Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1925, p. 11

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fSBR pT\V;y< <T-*rT£;7*V't "<|' /4 ^tv?f v ' !5'^-: . - ' v . ; ..r^:-/,. ,£V W1 MeHEwi* mraDM^ >i t vjtj^'V* ;"•,* * < I - ^i^rmff *?/• ".^ -\f ^ ' ' • f ' '? Novel Powder Puffs N - V , '<& CAJXf/tNiNQ -Prentier of Saskatchewan Old Standby /JewDress |f?#. *--the same dependable remedy that over a period of more than, fifty years has been found so~ reliable in the treatment of catarrh and diseases of catarrhal nature. The outside of the package only has been altered. To facilitate packing and reduce breakage in shipping, the paper wrapper which has identified the Pe-ru-na bottle for many years has been displaced by a substantial pasteboard carton. Pe-ru-na cannot be made any. better. Three generations of users testify that Pe-ru-na is the!; best remedy in the world for Catarrh and diseases of catarrhal (Origin. The remedy our fathers and5 jgrandfathers used with so much.- Satisfaction is still the standby for the ills everyday in; thousands of American homes. PE-RU-NA 9kaOil|tMli«IMMto •/ Hw N«w Package TaMat* mw PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Ransom Dandruff-Stops Hair hOn( RmIotm Color and Bwotr to Gray and Faded Hair IBsaad (1.00 at Drontata Hlaeoi Chw. Wk» . HINDERCORNS B«moTM Oornn. Calkraaes, etc., stop* all pain. «nnumn comfort to Un feet, makes walking eaaj l.V b? mat! or at Druggists. Hlsoox Chemical Works, Patchogiie, N. ¥. Green's August Flower /or Constipation, Indigestion and Tsrpid Liver RaBar** that feeling of hmriagaatanuawuely. 30c Sc9oc bottle*. All druggiata. LEONARD EAR OIL Fur Coat Problem »Is-Hard to §o!vt Charm of Briek Route Europe has been a land of brick houses for hundreds of years and America is rapidly emerging from the "Wooden Age." Many a traveler has returned from abroad with tales of the picturesque homes of England, quite unaware that the underlying cause of their charm lies In the material-- solid, dignified brick--tfie ifftpealU. of which has only been enhanced^6y years of sunshine and storm. The far coat problem Is a little different from any other perplexity that the mode supplies and a lot different trom what it was In the earlier years Of this enlightened century. There was H day, observes a fashion writer in •he New York Herald-Tribune, when the distinction lof the fur wrap depended merely on It particular skin <--when the expressions "my chinchilla," "my .sable," or "my seal" immediately classified the speaker in the franks of the haute nionde, entirely fregardless of the silhouette or details of her epochal acquisition. The life jpf any particular model was measured by the durability of its pelt and the -Same fur coat would appear and reappear Jor several seasons, serenely .disdainful of fashion's severest evolutions. Granting that the fur coat has fallen completely under the dominion of .the mode, what general principles are to govern Its selection and what are 4he specific* details to be considered this season? Surely it Is unsound Economically to add a new fur wrap to each winter's wardrobe and yet. If fashion dictates seasonal changes, what is the alternative? The ladles who light-heartedly acquired straightline coats last winter Wliy Suffer Pala from a cut or burn? Cole's Btops pain Instantly and heals quickly without a scar. Keep It handy. A11 druggists, 30c and 60c, or J. W. Cole Co., Rockford, 111.--Advertisement. World*9 Gold and Silver The value of the gold and silver l iken from tfee earth up to 1020, from H e time records were first kept. Is tlmated approximately at $35,000,- 0,000. lEAP^?. \kr/ce*/oo I M All Druggists icue* a**rCtXAflK&"w RCQUtSt Brevity Isn't wit. is the soul of wit, but it A "youthful prodigy" is easier te endure than one who thinks be is. Did you ever have a pair of soles outlast the uppers? If not, you have never worn USKIDE Soles. People write that they can't wear USKIDE out. It Is the Wonder Sole for Wear! Made by the world's largest rubber manufacturer, the United States Rubber Company. Comfortable, healthful, waterproof, good-look in k. Tell your repairman to put USKIDE Soles <ui your shoes. Buy new shoes wltn USKIDE Soles. USKIDE will cut your shoe bills down. Get genuine USKIDHJ. The name is on the sole.--Adv. Football makes demons of some men and angels of others. When a widower there Is no trifling. goes courting, (RhawnailMit Dainty Gifts You Can Buy or Make Krimmer, Tight at Flaring at Sides. Waist, are weeping and walling this flaring autumn and what warranty is there that this year's modish wraps may not be consigned to the dim indubitable past in "the winter of 1926-'27. The Invariable Flare. The problem can only be solved in one way. A skilled analysis of the situation must be followed by a carefully worked out compromise--and this is the single instance where fashion permits a compromise. The silhouette is far and away the most Important consideration when acquiring a new fur wrap because it does not lend itself easily to the skill of the remodeller and because all through the mode it Is the first detail to attract the eye. Last year in our fur coat analysis, we advised forsaking the straightline In favor of a moderate flare and at th^ same time predicted that the flare would entirely dominate the fur wrap of 1925^ *26. That forecast has been sweepingly realized and the flare is the inalienable mark of furred chic this season. So for your new fur coat we counsel the flare with a grain of discretion which means that you are not to adopt the extreme or bizarre models and that you are to concentrate more on general fullness than sudden width at any specific point. Last year when we sugf&sted the moderate flare it was considered radical advice; this year it has become conservative. But while careful ai^tlysls leads definitely to the conclusion that graceful width is to dominate • fur coats next season, as well as this. It may take a distinctly different form. And so it would be unwise to commit yourself tp any extreme translation of the flare. Choose the middle path and you will combine smartness and security for a happy compromise. There is a single exception to the flared idea in fur wraps and that Is in the sports or trotteur models. Every other type indorses some species of flare. Some of these originate at the shoulders and simulate a cape back but mostly they swing from a narrow hipllne into front and side godets. Cape effects are most popular for the afternoon--the mode du soir, although not disdaining the cape silhouette. shows a distinct preference for sleeved models. The fur coat flare is effected in as many ways as It is on dresses and cloth coats. The flare may be achieved by the godet, by the circular flounce or by the gathered straight flounce. The flounce may appear at the front, the back, et one or both sides, or all the way round the coat. Then, too, the distended effect may be arrived at through patches of fur applied to the coat in such a manner that a flare results. Less usual methods are through gathered in-set sections, inverted plaits, Inset panel sections which extend into a border or the' cutting of the coat on graduated circular lines. Length of New Fur Coat*. The next consideration concerns the length of the new fur coats. The models of the current season reach either to the hemline of the dress or terminate an Inch or two above. Either is satisfactory this year, but, delving once more into the future, which Is preferable? There has been a tendency this autumn away from bizarrely short skirts and there are Indications that by next autumn that tendency may be further accented. Furthermore the flare in a longer model adds more dignity tp the general effect and Inas much as there are sign posts which point to a return of at least the ghost of the old-time elegance, our suggestion is that you choose the longer models, everything else being equal. Th«r~idSnl fuT coat length should be alxyuKftiirteen inches off the ground. Collars, cuffs, and the various other details that differentiate this winter's fur coats may be adopted with no fear that next year shall find them demodes. Collars and cuffs each show a predilection for the flared silhouette and they are Invariably full. Among the former, shawl collars and chin effects share'the spotlight while flared cuffs often add the finishing touch to a liberally constructed sleeve. Further smart details that mark the fur wrap of 1925-'20 are the capeback, either in one piece or slashed at the center back, all-around cape effects, front borders that form a long trimming from <?o)lar to hemline, bolero effects, scarf collars, standing collars and wide revers of contrasting fur--the revers cut In one with the collar--a wide flounce that continues up the center back of the coat, gradually becoming narrower until It disappeared underneath the collar. Gay little beauty doctor* tfrei* •p-to-date powder puffs, and Ideal Christmas gifts. By means of watercolor paints, narrow ribbons, laces and tiny flowers, ordinary powder paffS are transformed Into these whimsical affairs that portray saucy flappers or demure maids. One Bids at the puff Is decorated. The Livlnti Proof Umt Canada Makes Good Pretty Ribbon Fancies It never occurs to Santa CI a us to loave pretty ribbon fancies out of his head at Christmas time--he merely raries them a little each year Her' are garters made of rllboo shirred •ver flat elastic, and trimmed with lace ruffles sat with ribbon flowers and corsage flowers of folded ribbon. CANADA is the Land of Promise to-day. Canada promises prosperity, health and happiness to those who come prepared and determined to work. And, on her promises, Canada makes good. If you are strong and willing, you can make yourself independent in Canada, no matter if your cash capital is small. Take the Case of C. A. Dunning C. A. Dunning came to the Province of Saskatchewan in 1903. He was an immigrant boy from England, only seventeen years old, not over strong, no money, no knowledge of agriculture. But he wanted to work and he was looking for a job in Saskatchewan, as a start. He was determined to make good. He got the job. It was on a new farm in Saskatchewan, thirty miles from the end of the railway. His pay was $10.00 per month and board. He lived in a sod shack and slept on the floor. To-day, Charles A Dunning is Premier of Saskatchewan, Chief Executive and Leader of the Provincial Government, and one of the most successful farmers in Canada. A Great Country Canada is a great, rich, varied' country with the glorious power •nd vitality of youth. She is already the greatest exporter of wheat in the world, although Only about one-fifth of her good farm land has as yet been brought under cultivation* Canada's wheat crop in 1924 was 262,000,000 bushels; in 1925 it is officially estimated aft 391,000,000 bushels--an increase of 129,000,000 bushels. Other branches of farming--dairying. Stock-raising, etc.,--are increasing proportionately. Canada is increasingly rich in beef and dairy cattle, in horses and sheepa and in poultry. C. A. Dunning has shared in this development •Bd prospered accordingly. C. A. Dunning's story of saccejH . on the farm can be multiplied thousands of times in the diffef*. ent Provinces of Canada. Do YOU want to get ahead? Do YOU want to succeed and make a home for yourself on a loweost farm where you can prosper and be independent? Come to Canada, the land of bigger crope and cheaper, richer land. Officers of the Canadian Government will help you, free of charge, to • get suitably located; if desired they will supervise your start and give you all the help and counsel you may ask. Good land near the railroads sells at from J15.00 to $20.00 per acre. Free omesteads farther back. FuH particulars will be found in the Canada Books issued by the Government. Send for one t*V day. They're free. Use this coupon. Opportunity !• kno#» hag at your door. 11 IS 1 [ i i "4 j - ^ • i-l •SJ • • "• For the Christmas Tren All the little people for whom the tree blooms and bears will be delight , ed with toys and ornaments made ! from crepe paper printed with figures ' Oi children. Ornaments, like those pictured, are made by pasting the paper to cardboard and cutting the figures oat A bonbon wrapped In paper i is tied to each one of them. ;dsai iy Rheumatism Headache millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Neuritis Neuralgia Pain Toothache Lumbago | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. A«pirin la tfca trada mark «C Banr ifamfaetnr* of MoBoaetUoaeidMtav of Sallcyllcacid A milliner must also be paid fori We seldom criticize the extravawhat she knows--not pat s yellow jgance of others when we are Invited to ribbon on a green bat. | the party, A man will be forgiven for not | If onr neighbors would do things as being pretty if he will only strive t* : we think they should, it would be be clean--and succeed. I much easier to love them. Cry for MOTHER:- Fletdier'sOstoria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Parororic, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it ^ Fur Coat Linings May Be Ornate or Sober Fur coat linings may be very ornate or quite sober. Smart sports coats of fur are frequently lined with kasha while more formal models often feature hand-embroidered silk linings or hand-painted linings depicting jungle scenes. The reversible coat composed of cloth on one side and fur on the other and the fur-lined cont play an Important part in this winter's models. Leopard, gazelle and burunduki are the furs most In evidence with this type of wrap. So far as the pelts are concerned yon may choose from this year's offerings with perfect equanimity and assurance that you will remain in the picture next year--and if necessary for several following years. There are, of course, certain, sharp distinctions drawn in the character of the skins to be worn for the different occasions For afternoon wear, flat furs are easily smartest and moleskin and caracul are the two outstanding leaders in this class. The first is bleached and dyed In numerous colors, leaning principally to beige, golden brown and mahogany. Carucuf conies In the more sedate hues of grey, black and brown. If you will invert that order you will have about the correct order of color frequency for the fall and winter seasons. Orey is newer than either brown or black but we suggest that the frugal budgetaire confine her spectral fancy to those two ancient favorljes. And of the two our preference Is for black. Mink, broadtuii, baby lapib and antelope are also en regie for daytime wear. Old Ribbons Like New 'T7 Colored ribbons can be made to look like new if washed in a strong lather of cold water and good soup. Rinse ribbon several times in soapy wuter; do not use clear water. When partly dry iron between thin pieces of muslin or newspaper, drawing the ribbon taut while. ironing. Gifts for Girls MONO? Silk Coats in Evidence For day wear, silk coats either as part of an ensenible or separate garments are very much In evidence. Velvet It Featured in Molyneux Collection Though he has always been famous for beautiful clothes, Captain Molyneux has fairly surpassed himself in big present collection. There is the same individual note of distinction ^ which is expected of the versatile captain, but every single novelty of the prosont season Is used as w ell, says a Paris correspondent in the New York Herald-Tribune, and is used with such subtlety and restraint that nothing Is revolutionary. The Molyneux low waistline is kept but with the merest upward tilt toward the front, showing that the hint of higher things in this direction has not been Ignored. The flare Is seen In many of the skirts and some of them have a delightful little group of gathers or plaits at the back. There Is much rich velvet In this collection, sometimes the short pile but more often the soft flexible chiffon velvet that makes such lovely gowns. Chiffon and lace are extensively employed and, of course, the exquisite embroidery that has helped te rtiiiififfiriiir'I'an'TififU'ittijiifitf-rii • make this house famous. There are all kinds of trimming novelties; for instunce, one dress has fur tassels on a tab fringe made of Its own material. Another gown has narrow-pointed tabs finishing in a knotted silk fringe with a bead heading. Buttons trim some of the daytime gowns, but they are used with discretion, and a novelty that plepses is a collar made of round knobs of beaver fur, matching the muff which accompanies the costume--a typical Molyneux autumn touch. Good Pointa No woman can be blamed for malting the most of her good points and the French designers are making the most of these. Many of their newest gowns have the skirts formed on a series of points overlapping one above the other. These usually are outlined or embroidered In crystal beads or rhinestones. The gowns are frequently worn over slips of a eentraaung shade. * Pretty hair ornaments are always included In the list of gifts that girls will like. The most fashionable one« this year are bands and coronets msde of silver ribbon, and flower wreatha made of colored tinsel ribbons Shirred ribbons are easy to work up Into flower forms mounted on ribbonwound wire. A coronet and flower wreath are shown here. Dainty Neckwear Sets "V W:, Department of Ithmlsratioa and Cotaolcatian Room A-320 Ottawa. Canada Plfue teid me your free book oa Fka Opportunities in Camilla. * A,Mr... ' T own. (Write name and addr „JLF.D State I plainly'J. m The Real Question "Stoat this way, sir," said the courteous clerk In the railway ticket office. "Let me show you some summer guides entitled, 'Where to Go' and 'When to Go.'" The man with the modest Income shook his head. "They don't interest me," he sighed. "What 1 want to know Is 'How to Go.' " No man after missing a target can heartily congratulate another who blta it. A man worries over tils digestion and a woman over her complexion. Study will really swell the headespecially over the eyes. Is It Your Stomach ? Toledo, Ohio.--"It is just wonderful what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do for any one who suffers with stomach and bowel trouble. I had typhoid fever and it left me in a very bad physical state of health, my bowels would not act, my food would set heavy on my stomach and did not digest properly. Gas would form and cause me great distress. I was weak, nervous, and in a rundown condition. I took I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it cured me of my stomach and bowel trouble and built me up in good health."--Mrs. Laura Hager, 630 Vinton St. All dealers. Tablets or liquid. Piles Disappear Peterson's Ointment "Please let me tell you, s»ays Peterson, "tlmt for instant relief from the misery of blind, bleeding or Itching piles, there Is nothing so good as Peterson's Ointment, as thousands have testified." Best for old sores and itching skin. All druggists, 60 centa. THE MICHIGAN STA K DBPABTKUR OFAl. KH I I TI RE offers free balptal latotHft. lion on swu> i-orttHed lands, market*, aoUa, im dealers. Write Ulreetoro5t ASSeoltuntl la&muy, 1 diMu Batifltng. -a SUk •••-I 33 &uie--ttlft; for mecbanic or anyone wto sharpens or repairs. Assortment of ten vo«S tiles, $1.76 pusipaid. Less than 18c eaofc. You will be surprised. All different atsM and shapes. Send 1176 for 10. Moneir refunded If not satisfied. Sample Ma. The I. R K. Tool Co. Grand Haven. Mick. GET IN III'81 NESS FOB VOlKSKLr For one dollar we will send formula for bew complexion cream on the market. WALKla LAB., Box US, LIVINGSTON. MONTANA. , Wanted to Manufacture--Din, tools. sot4> ties, experimental and . production wor|b Spl maohin'y designed, built for any purpoaK, Midwest Mfg. Co.. 1417 Carroll A*e.. Chicago. Men and Women--Sell Christmas gifts I* your friends and neighbor*. New and beautiful line of house furnishings, sell to everyoo% Easy, profitable work. Write for free particulars today. Bradford Pa cos. St. Joseph. Ulcfe. IP J$'X' Kowmliw Remove unsightly wrinkles witfc this dainty cremt. Softens-blesche®, rejuvt* nates skins. $1 and $2 Jars. E. C. Butl*r Co., 314 Woolworth Bldg.. Houston, Neur the geysers and hot springs of Yellowstone park there are plants that remain green throughout the rigors of a mountain winter. / Ladles! Big Pay! Easy Work. 140 wk iu|» Miss K. made t'iZi 1st mo. Treat srslps men. women--grow hair. Free! |5o worth t* start! Marie Andre. 643$ Wlnthrop. Chlcag*. Wanted--Local Agent for biggest monay maker on market. Sells on sight. Send M cents for sample and full particulars. B. X. Lundln. 807 Security Bldg., Chicago. Ill N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 46~1«2fc. '-.'mi I .-I 'Chief' Every woman expects that Chrlsfc mas will bring her some bits of ne« finery--things that will add a telllnj touch of refinement to her toilette She cannot hope for anything dalntlei or prettier than the collar and sleevet shown here, of flne net and narrow lace. Black rllfbon Is thread** through a beading add makes an etfec-l tive finish on all the pieces. Extra High- All Rubber Overshoe JUST the shoe you have been looking for -- the five-buckle height is added waterproof protection in mud and snowdrifts. There's cozy warmth in the thick, fleeos lining. No need to scrape and injure the uppers--they're cleaned in a jiffy under hose or pump. No odors or soil are brought into the house. • 'Nebraska' to tha same abo* four buckle height. •Caboose'--called the "World's Best Work Rubbet"bt?caua« It 9S3l£~ i | ally outwears two and three pairs of ordinary rubbers. The bigg Winkber value on the market--built like all Converse Shoes for Ottk Mat. Look for tba 'Big C on the sole--it will idwb a aaeiemias Ms wiMpfc | AaJt yomr tooml 4taJar . % [CONVTBWU--rvswor"-" asw.!««»••••» • •'-"if Facto.* > Mullen. Ma--. coarvfiBfc LINE Sm thM R WHITE- • % iiini'ianirnr .n--im>

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