w SOLON MILLS oxjrfi* * N. H. Newell and Dr. Warran New- ..«'!» of Bur!in?t-n Wis. were Thursday ri'.'iiuEg v.-,-- d ai the Geurge Vog«l .Jiome. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and laughter, Isabelle, of Johnsburg were sunday callers in town. John Boyle of McHenry was ft Sunv__ _flay caller at George VogtJ's. • Miss Genevieve Peterson, mother i< *nd cousin of Harvard were business tallers in town Monday. . The Social Wheel was held at the Jome of Mrs. Reuben Turner Wednesay of last week. It was well attend- The next meeting will be held at Irs. Wade Sanborn's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowen of Harvard Were callers in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Fannie Overton, and in ths C. L. Osborn home. Genevieve Petersen of Harvard was a caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. . C. L. Osborn and j daughter attun-'?d Mrs. Bonslett's fn- ' neral at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. English and two children of Chicago are spending the week in the W. Geisur home. Mrs. Art Aubert and daughter, Elaine, of Chicago, who have been spending the past few days in the home of Mrs. J. S. Gibbs, returned to their home Saturday morning. Mrs. Clarence Aubert of Chicago is here for a two weeks' vacation in the Mary Aubert home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beall and childert of Algonquin spent Thursday in the home of Mrs. Mary Aubert. r • » . . . . . . . . . . MANY great undertakings dt; today had their start in a small way. Any number of* men who are wealthy today started life, *tfth little or no money, The progressive bank recognizes this, and' welcomes new accounts no less ~ heartily because they start small. The moderate account of today may be one of the. largest tomorrow. fcAnd because to every child everything is possible, we encourage children's accounts at our bank. It's because we realize that these accounts are sure to play important fMlrts in shaping tfteir owners' livfcs. A moderate deposit is all that is needed. It "will be the first step toward a reserve fund that will give the youngster the right start in life. We suggest that you start at least one child in the right direction by opening an account in his name. Sooner or later, he'll be sure to appreciate what -you have dime for him. And at the same time, why not open Ml account for yourself ? Fox River Valley State Bank The Bank that Helps you Get Ahead 4 M* f i if T I r ?• r » & .; ti r !• % ^ Lyle Jackson was a caller in the Fted Noble home at Barnards Mills on Thursday. t Charles Westlake and his force of men are doing mason work at Lake •• !*h t!vs v eek. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westlake, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley, Mrs. V. Aim and son Lester, and Mrs. Reno attended the minstrel show at McHenry Sunday evening. Lyman Johonott and friends drove out from Chicago and spent Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. E. S. Johonott. Mrs. Walter Cropley is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. S. W. Brown, who is ill in the Janesville hospital. Julia Theil of Chicago is spending her vacation with Lena Cropley. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hill of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests in the Reuben Turner home. Emily Cole spent Sunday at Crystal Lake in the home of L. H. Cole. Willard Foster of Waukegan is spending1 the week with Herman Schedma. W. H. Sanborn and wife and Mrs. Mabel Johonott and son, Sheldon, attended a family picnic at Button's Bay Sunday. Ben Johonott motored to Solon from Chicago Sunday. Mrs. R. I. Overton and daughters. Marguerite and Gwendolyn, were Saturday evening callers at Mrs. Fannie Overton's. Mrs. Jean Melzer of Northbrook returned to her home Saturday, after spending two weeks in the O. G. Shedsmo home. Lyle Richardson returned home from Chicago ThuYsday night, after spending a few days with friends. Mrs. Roy Smith and daughter, Evelyn, of Pistakee Bay were Thursday guests of Mrs. V. Aim. W. H. Gardner and family were Thursday evening callers on the Geo Sayer farm, No. 1, at Pistakee Bay. Mrs. Carlson of Minneapolis is visiting her brother, Victor Aim and family. James Overton of Elgin is here vis- >•" r •_ * i itiii :>v --We carry a line of-- Chicken Feeds AS FOLLOWS: GRAINS -- Corn, cracked corn, wheat, barley, kaffir corn and buckwheat. Ready mixed scratch grains --course, medium ana fine. Laying mash, baby chick mash, grit, oyster shells, meat scraps, bran, middlings and Red Dog flour. We do not deliver and our prices are madefcccordlngly. Mtlfenry Ftbur Mills \Y eat McHenry, III. ng W. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell were Chi-j cago shoppers Friday. j W. J. Overton and grandson, Jam<»s 1 Overton, were callers in Woodstock LV.ut.lay. W. H. Gardner and family, L. Overton and family, Bird Hodge. Lyle Richardson and Flora and Mac Weidrjch motored to Round Lake and had a picnic dinner in the Will Rowson home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Yanke and son, James, of Silver Lake and Mrs. Ella Anderson of Chicago were Sunday guests of George Yanke. Mrs. Cash Buckley, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Horn, son, Donald, and daughter, Catherine, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas IJffinger and son, Thomas, of Libertyville, were Sunday guests in the Pester home. _ Mr. and Mrs. Sewer of Chicago and Mrs. Bennet of Fox Lake were Sunday visitors in the Jack Pester home. Mrs. Wade Sanborn spent Wednesday and Thursday at Ringwood at the home of her mother, Mrs. Truman Abbott. On Thursday a' house party was given in honor of her sister, Mrs. Mabel Johonnott. The guests were old schoolmates of the two sisters. Edward, Emily and Florence Price motored tb Marshfield, Wis., one day last week for a visit with James Price r.nd family. O. G. Shersmo returned Friday from a business trip through Florida and Georgia. Irving Overton of McHenry called on his mother here Friday. A. Merchant returned Sunday, after spending a week with Avis Overton at North Milwaukee. Mr. i<nd Mrs. Linford Overton and daughters, Avis and Virginia, of Mil- j waukee xvere week-end visitors iu the; W. H. Gardner home, and Eunice and \ Ruth Gardner accompanied them home. They had been visiting in | the Overton home the past two weeks. Miss Vivian Shedsmo came very ] near losing her life last Thursday while in swimming at Twin Lakes. She was overcome by cramps and had gone dowivfor the last time when she, was rescued by her mother. j W. S. Brown of Rin>rwood called in the C. W. Cropley home Saturday on j his return home from the Janesville' hospital, where his wife submitted toj a very serious operation. I Mrs. James McCannon and children j of Woodstock were in town Saturday, i Her mother, Mrs. Ida Westlake, re-1 turned home with her. Mrs. George Vogel is spending sev-| eral days at Janesville, Wis., with her son, Edwin, and wife. Mrs. William Brennan returned home Saturday, after spending two weeks at Delavan Lake. George Vogel and daughter, Mrs. Brennan, spent Saturday evening at Marengo. Mrs. Edwin Vogel, who spent the week-end with relatives, returned to Janesville Sunday_evening. ! V' Henry Tonyan and son, William, and Louis Althoff boarded the train for Chicago Sunday to visit the former's brother at the Post Graduate hospital, j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and • children were guests in the home oli Mr. anJ Mrs. Joe B. Hetterraan S;:n-' day, alter noon. , Mrs. Ray Horrick of Woodsjbock spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Mrs. Catherine Tonyan visited at the home of her son, Henry Tonyan, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stilling and family of Volo spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, Mr. and Mrs. Joe J Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen motored to Holy Hill. Wis., Thursday. Bernard Althoff and William Tonyan motored to Milwaukee Friday. The Lady Foresters and Young Ladies will sponsor a card party Sunday evening at which a quilt will be given away for the benefit of the church. Ray Karnes* of Kenosha, Wis., visited relatives here Monday afternoon. Mrs. John J. Freund of McHenry visited with relatives a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and children of McHenry visited at the home of Mr. Freund's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Freur.d Sunday. Rev. John Schmidt of Aurora visited with relatives the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and ;h:Idren and Mrs. Elizabeth Laures of McHenry spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mr;. S. H. Smith. Barbara Althoff visited at the home of lie!* sister, Mi Peter B. Wagner, at last axj!; Ti.u.s l e y . William B. Tonyan underwent an operation at the Post Graduate hospi tal Saturday and is getting along as well as can be expected. Misses Colletta Freund and Dorothy. Baur spent last week at Chicago. Miss Pauline Freund of Chicago passed Sunday at her home here. Alex Adams spent Wednesday at Holy Hill, Wis. Theodore Guyser and family of Cicero were Sunday visitors at the Jacob Adams home. m'-m OSTEND No threshing was done 4iere from Thursday of last week until Monday morning when work was commenced at the Martin brothers' farm. Mrs. Anton Freund has been quite ill the past few days. Mrs. Maud Black and children were Sunday evening callers in the Hob Art home. Ed Martin of Woodstock, a former resident of this neighborhood, was calling on old friends here Monday. Roy Hobs rt spent Saturday ^ night 1 and Sunday with home folks, to his work at Elgin on Samtajr ning. Mrs. Fannie Spender of Chicago and nieces. Mrs. Millie Greenley and Mrs. B. Floyd of Woodstock, were Monday evening rallers in the Francis and lt.»ba! t hor. es. Mrs. Spencer foimeriyoccupied what is now known as the C. B. Durkee farm near this village. Miss Anna Francisco has been quite ill the past few days, having lust the power of speech entirely. The West Side Threshing Co. have finished all their work for the season. There are several good cucumber patches here and the owners are gathering; a large crop. Frank Answer 'W^'ffbest in a hotel phoned t#"1§ friend and got his Swedish maid on the line. He asked to have the friend call back later and, to make certain his instructions were understood, asked: "Now what ate you going to do?" "I bane gone to bed," replied the maid. Have you seen the new Atwater Kent Model 20 Compact Radio at the Knox Motor Sales? Phone or write and our salesman will call. lQ-lt Get your printing done at the Plaindealer shop. Mr. and Mrs. George ogel spent one day last week at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Randall of Chicago were Saturday visitors at Geo'. Vogel's. JOHNSBURG Mies Mildred Schaefer spent lest week with her aunt, Mrs. Elmer Schroeder, in Chicago. Mrs. Peter Miller and children and Mrs. Fred P. Freund visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling Thursday. Miss Dorothy Bauer spent a few days with friends and relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. William Tonyan. Miss Kate Pitzen of Chicago spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen. 1 IRONER1 DEMONSTRATION --at-- Carey Electric Shop ONE DAY ONLY <[ Onthe atKrve datea demonstrator be here to show you the Home Ironer In actual operation, proving what this wonderful machine can accomplish Easy to Control • Easy to Iron Easy to Buy r p Electrically heated, Takes so little space, Connects to base plug, Irons most everything, Costs less than by hand, and so easy to use. Gome to the Carey Electric Shop Saturday Watch the demonstration and get full particulars. Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry, 111 QUALITY GROCERS 'ifi • f 3 on sale 111 a National Tea Co. Store is carefully bought from reliable producers and subjected to careful tests at the time of purchase and rigid inspection upon arrival at our warehouses. For Your Protection! Specials for Friday and Saturday^ Shredded Wheat itr2 •z+Viih'i No. 2 can No. 3 can Paris No. 2 Brand quart Quarts dz. Pints dz. bint per LUX 23c \ T3 Crystal OVyili White SOAP ois RED KIDNEY Beans Sauerkraut CORN B & M Olives Fruit Jars Jelly Glasses JAR CAPS. 5? --22c ^ % % -4 ; -v'- Si JAR RUBBERS per di. 07c TJLL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES * - >,• - •; •# E'. .Mmdiu