mr-} • X-'-f ;'S •> " '• 'A '* A 0pW^W- f *• A •'1 mp- McGEE'S "*/*•! v'* ' • \" ^ We are announcing some wonderful values. We have taken our regular stock and made the prices so attractive that anyone in need of clothing or furnishings will be interested and the selection they will find here is sure to satisfy. We have arranged our Overcoats in three groups. The fabrics and the styles are all very good--the prices are exceedingly inviting The number of coats is limited, however, so come early while the selection is good. $25.00 Values, Now $29.50 to $35.00, Now $37.50 to $45.00, Now Hen's Suits Here are some real values. Many of these suits have two {fair of trousers and you will find a gr>od assortment to choose from. HIGH SCHOOI#eSUITS $1A.50 $111.50 assBBWW 3 .95 BOYS' OVERCOATS 2 1-2 TO 8 YEARS 4' $T.85 7 BOYS' SUITS All with two pair of knickers. Knickers are lined and the suits are made to stand the wear that you expect any boy to give them. $z:.85 $Q.85 10 :85 MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black or brown $4.85 One Lot Men's Dress Shoes Black only $3.85 One Lot of Men's Work Shoit ; ^$2.85 One Lot of Men's Cotton Sweaters. Fine for work $1.98 Men's Sheep Lined Vests Moleskin shell and sleeve $6.95 rr* ! >.» Boys' Heavy Wt. Knickers Made of overcoatings' -- $2.19 Men's Moleskin Shirts fettra heavy $2.98 Men's Moleskin Ulster Coats Sheeplined, fur collar, fall length i $19.85 ' ' I Men's 4-Buckle Rubber Overs Black or red rubbir $3.19 ' Boys' Fine Merino Hose Black only V*. 30C ^ STIFF COLLARS Discontinued styles, E and W. and Cluett make 7o--4 for 25c SOFT COLLARS Discontinued styles 9c---3 for 25c 1 . ' McHenry Illinois . . . .11 mi IVIYT'