEED- • ^ . . . % WATCH IT GROW! " Here is the way toA get it ^ f • •«; ' j- :»nvite you tQ joinou#* • nng an exceptional opportunity for you to accumulate q. fund for Christmas or other uses IT'S FREE! NO FEES! NO FINES! -4 NOTHING TO LOSE! 11J I?P 17'C ' rw 17 P Y A XT (^ome 9n<*te^ us what class you want i3 i nur rto join (you mav joinasmany classes m you wish) and pay the first week's amount We will give you a patented deposit bank curd and full instructions. Then each week pay in the proper amount for the required number of weeks and GfcT ALL YOUR MONEY BACK, WITH INTEREST, just before Christmas. Our Christmas Savings Club SYSTEMATIZES YOUR SAVINGS. It'i A cooperative plan. "In union there is strength." "Many hands make light work." So With this club. You get the benefit of a gre?t organization enjoying all the advantages of the most approved banking system. SEE HOW YOUR SAVINGS GROW ^LASS 25--Members paying 25c each week for 50 weeks, receive $12.50 with 3 ••CLASS 50--Members paying 50c each week for 50 weeks, receive $25.00 with 3pc. interest C?LASS 100-- Members paying $L00 each week for 50 wks receive $50.00 with 3pc. interc^ »£LASS 200--Members paying $2.00 each week for 50 wks, receive $100.00 with 3pc. intereift YOU MAY JOIN AS MIANY CLASSES AS YOU WISH v* 11 a»", wjiijwi'ifc' If for any reason you should not keep up your payments YOU WILL GET BACK EVERY CENT PAID IN. You may pay in advance if you wish. JOIN THIS CLUB YOURSELF. Get your family and friends to join also. COME TO THE BANK AND LET US EXPLAIN ANYTHING YOU WISH TO KNOW. Tliis is the BEST way. l|et the saving habit--it*s a good one. ' ' ^ ^ ^ '"'j* 11 i |j, iin' W'll I'" West McHenry State Bank WEST McHENRY, ILL. ..180 201 184 *4183 158 168 666 609 188 169 858 885 795 2538 846 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av ..238 126 166 630 176 <.200 108 154 462 154 ..147 .. 142 165 462 160 ..166 190 202 <48 182 ..167 150 151 468 162 898 716 838 2452 817 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. ..187 197 186 570 '190 Public Service Stores Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4-Piece Coffee Service $400 Now Balance Monthly ^ Blactric percolator, beautiful loving cup dssign, six cups; serving tray, sugar and creamer. A handsome bridal gift. 1 lips Floor, table, boudoir lamps. MaJtt wonderful gifit* Many styles Waffle Irons and oblong As low . round, tqunt *1022 *O|0 22 Federal Electric Washer ow Balance Monthly with Service Statement This Federal is the latest mddel --all metal construction, even the light weight tumblers which Y-^'&re aluminum. Come in and * we will show you the do\ible walled tub that keeps water hot Also other big Federal features, • Liberal allowance for your okfwasher. Telephone for a home demonstration--no obligation. You may buy for cash or for small payment down-- balance monthly with service statement. * . PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS G. E. McCOLLUM, District Manager 111 Williams Crystal Lake, W. Phone M i* 'k • • t o : ' - %• t-' * . \ j*.« ' ; •c *• » * • it-' if- !: VIt 4T. 4:i •'Cv- m* '• *r " \ 1 •" . ••••*» • r ¥~:i" £ ' •• * •> ' .* ki *.*:

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