'•'*b " •'•?-V: 0-fe.v?'?'•*". .a.'-*-' ••'*?•.:. IP sk^'K*" & * • 9*r-*' • THT? HcpptT Pl^AIHPBAT.KR. McHKICRT. TlX. »l •* '* . ISSjSjrfas^ •? ImkmMi HOW TWO WOMEN AVOIDED OPERATIONS Following L^itHri of Mrs. Tbtartton *na Mr* Bold Carry an Encouraging Message to Other Sick Women Vegetable Compoond thatltoHnp husband I would try it before I «*• MRS. ETHEL THURSTON •14 H. 9tNF •TWI., LIMA. OHIO Lima, Ohio.--"I want to tell yon __.. your medicine has helped me. Kor weeks I suffered with awful pains from inflammation and I was in such pnisery that I had to bend double to get relief. I could not be touched or Jarred, had awful pain all over my ftbdoraen and could not touch mv feet to the floor. It was impossible for iae to straighten up and the pains (ever ceased. I took treatments for flome time and Anally was told I would nave to have an operation. I do not Relieve in operations, and Ihad read •o much about Lfdis E. Pink ham 1 gavs up. I soon began to feel that it was doing me (rood. The awful miaexy began to leave me, also the backachow I have a good appetite and am gaining in weight. Taking the mfxuchw was the best thing I ever did. I feel like it has saved my life and I do not hesitate to say so to my friends. At least it saved me from a dreaded operation and I am still taking it. 1 am willing to answer letters from women asking about the medicine.** --Mrs. ETHEL THURSTON, '824 North Pine Street, Lima, Ohio. Mrs. Beard's Letter Eddy, Texas.--"I will write yoa S few words, thinking it will do soma one else good. Two doctors said 1 would hnve to be operated on because for nearly twelve months I suffered from a weakness from which I could get no relief. I was restless and nervous and was not able to walk across the house. They said it wa» the Change of Life. I saw Lydia EL Pinkham s Vegetable Compound advertised in the newspapers, and as I could not get any help from doctor® I thought I would give that a trial. I began with the liquid and it helped me some, then you advised me to take the tabletform and I began to improve rapidly. I have gained in weight from 10b to 170 pounds. I recommend it to all women with this trouble."-- Mrs. M. E. BEARD, R. MOW 1, BOB 143, Eddy, Texaa. Arabs Were Pioneers The short atory wni Latruilurtd UttS by tho Arabs. Correct Theorist--After the antomobll* What? / Ilia Wife (brightly)--Dust i--Lift • virj-jVjq Some men get on by pi o tiding | « tela number by plottls|, Originality provokes originality. &OTHERFletcher's Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend i|» Seventy-seven farms are still under cultivation within the city limits of 8L Louis. Contact with a high-minded woman to good for the lite of any man.--Viacent. There Is a canon of comraonsense which should rule In everything.-- Starkey. Why ts It a steam whistle sounds so much more musical to tollers at B p. m. than at 7 a. m.f SAY "iBAYER ASPIRIN "and INSIST I Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache • Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 table# Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Gob Homer Atiotlander--I suy there. Tank, what la that song you sing about there'll be •o great precipitation hereafter? Bluejacket--Oh. yon mean "It Ain't Gonna Ealu No More" I She Feelm Clubby "Helen might make * good police woman." "And why T • _ "She always has a Billy with her."-- Wabash Caveman. X SAMPLE CARE FREE Bat Yeast Foam this easy way Drop a cake of Yeast Foam in a glass €>f water; let it stand for 5 minutes; stir *vith spoon; let settle and drink the milky water, including the white precipitate Nothing could be easier or aspte palatable than this way Of eating Yeast Foam. Yet you get its full tonic value. Bat Yeast Foam for constipation, indigestion, lack of Weight and strength, boils, pimples aad rua down condition. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. 1750 North Ashland Aw., Send me FREE and POSTPAID r,»y«N •f c 'DrrTaMt «• miAMi *£ "Wi0 r.ilir MM w.ku: WW ^ A;' me New Problem ••• k: ' SENATOR'S BRIDE Deserted Half-Broed Boys . «nd Girls in Sad Cut. New York.--The well-known human nature, as Is pointed out everywhere by every one every day, has not been reformed to any great extent by the equally well-known civilization. Human nature. In fact, seema to be Just about the same old thing, doing the same old business at the same old stand. However, human nature seems to b^ like fashions and morals In this: It varies considerably with location. For example: It does not surprise an American woman social worker in the Philippines to come upon a ense where an American has deserted his woman and children; American husbands and fathers have been known to do the same thing in the United States. But It is rather startling to find the same kind of case in the Philippines complicated by the sale of a girl of twelve--half American, with blue eyes and freckled fact--traded to a Qhlnanuui fbr a pig! American occupation of the Philippines since the Spanish-American war of 1898 has given the Islands the material benefits of civilization. American administration has added to the prestige which the nation now enjoys both in the Far East and the Near East. The Philippines, nevertheless, have not entirely escaped that result of contact between a dominant race and a weaker people which world history seems to show to be Inevitable. Serious Situation. Americana In the Philippines, In short, are now confronted by a serious situation that has not hitherto attracted public attention In the United States --the necessity of oaring for several thousands of abandoned and neglected children of American fathers. There are said to be 18,000 children of American blood among the 11.S00,- 000 people of the Philippines. The American Guardian association of Manila, officially incorporated in 1921 to deal with the situation, has 4,000 listed as in need of assistance. Of theae 2,000 are "desperate" cases where prompt aid is imperative if the buys are to be saved from vagabondage and the girls from immoral exploitation. Says Mrs. Mary Frances Kern of Chicago and New York, who has returned from a first-hand study of the situation : "Foreign occupation always leaven traces like this upon a country. It Is a marvel that these traces are greater in the Philippines, 10,000 miles from home as they are. With the changes In the islands since American possession, due to the shifting about of our pioneers and to the FUlpiniza tion of the insular government which forced great numbers of Americans from minor posts, tuuny American men were obliged to leave through sheer necessity. Often they failed to return. And, above all, death has taken very many. "It Is unfortunately true that the Filipino women who have*"ronaorted with American men have largely been of the peasant class. Many of these widowed or abandoned women, unable by the hardest drudgery to earn more than 50 cents a day, have taken new partners or drifted Into immorality. The boys are left to care for theinselvea The girls are 'loaned' to relatives or friends. This Is usually the first step toward their Immoral exploitation when they attain maturity at twelve to fourteen years. • Deplorable Condltiona. * "American women in Manila, supporters of the Guardian association, break down and weep when they tell of girls of twelve found locked In chicken coops because they would not obey the demands of their masters; girls of eleven blinded by disease; girls of twelve traded to Chinamen for pigs. Cared for and educated, theae boys and girls will become de- Cliff Dwellers' Corn Made to Grow Again Vernon, UtaTi.--Seed from corn that grew In Utah long before the advent of the white man Is yielding from two to five ears to the stalk, on the farm of Jefferson Hall near here. The seed was found In an ancient cave of the cliff dwellers. Twelve hills of the corn was planted but only two hills grew. Some of the stalks have attained a height of seven feet while others are maturing at a height of four. A peculiarity of the ancient corn Is that the leaves are much wider than the ordinary corn, some of them reaching a width of five inches. It also yields a greater number of ears, about five growings to the stalk. cent men and women and useful citizens-- the bulwark of Americanism In the Far East In years to cotne." The American Guardian association of Manila has annually expended from $154100 to $20.01X1. contributed by Americans in the Islands, and has been able to care for "about If*) boys and glrla. Now the demands of the situation have become too large for the 6,000 Americans to meet. Gov. Gen. Leonard Wood of the Philippines has asked the American people to co-operate by ruling a fund of $2,000,000. This fund is to be Invested In the United States, through u trust committee, and Its earnings disbursed through the American Guardian association of Manila. W. Cameron Forbes of Boston, former governor general of the Philippines. Is national chairman of committees formed throughout the country. Mrs. Kern, authorized by General Wood, has opened headquarters Ht 8 West Fortieth street. New York city. Mrs. Edith Vanderbllt, widow <4 George W. Vanderbllt, was married in London to United States Senator Peter Goelet Gerry of Rhode Island. Mr. Gefry was divorced by his wife in Paris recently. Charleston Dance Shakes Buildings Out of Balance Kansas City, Kan.--The Charleston dance may shake the foundations of public morality all it wants to. hut when it weakens the foundations of buildings housing dance floors. It ought to be stopped. This sentiment was embodied in a report by the city building inspectors, after a survey had shown several buildings thrown out of plumb by the vibrations and gyrations of Charleston enthusiasts. Iteiuenihering that the Pickwick club disaster in Kosion was attributed by many to the vibratory effects of the dance, the inspectors here are eyeing askance increasing popularity of the violent pastime In Kunsas City and are of the opinion that It should be banned. Ruins Yield Relics of Cliff Dwellers Archeologists Find Objects 3,000 Years Old. Denver, Colo.--Colorado has established its claim to an extensive field of valuable archeologtcal ruins through research work accomplished by J. A. Jeancon, curator of ethnology and archeology of the Colorado state museum and a party of students of the Colorado university. Mr. Jeancon headed an ex|>edition financed by the Denver Chamber of Commerce and the Colorado State Historical and Natural History society. The two months' work of the party was done in western Colorado at the foot of Chimney Rock mesa, 22 miles west of I'agosa Springs, along the Pledras river, and revealed ruins of cliff dwellers' settlements estimated by Mr. Jeancon to be 3.000 years old. <9he thousand primitive houses are located In the Piedras river valley. On Chimney Rock mesa are 110 more houses. Including a three-story pueblo, all virtually untouched by Investigating scientists. Find Two Skulls. Among the most Important dlacoverles of this expedition are two ^kulls, one of the round-headed type of the present Pueblo Indians, the other of the long-headed type of their predecessors In that section of the country. The earliest trace of mankind in that particular aection of Colorado, reports Twenty Millions in His Grasp t UMMUMWi Mr. Jeancon, Is that *>f a people known to scientists as "basketmakers," who constructed their houses of poorlvtUted masonry and earth, and 'whose principal art was that of basket weaving. These ancient people were conquered and assitniluted by the "postbasketmakers," who brought with them pottery, and possibly the bow and arrow. With the invasion of the people known as the pre-Puehlos the racial change noted in the two skulls occurred. Whether the two earlier races were ancestors of the present-day Pueblo Indians Is not known, but Mr. Jeancon believes the pre-Puehlos were ancestors of the modern Pueblos, the latter being of somewhat mixed origin. Principal Discovery. The principal discovery of the expedition was a huge circular pueblo, 85 feet in diameter, which at first outward appearance was nothing but a sagebrush-covered mound. Upon excavation of tills mound the pueblo was found and In the center of It was discovered what appeared to be a "civic center." accepted by archeoioglsts as having been the place where the tribal dances and ceremonial rites of the ancient people were practiced. In the surrounding country twenty pit houses were excavated, all of which had been constructed by the ancient dwellerfe. In one of these houses lay the skeleton of a man aged about sixty at death. The Jaws of the skeleton revealed traces of pyorrhea. With the akeleton was found a broken heartshaped pot. characteristic of the pre- Pueblo Indian. Another large pit house yielded a stone mortar for grinding meal, with a few flecks of meal still adhering to It. An ancient burial ground yielded parts of two coil baskets, apparently made by colling thin strings of clay one upon the other. Low-Flying Planes Scare Hens From Laying Eggs Santa Rosa. Cal.--Low-flying allplanes are playing such havoc with the chicken business in Sonoma coun ty that the county board of supervisor? la to be appealed to In an effort to force an Increase of the altitude of the machines. The roaring air motors and their great hawk-like shadows demoralize the chicken flocks, poultry men say. The chickens scurry for cover and suspend all egg-laying activities until they have regained their composure, which usually takes some time. George Campbell Carson of San Francisco, veteran mining engineer aud Inventor, seen above In his laboratory, has Just won the final victory in his suit agatnst fifteen great copper companies for $20,000,000 for infringement of his smelting and refining process. The United States Supreme court baa decided the case In hia favor, affirming the decision of the lower courts. Weighs 625 Pounda New York.--Justice Riegelmann, in Brooklyn Supreme court, permitted a witness to testify while standing In *tead of occupying the witness chair The witness was Mrs. Amanda Sie bert, 625-pound "Jolly Irene" of fc Coney Island sideshow, who had come to corroborate her daughter's tea timony in asking a decree, under th» Enoch Arden law, from Carl Noble, who, she says, disappeared in 1920. V , ..,in i mis- H: HT * ' S ^ 4' Camels Ranged Oregon 'Bend, Ore.--Buried ages ago In the soft sands of the great pleistocene lakes which spread oWr a" considerable part of the south central Oregon country, fossilized bones of huge camels, which lived in this part of the world thousands of years ago. have been found by Dr. L. Packard of the University of Oregpn geology faculty. ,Wfcale ail la rich la fat-aotaMt vitajalMry. Army's Biggest Gun to Test the Railroads Washington. -- Movement of the army's newest and biggest coast defense gun. a 14-Inch rifle on railway mount, which weighs Ttto.ooo poniMis. from the proving grounds at Aberdeen. Md.. to Fort McArthui near Man Diego, Cal.. will start soon, the trip to require about two months. The decision to send the gun west was made to test frans-contlnental rall- THRWMVONIAAI railway artillery which will be use In supplementing the fixed coast de fenses in time of war. The gun will go from Aberdeen to Clicago ovtr the Pennsylvanls road to Coujci. Bluffs over the Chicago A Northwest ?rn, to Ogden over ths Union Pacific and complete the Jour ney from Ogden westward cm tin MkmtiuuM ;'»ciAc. • V . IfeastFoam makers everywhere prefer it Northwestern Yeast Cow 1730 N. Ashland Awe., Chicago V*'?' • i. Of a Diving Suit He--What kind of shoes do yon think I ought to wear with these golf hose? v - She--Hip hoots.--Colorado Dode^ Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub in Cuticura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This is only one of the things Cuticura will do If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes.--Advertisement. Ham* iNlor--What is cold boiled ham? Frosh--Oh, that's ham boiled In cold water. Isn't It)--Bison. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tableta Without Fear If YoV See the Safety "Bayer Croea." Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are nui getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangeroua.--Adv. The British museum was visited by more than 1,000,000 persons last year, the largest number on record since 1861. United States Rubber Company OOMT BROOD OVER _" 8T0MACH DISTRESS Don't lay awaJce nlghta and feel miserable tO day--*her»;« one right way to Ax up your gaaay. rebeitou* disordered •tomach In »uch a abort time that your heart will be gladdened. Today Dare's Mentha Pepsin la the <ms remedy supremely efficient where acuta or chronic indigestion or gaatrttla la making your days and nights miserable. Report* of Its mighty power to overcome unbearable, near suRocatlng stomach agony have swept the land until tola? Its sales are marvelous. Oet one bottle of this pleasant speedy acting medicine today with the distinct understanding that If It doesn't help yoa --your money will be returned. Shoet Sent Far Shoes sent to chilly Alaska from this country in seven mouths of this year numbered '20,558 pairs for men and boys and 8,072 pairs for women, while those shipped to sunuy Hawaii included 08.613 for males and 48,602 for females. Lots of men would suffer from dyspepsia If they were compelled to eat their own words.--Bridgeport Post. In Chicago breakfast, lunch, dine at Hold Madison St. LaSaUe Travelers and Chicago rfsidents proclaim the outstanding quality of The Brevoort's Restaurants. High- ^est standards of service and moderation of charge distinguish afldepartments of this famous downtown hotel. Convenient to stores, theaters, banks and transportation lines. In the Heart of Downtown Chicago '• FLORIDA We can sell property--any part et Florida, If priced right. List with M for results. BENJ. E. GAGE 8uite 626, 79 W. Monroe, 8tate Chicago • lllinoia t.eoe Acres Kim Batten and bench grain alfalfa. Hoga. cattle: yoa can't match K. Must be sold as whole. Price Hundred Tw«ttr acre. m«h and term*. National Foindllf Co.. It 17 Detwtler Bldg.. Ixm Angeles. CiW. BOSKM1NK. Remove unsightly wrinkles *IU this dainty creme. Soften*, bleachee. rrjutenatea aklns. Comes In 11 00 ft (2 00 l»ra. Batter Co., StS Wool worth Hld|t..Hou*ton.Te«. For Sate. Big Bargain--4.000-egc WlahbtM Incubator, nearly new. Value tl.&OO.M; quick aale $400 00 full equipment. Mrs. F, B. T.. 4450 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, OL UVSI'KI'hlA AND 1> Dlt. KNTIO.N Wonderful relief by Hiking Urown'a Stomaeh Medicine. L'»ed for 35 years and manufactured by the Oldest Established Drug Star* In lllinoia. Send $1 1)0 (or bottle postpaid J. D. BROUN * CO. JOLIKT. ILL. Established 1144 Men and Women--Sell Chrlatniaa glfta M your frlenda and neighbors. New and beauttful line of house furnlshinga. aell to everyone Easy, profitable work. Write for free partlr«> lara today Bradford Pacoa St. Joseph. Mtefc. Christmas Greeting Cards. Magnificent box assortment. 21 hand-colored and engraved Cards with env .tl: value 11.95. Guaranteed. Agta.Wtd. Gardner,70 Arcade.ProTldence.iLlk For Sale--100-Arre Rich, Level Corn Farms 300 Improved, balance timber; building*, $85: terms. B. K MOSES, Cypress, I& IHK MICHIGAN STATIC llEPAfmuUV l>»' AUKKH.TI KG offers five heiptul tafoma- 'Jon on Blqte certified lands, markets, soils. eiopflL :llmate, accredited dealers. Write i >i rector of Aglt* atllural lodutrj 1 £tat« Building. L&nsUig. W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 46--192ST He Was "Why do you think Fanny doacsft' like you?" v i "I told her there was a fool In ovocy / 1 family." -'-iiiS' "What did she say?" "She naked if I were an only aon."-- Madrid Buen Humor. Honesty, like other policies, ofM runs out the day before the fir*. a She praises it to everybody!" Mrs. Crane had indigestion for ten years; Tanlac brought immediate relief. At e climax to long years of sufferings *Mrs. Hattie Crane got so bad she couldn't sleep and there were days when she couldn't walk across the floor. At times the gas pressure was so great she could scarcely breathe. She was faint and dizzy. She writes: " Tanlac brought immediate relief and six bottles were enough to rid me of my troubles end bring back the joy of living. My health is better than ever end -1 em to pleased with Tanlac / praise it to everybody." •Authentic statement from our files. You don't have to take our word for Tanlac. Just try this marvelous tonic yourself and sec how quickly it brings results. TTierc is nothing like Tanlac to cleanse and revitalize sluggish blood, restore lost appetites and put the whole body >a fighting trim. Results come quick. You start feeling better right from the first dose. Before the bottle is gone you will wonder what miracle has happened to you. ' Tanlac is absolutely pure and harmless. It is a natural tonic, a formula of roots, barks and healing herbs gathered from every part of the globe to bring you health anidationgtfc * NOTE : For Constipation, take Tanlac Vegetable Pills, Nature's own harmless laxative. TANLAC * • FOR YOUR HEAUTH * in 'aygifj