**«« WW% V , WM y-x ,,,*.• s|jg£ . I •• •* ?^'- . m , ,*: rl - -'••sSr i-a .' 4 s?.jj! ri •• >-r .-<;*w,>; - ..»• »:('>vh.j. •-" * *r v 4v \^4' xr r<v.' '-V * h<7 *•---•• ••• --• •<•- **y$^ jf.j*'. . >, ^*w«K£V^ * rv,;./'75^ ffil ?•-.&. ;;T Kf- ' -;-^ .; Is *H x^i1, v^m ?v: : '*i?y* ^""t© tllC1 ». »• «•:>, -u: :v V„A -•* j ~t- s -:'• .a? • '•:•*& SUMMER PLAYGROUND FOR CHICAGO AND NORTHERN ILLINOIS Rent a Motor Boat and Visit the Famous Lotus Beds In Grass Lake ^JflFe run excursions every day in the week* l» leaving McHenry, Illinois, at 9 a. m. and 1 • 30 :: '-':i : hour.' M-.. I .^" •, V "fJ • '••'• ' •• *V'l 35 miles of beautiful scenery up the Fox f - River Valley through Pistakee, Nippersink /' i?- ^ Fox I Jtkj>a Rrmnri trip ^iU t «- - AKBi 60C. ~ i! A. ,... ,; . - \ .uK'.^-V' 'v:V" '• # -• - |?» •'••.'"*•'• . .V: V- v Picnic and Fishing Parties our Specialty. ¥•*$ BEAUTIFUL NEW MOTOR BOAT, GLADOLA. ' •/•••••- T Seating Capacity, 201^ A T. . *4 GOOD PLAGE TO EAT' We Make pinner Doubly Sis:^: .. -:|AVE THIS coupon- GOOD FOR 25c When presented at the Hnnter Boat Line, McHenry, this coupon is good for 25c on the purchase price of an adult ticket or 15c on a children's ticket. Bring this coupon with you. 10 The Hunter Boat Line Long Distance Telephone 7 McHetey. JH. Bock Bast End Hirer Bridge 1 McHenry, 111. -- The full flavor, the tenderness and savoriness of the highest grade poultry and beil make our • CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS- .• A thing to be remembered. J&ANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT with the famous POLLY PRIM FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA Enjoy i d|y in the beautiful river and lake region and have a bountiful dinner and pleasant evening at the jv POLLY PRIM TAVERii : ~~~T For Reservations Phone 133-W EAST END OF BRIDGE--ON ROUTE 20--M'HEMRY, w When You are Thirsty or Hungry^' '.i: where : i , . Karls' Lunchroom and Ice Cream Parlor Is Located " „ . . .. . - • • V •„ 'A '* , ' • LUNCHES/SOFT DRINKS, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, ETC, * .. ./vi" HOME COOKING U, . 1p .i Sf;-; <jp I*-."' * f HOME ANt) KARLf| t JOHN KARLS, Prop. Riverside Drure ; <v , Nepur Bridge " fz '.V s-:, : Fox '•* v. • - •" ^ ' -* Pavilion ifl CLARENCE NIESEN, Mgr. C "• •f ; . -rm- • • .4ps&• i 'x "\'\ ;Pf M) -'rl &' 'C<> •-V • * Home-Coming ancl n m£i 'i: J.'r. 'W- - It's •W 'h-w. * • -^LV ' : -f.'- Si- September 5, <6 and 7 Three Big Days and Jolly Evenings Dancing Every Night--Free Acts by High Class Artis|| Music by McHenry Band--Ford Sedan Given Away aj| Grand Prize iM 'v : ,1 1 yt Pistakee Fair Wednesday, Satnrf day and Sunday r .Evenings ?, • - J JIMMY'S SOCIETY ORCHESTRA One-half Mile North of McHenry Bridd>7 r.:,e«y %?w? Afternoon and Evening Satnrdiy, Sept 5 to be Given Away--Motor E^at Races Old Fashioned Dinner [ f , - t-u Don't t^l to come to JMcHeliry Cor these two big celebrations An Investment of Contentment to ' fvfr- '• A BWTALdt in Owen, Stenger and A11m§| or Mo&enry Oonntry Oltib Additions . Beautiful, high, wooded lots, good bathing, 3 ideal Location, one-half mile from town 'f':' Easy payments DON'T PASS US--BUY For the best bays and REAL Service sea KENT & GREEN | "REAL" Service . "«" 7. • opposite City Hall--M'HKNRY ^ ^ ^(llllLwi ' . .. mmmmmmmmm--m**** Bickler's McHenry House |.C. BICKLER, Prop. ^ On Lake Geneva, Delavan and Madism • Highways CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS A SPECIALTY Vegetables From Our Gardtol Satisfaction Guaranteed ' Homdike Atmo«|di«ra ' GIVE US A TRIAL Telephone 18 or It McHenry, 111. S* Fluff audi R«| Rh«« Made to ordM 1 •DC | MOO PHONE 1U 'J nao. •. rwr west mchknry. 11# g|.. KAPIN6 A SON Dndfinc Contractors Chuaels and SboMtHiildMl IagkrifeHL Ph-- Foe Ula IM K S. ;V, 1?6-W. BflMCHMtbld BitH ::.^V A. H. 8CHAEPBI Draying McHENBY, l " ' > iiw McHenry Upholstering Tyr'j . j,;^ j f '--^r;r\':; irff. Shop " j. lanitt Firtltura repairing: and made to order Refiniab{c^ and Antique Work a Specialty. ' •y®- ' • -'hp Good Senrtc* at d tlan ^ ^ireful Hid Obliging Ph«e 204-J Ncfldfy, ft -swusaraHsa.; •?. • % 1 "Alvome away froi&^o«|e" Justen^s Hotel ^FRED JUSTEN, Prip. p - Tourist and Commercial Metff^ HEADQUARTERS ^ Large, Well-Ventilated Beautiful Fox River We Serve to PJeaae and Are Pleaaed to Ser»^| You are always welcome here '• v//.; "it-,-' DBS. M'CtlESNEY It BROWN (1NCOBPORATS) DENTISTS Dr. I. W. Srawa, Dr. R. M. Wdkmr r«<afclfiT-"* •*« * fm** *** Mill doing SiMiacM «t oW Pioneers In Ftat-ClaM Deatistrjr at Moderate Ask Your Neighbor* «Od Friend* About Ue S E. Cor. Clark & Randolph 146 N. Clark St., Chicago PHONE CENTRAL 2047 Daily 8 to 5 Sundays 9 to 11 *• < •hiU I <lwav»tahoowof<edh ] far HEADACHES fold«nd Reoowunended By '-"f? Insure--II SSRE-INSwiice , . WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Aucticmeering ' <" • £ OTOC* AT'MSIDCNCB FbM«»-R McHKNRY. ILL V"' • • : 1« BERNHARD POTP V---7' Kspert Stapalsr i: : W«*k McHenry, • « '• ' W; Ttfephons No. 10B-B. •• .y*jm &• x/'v ^ ,t "' v " » 11 i;:: tm K,j^h' '""i-MSg 7;jr;f i. y a •f ",vg f li^' I;-. -'-41' •• ' & -5^,, -v- [,t\ t \ ' 4 v £* .1...» , _ • .iF # /• f ^ ^ 4; w 1 • ^ a |?;r ^ v;V ;V • I--iraacc agent for all daMM •# ^ property in the bed r----1.'- ;.) WEST McHENBY, :f •Miy