Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1925, p. 12

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rnmm W JLLW;,,J»L*1 •WLWW • UIIM pspwp 4 M ¥M •L w* %yKi V V >* #i:;i f; "#i"^ iV'K |&/&V\3- V" V- ,v- • wl": "t,, >v >t'!.'- wt> • - g$. • if- • ;W' K, $*#• Mrs. John Niesen, Mrs. Henry Mljfwri add Mrs. F. A. Beller attended the flNftifal of the formers' niece, Miss Frataki Palmes, at Harvard last Satftroiy,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland and children of Evmnston spent New Year's day as guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann. The Durland family left Friday for New Orleans, where they will make their future home. 4 ._^fK Christmas UdTaxes--- COME ONCE A YEAR AND «Si USED TO BE TWO BUG-BEARS ?# TO MANY; BUT NOT. SINCE THE Christmas Club came into popularity. Christmas Club members now have ready money every year to give these two former kill-joys the merry Ha! Ha/Vl: s ^ • ;*££*,<• •' l ^ 4 - Ana just think how easy it is to create a fund for this purpose. The dribs that many of us used to recklessly toss away deposited regularly in our Club will perform what used to seem difficult. - . , It's all in the start and it's so easy to start. As little as 5 cents will enroll you. Increase your deposits 5 cents each week and next November you will have $63.75 plus interest. Other clubs you want to save more, or less. Join To-Day DR. D. G. WELLS, PRES. THE HOME OF Good Furniture Where honest prices and the best of service and treatment always predominate. Callus when you get ready -to-install that new furniture. iACOfr JUSTEN MCHENRY, ILL. ft-- --INSIST McHENRY ICE CREAM and be assured the best Sr.. *-JfP COUNCIL PROCEEDS JWcHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY ; WHOLESALE ^ -PHONE 79-M f:u,V r . Lewis and Elvl ' their nine childr } V CITY OFFICIALS MET IN REGU LAR SESSION MONDAY wm--m w Council Room, Jail. 5, 1926. The city aldermen met in regular session with Mayor Wells presiding:. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Goodell, Overton and Perkins. Absent: J usten., The minutes of tile last regular and special meetings were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved by the finance committee: Eugene Smith Co., 100 notices of public hearing $ 62.00 Horder's Stationery Stores, Deluxe binder and sheets . ... Public Service Co., lights iat city park . Alexander Lumber Co., coal and supplies .... .v '. Peter Pirsch & Sons Co., 1 dos» Babcock charges Public Service Co., power foir sewer lift 122.64 Public Service Co., street lights 140.73 Public Service Co., power for electric pump sCi.. John J. Vycital, supplies..... Peter W. Frett, for services rendered to date ...» McHenry Fire Dept., rent and' storage of fire truck for months of Nov. and Dec.... McHenry Plaindealer, printing R. F. Conway, postage and phone calls John Walsh, oiling and care of disposal plant for December. John Walsh, marshall service. A. H. Schaefer, drayage Special assessment, Now 6... .•* C. J. Reihansperger, supplies.. Standard Oil Co., gasoline Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Co., Art hose and con Nick N. Freund, hauling gravel M. J. Freund, lbr on streets... Peter W. Frett, express J. W. Bonslett, 422 ft. of sidewalk Geo. Meyers, lbr on streets and gravel Motion by Overton, seconded by Perkins, that the reports of the treasurer and collector be accepted as read. Motion carried. - Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby, that the clerk be authorized to draw up an anticipation warrant for $1,000.00 due June 1, 1925, at the city's legal rate of interest. Upon roll call the aldermen voted as follows: Doherty, aye; Frisby, aye; Goodell, aye; Overton, aye; Per- ; kins, aye; Justen, absent. Thereupon the said motion be declared duly carried. Motion by Perkins, seconded by Overton, to adjourn. Motion carried. D. G. Wells, Mayor. R. F. Conway, Clerk. REQUESTS FOR RE ASSIGNMENT NOW FLOODING OFFICE OF SEC* RETARY OF STATE 'IJJ05 4.58 66.30 $00 37.00 1.70 100.00 80.00 47,65 2.10 16.00 115.00 1.97 86.97 6.85 4.42 326.00 14.75 40.00 .55 21.10 60.92 McHF.NRYS- •QUE Of AMUSEMENT "WE CAN'T PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST THUR. * Fftt.. JAN. 0 * 9 Constance Talmadge IN "The Goldfish" cMiedy that bubble* with joy, mirth and laughter :: . AND PATHE COMEB* SATURDAY, JAN. It;-}-' Hoot Gibson Forty Horse * ' > Hawkins making western romance AND VAUDEVILLE JSAT. A.SUN.. JAN. IO # i|T V I BIG TIME •VAUDEVILLE :v SPECIAL " SUNDAY MATINEE 2:30 Prices l«c=ftc NDAY, JANUARY *1 v « Walter Hiers ...S IN- - IAIR WEEK An hour and a half of laughs and . pleating entertainment AND COMEDY YANKEE SPIRIT MATINEE AT 2:3Q THURS, AND FRI.. JAN. 15 ft 16 : The Marriage Cheat i .i^ j-- SATURDAY. JAN. IT . Ton* Mix 1 IN The Trouble Shooter ADDITIONAL PERSONAI* ^ The Plaindealer for news. J( Miss Villa Rothermel "passed New Years with relatives and friends at Kenosha, Wis. Miss Sybil Neinstadt of Woodstock spent New Year's day as the guest of Miss Floribel Basett. George Feltz of Belvidere passed the latter part of last week as the guest of McHenry relatives. Miss Dorothy LaSalle of Woodstock spent the latter part of last week as the guest of Miss Floribel Bassett. Mrs. Edward Nickels and little daughter have returned home after a several weeks' stay in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and son, Jack, passed New Year's day as guests of relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Gertrude Sattem of Springfield, 111., passed tfce holidays in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Gus Sattem. Mr. and-Mrs. Walter J. Freund returned home the first of the week from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Cincinnati, O. CLASSIFIED NMIfflBIT FOR SALE--A never-tip bob sleigh. Never used. M. L. Worts, McHenry, 111. 29-tf FOR SALE--One bob sled. Inquire of Fred Kunz, McHenry. Phone 615- R-l, 31-lt LOST---Leather bound prayer book on Christmas, probably on Green street. Reward if returned to this office. 31* MEAD BUNGALOW FOR RENT-- Inquire of %. W. Stenger,. West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry. 111. 30-tf 5 PER CENT MONET--To loan on good farms; first mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, room 203, Community Bldg., phones 23-M and 993, Marengo, 111. 25-tf LOST--Dec. 30, on road between McHenry and the Wm. Dodge home at Ringwood, a tire chain. Finder kind- 'y return to F. A Cooley, West McHenry, 111. > . 31* NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY GOOD REAL ESTATE as all prices are at their lowest pont. We will be glad^?^ to furnish further information and explain our time payment plan. Kent( , N : J & Gre^n, McHenry, ID. 25-tf / FOR SALE--Seven room house, one room suitable for small business. All modern improvements ftnd a good, full basement. House is furnished and has furnace heat. Property has a 42 ft. frontage and extends back 188 feet.jfy* Fruit on premises. Mrs. D. C. Smith,§ Elm street, McHenry, 111. 28-tf The Plaindealer for news." If you reside in McHenry township . your legals belong in The Plaindealer.|f Dont' let anyone tell you any different.^ Our prices for legals are the same asfl any other paper published In McHenry county. , _ Telephone No. 108-R. • ,"V c iilMON STOFFEt - fnstirance agent for all cl^sses tSP property in the best companies. West McHenry, * WEST McHENRY, Illinois ILLINOISN Never before ha\te requests for re assignment of automobile license numbers been so heavy as they are this year, Secretary of State Louis L. Em-1 merson stated today. In former years applications for re-assignments were for four figures or less. "This year the requests run from number 1 to 1,000,000," Mr. Emmerson said, "and practically every number under 10,000 has been re-assigned to the former holder, while there are thousands of letters on my desk asking for a number of from two to four figures. "I have often wished there was some way in which low numbers could be manufactured, for I would need about 10,000 numbers below 1,000 to supply all of the requests that are received. The realization of the desirability of low numbers-is very evident in the fact that many holders who are releasing their numbers attempt to 'will' them or convey them by 'warranty deed' to a friend. "This, of course, is impossible as the law provides that if the holder of a number does not apply for re-assignment on or before December 1, that number is open and is to be placed by the secretary of state." A prominent banker in Illinois, who held a desirable four figure number and who wished to release it, being aware of the great demand for such numbers, mailed a form letter to many residents over the state in which he stated: "Subject to prior acceptance, I will undertake to have the transfer made of this number to you for use on your car for $26. No payment to bp made to me until transfer is made. Wire or write me at once if you wish to accept this offer. Numbers as low as this are hard to obtain now." The banker of course lost all right to his number when he failed to apply en or before December 1 for its reassignment and the number was assigned in the regular way by Secretary Emmerson. FISH AND GAME NEWS By C. F. Mansfield, Jr., Sec. The Federated Sportsmen of Illinois Radio broadcasting has been brought into the field of game conservation during; the recent severe sleet styrm. *v-- William T. Stratton, chief game and fish warden, after a conference with representatives of leading sportsmen's organizations, sent a request to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the Chicago Tribune, Sears-Roebuck and company and 1 the Herald Examiner radio stations to broadcast an appeal to sportsmen and farmers to distribute feed for quail during this period when it is impoesibi « £sr these tihtrii foeil oa account of the heavy ice covering all weeds and other natural feed. Mr. Stratton's letter follows: "Severe'sleet storm has endangered quail in Illinois. May mean extermination. Telegraph and telephone out of commission. Please urge farmers and sportsmen to put out feed for these birds. Radio can be of great .value to sportsmen and general public, since all rfther means of communication have failed. If you will d» this, it will put the game department and sportsmen of Illinois iftider deep obligation to you." Sportsmen have long claimed "that they were real conservationists and that they were always in the lead during emergencies such as this. Here is an opportunity to show whether this is really true. How many of you sportsmen are willing to go to your hunting ground and put out feed for the quail or arrange with the farmers to do it for you ? A little time and money ex pended now will mean that the sportsmen are sincere and will go the limit to prevent certain extermination of this greatest of game birds. Every warden, sportsman and farmer who takes part in this worthy cause should write to the secretary of the Federated Sportsmen at Springfield, telling how many covies were fed and if any were found frozen before feed could be taken to them, this should be reported also. This information will be 6f vital importance in aiding the general assembly,'which meets January 7, to wisely regulate shooting for the next two years. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) REPORT Otf THE CONDITION 0* located at West McHenry. State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 31st day of Dee. 1924, as made to the Auditor of Public accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to la|T. RESOURCES Loans qn Real Estates Loans on Collateral Security *. Other Loans Overdrafts ... ^ Other Bonds and Stocks.. i Banking House, Furniture and fixtures Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources... . v -.7---- --- * - -- -- - - - -- - Capital Stock. Surplus .. Undivided Profits Time Deposits... Demand Deposits Dividends Unpaid __ Reserve Ajccounts._. LIABILITIES . . - - . : "V . $129,565.06 34,104.54 ._ 380,828.50 255.28 „ 51,179.59 _ 14,006.66 .. 101,769.55 $730,382.46 ..$ 56.000.06 .. 26,066.66 .. 15,059.68 .. 411.926.22 229,963.16 2,506.66 1,066.66 $736,382.46 • 'P I, Carl W. Stenger, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that, the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and .amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor ofVublio Accounts, State at Illinois, pursuant to law. • -•V Carl W. Stenjrer, Presidttlfc Subscribed and swora to1>efore me this 1th day of January, 1925 < \ . Ellen Walsh Notary ftiUie. BIG INCREASE IN AUTO LICENSI INCREASE OF NEARLY $2,000,000 IS SHOWN Collections by the automobile' department of the secretary of state's office for 1924 show an increase of $1,892,411.21 over total collections by the department in 1923, according Jo a statement issued today by Louis L> Emmerson, secretary of state. The statement shows a total of $11,546,206.25 collected by the departf ment during 1924. Of this amount _: $10,722,266.24 was collected in fees on passenger cars and trucks, $349,766,50 from chauffeurs' licenses and $148,- 560.65 from transfers. During the year 1,132,641 licenses were issued, 978,428 of which were issued on passenger cars, 140,808 on truckS, 4,488 in dealers' licenses, 2,044 on trailers and 6,873 issued on motorcycles. There were 95,343 licenses Issued to chauffeurs. . An itemized statement of the receipts for 1924 follows: Automobiles, 978,42a.. .$ Trucks, 140,808 ..•!«>».r Chauffeurs-- '-v -"»• Chicago, 54,014 * Down state, 41,329... , Total, 95,343.. • Dealers, 4,488 ».-• .GSI,. ..•••; Dupl icates . . ;»e-. T r a n s f e r s . . . ..s : Motorcycles, 6,873 ..... Trailers, 2,044 ........ Mwasllaa»BHf 8,242,487.51 2,529,778.73 849,766.6(1 87,430.00 78.992.5S 148,560.65 84,002.00 88,899.00 56,289.2$ Total Mtor lioeMtf*. ^£11,646,206.2^ .*.*«>;w|ii8M4i Daylight Your Kitchen THIS kitchen unit pictured above, is of porcelain enamel steel with large diffusing glass bowl. Makes your kitchen bright, light and cheery. Special Offer to You We will install this superior light in your house: FREE--if you have a ceiling outlet in your kitchen '•--•for a 30 days' FREE TRIAL. Then, if you are satisfied with it as we believe you* will be, you can purchase this kitchen lighting unit for v j:-: $i.OO a Month ,.A . livable with your service statement. If you are not pleased after 30 days' trial we will take unit back and replace old fixture. (£ouk! we make a more liberal offer? PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS G. E. McCOLLUM, District Manage* Wl Williams St. Crystal Lake, III. Phone 25 Light tmrm om mnd mt htmdy pendant sw/teII mud you c*n also plug im your iron, toaster ojp other appliance mm tured above. •fes 1

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