Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1925, p. 5

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FX- •*« •v-f'-'.. * V BE SURE TO SEE 7* , -• *P ^<*" J? : *L- "i?* ^ ^ , ,'t-'V... ""' ' "' +5&£^'- ' t' V. C ' HomeTalent Play, Auspices McHenry Post American Legion 74 &:.&<-^ i *$%*• V* '-.J*-, - ' .TslW / "*** I*1'-'* <=y . • . - _ , . .•?V»^28p ' 7 .. ^ Empire Theatre, McHenry - - - FEBRUARY 23 and WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AMD CCIRS OF A WEE IN OUR BUSY CITY V, Auction Sale!! Chas. Leonard, Auctioneer **#4!feEN BY PLAINDKALfljft tife- ? PORTERS AND HANDED IN BY f OUR FRIENDS Jos. May passed Sunday'in the metropolitan city. Miss Clara Miller was an Elgin visitor last Thursday. Edward J. Buss was a Chicago business visitor Monday. Miss Lena Stoffel passed last week Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Conway were Elgin visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler passed a day last week with Elgin relatives. Frank Schumacher of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother in this city. Miss Clara Miller passed the week end with friends in the metropolitan city. ^ Miss Ruth Kent passed Sunday as khe truest of friends in the metropolian city. Mrs. John S. Freund went to Chicago Wednesday for a week's visit with hei* sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers and children were guests of friends at Waukegan Sunday. Elmer Winklemao of Oak Park ^pent Sunday as' Hie guest of Mchenry friends. Michael Weston of Woodstock spent |st Saturday as the guest of Mclenry relatives. 1 Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary passed st week Wednesday as the guests of Natives in Elgin. Irs. Anna Mueller of Chicago spent first of the week in the home of Martha Page. Irs. Martha Page spent Saturday Sunday as the guest of friends in (metropolitan city. jiss Agnes Young of Chicago spent lay in the home of her mother, Katherine Young. and Mrs. Jos. Buch of Chicago kthe first of the week as the IcHenry relatives . Mrs. Fred Bryer and son of ftpent Sunday at their at McCollum's lake. lelen Justen of Chicago spent lek end in the home of her par- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. liss Anna Knox of Elgin spent the feek end in the home of her mother, Anna Knox, on Center street. |s Dorothy and Genevieve Knox iturday and Sunday as the friends in the metropolitan ^lice Miller, who has been atle State University at Chamhas returned to her home ter Jencks and little daugh |f Elgin were guests of Mc latives and friends, last Mrs. Edward J. Brefeld of gnt Sunday in the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Conway returned to Elgin Sunday after spending a week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs M. A. Conway. Miss Doris Bacon went to Elgin last Monday morning, where she entered the employ of the Elgin National Watch company. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnsofa attended a lumbermen's convention at Hotel Sherman in Chicago the latter part of last week. Mrs. Ross Wheeler, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, Miss Blanche Meyers and Arnold and Joyce Chesnut spent Sunday with friends at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers and family of Elgin spent last Friday evening in the home of the former's father, George Meyers. Miss Erna Norager of Chicago passed the week end with hear parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Norager, lit the Orchard Beach hotel. Mtss Clara Degen of Kenosha, Wis., passed the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen, who reside southwest of town. •Edward and William Mertes of Chicago passed the week end in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Mertes, at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt passed several days last week in the metropolitan city, where the former attended a lumbermen's convention at the Hotel Sherman. Mrs. John M. Phalin and daughter, Eleanor, spent last Friday with the former's sister, Mrs. Wm. J. Welch, who has been confined in St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Frazer and little son, Billie Jim, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly and son, Warren, and Mrs. N. D. Holly spent Sunday at Lake Geneva, Wis., where they assisted P. W. Thompson of that city in celebrating his seveftty- fitft birthday annivarfary. The undersigned Will sell at public auction on the Chas. L. Page farm, located about lMt miles south of McHenry, on the McHenry-Crystal Lake road, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1926 commencing at eleven o'clock, the following described property, to-wit: 30 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 30 --Consisting of-- 15 Milk Cows, Several Close Springers Five two-year-ol<^ heifers, 4 fall calves, Holstein bull, one and onehalf years old. The dairy to be sold is that of Lewis McDonald's, while the horses and machinery are owned by Mr. Page. This dairy is a young one all of Mr. McDonald's own raising. They are mostly high-grade Holsteins. S HORSES Bay team, 10 and 12 yeara old, %t. 2800 lbs.; bay mare, 6 years old, wt. 1400 lbs.; black mare, 12 years old, wt. 1100 lbs.; black gelding, 12 years old, wt. 1300 lbs. POULTRY Three ducks, 1 drake, 1 old gander. HAY AND GRAIN Quantity of oats, quantity of barley, Stack of barley straw. ( • MACHINERY Fordson tractor, recently overhauled, Oliver plows, tandem disc; Easy Way hay loader, Litchfield manure spreader, new; John Deere mower, side delivery rake, self dump rake, Van Brunt grain .drill, John Deere corn planter and 100 rods of wire, cultipacker, 2 row cultivator, 2 single row cultivators, 4 section drag, Deering corn binder, grain binder, gang plow, milk wagon, disc harrow,1 2 truck wagons, 2 hay racks, 1 new, together with basket rack; set hog racks, broadcast seeder, Stewart clipping machine, single buggy, light bob sleigh, oscillating bob sled, 2 spools new. barb wire, 2 sets double harness, brand new; 5 milk cans, 2 double unit Universal milking machines with pump and about 150 feet of pipe, 3 h. p. International engine. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent^per annum. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. RAY PAGE, LEWIS McDONALD, Proprietor* C. W. Stenger, Clerk. Executor's Sale!" Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer The undersigned will sell at public auction the personal property of the estate of the late John Mire on the premises, located north of the outskirts of McHenry, on ^ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1925 commencing at one o'clock sharp 1ft i|EAD OF LIVE STOCK --Consisting of-- + j 9 Holstein Cows Some new milkers and close springers, 2-year-old heifer, close springer; Holstein bull, one and one-half years old; 2 yearling heifers, bay gelding, 10 years,old; black gelding, 12 years old. V ,V ; : PAY AND GRAIH _ llfree stacks clo^fer Kay, 3 Jm. dover seed, 100 bu. oats. • »- MACHINERY, ETC. Emerson sulky plow, 2 hand plows, Deering corn binder, Osborne grain binder, 3 section drag, nearly new; Tiger seeder, 2 truck wagons, narrow tired wagon, set dump boards, hay rack, corn planter, McCormick mower, 12 disc pulverizer, corn sheller, scale, Stewart horse clipper, set wagon springs, top buggy, 2 sets dotible bob sleighs, corn cultivator, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with clerk. , FRED MIRE, Executo*. Wm. H. Althoff, Recording Cleric: J. A. Conrad, Settling Clerk. Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer Hie undersigned, having rented a farm on shares, where landlord furnishes all cattle, will sell his entire herd at auction on Mrs. John J. Stilling farm, known as the late Joe Etten place, located one-half mile south of Solon Mills, two miles southwest of Spring Grove and two miles northeast of Ringwood, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 ^ at oofi o'^J^ckf ihjup. 32 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --Consisting of-- 20 Head of Holstein Milk Coir* some new milkers, 4 with calves by side, 5 springers., 4 yearling heifers, Holstein bull, one and one-half years old, 2 Rouen ducks. " Seven full blooded . Poland China pig, 2 brood sows and 5 boars. :•'w HAY AND MACHINERY Fifteen tons clover hay, 4 tons rrrfflet hay, 40 tons of silage, McCormick grain Binder, iron wheel wagon. Stover engine, Peerless 1 h. p. electric motor, Emerson gang plow, hay rack. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 6 months mile south of Sherman hill school- gelding, wt. 1200 lbs.; family will be given on good bankable notes house, off* ' fifteen years old, wt. 1000 lbs. bearing interest at the rate of seven! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1925 CHICKENS per cent per annum, Positively no J commencing at 1:00 oclock, sharp, the ' Some full blood Plymouth property to be removed until settled following described property, to-wit: and Wyandottes. etc. for with clerk. JOHN J. SCHAID, Jffc\ C. W. Stenger, Clerk. v Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer Having rented my farm for cash; will sell on the farm known as the William Hutson farm, located three miles southwest of McHenry, one-half SO HEAD OF LIVE STOCK ; ? * '•& --consisting of;-- 22 High Grade Dairy Cows All new milkers and close spritigers, 1 three-year-old heifer, close springer; yearling heifer. v.; 6 HORSES / 7 Gray gelding, nine yeara old, wt. 1500 lbs; black gelding, seven years old, wt. 1200 lbs.; brown mare, seven years o'.d, wt. 1100 lbs.; Morgan mare, eijrht years old, wt. 1000 lbs.; white tar*' fc-'ne, spring tw#*• tooth cultivate^, p i lumber wa-ii ns,"ruu Racks' milk cans, psjfc. double harm aon. GRAlK ; >'!;•. and other' Vti<sfes v Quantity of barley and oats and mention.. ' ' fight feet of silage. * ' T 77MACHINERY, E T C . ' v All sums » \ McCormick grain binder, good workr 'liter that an •' ing condition; Milwaukee corn harves-' will be given < ter, Johnson corn harvester, hay bearing in ten loader, hay rake. Champion mower, per cent per broadcast seeder, Bradley 12 inch gang property to be plow, John Deere hand p'ow, corn for v. ith clerk, planter, set drags, pulverizer, single uto ured >tr ? he toi' n»#of Sa!e| Sli|0O J •>it a credi um. HENRY row cultivator, 1 horse pumping en- '< C.. W. Stenger, Clei k .mri> coupled with high-class workmansHip and the best grades of paper and card Stock are fdctCirs whidl keep our job department busy. Let us be your printer. You'll be satisfied. THE PLAilDEALER Job Department :; " J ' "hi-'"1 ... ^ ^ W'• ./«? MaMMi rfMBnirn'm

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