.* J 'W\-~ - vfr ' *« , '." .. '* 4 . ,-r >:;tv> ; . .:'i' •," THE WflENRV PLA1NDEALER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY * F. G. SCHREINER OfficoNft Bank Building TelepttODC t^W f1!- THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 •'i-S(46r .-zZkl JOHNSBURG George Vogel was a caller here in ' town on Tuesday of this week. Rumor has it that we will havei another home talent play here before c long. Mrs. Jos. Huemann spent a few days last week with her daughters in Chicago. Miss Anna Krumpen is spending a few days at Racine, Wis., with her sister, the Ven. Sister Adolphia. Mr{and Mrs. Ben Tonyan, who side near Ringwood, had a radio installed in their home a few weeks ago. Jos.. B. Hettermann, Otto Adams and Fred Smith went to. Chicago Tuesday morning to attend the auto^ . show. George and William Tonyan returned home Friday evening after spending a few days in Chicago with friends. Joseph Schaefer of Johnsburg and his brother, Jacob of McHenry, Were among the Chicago passengers last Thursday. . Henry Nell was taken to the Woodstock hospital, one day last week, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Miss Leona Regner came up from Elgin last Friday evening and re- J> turned Monday morning after a few days' visit with home folks. Jos. Young of this village was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Stoffel at Fremont on Wednesday of last week. The bride is a daughter ' -of Joseph Stoffel. Ben Meyers of Racine, accompanied by his brother, Wm. J. Meyers, who had been spending a few days in the Wisconsin city, motored to Johnsburg last Thursday, where the former attended to business matters. A jolly crowd of people were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Jds. B. Hettermann one night last week. Cards and dancing were enjoyed and the serving of refreshments assisted in making the evening a very pleasant one. The lady Foresters had a* very pleasant meeting here on Tuesday evening, about thirty-one members be- , ing present. Cards and dominoes • were p'ayed after the business meeting and coffee, cake and sandwiches were served. The luck winners at the card party which wai held here Sunday evening were Miss Frances Michels and Jos. F. Freund. Both had the same score flu five hundred. Cards were drawn and. Miss Michels received first. At euchre Jos. Schmitt was awarded first and Mrs. Stephen Justen, second. Ip dominoes Miss Josephine Freund won first and Miss Schaefer, second. Fourteen tables were occupied fay the players. ': rf* SOLON MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear Tinted relatives here Sunday. v Mrs. W. Brennen gave a surprise party on her mother's birthday. Mrs. Lotus Overton of Richmond was calling on friends here Sunday. Jack Pester and Charles Westlake attended the races at Palatine Sunday. Mrs. Victor Alms spent Tuesday at Fox Lake, visiting her sister, Mrs. Carlson. yw^^frs.* Edwin Vogel spent Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Joe Freund at Johnsburg. Geo. Vogel and sons, Charles and Edwin, attended, the horse races at Wauconda Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Cropley, Mrs. W. G. Gardner and Mrs. Robt Sutton attended the - Home Bureau Wednesday at the home of Chas. Kruse at Richmond. The pot luck dinner, held in the Charles Osborn home last Wednesday, was well attended. Georgia Brennen, who is attending school at Woodstock, spent the week end with her parents here. Frank Foley of Richmond installed an Atwater Kent radio in E. E. Cropley's home last Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Cropley is spending the week in McHenry, taking care of her mother, Mrs. Jas. McDonald, who is sick. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Two hundred thousand gallons of water are being consumed daily by users of city water at Harvard. The date for the holding of the annual commencement exercises of the Woodstock community high school has been set for Thursday evening, June 11. M. J. Lowry has given up the Ford agency at Hebron and with his brother, Dewey, has taken over the handling cf the Hudson-Essex line in that territory. * Hebron and Woodstock good roads boosters met at the county seat city one evening recently for the purpose of boosting a cement road between the two places. Rehearsals for the fifth annual minstrel show, staged under the auspices of the American Legion post of Woodstock, are now under way. The show is to be staged in the very near future. cussifiETlmS™ .... LOST--A seal skin cap. Finder will kindly return to this office and receive reward. 34-tf ... . ..Ji ,u FOR SALE--A number of Buff 0>* phirigton cockerels from the strata, that laid the eggs in three weeks anil seventeen days. Also a number «f white Leghorn cockerels. A few black Minorpas and Pekin ducks. Priced right. Phone McHenry 603-J-2. F. S. Rich, West McHenry, 111. Wouk) exchange. 34-tf FOR RENT--176 acre farm on edge of Hebron prairie. New and modem barn 34x100, other new building*, silo, etc. Never failing spring water in barn and pasture. Wood, 120 acres tractor land. Want good tenant for 5 to 8 years on reasonable terms with option to buy. Simon Stoffel, West McHenry, I1L » 32-tt Auction Sale! Chas. Leonard, Auctioneer FOR SALE--Five tons alfalfa hay. inquire of Mrs. Jos.'H. Justen, McHenry, 111. - 33-3t* FOR SALE--Bumpers for Ford; also Hassler doub'e spring shock absorbers. Al. Krause, McHenry, 111. 34-tf FOR RENT--Four rooms located in the central part of the city. Inquire cf James Halpin, McHenry, III. 34-tf FOR SALE--A high-grade brown Swiss bull calf. Ralph A. Wingate, McHenry, III. Rotyte No. 2. . 33-lt MEAD BUNGALOW FOR RENT-- Inquire of C. W. Stfinger, West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry, 111. 30-tf WANTED TO PURCHASE--A second hand hard coal heater. Must be in good working condition. Call phone 621-W-l. 34-lt FOR SALE--Two sets of bob sleighs. Will be sold at right price. Alexander Lumber Co., West McHenry, 111. Phone No. 5. 33-tf 5 PER CENT" MONEY--To loan on good farms; first mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, room 203, Community Bldg., phones 23-M and 993, Marengo, 111. 25-tf NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY GOOD REAL ESTATE as all prices are at their lowest point. We will be glad to furnish further information and e: ; j • me pa; ; Kent 6 i flenry. 25-tf room house, one room suitable for small business. All modern improvements and a good, full basement. House is furnished and has furnace heat. Property has a 42 ft. frontage and extends back 133 feet. Fruit on premises. Mrs. D. C. Smith. Elm street, McHenry, 111. • 28-tf The undersigned, having rented his farm, will sell at public auction on the premises, located three miles south of McHenry, five miles north of Crystal Lake and one and one-half miles north of Terra Cotta factory, on the McHenry-Terra Cotta road, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1925 cbmmencing at ten o'clock a. m., thes following described property, to-wit: 123 H^AD OF LIVE STOCK --Consisting of-- 36 High Grade Holstein Cows Eight fresh Jan. 1, 4 with calves by their side, 2 pure bred Holstein cows, balance close springers, 10 two-yearold heifers, bred to freshen in August* 3 yearling heifers, 1 two-year-old pure bred Holstein bull. 5 HORSES ' Gray gelding, 7 years old, wt. MSt lbs.; bay gelding, 7 years old, wt. 1660 lbs.; span black mares, 7 and 8 years old, wt. 2500 lbs.; black gekUngt 10 years old, wt. 1400 lbs. HOGS V ^ 21 fat hogs, 33 feeding pigs, 5 brood sows, purebred Chester White boar, * Duroc Jersey boar. SHEEP Id ewes, lamb May 1; choke Shropshire buck. POULTRY S old geese, 1 old gander, 2 yoong geese, 50 Plymouth Rock chickens. HAY AND GRAIN 800 bushels of choice seed oats free from foul sefed, 200 bushels choice seed barley free from foul seed, 30 tons of clover hay in barn, 15 tons of timothy hay in barn, 18 feet of silage, large stack oat straw. MACHINERY McCormick corn binder, McCeVMfck grain binder, McCormick mower, side delivery rake, Keystone geerless hay loader, New Idea manure spreader, John Deere corn planter, 14 disc pulverizer, 2 single row cultivators, two „ row cultivator, spring tooth cultivator, 2 three section drags, gang plow, sulky plow, walking plow, 2 lumber wagons, 2 buggies, 18 in. Appleton s3o filler, nearly new; hay rack, double top grain box, hog rack, 1000 pound scales, grindstone, grain sacks, quantity of . seed corn, quantity potatoes, 8 milk pans, pails, strainers, forks, shovels,1 icook stove, gas heater, sanitary couch nil >ther articles too numerous to ion. All machinery sold befoN uiiih. FREE LUNCH AT NOON All sums of |10.00 and under, cash? iver .that amount a credit of silt months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed pr possessicflfr, ^ of same given to purchaser until sefc.-' tied for with clerk. JOHN M. PHALIN. . C. W. Stenger, Clerk.