. I • .3*' i, ^ •- ^>>4' I t"ft • 1 « V- Akm dim \ • />:•-: •»>. *7vvl-4. : - i - v'i^: *?W?!S . * 126-W. Reasonable Sites A. H. SCHAEFER *4' "*• Draying '- y McHENRY, ILLINOIS RioMltt The Best BKRNHARD Expert Shoemaker Weak McHenry, Illinois "Such Youthful Lines" I. m« ^ yOHfsjp •• L^ttfa'l fur bitl •electing her <MtS«. lf» U--j Tbirt'i J«at aouMtUae tura that is mowtM «C mtti jt'i mm *ood lookt««. There's iilglB 7u (iruv*: Rock ford HI W. iurtra tl Iitaiii Dabuque 576 Mala FrMport I W Mala" Watetioo 500 Lafayette B*1»U <17 Fourth Jollat 215 Jefferson Janeavilie 20'.: Milwaukee Baa Claire Misonic Bids Oshlcoah 11 Main St. > /V Peoria 325 S. A da me Decatur 4S1 N. Wat«r ^i7-n» Stat# St A. LEATH & CO. $• V *•"<*? ife'V Mi'-?' We Still Sell Many Things ^fiulk at a Saving to You. > Ku % '40 i tmm • We sell enough of those items to H; keep thecal fresh, and our way of ^ i taking care of them keeps them clean also. v : ,1 "v? : 3ulk Vinegar, white, cider and pickl |ingv Bulk Coffee, three grades; Bulk iCocoanut, fresher than package goods. Many other things-- even kerosene. 1 Vour trade is welcome. M From McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service bf ,' ^ North Shore Motor Coacfi North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." !-•. McHenry 7:35 sum., 11:35 a.m., 2:35 p.m„. 7:00 pan. Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.m., 7s43 pan. Arr.Waukegan 9KX) a.nu, liOO p.mw4K)0 pan^ &25 pan, Arr. Chicago 10:22 a.m., 2:17 pan., 5:17 pan., 10:17 pan* Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.C*. McHenry Hoase J. TICKET » Northwestern Hotel McHenry II ' OFFICKS I McHenrv 51-R •f Wkea Botlu AntonobllM Are Built, Buick Will Build Tlw ^ •• .-f X+U - . ± X •> all of the great root wig cars use in-Head engines? .* .* .i "A ' V » - •: •, ' :<•: .v. . \ . • . V t Because this v develops the greatest speed and power. ficst place winners of the Indianapolis 500 p»SL» race since 1912 have had Valve-in-Head yngimxL Buick pioneered the Valve-in-Head if. 1904 and has used it ever since because it is more powai^ ipfl^ i%A more dependable^ OVERTON & COWEN || McHENRY, ILL, HARVARD, ILL.V , When better anfeomoMles are boflt, Buidk wffl btrild them Jy . '-V ~ fa* l. ,2 . ... ii**: l*. $..* r - • • • 'U •) K" «>; SLOCUM LSEK Soltt Kirk was a hyriMiiii ealler at Aurora last "i>ls»1ij H. L. Brook* #*s a falufnflta caller at Area last Thnrstfay. William Brooks was a buiMBS caller at Waukegan Monday. Lloyd Dowel 1 spent Sunday at the Tom Jo well farm at Roseville. Mildred Hoffman transacted business in Chicago last Thursday. Harry Matthews was a business caller at McHenry Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston were business callers in Chicago last Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Branswiek of Chicago spent the week end at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rossman of Elgin spent Saturday at tfce G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent Tuesday evening at the G. J. Burnett home. Mrs. Lucian Cypher of Wauconda spent last Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Joe Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers at Area and Gilmer last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and two children were Sunday guests of Mr. an$ Mrs. Earl Converse. Wm. Meyer of Crystal Lake was a business caller at the W. E. Brooks home last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Granger spent last Saturday evening at the home of the former's parents here. Mrs. G. J. Burnett, who has been ill with the flu is much better and able to assist in the duties of the home. Henry Winkler, Sr., and son, Walter, attended the Modern Woodman Decoration at Barrington Sunday. Miss Myrtle Darrell spent four days last week with her sister, Mrs. La Doyt Matthews at Crystal Lake. Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Tuesday and Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schaid, Jr., and daughter spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk. Mrs. Page Smith and three children were Sunday gruerts of the former's sister, Mrs. Will Whitman near Wauconda. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, and Frances Geary of Grayslake remained over Tuesday night with the former's parents. Harold Brooks, who is employed at the John Manville company of Waukegan, spent Sunday with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell in Frenkmt township. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rohman of Bar rtngton were Friday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Harold and John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Charles and Robert Stron attended the movie at McHenry Saturday evening. Miss Mae Pfannenstill spent from last Wednesday until last Saturday at tike home of her sister, Mrs. Carl Ohrwall at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and family spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Baseley in Fremont township. Miss Fern Grantham went to Waukegan Sunday with Mr. and Mts Henry Winkler. Jr., where she will spend a week or i&ore. Mrs. Dr. Hoelscher of Chicago spent test Friday and Saturday with her son and family here at the H. M Hoelscher residence here. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and son, William, spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Cook near Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Miss Myrtle Darrell and Mrs. Fannie Carr were business callers at Waukegan last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sherman of near Burton's Bridge on the Fox river, were Monday morning callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Peacock and son, Gordon, and Edith Johnston of Woodstock called on the Earl Johnston apd Wm. Johnston families here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Kirk and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell attended the movie at the "Gem" theatre at Crystal Lake last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell returned to their home at Grayslake last Friday afternoon after spending the past week with their granddaughter, Mrs. Robt. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Jthoder and Mr. and Mrs. WTflard Darrell "arifl daughters, Myrtle and Mrs. Harry MGttthews, and Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake motored to Reekford Sunday and attended the dedication services of the new wing of the Eastern Star and Masonic home there. - v > t *4 JOHNSBURG The ^bii^lain center of Erickson's Dept. store. Miss Patdine Freund took the train for Chicago at McHenry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of Spring Grove called on friends here one night this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams and son, Nicholas, motored to Chicago last week Tuesday. Mrs. Jacob StefFes and children and Mrs. John King spent Wednesday with relatives here. Mrs. Cap. Bickler of McHenry vis ited with Mrd. Joseph Freund here this week Tuesday. Mrs. Stephen King and Mrs. Jacob Steffes of McHenry spent last week Thursday in Chicago. Miss Mary Eammes of Chicago is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Michael Bauer this week. Mrs. Peter Williams was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Martin B Schmitt, in McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and children and Miss Alvin Schumacher were McHenry visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lahr and family of Chicago spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Matthews last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freund, Mrs. John Pitzen, Mrs. Jos. B. Hettermann motored to Woodstock last Thursday. Miss Laura Meyers was the lucky winner of a beautiful hat at the ball game at McHenry Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Annie Meyers and sons, Wm. Edward, Sylvester and Bernard Althoff motored to Waukegan Sunday afternoon. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thelen and little daughter, Virginia, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matthews. J. C. Debrecht and son, Eugene, motored out from Chicago last Thursday to visit friends, returnig to Chicago Monday morning. The lady Foresters enjoyed a few games of cards anft%iominoes after the friends and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dittrich of Chicago and Mrs. Fannie Carr were Sunday callers at the W. E. Brooks home. Mrs. John R. Knon, and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and son, Stanley, cf McHenry were Sunday afternoon and evening guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pearson of Crystal Lake. William Brooks will leave Tuesday via auto for Mikkelson, North Dakota, where he will visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jack Pesheck. He will also visit friends in Montana before returning home. Willard Darrell accompanied other members of the Wauconda lodge A. F. A. M. to Irving Park last Tuesday evening where they attended the public installation of the officers of the commandery of St. Alimo lodge. Willanl Darrell, Harry Matthews, R. C. Hallock and Wm. Fink attended an executive meeting and dinner of the farm bureau at Libertyvilla Monday evening. They report a very Interesting meeting. , ^ o. - * ; - Atv meeting Tuesday evening. ^Also they had ice cream and cake. The Rev. Nicholas Schmitt from Oklahoma motored here, arriving Tuesday evening, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt. Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Barbara and Ber nard Althoff were recent visitors with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner, and family at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hettermann and his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Retter mann, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michelsonotored to Wheatland, Wis.. Sunday te visit wtth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krift. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bishop and daughter, Jeanette, of McHt-nry and Miss Emma Freund of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Freund and sons, Gerald and Stanley, were Sunday guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. ~~RIDGEFIELD~ A. Allbee made a business trip to Elgin Saturday. Jas. Bennett was shopping m Crystal Lake Saturday. Henry Reed visited his son, Frank Reed, in Woodstock Sunday. Sidney Reed and family spent Sunday with relatives in Woodstock. Mrs. Bell Duffield and Mrs. A. Jacobs were shopping in Woodstock Saturday. J. B. Lynch is visiting with relatives at Green Lake and other places in Wisconsin. W. H. Levey and sister motored to Woodstock and Franklinville Sunday afternoon. The ladies of Ridgefield attended the Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. Elmer Shepar in Woodstock. Mrs. Bell Duffield, Mrs. Alfred Jacobs, Mrs*. Carrie Johnson, Miss Etta Irish and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were shopping in Chicago Friday of last week. Mrs. J. B. Lynch celebrated her seventieth birthday Sunday. Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jurs, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson, Mrs. Harold Hanson, Miss Jewell Conerty and Bob Barrett, all of Chicago - •. TERRACOTTA Miss Florence Knox was a visitor in Chicago last SaturdaV* Raymond J. Riley spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Miss Florence Pierce of Richmond is visiting friends here this week. J. S. Lynott of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMil lan. Miss Eva McMillon of Chicago is spending a week's vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters visited relatives in Woodstock Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Shine and family of Chicago were guests at the home Shine and family Sunday METHODIST CHURCH 4 B. F. Wentworth, Pastor 10:00 A. M.--The Church school. 11-00 A. M.--Morning worship. The high school young people including the graduates are invited to be the guests at the sen-ice. The pastor will preach on "Brains, Brawn and Behavior"-- the message of the church on education. 4:30 P. M.--Epworth league meets at the church. All young people are invited. Children's day will be observed at the morning service on Sunday, June 21, at 11:00 o'clock. Parents and. friends are urged to be present. ~ VOLO' . v Rev. Shack spent Sunday in Chicago. Jayson Walto& has been on the sick list. Dell Tcwnaend spent Monday in Chicago. Gerald Grover is sick with the measles. Ed Bacon's children :m» aide with measles. : ' Lew Luak is in Wisconsin baying cattle this week. You save when you trade at Ericksen's Dept. store. Mrs. D. V. Waite spent the week end at La Grange. John Walton visited his daughter at Waukegan Saturday. D. V. Waite was a business visitor at Waukegan Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Tounsend were McHenry callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Waite were Waukegan callers Wednesday. Miss Ethel Fitzgerald is visiting her sister, Mrs. Peter Wegener. G. C. Benwell spent several days at the home of Ciifford Benwell. John Wagner of Chicago has purchased the Lew Lusk property at Volo. Miss Hildegitrde Oeffling of Waukegan spent Sunday at her home. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. Paddock is seriously ill with tonsilitis Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogt were business callers jit McHenry Thursday. Maurice, Earl and Irving Townsend attended the show Sunday night. Miss Beryl Gilbert of Wauconda spent a few days with Dorothea Dillon. Mrs. Peter ^'Wegener, Ethel Fitzgerald were Waukegan shopper Thursday. Mrs. Frank Rosing and baby returned after spending the week in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams of Libertyville spent Sunday at the Brhner home. Mrs. Jack Frost attended the wedding of her niece, Adeline Frost, of Chicago. Mrs. Howard Converse and daughter, Blanche, were Waukegan shoppers recently. Miss Emma Bacon is visiting her brother, Ed Bacon, and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing entertained friends from Chicago over the week end. Frank Vogt spent several days in Chicago visiting his cousin, Mrs. A. M. Krause. Mrs. Earl Townsend and son, Darnell, spent Sunday in the Peter Stadfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townsend and son, Burnell, were Grayslake callers Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and •children expect to leave for Oregon for a trip by auto. Mr. and Mrs. George Benwell spent the week end at Racine, Wis., with the latter's parents. * _ Mrs. Ruth Townsend spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Harvey at Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and family of Wauconda spent Sunday at the Albert Paddock home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beitze) and children of North Chicago visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Molidoi*. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stadfleld and son, Donald, of Wauconda were callers at the Anna Stadfield home. Miss Larena and Olive Jepson are spending a few days with their cousins, Lisle May and Ruth Huson. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Jepson and family of Ringwood and Rev. Lordahl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson. Rev. Lordahl leaves this w eek for Holland, Mich., where he will spend two weeks. The pulpit will be filled by substitutes while he is gone. Mrs. Bernie has left for an auto trip to Yellowstone park and southern Canada and her daughter and family of Maywood are with her. Mrs. B. Walking ton and two sons, of Black River Falls, spent the week at the Lew Lusk home and attended the graduation of her son, David, at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker of Libertyville, Wm. Edwards, Dr. Robert Edwards and Miss Alice Bacon of Waukegan were Sunday callers at the L. A. Huson home. There is an ice cream social planned for Friday evening on Bert Paddock's lawn, for the benefit of Volo M. E church. The money will be used to pay for the linoleuih. The Volo M.®E. ladies are planning to thoroly clean the church and varnish the floors and to buy "battleship" linoleum in the near future. This will be a much needed improvement. They are planning to give some social for the benefit of same. Joe Vogt was pleasantly surprised by his brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces, the occasion being his birthday. A pleasant evening was spent and refreshments were served. The Volo Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting and election at the home of Miss Mary Stanford last , Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Emma Huson and Miss Stanford delighted the audience with several solos and duets, after which the election of officers was held and the following were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Howard Converse; assistant president. Mrs. Lew Lusk; vice president, Mrs. W. C. Dillon, and secretary and treasurer, Mrs. L. A. Huson. The retiring president, Mrs. D. V. Waite, has very successfully served as head of the Volo Ladies' Aid for the past two years to the work and she has given freely of her time and strength Many thanks are due to Mrs. D. V. Waite for the work she has done. After election a most delightful lunch was served and all left after a pleasant afternoon. Go to Nye'a for gifts. ;i/h ;*!V •Jii %• THE ADVANTAGE OF POISE ^ Steady loss of nervous energy turns pleasant people i^^ fit able makes them want to be alone--really holds them back. Poise is a powerful advantage, correct ?lasses will leave you calm--free--stronger. They win hange your outlook. They will leave your naturally happy forces free to take you forward in work, home *nd play. Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, III. Every Evening from 7 to » except Saturday. ' Afl day Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p. m. Main office. Waukegan. I1L The Quicker, Easier Way SAVE the time and trouble of dictating* a letter--avpid waiting three or four ® J days for a reply to come through the mails. *TVIE problem ^ Turn to your telephone jf the Illinois Bell , , , ana settle the matter quickly and satisfactorily by direct conversation over the Bell long distance lines. , Telephone Company to-day is the one of growth. To take care of demands for new service we must build new plant constantly and this requires new capital in large amounts. To obtain such capital requires assurance of satisfoctfHryreturn. * [ Whenever possible use the station-to-station service and take advantage of the lower rates. V r: ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One PtoUdjr • One System • Universal Srrstof The Great Atlantic l Itt lea (duply Largest Retail Grocers in the World GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. We are offering below the following Specials in appreciation of your past patronage, and as an offering for our customers to be. Lay away a supply for future needs. Campbell's BEANS CHS 25c GOLD DUST uiartcncE 23c Milk 3 T.r 25c P. & 38c White Naptha BAB Campbell's ALL, SOUPS CARS i FIG FRESH BARS baked 2 * 25c Prices Effective Fri. & Sat. The Great Atlantic - cific Tea Co. ?¥•>' v>i. " Wife W 'i-• '