WKMB ftt&ii Vij " * S • * ? ? * r f . . . , £'i.'.r ' ; ; i .*^^*vsyE"^, • " /' - '. • *„. !>'*• ,rf "A»••">w-', :y rS.-.;' i'1'. First Grand Prize •"Vv- Nash Two-Door ,Sedan '•'••X:' •.;# ""' Purchased of Stffling's dtarage, McHenry Second Grand Prize--Ford Touring Wa Purchased of Knox Motor Sales, McHenry ffi'i' hi: j$' pi' Don't Hesitate Start Today Vfhtm jroa are considering the best time to enter the big contest, remember that •Tomorrow, Today will be Yesterday," and even a single day's handicap may give {jmadvantage to a less able contestant than yourself. T> Tbf man who invented the phrase "The Psychological foment," furnished a mighty good excuse far the procrastinator. Some people* have acquired the bad habit of Jraiting for this mythical moment before they start things. They expect to come §pon them with the beating of drums, and the blowing of trumpets. When an op- |k>rtunity comes, the first moment is the psychological moment! This campaign is a way to get the latest model of one of the finest cars on the market * Without the expenditure of a cent of your money. Simply suggest to your friends that by subscribing to this paper they can help you win this fine automobile, and JQU will find them more than ready to assist you. Contest Opens Today Closes Sept. 17tl| •Hp* How to Enter Contest Bead in your nomination. You will 'Had on this page%a nomination blank "#nt is good for 10,000 votes which W*m joo a Has start Then enlist the aid of your neighbors and Mends. Use your telephone. Let everybody know that you are a CftmSdate before they promise to help a more enterprising candidate. t-You can get votes and subscriptions Abywhere from the other districts as tdl as your own. Votes will be given on new nib* aariptiona and renewals of old acriptfona. It is easier to ask questions «arrect mistakes. Do not hesitate to «k questions. Call or send to this office for a receipt book. Tke Contest Manager will be glid to have you call so that he can explain anything you do not under* stand. Telephone or write to him if yvu cannot call, and a representative will give you lull details. Ask your friends to help you. If -you belong to the church, society or any organization, let your fellow members know you expect their help. It will be freely given if you ask for it before it ia given to some other candidate. Should your father, mother, sister or toother or friend belong to any organisation, get them to secure votes and assistance of members of the organization. Don't let a day pass without securing some subcriptions and votes. Steady persistent work will make you a winner of a valuable prize. Keeping everlastingly at it 8UC" ENTRY BLANK -3 FiM Out and Mail or Bring to THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Contest Department. Write natne and address Plainly. Enter your name or that of a friend. Good for 10,000 Votes Mr. Mrs. Hiss Addroas (Street or R. F. Dj City or Town V. Only one entry blank will be credited to any one candidate. • irULATIONS Subscriptions to be taken for The McHenry Plaindealer. Vote credits will be allowed on subscriptions secured anywhere. Candidates are not restricted to any section in securing subscriptions. salaried employee of the -above per or any member of his immediate mily will be allowed to enter. Candidates may nominate thenir •elves or be nominated by a friend. Jrhe oonteat manager reserves fight to reject any nomination the Votes will be allowed on new and reaewal of subscriptions to the above paper and coupons clipped from this yaper. Vote credits are not transferable. In cases ef a tie fer any of the prizes, etok candidate will receive a prize identical with the one tied for. No statement or promise made by any solicitor or agent, varying from the rules of the oontest and regulations as published in the above paper 1|ill be reoognized by the management In case of typographical error, it ia Understood the management will not be ifesponsible, except to make necessary to A list of oandidales and the number ft votes accepted for publication will published from time to time at the ion of the campaign manager. Active balloting will start at once and continue up to the close of the campaign. •11 active candidates who do not receive a prise will receive a cash commission of 90 par wot on new subaeriptiona. Any tfcnt may arise will be settled by the Contest Manager, and his dedstoA will be abeohite and final. The Contest Manager may at his discretion, add to the prizes nan** | Everybody Wins--No Losers a plain business proposition The contest offers you an opportunity to make your spare time earn you more than you could possibly earn' at ordinary work. a candidate and with a little effort you can earn <Mt atfa<msahti doHars far weefcs' Krertc. Start today for you will receive more votes now than later, ar every yearly subscriptMB turned ia befure July 30th will count 60,000 voles. List of Prizes 1st Grand Prise--Nash 2-Dooi Bedan, Value $1,375.00. ; 2nd Grand Prize--Ford Touring Car, $426.00. f FIRST DISTRICT4 1 ' 1st Prize--Console Style Talking Ma- "chine, Value $150.00. 2nd Prize--Console Type Talking Machine, Value $160.00. v SECOND DISTRICT 1st Prize--Console Style Talking ¥Ur chine, Value $150.Q0. 2nd Prize--Console TypeTalkiniUkchine, Value $150.00. 20 per cent commission paid to those who fail to win a prize and remain active throughout the contest. 1 Tear, $2.00 2 Year, $4.00 * Year, $6.00 4 Year, $8.00 . . . « « . « i . * « • » . . . . . . . . . » . « . . . '. .. .. !*( J : •' f-*. » tp **? ; * > • ' * • • » £ • Ux# e'il ^ .f ;• *\* • • . e eee • • e'W1 Ve'^e e e e » • • 50,000 Votes 110,000 Votes 170,000 Votes 270,000 Votes 6 Year, $10.00 370,000 Votes 9Phe above schedule is in effect until Thursday, Aug. 13th, only. Every .? Subscription should be turned in before 8 P. M. of that date as there will < be a drop i& votes received on subscriptions. f THE MCHENRY PIAINDEALER i This Paper Each Week Joy Details oS Campaign f 'a.-'? . T '. ... .. . J, 1 - ?<( , . . -//foil'* •• \ t > y * • :