-f.J, ;v ^ * \1f$£y' S* .?'•*" V^' '• ' ^ * ••jjT ,>?"'V " * #•< m: Victor Meyers wu called to Mc- Hqpury from Casper, Wyo., last week on -i|f|g|||t of the serious illness of his mofir,>ho passed away in this city last Saturday night. Mrs. John McHugh and children of Cincinnati, Ohio, are guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy. Mr. McHugh was here over the week end. f t : 'i • Christmas SSlf &*•#>< 1 Solve the Gift Problem ForThousandsEveryYear TM: ANY people who used to be embarrassed *• ,•* every Holiday Season -- for lack of funds to remember all their friends and relatives--are flow able to give unsparingly. They are no richer now than before but have learned to create a Christmas fund by depositing in our Christmas Club a small amount each week. In this way they never miss the money and they get all the joy and satisfaction of giving bounti- • '• ' tip your mmd now that you will have "Ready Cash** next Christmas. Join our Club to-day and make the start. You can save any amount you-want. You can start with as little as a nickel " Tke important thing is to start-- Join To-Day DR. D. G. W-ELLS, PRES. THE HOME OF Where honest prices and the best of service and treatment always predominate. Callus ?^ when you get ready to install ^ that new furniture. i JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. We're Making 'Em jpOCOLATECOVERED p m. SOMETHING NEW--JUST OUT Per Bar Try it--Call for it--Eat it . McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE & ;3r>. ItfOriE 79-M WBKLYiPNiUS 00M£RS AND GOERS OF AWE* IN OUR BUSY CITY AS SEEN BY PLAIN DEALER RBl'ORTERS AND HANDED IN B* OUR FRIENDS - Mrs. John McEvoy mi a Chicago visitor Monday. C. Unti transacted business ill the metropolitan city Monday. Elmer Koerner was the guest of friends in Chicago Sunday. Miss Ruth Stockebrand passed the week end with friends in Chicago. Mrs. C. W. Stenger passed Thursday of last week in the metropolitan city. Miss Nellie Courtney of Wauconda attended to business matters here Monday. Miss Mary Kinney passed Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Mends In Chicago. 1 " > Frank Schumacher of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of his mother in this city. Mrs. C. Unti has been spending a few days with relatives at South Chicago. C. Unti and children sprat Sunday as the guests of, relatives at Kenosha, Wis.. Miss Neilie Miller spent the week end as the guest of friends in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Meyer and son, Donald, were Chicago visitors one day last week. Mrs. Anna Barron spent the week end as the guest of friends in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brefeld of Chicago spent the week end as guests of McHenry relatives. Miss Gertrude Kisch of Libertyville passed the latter part of last week with McHenry friends. Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron passed last Friday in the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson. John Givens and Weston Bacon attended the skating tournament as held at Lord's park, Elgin, last Sunday. Alfred Bonslett of Chicago passed the week end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bonslett. Mrs. Fred Justen and daughter, Mae, returned home the last of the week from a month's sojourn in Flor ida. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway, over the week end. Mrs. Simon Stoffel passed the latter part of last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Westfall, in Chicago. John Reihansperger of West Chicago passed a day last week in the home, of his son, Chas. J. Reihansperger,-and family. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin passed the week end ip the home of her mother, Mrs. Anna Knox, on Center street. Misses Leone and Kathleen Givens passed Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dwyer of Chicago -were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonn H. Miller/ over the week end. Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago spent the latter part of last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and son, Jack, and Mrs. E. F. Kelter were recent guests of friends at Woodstock and Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson and little daughter of Elgin passed Sunday in the home of Mrs. Nelson's mother, Mrs. A. Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarty of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mrs. Alsena Chapell of Chicago passed the latter part of last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Alsena Smith, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt of Belvidere were week end .guests in the home of the fetter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Glenn Wattles, who is attending school in Chicago, passed the week end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mre. F. H. Wattles. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter have returned home from a few weeks' visit in Florida. They were very favorably impressed with the south. Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago was a guest in the home of her son, Chas. J. Reihansperger, and family several days this week. Mr. and" Mrs. John E. Freund were business visitors Tn Chicago Wednes-< day of last week, the latter looking over the. new spring styles in millinery. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walsh and little «on, Billie, and Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Bernadine, of Fox Lake were Sunday gueats of McHenry relatives. * Mathias Bauer arrived in McHenry last Thursday evening from a few weeks' trip Germany, where he visited sisters and brothers and old friends whom he left about thirty-five years ago. Mr. Bauer reports that the Coblenz section, where he visited is gradually recovering from the effects of the war. Business has picked up very materially during the past year or more and that the cost of living in Germany has greatly advanced. Altho one hears plenty of war arguments there, the war, in a manner, seems to have been forgotten and everyone is striving to assist in getting the country back on its feet. The McHenry man experienced quite a rough trip over to Europe, bat a •we pleasant one oa th* rtfegjfifc '7~ c. league THEIR PLACE HAS BEEN TAKEN BY THE WEIL McL^INS A change has taken place in the Business Men's league of the local bowling organisation during the past week, when the Central Markets dropped from the league, and their place taken by the Weil McLains, captained by Walter J. Donavin. This week still finds the Hudsons holding the lead in the Regular league, while the Fords are leading the Business men. The standing of the teams in the two leagues follow: - TEAM STANDING . Kpynipr League' •» > High W. U Game 10 924 f t. <»». » • . xd 12 •. 898 Rexalls . .11 16 906 Frett's Markets 11 16 906 Business Men's League - sy High • V 'N • W. L. Game 8 812 Artificial Stonet .^iv.12 MS 796 Weil McLains .10 14 - 774 Buicks :.... 10 17 823 The games as staged and sent in for publication since our last issue follow: Business Men's League Art. Stones 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. J. Steffes 97 154 116 . 866 122 M. Steffes ....120 125 124 369 123 F. Thurlwell . .139 155 112 406 135 Wirfs 87 133 143 363 121 Geo. Bohr ....176 171 139 516 172 Hu r o n ' s , . • » . . .. 1 7 Mohawks ...,V*.i"... .15 1 " , 619 738 633 1990 663 Buidfr 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av Conrad 159 111 148 418 139 Johnson 126 125 129 380 126 Goodell .......114 111 138 363 121 Hughes ......148 140 144 432 147 Thompson '. . . .137 152 145 434 148 Fords E. Buss Schiessle .., Thies ...... J. Knox J. Sayler ... 684 639 704 1st 2nd 3rd .156 146 174 .129 118 168 .125 125 125 .167 170 160 .122 169 126 2027 757 Total Av. 476 158 415 138 375 125 497 165 417 139 699 728 753 2180 726 Weil McLains 1st 2nil 3rd Total Av F. Nickels ... .241 125 131 497 165 H. Kreutxer ..171 166 215 552 184 Halpin 94 132 140 366 122 P. Weber ....141 141 131 413 137 Richardson ...147 140 158 445 148 794 704 775 2273 757 Regular League Frett's Market 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. Spurling ......158 182 188 528 176 L. Thurlwell ..179 133 173 485 161 Stoffel .......140 140 140 420 140 Page .,.157 189 158 504 168 Brown . . 4 . . . . 187 160 212 559 186 Rexalls Rossman , Schaefer ., P. Meyers , Granger .., Vogt > Hudsons Bickler ... Art Patzke Schmitt ... Steilen ... Lockwood . Mohawks Al. Patzke . M. Laures C. Buss •> *»< R. P a t z k e . Art Meyers . 821 804 871 2496 832 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .184 180 180 544 181 .123 153 143 <419 139 .125 134 160 419 139 .154 148 162 464 154 ,.153 190 180 523 174 739 805 825 2469 821 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .139 177 212 528 176 .188 170 151 509 169 .152 144 134 430 143 .189 167 172 528 176 .190 199 193 582 194 858 857 1st 2nd .152 152 .169 169 >.193 169 ..117 168 ..139 176 851 2566 855 3rd Total Av 161 465 155 181 519 173 207 569 189 157 442 147 173 488 162 7770 834 879 2483 827 MRS. AAfeBARA sdEnwe CELEBRATED mi BIRTHDAY Mrs. Barbara Schiessle, one of this city's highly esteemed and long-time residents, celebrated her eightieth birthday anniversary at her home last Sunday. To make the occasion one long to he remembered a number of her friends, children and grandchildren passed the day with her and enjoyed a sumptuous repast at the noon hour. Those who made up the gathering were Mrs. Minnie Gerding, Mre. Fred Hart and son, Fred; Mrs. Ed. Nieman, Mrs. A. G. A. Schmitt of Chicago; Mrs. Ray Thomas of Barrington; Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. \5£eber and Children, Miss Clara Schiessle, Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and daughter of this city. The guest of honor was the recipient of a number of floral and other gifts. Mrs. Schiessle came to McHenry in 1884 and has made her home here continuously ever since And always resided on what constitutes the Schiessle property on Main street near the C. & N. W. depot. DEPUTY COLLECTOR HERE * a"'nvV ON FEBRUARY 6 AND 7 tfcfjutjr collector of interna! revenue will be at the city hall in McHenry on February 6 and 7, 1925, to assist taxpayers in filing their 1924 income tax returns. AMERICAN LEGION NOTES The post has engaged -the services of a farm hand to assist Paul Schumacher, who has been unable to look after his farm on account of illness. The officials of the McHenry post are very desirous of larger meetings and with this thought in mind everything is being done to make the meetings interesting. The post is planning a home talent play to be staged in this city some time before Lent. Plajis for the play are now being formulated and it is hoped that things will so shape themselves as to enable the post to select a cast and start rehearsals at an early date. The McHenry post has started preliminary work on what is hoped will soon bring about the organization in this city of a Ladies' Auxiliary. Mothers, wife and sisters of Legion members are eligible to membership in the auxiliary and it is the hoj»e of the officials of the McHenry post to interest many of the ladies in this community. A membership drive is to be put on very shortly. The membership has been divided into four teams, captained by James Halpin, Arthur Smith, Albert Barbian and James Doherty. There are nearly one hundred young men in this city and community who are eligible to membership in the McHenry post and the drive is being put on in the hope that most of these will be brought into the fold. A meeting of McHenry post, American Legion, was held at Forester hall, in the Telephone Exchange building, last Thursday evening. There was a good attendance, which gave evidence that members are beginning to take more interest in their organization and more fully appreciate what the Legion has been doing and aims to do for. ex-service men in the future. Atty. Wife Carroll of Woodstock was present and gave a very interesting talk on the principles of the organiza P -jS MCHENRY'S HOME OF AMUSEMENT "WE CAN'T PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" THURS. AND FRI., JAN. 22 A 23 "The Woman to the Jury" THE CAST Sylvia Breamer, Lew Cody, Bessie Love, Mary Carr, Uobeft Bosworth, MyrtleStedman, Henry B. Walthall, Roy Stewart, Jene Hersholt. Ford Sterling and a host of others. . - *ND COMEDY ^ SAT. & SUN., JAN. 24 & 2B SPECIAL SUNDAY MATIN EE ;2:30 BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE . AND PICTURES SATURDAY. JAN. A* Herbert Rawlinson and Alice Lake .--IN-- The Dancing Cheat ANT« V A I I'DF.VIl.LE AND COMEDY SUNDAY. JANUARY 25 ^ORIA SWANSON IN-- The Humming Bird Better than "Zaxa" v AND > VAUDEVILLE and COMEDY THURSDAY. JANUARY 29 "FOR SALE" eighteenth anmjal noting OF STOCKHOLDERS OF WEST Mc- HENEY STATE BANK HELD The eighteenth annual meeting of the stockholders of the West McHenry State bank occurred in the directors' room of the bank building on Monday afternoon of this week, at which time officers were elected and the customary routine of business disposed of as usually comes before a meeting of this kind.. The officers as elected were as follows: President, Carl W. Stenger; 'ice presidents, P. S. Webster and 3imon Stoffel; president of board of directors, E. L. Wagner. Misses Veona J. Niesen and Ellen Walsh were ie-appointed as assistant cashiers. The directors as elected are as follows:" E. L. Wagner, P. S. Webster, Simon Stoffel, F. A. Bohlander, F. H. Watt'es, Richard B. Walsh, Carl W. Stenger and Wm. Spencer, the latter named being elected to fill the vacancy as caused by the death of the late Dr. C. H. Fegers. The meeting was the best in point >f attendance, at least, that the bank has ever held. The institution now has total deposites amounting to more than $640,000, -vhile it?? total resources have mounted >ver the $730,000 mark. The bank has earned thirty per cent on its capta! stock during the past year and its surplus and undivided profits total $35000. The stockholders have received ten per cent interest on their money during the past seven years and previous to that time received eight per cent on their investment. The bank is recognized as one of the best managed in the state. M. E. CHURCH 10:00 a. m.--Church school. One great educator said "As goes the Sunday school so goes the church of the twentieth century." Do parents recognize this? 11:00 a. m.--'Morning worship. One more beginning. "The Beginning of Faith." ,6:30 p. m.--Epworth league. 7:30 p. m.--Special service. As illustrated sermon on "Halsted St. Church." This is a story of the stock yards of Chicago. All, young and old, are invited. Bring an offering. Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 2:00 p. m., the Mothers' association will organize a^t the home of <Mrs. A. H. Pouse. Wednesday evening there will be a very important S. S. board meeting. All the teachers are urged to be present. The date is January 28. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this way to thank our neighbors, friends^ and relatives for kindness and in oar sad bereavement and for the many beautiful floral pieces and offerings; also the Knights of Columbus of McHenry council, St. Mary's court, C. O. F., Women's Catholic Foresters of McHenry, Altar and Rosary society of McHenry, Illinois Bell Telephone girls of McHenry, Illinois Bell telephone employes of association of Elgin watch City Arie, 1047, F. G. E. Geo. Meyers and Family. CLASSIFIES DEPARTMENT 'J FOR SALE--Kitchen cabinet and heater. Inquire of Anton Blake, Mc- Henry, 111. FOR S.\LE--Five tons alfalfa hay. Inquire of Mrs. Jo«. H. Justen, McHenry, 111. S3-8t* FOR SALE--Two sets of bob sleighs. Will be sold at right price. Alexander Lumber Co., West McHenry, HI. Phone No. 5. 8S-tf FOR SALE A high-grade brown st-* > Swiss bull calf. Ralph A. Wingate, McHenry, 111. Route No. 2. 33-lt ^ FOR SALE--Thorohred rose comb ^ White Wyandotte cockerels. Phone 132-W. S2-2t* Jgl FOR SALB---A number of Barred vf 'V Plymouth Rock pallets. Call 11S-J, } McHenry, 111. 82_tf ? 5 ' FOR SALE!--About 1,000 bushels of >• • corn in crib. Call phone 647-J-2. "" Mrs. Bernard Wegener. 32-2t MEAD BUNGALOW FOR RENT-- Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry, e IU. 30-tf 5 PER CENT MONEY--To loan on '"4 * good farms; first mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, a room 203, Community Bldg., phones ^ 28-M and 993, Marengo, HI. 25-tf NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY GOODREAL ESTATE as all prices are at their lowest po nt. We will be glad to furnish further information ^ . explain our time payment plan. Kent' 6 Green, McHenrjs 111. 25-tf FOR SALE--Seven room house, one room suitable for small business. Alii » modern improvements and a good, full basement. House is furnished and has furnace heat. Property has a 42 ft. frontage and extends back 188 feet. Fruit on premises. Mrs. D. C. Smith, I Elm street, McHenry, 111. 28-tf FOR RENT--176 acre farm on edge of Hebron prairie. New and modern barn 34x100, other new buildings, silo, etc. Never failing spring water in barn and pasture. Wood, 120 acres tractor land. Want good tenant for 5 to 8 years on reasonable termS with option to buy. Simon Stoffel, West McHenry, HI. 32-3t I , , \ : --• I Dividend Noticef THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, have declared the regular quarterly dividend of $ 1.50 per shar# <„ on the Company's 6% preferred stock, $1.75 pe^»f share on the 7% preferred stock, and $1.75 per shar4 on the common stock, payable February 2, 1925^ to stockholders of record, at the close of business^ January 15, 1925. QEORQB R. JONES, Trauma This Is the 53rd consecutive quarterly payment by die Company to its common and preferred stockholders aa^ - f « the 92nd consecutive dividend including the dividend ptyjir; meats of the Company's principal predecessor. The pretit: f ent quarterly dividend is payable to 25,669 stockholders ' PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6000 square miles--202 ckk$ bid ^ towns--with Gas or Electricity The Common and Preferred Stocks of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois are listed on the Chicago Stock Exchange The Farmer's • -v. f ar Just as this bank has stood by the farmer when crops were poor, and while prices are low, so if has resolved to go with hitn every step of the way through the new year. • ^ We mean to do all within our power to help each farmer, who will use this bank, to benefit by the better times which seem to be just ahead,