Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1925, p. 6

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f y g p r ' ; r 7 - £ , \ • sg^:'4 . *; > When yon are contemplating buildf, lng of any kind call on or phone 9S-R, i Wm. G. Schreiner for insurance. McHenry, III. S. J. FOWLER, D.C. s' *: •" <• ^ v."'- Palmer Graduate ^ CHIROPRACTOR Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1 Hrs., 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. Phone 158 ; BrefeM Bldg. W. McHENRY, ILL. Insure- In Sore-Insurance ••• -• • • - WITH - Wm. G. Schreiner J ' Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE f'• v • ' ' -9 v Phone M-R McHENRY, ILL v SJM GRAYSWINANDLOSE f fo* SLOCUM LAKE The Bobb Studio for portrait* and dak finishing. 5-lt 3. j. Burnett was a business ealler Chicago last Friday. „ Myron Hughes, Jr., spent the waek d with friends at Qvrnee. Arthur Wacker iw spent the Fourth ith George Eatuyar near Waucond*. E. Brooks and son afternoon at Mcto Sevic. No hits, no runs. STATE LINE: Dundee, batting for1 Mr. and Mrs. VI Britz, rolled to Raasch. Edgar was^ent last Fridaj thrown out by Gross. McClellan was lenry. hit by a pitched ball and took first.! Mr. and Mrs. l|arl Johnston spent Phillips out, Gross to Raasch. No hits, no runs. The tabulated score: McHENRY R Rosier, If i Gross, 3rd b ....... 1 Tornquist, 88 ... .0 Kern, 2nd k . . , . . , . . 0 Kinpsley, < Ropers, rf Repas, cf Raasch, 1st Davison,; p ,1 ..I . .0 ;..i\ .2 TO 1 1 1 8 :-'7 0 1 18 X0 Shop P. J. LANDT Furniture repairing and made to order Refinishing and Antique'Work a Specialty. Phone McHenry 57-J t-' I' mi BROTHERS Lwg Distance Hanling Good Service at all times Careful and Obliging Phone 204-J McHenry, OL «' DRS. M'CHESNEY & BROWN (INCORPORATE) DENTISTS D< J. W. Brown, Dr. R. M. Walker I' siabliahed over 49 yeara and -•till doing Buaineaa at old atand Pioneers in First-Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask Your Neighbors and' <• Friends About Us S. E. Cor. Clark & Randolph 143 N. Clark St., Chicago PHONE CENTRAL 2047 Daily K to 5: Sundays 4 to II STATE LINE/ McClellan, <Sf Phillips, rf .. . J, DeVorak, 3rd b : Williams, 2nd b•; Heideman, c . \ . Seiberlich, 1st, \f Sevic, ss Brits, If ..... Edgar, p > '"t" 8 = It 1 ...1 0 ..\.l 8 .. .0 0 . .0' . 0 27 PO '• i : 2 :'.2 ,'2 '5 2 vh i> s 0 * 1 1 0 e Fourth with tqe latter's parents at auconda. Mr. and Mra. H.!L. Brooks called at E undelein and Gilmer last Tuesday Ofternoon. - 0 Miss Frances Dairis spent the Fourth Ohd Sunday at thei home of her sister, 4 13 TP 14 Dundee batted for Britz in ninth. Score by Inninga McHenry 0 0003220 0--7| Mr. and M State Line 00031000 0--4jpent Monda; irs. Earl Converge. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Grayske visited at the G. J. Burnett home Bt Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Little of sear 0|blo were Saturday afternoon guests the Blomgren home, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and two tildren spent Fridays evening on isiness at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks spent iturday evening at the Darwin Brown 0 >me south of Wauconda; 0! Mildred Hoffman and Mrs. Elvira ^krrell called <j>n Mrs. Ida Darrell at 3 f auconda Saturday evening. 0 Mr. and Mre. H. L. Brooks were Ofunday dinner .guests of Mr. and Mrs. --Pilbur Cook near Wauconda. 4j Mr. and Mfs. ri. L. Brooks spent fuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. [ouis Rohm a 9 at Barrington. s. Jack Geary and son evening iat the Henry IPIPK A >r. : • '* / > *' j"' - ' • '•( v Finis^ "mS" G0UNGIL PROCEEDINGS OFFICIALS MET IN RBGUT' LAR SESSION MONDAY Council Room, Joly 6, 1928. wf The city aldermen met in regular session with Mayor Wattles presiding. Sq Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Goodell, Hughes, Overton and Perkins. M< The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and apsp proved. The following bills were read, and th approved by the finance committee: Thos. P. Bolger, paint, boiled a oil, etc $ 8.00 10.00 15.00 I^Dr. Hyde West, X-Rays Left on bases: McHenry, 7; Statejchaffer hoirfc at McHenry. Line, 6. Double plays: Edgar to De- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were Vorak to Seiberlich; Gross to Kern tohisiness callers at Barrington and Mc- Raasch; Kern to Raasch. Struck outlenry last Thursday afternoon, by Davison, 5; by Edgar, 6. Bases onj Mr. and Mrs. Henry ^Tinkler and balls: Off Davison, 1; off Edgar, 4. Hitkiss Fern ferantham of Waukegan by pitched ball, McClellan. Three basebent the Fourth with their parents hit: Williams; Two base hits: Wil-jere. liams, 2. Umpire, Dane. Mr. and M^. G. L. Granger of Crys- - M Lake werdj Sunday evening visitors If you reside in McHenry township j1 the home of the former's parents your legals belong in The Plaindealer.iere Dont' let anyone tell you any different. Mr., and Mi*. Wayne Bacon and two Our prices for legals are the same asjhildren of Crystal Lake spent any other paper Henry county. published In Mcthe Ray ? • -m met* Fluff and Rag nrs. b. rorr Ruga made to order PHONE 162 WEST McHENRY. ILL ' -Jfilass, ( • Of^Dl'P i-.V.' Lv • 4 r 7 K c.A J My spectacles and eye glasses are tnown all over America. Thirty years experience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make all repairs. Absolutely guaranteed. [ Dr. a KELLER, Optometrist and bptician (Chicago Address McHenry, 111. 8407 N. Paulina St Phone 167 Phone Graceland 9640. --We carry a 1'ne of- Chicken Feeds AS FOLLOWS: GRAINS--Corn, cracked corn, wheat, barley, kaffir corn and buckwheat. Ready mixed scratch grains --course, medium and fine. Laying mash, baby chick mash, grit, oyster shells, meat scraps, bran, middlings and Red Dog floui. We do not deliver and our prices are made accordingly. McUfdfy flour Mills West McHenry, III. eek end with Mr. and Mrs, owell. 1 Willard tiarrell and daughter, yrtle, motored to Chicago last Wednesday where the former transacted usiness. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Westergard nd daughters of Chicago spent the eek end at the home of Mr. and Mrs llie Grantham. William Johnston, Earl J.ohnston, E. Brooks and Otis Phillips were Usiness callers at Grayslake last onday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son lied at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J Zimmer at McHenry last Wednesiy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Baseley and iughter and three sons of Fremont >wnsbip spent Sunday afternoon at ie Joe wowell home Me. aa<LjMj:il- Fred Hoelscher and 5 Wisconsin authorities are complaining that many motorists of that state are driving over the Illinois-Wisconsin state line, filling their tanks with taxfree gasoline and then driving back to their own state. The Wisconsin law makes it a misdemeanor for a Wisconsin motorist to wilfully go across the line, buy tax-free gas and then go back and use Wisconsin roads? The minimum fine is $100. The most strenuous complaint comes from Janesville, Wis., although a similar condition probably exists at Beloit, Waukegan and Zioi^ III Woaiiu Afraid to Eat Anything "I was afraid to eat because I always'had stomach trouble afterwards. Since taking Adlerika I can eat and feel fine." (signed) Mrs. A. Howard. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Removes old waste matter from intestines and makes you feel happy and cheerful. Excellent for obstinate constipation. Bolger Pharmacy. OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS THE NEW CRYSTAL DANCE PAVILION Grafton Park on Crystal Lake FINEST DANCE FLOOR IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS " - ' • - Music by Beljean's Famous Orchestra. Electric • Piano During the Week. ADMISSION 10c |m Patting aid Guttata 10c PER PANCff F. L WELTZIEN, Prop. • N, J. Justen, Oak gloss, etc.... U,|r. D. Wood 6 Co., Hydrant / h<i parts 7.t0 7fVett Bros., sidewalks 122.20 8p McHenry Flour Mills, pipe and j)* lathe work * .. 12.50 jWorthington Pump Machinery ^ Corp., supplies 166JO B^Nap Lezotte^ labor on w. w. .. 30.00 Nap Lezotte, labor on w.w. .. . •, 12.©':- Western United Gas & Electric Co., May gas bill --...... .65 Henry W. Ahrens, sidewalks.' . • 247.50 t^J. Worth, auditing books ....... 25.00 L< Larry Huck, gas and oil 12.00 A. H. Schaefer, express, freight dl and drayage 61.48 Jos. Engeln, labor on hydrant, engine, etc. 35.23 80 Public Service Co.,- street lighttl, ing for June 148.85 P. J. Schoewer, labor, supplies 3.10 to Nap Lezotte, labor on w. w 42.50 trDr. N. J. Nye, health officer sei^ice '. 1IMK> Vi Geo. Bohr, health officer servte ice 15.00 at John Pufahl, health officer service 15.00 h< Public Service Co., street lights for May 148J0 tc Public Service Co., power for elec. pump 45.00 al Chi. & N. W. R. R. Co., fght on g. car of oil 259.60 It, 111. Bell Tele. Co., calls 4.10 R." P. Conway, receipts books, a) postage, phone calls and M supplies ti Walter Donavin, labor as city plumber .. 71.10 L Mrs. B. Joos, rent of property tl for detour road 25.00 eg Jacob Justen, arm chairs 35.70 Lj Weil-McLain Co., supplies 50.65 Marriott & Mils, printing bonds 145.80 AfGeo. Meyeri, labor on streets.. 96.P0 MM. J. Freund, labor on streets.. 50.00 w Wm. Simes, services as Supt. of w. w 25.00 John F. Brda, labor and supplies 26.40 t« McHenry Band, services for vi June v 80.00 John Walsh, marshal services j for June 116.00 John Walsh, services at sewer lift 15.00 Henry Quinn, services on da? tour road 8^00 McHenry Plaindealer, printing 186.00 Henry W. Ahrens, sidewalks... lrf.80 Marriott & Miles, printing bonds 58.05 F. M. Malsch, services as special police 12.00 Knox Motor Sales, supplies... 8.00 Public Service Co., popKPr for-- electric pump ........... 64.00 Public Service, power ....... 2.50 Ben Hiller, services as speclfl police #«,r'0 John Brda, supplies ~ Peter Pirsh & Sons Co., sup... 14,60 American Mexican Refining Co., road oil 290.32 Motion by Doherty and seconded by Perkins, that the reports of the treasurer and collector be accepted as read. Motion carried. ! Motion by Frisby and seconded Kv Doherty that the city of McHenry c< i operate with School District No. 1 • for the purpose of locating boundary lines and surveying for property lin< > of their respective parcels of real estate, to employ surveyors and take a< tion to establish titles if necessar. Motion carried. | Motion by Overton and seconded by Doherty that the city clerk notify the Public Service Co., and the Illinois Bell Telephone Co., as to meeting with j their officials in regard to moving the poles on Main street, Riverside Drive , Green street and in regard to combin ation poles on Riverside Drive, Wau kegan road and balance of Main street Motion carried. j Motion by Hughes and seconded by Frisby that the city purchase a 64 ft : tower for drying fire hose and also to mount the siren at a total cost of $13i» Motion carried. j Motion by Goodell and seconded l»y Perkins that the ordinance relating to improvement in paving District No. 5 be passed as read. Motion carried, j It was moved by Frisby, second* d by Hughes, that the city council as | point Darwin Granger as special p» lice at a Salary of $10.00 per month. J Motion carried. j It was moved by Frisby, seconded by Doherty, to adjourn. Motion car ried. F. H. Watties, Mayor. IL P. Conway, Clerk. '^NUAL APPRROPRIATION k ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois: Section One: That there be and is hereby appropriated from any money that is now or may be hereafter in the City Treasury of the City of McHenry not otherwise appropriated the following sums of money for the purpose herein specified to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1925, viz: For Salaries ...f 6,500.00 For sidewalks 2,500.00 Jj For streets and allays ...... 9,000.00 For water works For public property For payment of anticipation warrant For special assessment expenses, including engi- : neer's and attorney's fees and other fees.... For paying public benefits in special assessments .... Engineering ... Fire protection fund For contingent fund ...... Section Two: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, approval and publication accord inpr to law. Approved: F. H. Wattles, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Conway. , Passed: July 6, 1925. Approved: July 6, 1925. Published: July 9, 1925. 4,000.00 12,000.00 7,500.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 Plaindealer ads bring results. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Numerous arrests have been made by local police and state officers at Crystal Lake for violations of the motor vehicle laws. While playing with a rifle, Frank Kazemour, a young lad of Wauconda, was shot through the leg. Ifo serious results followed. Ed. Prouty of Hebron fell from a ladder while descending from a silo, one of the rounds on the ladder giving away. He was badly shaken up but no bones broken. ^ Police of DesPlaines have a mystery to solve. A Cadillac touring car was found last week abandoned in the forest preserve at Rand and Ballard toads. The body of the car Was full of bullets holes. It had an Indiana license plate but it is believed to be a tuse to throw off the police in identifying the car. The engine number was also filed off. Later the car was found to have been stolen in Evanston May 29. The date for dedication of the new Methodist church at Hebron has been set for Sunday afternoon, July 12. Lightning struek a barn on the Ttfi* othy Sullivan farm, two miles east of the Catholic church in Hartland, Friday night. The barn was completely destroyed. The farm is operated by Thomas Rafter. He was just retiring when the crash .came. The whole second floor was a mass of flames in three minutes. An entire business block at Elkhorn, Wis., was destroyed by fire Thursday evening of last week, with a total loss estimated at $100,000. The postoffice, Elkhorn Novelty Store, Sprague opera house, public library, Christian Science church and E. H. Sprague's law office were gutted. The S. J. Schmidt cream factory was badly damaged. . : Quality Grocers Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry, 111. Why a National Tea Store? The thrifty housewife can buy more GOOD GROCERIES for her dollar than elsewhere; not the few items advertised l^jit all merchandise at money saving prices. Every article is plainly marked. Cleanliness is the rule and not the ex-, ception. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: MILK Eagle Condensed CAN 17c Shredded Wheat 2" 19c Macaroni <>. Spaghetti-- 3 ^ 25 c Baking Powder Calumet 1 lb. 29c Am. Large Home Bottle (5c Refund for Empty Bottle) 17c targe Package 24C Pickles American Home Sweet Gherkins 38c Coffee cBiSd° Pouod 40c Salmon ChmookT-l^s 17c Hires' Household Extract 18c PRESERVES National Brand All Varieties 16 oz. 28c Peaches Del Monte No. 2 Can 19c APRICOTS Extra Fancy in. Iv Evaporated «/t/v Jar RubbersPetDm- 7c FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES

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