ipspppfpppip *«* mammmmmmm fc"..' n.*? • »',t & ••-•pi , ' V * ,AU2iTIC: CMr PEE30NALS jfthar Bickler of Chicago passed the week-end in the home of Mrs. Hdina Heimer. Jacob Schaefer and J. Schneider visited Mrs. Schaefer Sunday at the Kenosha hospital. George Thelen and family of Milwaukee visited his cousin, William Bonslett and family'Sunday. Charles Reece and children of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Wafter Donavin. •** " «. ^v,* <s^ . ~*te *L. • ^ \^ ^ "f r y , » •% j, r t Vi*" ;»-» * -* -« -ys »-»jrx - * ' » * < * - „ t < ' ' ' Mr. aKMirs. Harr«y Barron and] Mr. and lfx>» £• Petarson ware Lake Geneva ffaHtors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Meyer and son, Donald, were guests of the former's parents at Palatine Sunday. I.!r. and Mrs. A. Winswall and son, Austin, of Chicago spent the week-end in the bene at Me. and Mrs. Henry Dowe. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers and children of Elgin spent last week with Mr. Meyers' father, George Meyers, of this city. Mr and Mr*. W«rr>«r «*d daughter, Ethel, of Chicago ww* visitors in th« John S. Freuad hnm last wwk. Mr. N. €. KMa and daughter, Mildred, spent last week visiting relatives and friends in Chicago. Miss Mayrae C. Donahue and Miss Anne O'Niel of Chicago are spendinf the week with Miss Elisabeth Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and children of Pistakee Bay and Mrs. Margaret Wallace of Chicago were Saturday evening callers at Rusael Turners. „ $«.0» and ^2* 50 Illinois 1 SURPLUS STOCK SALE & Saturday, Aug. 8 Having1 purchased the entire grocery stock of the Slater's Meat market at a sheriff's sale, we are going to offer this to our trade at very attractive prices on Saturday, August 8. * The canned goods offered are all fresh stock, bat these prices willindicate that we tauffbt the Sunbrite Cleanser, >•&":, . per pkg ...-ip-lx* "Savoy" Table Sal|t 3 lb. bag •»«"• ••••••'. ft Mustard Sardine* Large can it "Savoy" California Sardines 20ccan 12c "Savoy" Kippered Herring 20c can 12c "Savoy" Cocoanut 4 oz pkg . . . . . . . . . . . . lie "Savoy" Spaghetti 12ozpkg... 9c "Savoy" Noodles 12 oz pkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c Hard Wood Tooth Picks * per pkg ......... Apple Butter Heinz "a, - 35c size f^.....».•##•*...»..... ttipe Olive# 3 oz jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 10c Prairie Brand Mustard . jar' .» 7o Imported Sardines in pure Olive Oil 20c value 12c "Sawy" Tea, Green and Blade . 4 oz pkg . 18c Heinz's Pork and Beans (a small lot) 15c cans ..... 11c Heinz's Mince Meat ^ ' per can 22c Good Luck Evaporated Milk per tall can 8c 12c •c Clover Valley Peanut Butter 1 pound can, regular 35 c q u a l i t y . . 17c Sweet Relish per bottle .......,......... * 3$f "Savoy" Catsup 30c grade, per bottle 21e "Good Kind" Catsup 18c bottles ^. lfle "Savoy" Pork and Beaii| per can ««* • • •« Campbells Pork and Bean* per can . Van Camp's Pork and Beans 3 cans for 23c "Savoy" Plume 40ccan* 27c Buster Corn Starch 1 lb. pkg. 9c Argo Gloss Starch 1 lb pkg . ^ . . . . . . . . * . . . ' . . . . . v . . - f . 90 Jello, assorted %vori; 3 pkgs . . . . v ,. . 29c .Postum Cereal J 1 lb pkg .. .22c Instant Postun| * r , ^ ^ / small sixe 2% Marigold Jelly^-"iXi-i>:t^4«i,Ti, . per glass •....;.... ll Jap Rose !^Est So^^ 2 bars 15c Rex Lye ^ v 2 cans for Quince, Fig and Plum Jam 1 lb. jar, 35c value.. . ............ 23c P & G Laundry Soaji per bar 4c Rub No More White Naptha Laundry Soap, per bar 4c Lux : '• per pkg 10c Gloria Toilet Soap .#• per bar 4$ Jap Rose Toilet Soab per bar .1 8c 25c PHONE 154 WXST McHENRY Mrs Jca Guth and son?, Edmund and Wa.ter, war# Gundey callers a', the home of Mrs. Laura Kent. Mrs. R. O. Davis and little son of Joliet passed the week-end in the home of her mother, Mrs. Catherine S toff el. Mr. and Mrs. I. Ritter entertained over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schick and Mr. and Mrs/iLouis Ratishauser of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saylor and children of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Will Saylor were Sunday guests at George B. Frisby's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shalley and Miss Irene Huff returned" to their homes in Chicago Sunday after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. Misses Rowena Hoffmeister and Caroline Miller of Wilmette were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Schueneman entertained as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schueneman and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Schueneman and daughter, Audrey, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Elfers and children of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Wente and children of Crystal Lake, and Mrs. William Dunker of Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. WilKam Tesch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussin and daughter, Jeanne, and Mr. and Mrs. Craig,' who have been spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, returned to Chicago Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. William Karls and children and Mrs. Jessen of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Karls and son, Bobbie, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mrs. Mary S. Powers entertained as guests in her home Monday morning Mrs. William Tobin of Chicago and Mrs. J. H. Kelly, daughter, Josephine, and son, Garl, and Miss Margaret Powers of Russel, 111. Mrs. Harry Van Giles of Joliet passed several days last week with relatives in and near McHenry. She was accompanied by her daughter, Wilma, who had been spending several weeks in the home of her aunt, Mrs. George J. Schreiner. Mr. and Mrs. Geprge C. Steilen and sons, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher, Mrs. Aicher, Mr. and Mrs. William Heimer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bickler and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hoffman, Mrs. Heline Heimer and son, Leo, spent Sunday with relatives at Paddock Lake, Wis., near Kenosha. The following were guests at the Gruenfeld home over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gruenfeld, and Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Pihlfeldt. Dr. and Mrs. Pihlfeldt were delayed in reaching McHenry due to a very important consultation with the Justice of Peace in Libertyville. Said consultation being arranged by a kindly motor cop. done, should the contract be awarded -to him. Aii bidders will examrns th« Ordinance, maps, plans, profiles ano specifications and also the locality in which said work is to be done and judge for themselves the surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting the cost and nature of the work. Hie successful bidder will be required to enter into a bond in the sum equal to one-third the amount of such bid with securities to be approved by the Board, conditioned for the faithful performance and execution of the work. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois, reserves the right to reject any and all oidi. as authorized by law. Dated at McHenry. Illinois thy 30th day ot Jnly, A. D. 1926. & F. H. WATTLES^ r ROBERT J. FRISEPf. R. I. OVERTON. - Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois. An opportunity to save money is offered at Erickson's Dept. Store, Saturday, August 8. Reduced prices to move surplus stock. Read the ad in this issue. Have you seen the new Kent Model 20 Compact Radi Knox mvtur Sales ? Poena and our salesman will ealL Have your films printed and deve!> oped. Good work done quick.--24 Boitcr'i Drug Store. Now is the time to can We have a supply on hand. Joe J. Miller. * »-lt NOTICE OF PROPOSAL FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of a local improvement consisting of the i paving of part of Pearl Street and other streets in the City of McHenry, Illinois, as provided in an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE" For Paving a Portion of Pearl Street andi Other Streets in the City of McHenry, j McHenry County, Illinois," will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois, i until the 18th day of Aug., A. D.1926, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock a. m.: (Central Standard Time) in the Coun- j cil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of McHenry, Illinois, at which, time and place said bids will be pub-! licly opened in open session of. said { Board and publicly declared. The! plans, profiles and specifications for, said improvement are on file at the! office ot the City Clerk in the said City of McHenry and at the office of the Engineers, Wells Engineering Company, Geneva, Illinois. All proposals or bids must be made on blanks furnished by the said Board of the City of McHenry, Illinois, and must comply with the instructions to bidders thereto attached. Said blanks may be obtained at the office of the City Clerk or at the office of the engineers. All proposals and bids must be accompani ed by check payable to the order of Frank Wattles, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois, in hiB official capacity, certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten (10) per centum of the aggregate of the proposal. The contractor will fee paid in vouchers and bonds which will bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum, payable annually. No proposal will be accepted unless the party offering them shall furnish satisfactory evidence to the Board that he has the necessary facilities, ability, equipment and finances to fulfill the conditions of the work proposed to be CITY f HvovEmn#r IF you rented even a tiny flat in the big cities, you would find it equipped for a hot water bath any time of day. City folks demand it. But town folks can have ifc YOU can have it for a sum so small in proportion to the comfort, that you will be surprised. A HUMPHRY HEATER in your basement with a tiny pilot light, is all you need to make your bath as comfortable as the city man'8 most elaborate system. Easy to install, nins itself and pays for itself in comfort. Ask us about it. Western United Gas and Electric Company C. B. Co 111B*. Dirt. Mar.. Efeia. Ill- •mmm "M \ V/ ^ . # * * V * 4 T . . - r S J v e i r ^ i n o t i e y t o i r t i n w l trlal-You are judge and jury. , • Don't be soft hearted toward those delinquent dollars, but sentence them to hard labor for you in the bank, turn them into diligent dollars that earn you 3 percent. The more you sentence to hard labor, the sooner will your burden of work be eased. Harden your heart towards your money. Keep your fair share to toil for you. They can't get away from you at West McHenry State Bank "The Bank That Service Built" McHENRY f. 4". ^ V*;.? > & ^-a "Goody! It's Ice Cream!!' - The favorite dish of the nation is Ice Cream. And in this territory the favor- * ite dish is McHenry Ice Cream, because it's made with pure, rich cream and flavoringa, Serve Ice dream often. It's good for children and grownups. Doctors recommend it. • 'i |Vhen you say Ice Creaifi, forget to also say McHenry im McHENRY ICE -CREAM CO; McHenry! Illinois m ^ " r '