> 4 r RAPING ft SON Dredging Contractors ^ ^hanhels and Shopebuildetfr IngWde, I1L Phone Fox Lake 1K-M / \ 1as«re-la Sare -Insurance r? , . --WITHWm. G. Schreiaer / • Auctioneering OFFIGE-WTJ RESIDENCE ftoat fi-R McHENRY, ILL Telephone No. 106-E. Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agent for all classes' of : property in the beat companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS PSlon*lM-W. Reasonable Batpt A. H. SCHAEFER _ Draying ; ^ McHENRY, Ili^NOIS Upholstering RINGWOOD Shop (. LAND#" Furniture repairing and made toorder Refinishing and Antique Work a Specialty. Phone McHenry 57-J GEO, f. THORIfE CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR Phone 83-J Algonquin, Illinois DRS. M'CHESNEY & BROWN (INCORPORATE) DENTISTS Dr. J. W. Brown. Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 4S years and •till doing Butlneu at old stand Pioneers in First-Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices | Aak Your Neighbors and Friends About Us 8. E. Cor. Clark & Randolph ' 145 N. Clark St., Chicago PHONE CENTRAL 2047 Daily 8 to 5; Sundays 9 to 11 Miss Gladys Larsen of Elgin spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Larsen. Mrs. William Dusing and two children, Katherine and Raymond, of Volo spent Monday afternoon in Ringwood. Mr. .Fred Hinkle, Ed Firpo and Baine Olsen of West Chicago were Monday caller in Ring-wood. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Monday in Janesville, Wis. John Kottner of Spring Grove called in Ringwood on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon at Richmond. Andrew Butler was a McHenry caller on Monday. A number of Ringwood people attended the Ten Commandments shown in moving pictures at McHenry on Monday evening. Miss Mae Weidrick assisted in the Drug' Store, ,and Post office on Monday. E. J. Hansworth of Norths Crystal Lake was a Monday caller in Ringwood. Miss Byrd Hodge spent Monday and Tuesday in Ringwood." Mr. and Mrs. McCurry spent the week-end at' Becrjtoitic*, HL Mrs. McCurry will remain for a visit with her parents. Lisle Hopper spent Monday afternoon at McHenry. Miss Sylvia Larsen spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clause Larsen. „ Donald Hoben3toin of Woodstock called in Rihgwood on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseplw Wegener and daughter, Marian, of McHenry spent Sunday in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens and son, Byron, spent the week-end with relatives in Chicago. Floyd Carr and wife of Greenwood were Sunday afternoon callers in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant spent Sunday morning in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Merchant. John Kotter of Spring Grove called in Ringwood on Monday. Mrs. Mabel Johonott atid son, Sheldon, who have been visiting relatives here, have returned to their home in Terra Haute, Ind. Miss Ethel Bell of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in Ringwood. James Hoplin of McHenry was a Sunday morning caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund motored through Ringwood on Sunday afternoon in their new Nash Sedan. Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and son of North Crystal Lake and Mrs. Z BROTHERS long Distuee Hiring Good Service at all times Careful and Obliging Phone 204-J McHenry, I1L n^un y~ i To CHICAGO Fi •A McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the'Toop." Lv. McHenry 6:55 am Lv. Grays Lake 8.-08 am Arr. Waukegan 8£0 am Arr. Chicago 10:22 am Arr. Milwaukee 1035 am 11:45 am 1.-00 pm 7 KM) pas 1S:28 pm 3:43 pm 8:13 pa 1:10 pm 4:25 pen 8:55 pa 1:17 pm 6:27 pm 10:22 pm 2:19 pm &27 pm 10:30 pm CUeag* North Store & Milwaukee R.R.C* McHenry Hoi .McHenry M TICKET j Northwestern Hotel OFFICES I McHenrv 45-R. GLASSES vm rn '-a3 YOU SHOULD NEVER KNOW you're wearing eye- * glasses. If your glasses make you nervous and irritable, see a good optometrist today. My glasses "fed good to the eyes." That's because ® man who kno*i <P lenses also knows and fits frames. SL v Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist •Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111. Every Evening from 7 to » except Saturday , i ( ; Al day WedMaday* from 9 a. m. to • p. m. Main office. Wraktiu,^, Smith of Wauconda called in Ring' wood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and Family called in Ringwood on Sonday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter , Julia, called in McHenry on Sunday afternoon. The "Ladies' Aid" will meet with Mrs. Walter Harrison on September 23. Everyone invited. Mr. and Mrs. George Noble and four children spent Wednesday at Woodstock with relatives. William Kelley and E. C. Hawley spent Thursday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen were Woodstock callers on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family, Mrs. Frank Fay, and Mrs. Jennie Spaulding spertt Monday afternoon at Woodstock. Bert Sutton of Solon was a Thursday morning caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd spent Wednesday afternoon at Woodstock. • John Thennes of McHenry called in Ringwood on Thursday* A. W. Smith was a business visitor at Woodstock on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer spent Thursday evening with their daughter, Mrs. M. Bradley. Lewis Schroeder and wife spent Thursday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant of Woodstock were Thursday evemng callers in the Irving Merchant home. Bert Sutton of Solon was a Friday morning caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Sprenzel of Chicago spent Friday in the Lewis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Beth were Mc Henry callers on Friday morning; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended the K. C. dance at McHenry Wednes day evening. Frank Kempfer of Johnsbfirg was a Ringwod caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Friday at Janesville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder spent Friday afternoon at the county seat. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and family of Greenwood spent Friday evening in Ringwood Mrs. Delbert Bacon of North Crystal Lake and Mrs. Frances Walters of New London, Iowa, spent Friday evening in the E. C. Hawley home. Mrs. Walter Stephen of Tryons Grove was a Ringwood caller on Friday afternoon. Miss Laura Weter spent the weekend at Hebron with relatives. Miss Arlyne Harrison was an over Saturday guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison, of McHenry. Lois Rossing was a Saturday morning caller in RingwoodL ' Lois Hopper called «t McHenry on Saturday morning. ------ 8L0CUMS LAKE Mrs. R. McGill and Mrs. George Scha^d and daughter, Lillian, were business callers at McHenry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son were Saturday evening callers at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers at McHenry last Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks spent last Thursday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and daughter, Lillian,- spent last Wednesday at Waukegan. Mrs. LaDoyt M&tthews of Crystal Lake spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dar- Jr., and daughter, Lillian, motored to Aurora Sunday while there they visited the Aurora city park and Mooseheart. Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Ganainger and daughters, Elizabeth and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lous and daughter, Annis, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Weiner of Chicago over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Johnston attended the wedding of Miss Esther Lamb of Gurnee to Myron Hughes of Wauconda at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nay Lamb at Gurnee Saturday at three o'clock. Mrs. Johnston played the wedding march. Mr. Hughes is a brother of Mrs. Johnston and has made his home with her since he graduated from Valpariso University. Miss Lamb was a teacher of English and Latin in the W. T. H. S. for two years and is well known throughout the community. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hass of Wauconda and guest Miss Lillian Tidmarsh of North Dakota called at the W. E. Brooks home Sunday afternoon. An announcement was received by friends in this community of the marriage of Miss Fern Krapel of Elgin to Mr. Chester Kobs of that city. Miss Krapel lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krapel in this comiminity for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell andj daughters, Myrtle, Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake and Miss Pearl Lawrence spent Saturday afternoon at Waukegan. W. E. Brooks and R. 0. Halleck of Wauconda attended the experimental plot of fifteen varities of corn at the L. A. Huebsch farm necr Libertyville Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and daughter, Lillian, and guests from Joliet and Barrington motored to McHenry Saturday and enjoyed a picnic dinner at the dam there. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham and children and relatives of Mrs. Grantham held a reunion and enjoyed a picnic dinner at Tower Lake Sunday. 1 hose present were Mr. and Mrs.! Kelley and children of Pingry Grove,! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherwood, Mr.! and Mrs. Clarence Alverson, Mr. and' Mrs. H. S. Alverson, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Alverson and Mr. and Mrs. I V/estergard and children of Chicago :.nd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler Jr., j of Waukegan. j Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell of Grays-1 lake spent the week-end at the home I of their granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Kirk. Willard Darrell superintended unloading a car load of brail for the Lake county farm bureau at Round Lake Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Scheider and son, Morris, of Wauconda were Friday afternoon callers at the Darrell-Matthews home. Joe Fits hauled a load of furniture to Lake Geneva Friday. Victor Doo of Wooster Lake was a Round Lake caller Friday. S. Mayer of Geneva, 111., was a Round Lake business caller Friday. Mrs. Clara Rosing returned home Thursday evening after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Nora Gorman, at St. Paul, Minn. Elmer Hendee, John Rossendeutcher and Fritz Baade returned home Thursday after a two weeks motor trip through Kentucky. They report a very exciting time. Mrs. Ray Rippberger, son, Howard, Mrs. O. A. Howard, Mrs. Harry Deitz and daughter, Dolores, motored to Waukegan Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. Cashmore and daughter, Pearl, and Mrs. George Shober motored to Waukegan one day this week. Edward Larkin of Long Lake was a Round Lake caller Tuesday evening. Miss Madge Pfannenstill of McHenry is staying at the Jack Standtfield home to help take care of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Erlandson and Mrs. John Kelley motored to Waukegan Friday. Mrs. Mabel Benwell spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Clint Hendee, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wagner and Mrs. Lalph Davis motored to Waukegan Thursday. ( Mrs. L. A/ Fits and daughter, Velma, were Chicago callers-Wednesday. * Mrs. Roy Davis and little daughter spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Claus Junge. Mrs. Ralph Davis and son, Simon, f pent Thursday afternooti at the Fitz liome. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith called on the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Grayslake. Mrs. Ray Minick and son of Chicago spent a few days with her brother, Flovd Rhenehan. Mary Graham, and Marjorie Walsh of Long Lake spent Friday at the Floyd Renehan home. Mr. 0. A. Howard entertained the M. W. A. Booster Club Tuesday evenin?. Nine men were present. Mrs. Howard served a lovely supper. Mr. and Mrs. Clause Junge are entertaining Mrs. Junges sister and daughter and her little baby of Day- < ton Ohio. 'f§§^ Miss Belle Roger^of South Carolina spent a few days with the' Oscait* » Ttppmas family. '» ). |T * .. ."ft '5 Mrs. Frank Drummond entertirfiiedK--;-." her club of about 16 ladies at her1" home Thursday. V ** A Savings Account Is An A-l Investment In what other form of investment can you get as good a return as in a savings account here and at the same time have * your funds intact and so easily avail- * . able? • \ '• The Investor in bonds, stocks or real estate often has to sell at a loss to recover his money in an emergency. Money in a savings account is always worth 100- cents on the dollar. V. ' • ' . r*' • ' .'" • • " V . . . • ' McHenry The Bank that helps yon get ahead Illinois V ROUND LAKE (fcertrude and Rowena Grandy of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwuer of RoontT libertyville and Catherine Edwards Lake spent last Thursday at the G. J Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children of Crystal Lake were supper and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston spent Sunday at Cary. Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt of Crystal Lake were guests at the G. J. Burnett home last Friday. Mrs. H. L. Brooks has been on the sick list but is reported better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and Oatis Phillips were business callers at McHenry last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Volo, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Harry Matthews spent Sunday afternoon at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Byrd, Mr. and Mrs.E. H. Wunderlick and two children of Joliet and Mrs. Louis Rohman of Barrington spent from Friday until Sunday at the H. L. Brooks hotne. Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs. Raith^frs. DeCons, Miss Darks and James Darks of Chicago spent the week-end at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. Burnett returned with them to "Chicago Sunday evening and spent Monday there. Emmett Geary of Fremont township called at the Henry Geary home last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett visited friends at Darks Cottage at Burtons bridge last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Storm and two children spent last Thursday afternoon and Friday morning at the Blomgren home. This stop being made on their way from New Yoric where Mr. Storm had gone to meet his wife who had just arrived from a three months' visit in Sweden. They were accompanied to their home at Menkota, Minn., by their two sons, Charles and Bobbie, who have spent the summer at the Blotngren home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and daughter spent last Thursday at Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Blackburn of Wauconda attended Worthy Matron's night at Nunda Chapter O. E. S. at Crystal Lake last Saturday evening. Mrs. Blackburn acted as Esther for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children pnd Arthur Wackero were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis near Wausonda. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and childna and lfr. and Mrs. Gcar«a Schsid / • Miss Marie Nellessen of Chicago spent the week-end at the Clara Rosing home. Florence Wagner returned to her home Saturday after spending two weeks with her cousin, Frances Wise, at Milwaukee. Mrs. O. A. Howard, Mrs. Ray Rippberger and son, Howard, and Elizabeth and Elinore Davis motored to Waukegan Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Litwiler called at' the Sam Litwiler home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. A. Brown and daughter, Lilah, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterkort and daughter, Julie, attended a show at the Majestic Theatre Friday evemng. Miss Lucile Rosing was a Chicago caller Wednesday. of Grayslake called at the Leo Hen dee home one night last week. Mrs. Mitchel of Chicago is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. William Frost. Mrs. Mabel Litwiler was a Chicago caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Kretschmer of North Chicago called on their daughter, Mrs. Lee Hendee one day last week. George Richardson and daughters, Elizabeth and Louise, were Chicago callers Thursday. Mrs. Naomi McCandless, Mrs. John Allen and Velma Fits motored to Waakegan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Graham and son, Bobby, of Long Lake were in Round Lake Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon and son, Glen, and daughter spent Friday evening at the Roy Davis home. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Pfannenstill and children of McHenry called on the former's mother, who is very ill at the Jack Standtfeld home. Clayton Hughes of the Illinois Bell Telephone Co., of McHenry was a Round Lake business caller Tuesday -We carry a l*'ne of- Chicken Feeds AS FOLLOWS: GRAINS--Corn, cracked corn, wheat, barley, kaffir corn and buckwheat. Ready mixed scratch grains --course, medium and fine. Laying mash, baby chick mash, grit, oyster shells, meat scraps, bran, middlings and Red Dog flour. We do not deliver and our prices are made accordingly. Ndlenry Flour Mills West McHenry, 111. NATIONAL TEA CO QUALITY GROCERS Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry, 111. The Thrifty Housekeeper Knows that not only the few items advertised but all merchant dise at National Tea Stores is sold at money-saving prices. Friday and Saturday Specials \ Quaker Oats ?25c VUril HONEY SWEET No. 2 Cass j mm Heinz Catsup ^LE 28c #9 HAZEL BRAND High Patent f lUUf Finest Milled 24 '/i lbs $1.19 Cream of Wheat p4R0E .... 24c Macaroni *5C Saurkraut ^^home :.E lie *•' _! Spaghetti FRANCO-AMERICAN Large can IOC Palmolive Soap 3 bai* »...... - .....2QC Mazola QUARTS 50^ Pints Starch Rice 4RG0 GLOSS f lb. pkf. 3 for FANCY HEAD New Crop 2 lbs. Baking Powder °^ZET. 29c ••••/J Ik V WATER SOFTENER * small 3 pkgs ,1J... . Shop and Save Every Day at a National 7.'ea Store FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES sM -*iV ss*.t . .« ndiiii • jiiifciiyfciiiiririiiBiyi' n'lf »<