g f : RINOWOOD W. R. Gtdding visited with Hebron relative* Sunday of last week. Mrs. Rwmii Sincerbox and Mrs. Dora Smith of Woodstock and Mrs. Minnie Hutson of Rockford spent Monday afternoon, August 3, in the William Kelley home. Dick Lauson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lauson and Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of EEUlg riinn were recent visitors at the home of William McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, were Hebron callers on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young were Woodstock visitors on Monday of last W66k* Mrs. Cora Walters of St Charles, Ma, and Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of North Crystal Lake were recent visitors in the Lewis Hawley home. Frank Walters of New London, la., visited relatives here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young were Sunday afternoon callers at Woodstock, August 2. Henry Heimer of McHenry called on his daughter, Mrs. K. M. Bradley, on Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welcome, daughter, Marguerite, and son, Ray, spent Sunday in the Charles Carr and Charles Stephensen homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughter, Shirley, Frank Walters, and Mio. D. C. iiacon spent Sunday, August 3, at Rjckford. * Bert Sutton of Solon visited in Ringwood Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E| Kelley and daughter, Betty Lou, of Belvidere spent a few days recently in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of McHenry spent Tuesday afternoon in this town. Bane Olson and Mr. Firpo of West Chicago spent Wednesday of last week in Ringwood. Miss Mabel Noble who has been visiting her aunt, has returned to her home in Keystone. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson spent Tuesday of last week at Woodstock. Mrs. JameS Savior and Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of McHenry spent Tuesday afternoon in the Frank Hitchens home. Mr. Reidel of Woodstock was a Ringwood caller Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kelley and daughter, Betty Lou, and Mrs. William Beth and daughter, Cora, were Thursday afternoon callers in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown motored to Janesville on Thursday, and Mrs. Brown will remain at the hospital there for some time. Mrs. Clay Hughes was a Tuesday afternoon caller in Ringwood. Bert Sutton of Solon spent Tuesday RTHSHO LINE To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the"loop." Lv. McHenry 655 am Lv. Grays Lake &08 am Arr. Waukegan 8:50 am Arr. Chicago 1022 am Arr. Milwaukee 1035 am 11:45 am 3.-00 pm 7:00 pas 12:28 pm 3>43 pm 8:13 pm 1:10 pm 4:25 pm 8:55 pm 2:17 pm 6:27 pm 10:22 p«B 2:19 pm 5:27 pm 10:30 pm Qdcage Worth Show A Milwaukee B.R.C* McHenry Hone McHenry M I TICKET J ( OFFICES | North west era Hotel McHenrv 45-R Good Lighting* Is Your Best The belt Informed merchants everywhere are learning that better lighting means more business. Under better light customers see your goods more easily; the merchandise is much more attractive; your sales people tire less and sell more. The cost of better store lighting is insignificant ^compared with sales >esults» Estimate of FREE Without charge to you we will gladly show you how your store lighting can be improved at a low cost. "We will give you the facts if you name the time. No obligation. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS H ' r; I 101 Williams St., Crystal Telephone 280 mornfn£ in Kingwood. John Thennes of McHenry vu a Ringwood caller on Wednesday. Lewis Hawley and Allyn Bradley spent Thursday in Chicago on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Ed. Warswick of McHenry. Mrs. Krohn is spending several .weeks wth her daughter, Mrs. Irving Walker. Mr. and'Mrs. James Ladd entertained relatives from Iowa last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and two daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinz of North Cnstat Lake. Miss Marian remained for a few days' visit with her aunt. v A Bake sale was held at E. C. Hawley's store on Saturday, August 8. Harold Jepson, who has been assisting his uncle on the farm at Volo, has returned home. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Charles Carr on August 12. Mrs. Walter Harrison and son, in company with her sister from Grays- Lake, are motoring through the East. They will visit Niagara Falls and other points of interest. Misses Dorothy Peet and Mildred and Lorena Jepson are enjoying camp life at Des Plaines. Jesse Allen of Richmond was a Friday caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Biggers and Mrs. Bernard Kearns and children of Chicago passed Thursday at Joseph Young's. . _ . : Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday evening at "Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller spent Wednesday evening in McHenry where they attended the Band concert. Mrs. K. M. Bradley and children spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Martha Bradley of Woodstock. Clark Huson of Elgin is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Chancey Jepson. Miss Bernice Smith is visiting her cousin, Mrs. B. T. Butler, of Chicago. Mrs. Marede Deffenbaugh and daughter, June Marie, of Chicago spent Sunday in the Lawis Hawley h°Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson were Saturday callers at Woodstock. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Charles Carr on Wednesday. S. W. Brown spent Wednesday at Janesville. Glendale Each, who has been visiting his grandfather, Edwhird Bell, has returned to his home in Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughter, Shirley, spent Saturday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Allen of Chicago spent Sunday in the Frank Hitchens home. . . Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the week-end in the E. C. Hawley home* Marvin Holmes of Woodstock was a Ringwood caller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughter, Shirley, spent Sunday after noon at Twin Lakes. . John K. Ottner of Spring Grove spent Monday here. Mrs. Jessie Smith and daughters spent Monday evening in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson and family were Sunday evening callers with her parents at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schrc*d« and daughter, Jessie, Miss Ellen Hall, ana Joseph Laurence were out of town visitors Sunday. Miss Mary Nimsgren spent the week-end with Spring Grove relatives. William Coales passed the week-end with his daughter. Mrs. Alec Andersen. Miss Jane Gould of Elgin is visifang her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon for a few daya.r John Thennes of McHenry VII a Ringwood caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Beth and daughter, Cora, were Sunday evening callers in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley spent Sunday in McHemy. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughter were Sunday afternoon callers at New Munstor. Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Alden spent Sunday in the Frank Hitchens home. Mr. and Mrs. Stephensen spent Sunday at Hickory, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Merchant were Sunday visitors in Janesville. Mr. and Mrs. O. Lawrence and family spent Sunday evening at Lake Gcqgva* W. R. Giddings passed Sunday with relatives in Hebron. Mr. Rouboctom of Bristol, Wis., spent one day last ^eek at Ringwood. SLOCXJM'8 LAKE Ray Dowell was a business caller at Lake Zurich recently. Mrs. Mae Pfannenstill spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Carl Ohrwall, at Crystal Lake. A1 Staples of Evanston visited at the G. J. Burnett home from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, were business callers at McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and daughter, Lillian, were Spring Grove and McHenry callers Sunday afternoon. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent last Wednesday afternoon at Oak Glen farm. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Harry Matthews who was her guest until Thursday evening. Mr. andJMrs. Joe Dowell and family ent Ruiraayafternoon with theFred Dowell family in Fremont to? nstiip. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crabtree of Elgin and Mr. an J Lhc. R. H. Grantham of Gary were Sunday afternoon and sapper guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Ollte Grantham. I Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick of Chicago; spent the week-end at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Volo spent Thursday evening at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children of Crystal Lake were Sunday evening visitors in the Ray Dowell home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harry Francisco of Wauconda to Lake Geneva Sunday where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent Friday evening with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs. Elvira Darrell, Mildred Hoffman. Myrtle Darrell and Gladys Gardner of Grand Island, Neb., motored to Des Plaines Saturday where they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Max Misner. Raymond Van Natta of Elgin and Raymond Cyr of Montana spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett Miss Frances Lundquist of Kenosha, Wis., and Miss Laura Blood were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.*L. Brooks.* Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Archie Wallace in Fremont township. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Volo spent Saturday afternoon and evening at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Peck at Kansasville, Wis. Mrs. Robert Kirk and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell spent Wednesday afternoon at Grays Lake. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the Darrell-Matthews home. She also called at the Blomgren home while there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk were business callers at McHenry last Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter and Miss Frances Davis attended the minstrel show at McHenry Sunday evening. Mrs. Jack Geary and son returned home Wednesday from visiting relatives in Chicago. Her sister, Miss Helen Bernier, returned with her. Misses Mildred Hoffman and Myrtle Darrell were Crystal Lake callers Monday evening. Jack and Heniy Geary and Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago were Saturday morning callers at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis and daughter, Frances, and their guest, Edward Davis, of Winnona, Minn., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. The employees of the Public Service company of Crystal Lake held their annual picnic at Slocums Lake last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son and Miss Helen Bernier attended a show at McHenry last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son and Helen Bernier called on friends at Long Lake Saturday. Miss Bernier remained for a visit before returning to Chicago. Mrs. Harry Matthews while visiting at Crystal Lake last Thursday accompanied Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rowley and daughter, Adelle, to Woodstock where they attended the pavement dance. The community was saddened Saturday morning by the sudden death of Harold Blomgren who was seized with heart trouble early in the morning. A second attack followed which resulted in death at about 11:15. Fjaneral services were held at the Federated church at Wauconda Tuesday morning and the body was placed in a vault at the Forest home cemetery in Chicago. This death is made sadder by the absence of Mrs. Blomgren who is spending the summer with her mother, sisters and brothers in Sweden, having gone there on account of the ill health of her aged mother. She will not be able to return before September fifth. G. J. Burnett wa* a business ffallor at Waukegan Monday. Hard on the Englialt A Scotchman got a position in a large commercial house in Londbn; a friend, meeting him shortly afterward, asked:' "Well, hew are you liking England?" - _ "A11 right," he replied. "But how do you like the English?" "Oh, weel," said the Scot, have na' met mony of the English y$t. Ye see a' my dealing are wi' the heads o' the departments." Second-hand pianos, sewing machines and phonographs at Nye's Music Store. 10-lt i, We wish tofumouncea large reductron in the price of 321 %t4». .' -at* Sets and • The new Moddt 20 Compact is a wonder. Phone or write fo^ a free demonstration in yoijr own h/ima, AH Makes of Radio Setts Repaired "• -? '• ; • Tubes Rejuvenated all Types, $2.50 ^ ' o. • "Tfoffli Can't Btty Better Performance^ Any Prio*?J KNOX MOTOR SALES X Phone 30 and 31 Exclusive Atwater Kent Deal&rs McHenry - -I#**. Have you seen the new Atwater Kent Model 20 Compast Radio at the Knox Motor Sales? Phone or write and our salesman will call. 10-lt A small investment in a classified ad in the Plaindealer will pay you unexpected dividends. \ DO YOUR GLASSES WORRY YOU? you SHOULD NEVER KNOW you're wearing eyeglasses. If your glasses make you nervous and ^ _ * ma_ « Dr. Henry Freund,|Optometris| Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111^ 1 B*trylEvtnlnt boa 7 to 9 except Saturday. A»*vJr >WW* « 4* a»id"« yi to 9 ». at. Mala office, Waukegan. 111. Thousands of tons of coal given away! ^ Bead about the generous free coal offer in • - tilts week's "Saturday Evening Post" or "Country Gentleman"--then stop in and let us give you th§ details of the local Heatrola Free Coal Club that's forming here at the store. It costs only $2.00 to enroll, yet membership Ipngs you: . , 1. A ton.of coal--without cost to you. 2. An Estate Heatrola--delivered whenever yon wish. You can complete payment on easy, convenient terms. Estate Heatrola is the new-day way of home "heating. More efficient than a furnace, easier to operate, and much easier on the coal supply. It looks like a handsome mahogany cabinet, and is installed in one of the living-cooms--wherever there is a handy flue connection. + Thousands, in every section of the country will banish old stove bother this winter for Heatrola's comfort. Come in--learn all about this modern heating plant. Let us give you, toq the full particulars of our generous Free Cfeftl -•SMhi^HIII I I l^fV' Telephone 87-W" , McHenqt ;.