When yoa itc eont ing of any kind call oneci] Win. G. S^hreiner ©Mf McHenry, 111. I-R, itoorMice. RUB* made to order I'HONE 142 WEST McHENRY. ILL lisnrt -Iii Sore--Insurance WITH Kone 9&-R NRT, ILL olstering fttriiit repairing *»-V 'V? iDT made to order ioue Work cHeory 57-J KUNZ Careful ROTHERS Htnling all til Phone 204-J McHenry, E DRS. M'GHESNEY & BROWN (INCObPOBATB) DENTISTS Dr. J. W^Browo, i&r. R. M. Walker Established over \l year* and nillyMlte Buaineaa\at old ionee Clsss oui LenS PHO; CENT rally 8 Randolph Chicago L 2047 9 to 11 ;; I i* h'1 c. ?i?rri : 4 07 \ . -'1: My apet Uc>a and eye glassee are a»wn all over America. Thirty years experience testing eWs and grinding glasses to order only-XW^ make all repairs. Absolutely "TELLER, and Optidaa (Chicago Ad< 8407 N.. Paulina St Phone Gracelapd 9540. rtMratostta m the^City of HatiM is Hereby Given to all persona toUiMted that the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County. Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made for the improvement of PEARL STREET from the westerly street line of Park Avenue (being the western terminu* of the present existing pavement in Pearl street) to the easterly street tin* of Green street and from the westerly street line of Green street to the easterly street line of Ringwood road, and those portions of Court street lying within the street lines of the said Pearl street and not included in the roadway thereof; GREEN STREET from the northerly street line of Elm street to the southerly street line of Wash ington street, and those portions of Pearl street and Broad street lying within the street lines of the said portion of Green street and not included in the road way ^thereof; and WASHINGTON STREET lying between the easterly and westerly street lines of Green street extended, and that portion of Green street lying within the street lines of the said portion of Washington street and not included in the roadway thereof, by draining, grading, curbing and paving the road thereof with either a Portland cement concrete pavement designated as Type "A", or a Portland cement concrete pavement designated as Type "B", all in the said City of McHenry as provided for in and by an Ordinance passed by the City Council of the said City on July 6, A. D. 1925, and approved by its Mayor on July 6, A. D. 1925, entitled, "An Ordinance for paving a portion of Pearl street and other streets in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois," the ordinance for the same being now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of McHenry, and having applied to the * U A R T f A C B W t r ITEMS CUFRM DEALERS OR II that tfe* _ up. Reports river was gron»- Fears were be Fox river was stated the water ta ing k ;s each mar. It was Named'i* the extensive increase in the drainage of the km lands along the river and its tributaries. The river was at its lowest point in history. F. W. Jeneks was given a surprise party on his birthday anniversary, July 6 Miss Mabelle Sayler, daughter of D. E. Saylor, received many line orders for partings, she having acquired a splendid reputation for her work. The burning of St. John's church at Johnsburg was selected as one of her subjects and was a very artistic produc torn. at ykiree «|ived Mb of the HI received examination. Albert HoUy, a k announces tfrcenta. Super as at Colo- Hie the batter Governor visor W. E. associate National rado Springs. Hie improvement gested the cans" drive around PiSftakee The Fox Lake Y*wht~clab was to begin a series of aftenKM*<*rd parties ifor ladies to be held iiiilildy. TO THE PEOPLE OF tf ? f McHENRY COUNTY TWfcr to greatly hWor y«i in the capacity of Judge of your County Court, w hieh position' I consider is the most important of any in the entire coanty and while I have lfrtf*many intri cate and important eases b?fore me, in every case and in everything that has come before me as your Judge, I have discharged Bay oAeial duties without fear or favor, and to the very best of my ability ami judgment. The recent returning of an indictment against former State's Attorney V incent S. Lumley and myself by a grand jury of this OOVnty, in which we are charged with a conspiracy to have perjury committed in behalf ef the state, on the trial of one of over thirty indictments that were retained against Fremont Hoy and Clarence Hoy, over their bank failures at Ringwood and McHcnry, might cause some of you to feel that pextiaps your cosfioMMe hs me had been misplaced by the voters so electing me twice to the important 0®ce of Judge of your County Court, and if there are any of you that feel that way, I only ask that you withhold judgment on the matter till the true facts can be brought out on the trial of the indictment mentioned. The particular criminal case in which it is charged we conspired to have perjury committed in behalf of the prosecuton, was the case of The People of the State of Illinois vs Fremont Hoy and Clarence Hoy, in which they were both charged with securing from Truman Adelbert Abbott, now ef the V illage of Ringwood, $20,000.00 in notes secured by a trust deed on the Abbott farm, by the use and by means of a confidence game. On the trial of that case in our Circuit Court before Judge Shurtleff and a jury, the Hoyp were defended by Attorneys William L. Pierce and James M Huff of Belvidere, and Attorney F. B. Bennett of this city, all vary competent attorneys, and after a trial was had, the jury returned a verdict of guilty against both of the Hoys, thus finding them guilty of using and operating confidence game on Abbott in so securing his notes and trust deed. A motion for a new trial was entered by the attorneys for the Hoy*, but apparently , some arrangement or understanding was entered into, as later the Hoy's mo- County Court of McHenry County for j tion for a new trial was withdrawn and thereupon Judge Shurtleff sentenced an assessment of the cost of said imboth the Hoys to the penitentiary in accordance With the verdict of guilty so provement according to the benefits and assessments therefor having been made and returned to said court, which assessment is divided into ten (10) annual installments bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum; the final hearing thereon will be held on the 27th day of July, A. D. 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. or as soon rendered bv the jury, and about the same time Judge Shnrtlaff also sentenced Fremont Hoy to the penitentiary on another case in which a jury had also rendered a verdict of guilty against Fremont Hoy, and the two sentences against Fremont Hoy were ordered by Judge Shurtleff to run concurrently Later about thirty other indictments against Fremont and Clarence Hoy, with some against Joe Holly were all stricken off from the Circuit Court docket i>y Judge Shurtleff, With the returning of the conspiracy indictment against Mr. Lumley Kind myself, we thought that our Circuit Court and the State's Attorney of thiscounty would be more than willing to give us an early trial so that the people of this county would soon know whether their former State's Attorney and - * V Quality Grocers Cdtf/Green and Elm Sts., McHenry, 111. •I'"*-! , y_*V. " ****"*f Safety in Buying , ... , their County Judge were guilty of conspiring to have perjury committee) ... thereafter as the business of the court j ^rjai 0f the case mentioned, and soon after the returning OT the Indictment will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 9th day of July, A. D. 1926. FRED A. COOLEY. Person appointed by the president of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois, to spread said assessment. Wt * Plaindealer ads bring McHenry, m. Phone 167 -We carry a I ne of- SPECIAL F e LOWS f. ains ine. chick shells, midd accordingly. Mills David R. Joslyn, Sr., and Charles T. Allen, as our attorneys, earnestly asked and even demanded of our Circuit Court (Judge Earl D. Reynolds of Rockfor.l, presiding), that Mr. Lumley and myself be given an immediate trial, but o our surprise our present State's Attorney announced to the court that he mu t have further time to prepare the case for trial, and thereupon our Cirru t Court, against our earnestjprotest, postponed oar trial until ine day following Labor Day, which will be Tuesday, the 8th day ef September. If I could have had a prompt trial on the indictment mabtloned, I would not have issued any statement to the people of this county at this time, but since the caae has been postponed until September and as long as I am a servant of the people of this county and holding bv their grace, the official position of County Judge, many of my friends insist that I should at this time issue a statement to the people of this county It must be fresh in the minds of every reader of this article that less than one year ago, a malicious and unjustifiable attempt was made in the dark to bring about the disbarment of Mr. Lumley and myself, and if the been successful, it would have precluded us from ever again practicing law and also prevented us from ever earning another penny for our families or ourselves oy the practice of our chosen profession. I wish every reader of this article could fully realise what it would have meant to Mr. Lumley and myself if the venomous attempt to disbar us from ever again practicing law had succeeded. The result can only be imagined by every reader of this article stopping to think what it would mean to be prevented from ever again resuming their present work, vocation or profession. - I well knew the source from which the disbarment proceedings emanated and it was then and still is, a wonder to me how two persons that have each held high offices in the gift of the people, could stoop so low as to try through a false report made to our Circuit Court by Attorney R. K. Welsh of Rockford, to unjustly seek the disbarment of both Mr, Lumley and myself and thus totally cut off forever our only means of supporting ourselves and our families. The committee of five eminent lawyers that were called upon to consider the charges so made against Mr. Lumley and myself (called the Grievance Committee of the State Bar Association), of which Circuit Judge Arthur W. DeSelm of Kankakee was chairman, after considering the answers filed by Mr Lumley and myself, dismissed the false charges so made against our professional conduct without a hearing and without our having to present even one witness in our defense, and as we both think, the charges were dismissed on the ground that it was the dirty underhanded work of a certain politician of this county and one other person, whose joint purpose could onlv have been hatred and revenge with a malicious and unjustifiable intent to forever eliminate Mr. Lumley and myself from county politics which is exactly along the same line that the politician mentioned recently used against Attorney William M. Carroll of this city and former County Sheriff but now County Treasurer, Roy J. Stewart. _ ^ u. For some time before the returning of the recent indictment against Mr. Lumley and myself, we both knew that plana were being laid to try and secure some kind of an indictment against us, and that in furtherance of the plans, meetings were being held at i < u«} «« -v-ww --- •>. were present, and if anyone want* to know more fully of some of the efforts that were put forth atJthese meetings^ to aecure^evidence .oji .^ch^to^ iadict cian above referred to, at which AttoroeyR Attorney Pouse, Joe HoUy of McHenry. (1"20_ ^ with Fremont and Clarence Boy over the McHenry bank failure), and others . . . » r e f t also indicted severs! times TOURING $200 will buy my Studel Touring Car in good rui Pout coraXires, run only al This is a splendid ba>fcaiii for nnv0£^*6ntmsr an opes car Reason for selling^- purchywfla closed car ana intended to make truck outoTthif one. Change in business prevented this and there fort^aave no use for the open car. ^ Think of it f. lor $200. Par. bankable n Phone 80-M or 80-,WTT a JJtudebaker Special Sac cash--balance on good WM. PRIES '%• :] Mr. Lumley and myself, they have only to ask Truman Ade^ert Mbott or George Stevens, (both of Ringwood) as to what was said to Mr. Abbott and the way he was treated at one of these meetings to which he was t«ke,V^'j8 same Joe Holly, as it was apparent that a strong effort was being m^Je to get Abbott to say something that would in some way incriminate Mr. Lwnlejand I^avlf no idea and cannot even guess, how or when. I incurred the great displeasure, enmity and apparently the deep hatred of this woutd ^ Czar of this county, but I utterly defy both him and his colleague Attorney R. K. Welsh of Rockford, and I hereby say to both: "Keep right on as you have been doing. Go your full limit. .Pursue me just as long, as far and as hard as you both can, and I will be with you at the finish, but why not come out in the open in place of trying to stab me In the dark with a smoke screen around you. P. m Search my entire record of over forty years as a practicing lawyer of this and adjoinii^countieSanded methods an(j your futile attempt to keep under cover are despicable beyond description and you are not in any way fooling the. people of this county. Your conduct is already justly receiving the severe censure and just condemnation it deserves from every person who believes in a sqjiartMieal^ (or to be exact), in 1918, this same Attorney R. K. Welsh gave me a letter of recommendation, which I stiD hold and the following is an exact copy * "R. K. WELSH, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Rockford, Illinois. . ' >i-C., T° l,at p..«d I h.ve « Barnes attorney of Woodstock, Illinois, very intimately. During that time 1 have kept in rather close touch with his work. His home county and mine m th^o^myUarm'us intaru-e with Mr. Barnes and my knowledge of his work as a lawyer, it affords me pleasure to say without nfinois* VH& strong, able and efficient lawyer^ one of the best n minoi^ HUH standing at the bar has always been very high. He is an lnatfaugaDie worxw and I have never known a lawyer to excel hun »« this Above all this however he is on the square ; he never rewrts U, dirty Dracttoi Mr. Barnes' practice has extendedoverand through all ofttecounti»or northern Illinois and in his w >vk he has been fJJJfJLIi 'by him would necessarily follow because of the togh^rade <* and his extreme industry. I can not recommend him too feigniy. Yours very truly, r r WELSH.** ' Will the readers of this article please observe that the sboveletter of I Welsh was written after I had been in the active practice of law for over 30 yeaiThe returning of the present indictment against Mr Lmntey and myself did not greatly surprise either of us, so all we ask of the People of this cwinty at this time is to calmly await the trial of our case and .when true_fact» are brought out on that trial, then pass a fair, honest and impartial juagmen* on the entire matter. . , . _ Dated at Woodstock, Ilk, this 15tbMay of July A- D. 1926. • ^ Very raspectfully yours, •' "V rCHARLES P. BARNES, Countv Jadce. 5|The National Tea long kg#! adopted a policy (not a mere catch phrase) •of "Satisfaction Guaranteed" in every sense of the word. Therelore when you boy frt a Niriontl Tea Store you have the assurance that you will get completely satisfactory, higti quality merchandise at prices always con§istentli Iowt M FOR FRIDAY D SATURDAY: PEAS Am. Home Sifted Post Toastiesx 2 ^ 17c 2^250 Catsup Snider's ,arge >otue 25 c Peanut Butter RaspberryBeverag Am. Home Fruit Jars. uarts ozen National 25c Brand Jelly Tumblers1 Parowax p«c ; ? Doz. "all 36' CORNED BE1 Libby'f f irton f- 09c 1 lb. can 24c OLIVERS 50c JELLY ure Grape or Currant 9 oz. I5C No. 2 1-2 can 48' M Ajax Brand 1 it m 25c FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES .';Xj '•M .it. J-1. ; 2* , : • • :• '4-' • ' •"4fe fs • Jp '$it JK ^.v t* hS J VJ :• *" "v.. -AL'l h?*-' '• S:;- w: -v 'v ^ -: Sf* • '.A *. mL. . » r " j