Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1925, p. 4

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•rery Thursday at Me- Ita*f, lit, by Charles F. Renich. as second-class Matter at at McHenry, HL, under mm** **9*. 1879. Suhacriptioa Rat# ,...,**.00 ..... 1.00 rripEisr Editor and Manager ANNUAL financial sptate- MBNT OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER, TOWNSHIP 45, 8 E* IN M'HENRY COUNtf; flJLINOlS, FROM JULY 1, f inc. »• JUNE SO, 1925. Township Fund, t , Receipts ^ ' Cash on hand July 1, 1924.. .f 13.04 Bonds on hand July 1,1924.. 8,600.00 m Total IUU.M Expenditures Oash on hand June 30,1925..8 1S.04 londs on hand Jane SO, 1925. S,600.00 If rTotol .$8,618.04 Distributive Fund Receipts fiBcone of township fund ... .$ 158.00 From county superintendent. 2,534.87 1 *•"• DisrmicT is Receipts Balance July 1, 1924 Distribution of trustees .. From district taxes Other township treasurers. .$ Msue MSJO . 8*81.17 Total ,8 T30L75 Expenditures , School board and business office « • •? 68.35 Salary of teachers 1,750.00 Textbooks and stationary .. 18.0Q Salary of janitor «> 281.00 Fuel, light, power, waljp AaalLt and supplies • , 488.04 Repairs and replacement * 808.84 Libraries ' «25'S? NeW equipment 587.81 Balance on hand June 80, 1925 .... 4,096.81 Tottt m ,..f 7301.75 From district taxes . . Othertownship treasurers .f Balance on hand June 80, 1*25 788*14 890JO 886# „ • 726.64 DISTRICT 40 Receipt# ' ' Balance July 1, 1924 . .,,,4 87.44 From d$*trict taxes ^ 8.94 Total *8.38 Expend! tarsa Balance on hand June 80, ^ 1 .38 DISTRICT M Receipts , Balance July 1, 1924 Distribution of trustees ... . 41S.37 4,002.30 < 41.00 1,237.20 , Total ..*2,487.87 ^ Expenditures Incidental expenses of trus- " . • tees .$ 22.^0 r.' fVjr publishing annual stata- ^ • xnent 28.70 Compensation of treasurer.. 150.00 Distributed to districts 8^291.17 From district taxes ,. Tuition paid by pupils Co. St^t Total m • • j>V« a a'Ae.e| m a 9 ,649.87 Expenditures School board and business offlcc # •-« •$.•. 1®JW Salary of teachers . 2,431.30 Teachers' pension f u n d , 1 0 . 0 0 Textbooks and stationery Salary of janitor . , Fuel, light, power, and supplies ... Repairs and replacement » Libraries Balance oa hand June 80, 1925 Total : DISTRICT 41 Receipt* Balance July 1, 1924 ,, t,. From district taxes ..... 78.88 907.00 141.77 l^fcedster, A-l «ip$» uer:«il Has stattiMi shift 88(1. Lot 28, Orchard Reach. Phone AfcHefcry 643-J-2. 12 U% » wttt& WJWWm •mm- »|4^f WAXl^P--*Waitreas and cook. Crystal Cafe, Crystal Lake, 111. 12 JMWKARD - Lost, near Volo, on read to McBenry, on Wednesday, Ailff. 20, blue pocketbook, containing money and pin valued for old association. Finder please address Mrs. Inuik R. Fuller, 110 Chnrdi Road, Wihnette, Hi. Tel. Winnetka 197. 12-lt and John motorad to Chi ann. Hilar and son, st Ute home of Raper. (he week* and Mrs. ea*Q Friday. Mr. and children of Vi at the home Schaefer. Mr. and Me*. Paler Blake and famand daughters, - ^ «..• - Waited with relatiT- mdM+bl* Chisago last week. , JBJWr • AlDHA) of McHenry ware visitors Infre Monday. day. , . v.~. William Tonyan returned home from the Post Graduate HgMpital Monday*, ,W,;£ and is getting alonf tb|a. ^ Mr. and Mrs. jU# Freund snd - family of McHenry visited with MrJ^.: •| . and Mrs. Joe M. Schaefer Monday '• r> evening. x-:/ i ; w - ' - ' X Erickson's Department store haa s^::;;;^;1 ^ fuH line of school supplba'1 ih pencils, pens, etc. Get rsady nosai* for the opening day, Septemhw? lS-lti ' : ^; ;,r" ' li 180.65 291.75 267.98 454.92 11.60 fs V. Total .$2,487.37 Oiatriet Fond DISTRICT 156 Receipts July 1, 1924 $58,749.61 district taxes ....... 40,158.26 Sale or rent of school property 1,761.85 Itumiuice '^314.43 IMmbursements for voo#*'"- education ....»% . 1324.39 "Salatee From di Tetalr^. .$101308.54 School board and business office $ Salary of principal Salary of teachers Teachers' pension fund .... Textbooks and stationery** Interest on anticipation warrants ry of janitor .......... light, power, water e & J , a n d s u p p l i e s I • Repairs and replacement. v t' Libraries .* f ; ^ Grounds, buildings and alterations % * JvJew equipment .. .. **,. .... Interest on bonds fry Balance on hand June 80, mi"" 1925 Fuel, 5J988.4T TotA .$ 9,649J7 DISTRICT 86 Receipts Balance July 1, 1924 . .**,*.§•" 596.01 Distribution of trustees 108.76 From district taxaa ....... 789.62 Total ......... * *...... .$ 1,489.89 Expenditures Salary of teachers $ 675.00 271.27 2,100.00 9,869.15 45.00 1(878.42 94.87 1,526.77 2,156.11 471.80 203.53 55,935.64 6,613.67 6^265.62 18371.69 Teachers' pension fund .... Textbooks and stationery .. Fuel, light, power, water and supplies ............ Repairs and replacement .. New equipment ...., Balance on hand June 80, 1925 .... r *-»*** + • • * 5.00 82.52 8837 7636 81.00 515^4 Total $101308.54 ^ DISTRICT 16 Salanefr 3rfty 1, 1924 $10,518.38 . Distribution of trustees .... 1,196.25 From district taxes ... or rent of school property 12,962.37 , 829.97 Total Expenditures .$25,006.97 HH;;$cho°l Ixx^d and business Compulsory attendance .... Salary of superintendent ,. ^ Salary of teachers ........ Teachers' pension fund w# Textbooks and stationery lary of janitw uel, light, power, water and supplies pairs and replacement .. ibraries •rounds, buildings ajt> terations ew equipment .^.V £ Balance on hand June 8$, i -:: 1925 243.29 26.00 196.00 1.09 20.00 351.56 1309.07 L106J %281J 4039.30 779.79 --a 218.70 669.50 '*113.65 10360.02 ^ DISTRICT 87 Receipts Balance July 1, 1924 Distribution of trustees ... From district taxes .....< Other township treasurers Total .$ M8938 1,493.50 166.57 960.38 666.93 TfcHfl •a H «»« .$ 848.77 Expenditure* Teachers' pension fund ... .$ , $.00 Textbooks and stationery » W-05 Fuel, light, power, water • and supplies 28.75 Repairs and replacements .. -• 15.50 Balance on hand June 80, 1925 LOST--Brown Walnut Fox Choker, one-half atile north <xf Carpentersvilla, on Riv«r road, Monday. Reward for return. Call McHenry 71-J. • < t $500 REWARD, payable at West McHenry State bank, to anyone who can 290.47 Total $ 848.77 S. W. BROWN, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of August, 1925. W R. GEDDINGS, Notary Public. FORD ANNOUNCES NEW BODY >ve anything against Chicago or McHenry prove in Hall. st our character Mrs. Charles 11-lt* FOR SALE--Seven room house, bath, all modern improvements, one-half acre of ground. All kinds of fruit. Inquire of M. J. Walsh, West McHenry, I1L 4-tf FOR RRNT--A 200-acre farm, 1% miles south of McHenry. Apply to Mrs. Henry Xennebeck. 9-4t $ 8376.33 Expenditures Salary of teachers $ 1,120.00 Teachers' pension fund .... 6.00 Salary of janitor 10.00 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies 280.92 Repairs and replacement ... 67.30 Balance on hand June 80, 1925 .. .*^*'... • .$ i378.ll Total t 8,276.83 DISTRICT 88 Receipts Jaly .1, 1924 $ 1.1M.04 Distribution of trustees ... - 118.42 From district taxes 1,010.25 Totel $ 2381.71 Expenditures School board and businsi office $ 5.00 Salary of teachers 840.00 Teachers' pension fund .... 8.00 Salary of janitor 14.00 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies 87.37 Repairs and replacement... 80.80 Balance on hand Ju^p 80, 1925 >*.».» »•»* *.* ..*« *.... 1 1,529.54 ..-.v.. i\. «$v?ag|l 71 • DISTRICT 88 ^ Receipts Jt&y 1,19*4 $ 881,77 Body changes and chassis refinements more pronounced than any made since the adoption of the Model T chassis were announced today by the Ford Motor Company. There will be no advance, it also was stated. Outstanding* feati^es of the improvements in both open and enclosed types are lower, all-steel bodies on a lowered chassis, complete new design in most body types, a change from black to color in closd cars, larger, lower fenders, newly designed seats and larger, more powerful brakes. Longer lines, effected through higher radiator and redesigned cowl and bodies are apparent in all the improved Ford cars, but are especially pronounced in the open types. Wider crown fenders hung close to the wheels contribute to tha general affect of lowness and smartness. While runabout and touring car remain in black, the closed bodies are finished in harmonic color schemes, enhanced by nickel radiators. The coupe and Tudor bodies are finished in deep channel green while the Fordor is rich Windsor Maroon. Greater comfort is provided for driver and passengers in both open and closed cars by larger comjkrtmenta, more deeply cushioned seats and greater-leg room. Many new conveniences are also in corporated in the improved cars. In the runabout, touring car, coupe and Tudor, the gasoline tank is under the cowl and filled through an ingeniously located filler cap completely hidden from sight by a cover similar in appearance to a cowl ventilator. Onepiece windshield and narrowed pillars in the Tudor and coupe offer the driver greatly increased visibility and improved ventilation. Driving comfort is materially increased by lower seats, scientifically improved back rests and lowered steering wheel. Bra$ce and clutch pedals are wider and more conveniently spaced. Four doors are now provided on the touring car and two on the runabout, permitting the driver to take his place from the left side of the car. Curtains, held secure by rods, open with the doors. Most important in the mechanical changes are the improved brakes. The transmission brake drum and bands have been considerably increased in sise which gives the foot brakes softer and more positive action as well as longer life. The rear wheel brake drums are larger and the brake of self-energizing type. Cord tires are now standard equipment on all Ford cars. FOR RENT--Modern six-room ffat, electric lights, gas, bath, etc. Hot water heat. Sun parlor and screened rear porch. Rent very reasonable. Roy Kent, McHenry. 9-tf FOR SALE--Twenty-gauge LeFevre double-barrelled hammerless shotgun Tib is gun is just like new, having been shot less than ten times. Cost $35 with case and rod. Will sell complete for $20, Inquire at the Plaindealer office. tf-dh JOHN8BUEQ ^ * Si " *zki - < ' 5n John Schoen and family motored to Lake Forest Tuesday. Miss Wanda Smith of McHenry spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams last week. Mrs. Ray Horrick and Mary Horrick of Woodstock visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith, Thursday. ri Miss Rose Pitizen of Volo was a visitor here Friday. Mrs. John Regner and daughter visited at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Regner, one night last weelc* Mrs. Henry Nell and daughters, Ethel and Henrietta, visited with Mr. Mrs. Martin H. Freund Wednesday. Mrs. John Freund, daughter, Lillian and son, Edward, of McHenry, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen. , Mr. and Mrs. Pater Oefflirig and son, Lloyd, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Michels Sunday. Nick Freund of St. Louis is visiting with relatives and friends here. Math B. Schaefer of Chicago attended to business matters here. , - ^ „ -* . * 'jr&~L As,;- ling a touch of newness to vonr Bedroom is a happy ^Suggestion, as a visit here will prove. Dainty creations » pin full sets or individual pieces bring to your attention ||many economies in refurnishing your room to your taste. $k.W4 can furnish your bedrooms in French Walnut and Lmerican Walnut. Come in and look them over before iyin# ' , ,«'«•. a--'"" '> '* *" ** « - v .-tVn-.o- . V ' ' •» > .V*5-.- . uroiture and Undertaking McHenry, III. ^ Jacob Justen & % I m *• m t > tit00*' +4*%, , Hi. Hward, 111. McHeftfy, FOX LAKE and INOLE8TDE The Illinois Hotel was sold to Joseph Cfcien of Chicago for $45,000. Mr. Csaszar will build a bungalow and become a private dtisen. We wish Mr. Gelen success in his work. Mrs. G. P. Landry and daughter, Dorothea, were Chicago visitors last Friday. While playing around the depot last Friday, little Eileen Simms had a bad accident. She dimed up on a track and fell off backward. Dr. Rollins took her to his office and claimed she had a slight concussion. She was very much improved Sunday. The John L. Thompsons have built a dance hall adjoining the Restaurant. Card parties run by Mrs., Bassi e*ery Thursday for the benefit of the community house. John Engeln waa a Fox Lake visitor last Friday. Clarence Hether and Louis Mayers drove to Fon Du Lac, Wis., last week to buy a shooting gallery. They intend working all the fairs on the road to Florida. Mrs. Barbara Koeth has taken up permanent waving. Mrs. Peter Gendrich waa a Milwaukee visitor last week. .Mrs. Bassi entertained Mr. and Mrs. Louis ^Elfman Sunday. These areqjdeel Golf days, at least > thinks MrTPaulsen. The Jr., Koeths have a new Jewett. The Croppies are biting judging from the amount of fish the Dunww. ms bringing in. is tha job whan SsSTwS ** ^ Watts Bro- * very beautiful aubdi- Spark Plug won the first at lt®ng L»ke Sunday. Loaia Olsen, awner of the boat, U vary proudof his success. Yo . ytyt Oafc't CWl four Hpum UNLESS Ton Have A System for Supplying Instan^ •; ^ HOTWATik " We Recomend and Install HUMPHREY . . H|4T1R| Sea them at our office Western United Gas and Electric Company C. K. CoUISs. DIM. Mgr., Klata, III. BARGAINS . , ,!J School supplias at Erickson's De _ jpartment store. 12-lt * School days again, your boy or girl may need a jack knife, watch, hmch box or pail. Good selections ' at Bmtm* ^ We are prepared to take care of your work in this line, at moderate prieee, and quidc service. We als6 have a tailoring department and make up Suits to Measure $35 up Wa da avr via taileriac., - EVANS & EVANS Ffacat Door South of State Bank Woodstock,, m. Friday, Aug. 18 and Continuing Tuesday, Sept. 1 W« have Selected, for this event, a large quantity of merchandise which we are selling at marked price concessions. We are listing here only a few of the representative offerings.; Riegfer's 'Perfumed Talcum Powder, p per box 21# 10 bars American Family Laun Soap 'W$'s a .# a at-#' " 3 bars Palm Olive Toilet Soap . . 3 bars Jap Rose Toilet Soap 23a 23< Mennen's Borated Talcum Powder, per box -"I- 18^a : Hardwood Clothes Pins, fine quality, smoolli milled, regular 5c per doseft value, Speoial Spot Ught Sale Pries 8 dossa for Campbell's Tomato Soup, per can. 0^ < Van Camp's Pork and Beanfe 3 cans for Bulk Cocoa, splendid quality^ per half pound KOTEX--Regular 60c value, special Van Camp's Pork and Be; 3 large cans for . . . . . . . Taji Camp's Evapora|ed <Milfc 8 tall cans for sale |»ice, per ur 600 yams, Pkff. 39^ Van Camp's Evaporated Milk, , 6 small cans for 29^ : 29# • ! Peas, a full 20e value tor this sale, , per can 124^"' BROOMS--Broom corn has advanced more than $100 a ton in the last month. Because of a fortunate purchase we are able tfo offer a good fivesewed Parlor Broom for ... 49#. Regular 45c Whisk Brooms, each.25# Patent Mop Sticks, made to sell for ' 40c, Spot light Sale price, each. •5*:, 14-qt. Grey enameled Dish Pan, Spot . Light Special, each *** Pepperell Sheeting, 9-4 bleached, per yard 39# 42-in. Pepperell Pillow Tubing, per yard .. 28*# 45-in. Pepperell Pillow Tubing, per yard 29*# Everett Cheviot Shirtings, short lengths in blue and white and grey and white ftripes, per yard .. . .^rvv. r. -15# Tine assortment of silk stripe woven Madras Shirting, per yard .. -44# '•li • n#if SCHOOL SUPPLIES Everything In School Supplies Except Text Books uy&W school supplies early and in layge quantities we are able to offer larger "and better ta3et». smoother writing lead pencils, better pencil boxes and school companions and in every way more attractive school supplies than ever before. For effeer School time requirements, we are amply prepared witii a fine line of dress materials, shoes and hosiery for boys and girls and^lie many other necessities. m ?:0r :ff» ,m * • «pii--*~- Dept. ; tr.r. t3J?k . tf.? ^ PHOHS1M < ft; «> . i J?" -

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