i# W|Hi.li|if) " r fun • if r r" III if" ill 1 J. W. WORTH A " tlUBLIO' ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income ant Inheritance Tax Matters t' . Member of JPufcUe Accountants Association of Illinois *Hhone 206-J McHenry, Ul Ptoti 126-W. Reasonable Rate1 A. H. SCHAEFBB Drayingf V < MrllENRY, ILLINOIS McHenrv Upholstering Shop P. J. LANDT Furntture repairing and made .tjo o.rder Refinishing and Antique Work1 >• a Specialty. -• i*hone McHenry 57-J \ Insure--In Sore-Insurance WITH Win. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone W-R McHENRY, ILL DRS. M'CHESNEY & BROWN (tMOi l < » DENTISTS Dr. J. W. Brown, Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 45 years and still doing Business at bid stand Pioneers in First-Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask Your Neighbors and - Friends About Us 8. E. Cor. Clark & Randolph 145 N. Clark St., Chicago PHONE CENTRAL 2047 , Daily 8 to 5; Sundays 9 to 11 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MOT. tt, 1928 V ;. «• ,5le Writers A test • M ,j *«•!««»«} ?h« fact that rl*'viiii-n write theJcast lej?- 'Ibl.vof any group t-f men I'hysirian* rank next to lTtwchers, *nd soldiers write better (ban sailors or lawyers, the report shows. Telephone No. io8-R. ' Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. ^ WEFT MclIENRY, * :: ILLINOIS KUNZBROTHERS ; Ifccal and Long Distance Hauling Phone 204-J" McHenry, III Buckwheat Cakes Tliis is £he season to prepare for those buckwheat cakes each morning. We have the oid-fasliioned buckwheat flour and also make a self-rising buckwheat flour. Just add the water and milk and it is ready for the griddle. Try it now and be convinced. Ask your Grocer for it. McHenry Flour Mills West McHenry, III. A Few Weeks. Then--Christmas! A happy solution to your pirt probVm tr*y be found ninny, many t.mw over In Leath'a vast assemblage of lovely gilt furniture. A Lealh store it near ] on. Elfin, 70 Grove. Aurora. SI Iiland. Dnbnqnc. S76 Main. Roekford. 502 W. Ttate. Freeport. 5 V/. Mtiin. Waterloo. GOO Lafayette Brloil. 617 Fourth. Jolirt. Hi .It'.Tcrsin. JanesviMe. 202 *Ti!wan' e«. F.au Claire Ma on> Ctdg. Oshkos'i. 11 !.!ain f;. Peoria. Si' S. Aim. Dc:atur. 13? N. W-ter. Madiion. 117-11* State ft. A. LEATH & COMPANY © To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Lina trains taking you to the heart of Chicago-^ the "loop." Lv. McHenry Lv. Grays Lake Arr. Waukegan Arr. Chicago Arr. Milwaukee 6:55 am 8:24 am 9:04 am 10:22 am 10:35 am 11:45 am 12:29 pm 1:09 pm 2:17 pm 2:19 pm 3:00 pm 3:44 pm 4:24 pm 6:19pm 6:30 pm 7:10pm 8:24 pm 9:04 pm 10:22 pm 10:30 pm Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.CO. McHenry House I Ticket | Northwestern Hotel Y°", DO YOUR GLASSES WORRY YOU? SHOULD NEVER KNOW you're wearing eyeglasses! If your glasses make you nervous ^and irritable, see a good optometrist today. My glasses "feel good to the eyes." That's because a man who knows lenses also knows and fits frames. Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist •Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111. Every Evenin* from 7 to • except SaHirday. All day Wednesday* from 9 a. m. to 9 p. aa. Main office, Waukegan, 10. ROUND LAKE (Written for last week . A. B. Combs and Jim Curran were Deerfield callers one day last week Milford Smith and Floyd Renehan motored to Waukegan Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterkort and daughter, Julie, motored to East Troy, Wis., to visit the former's sister. Mr. and Mrs. George Renehan left Wednesday for Florida, where they will make their home for the wirtter months. j d Evelyn Rosing and Helen Richardson spent a couple of days with tire former's sister, Mrs. Mazie Aylward at Hebron. Mrs. Jim Triggs, Mrs. Frank Drummond and Mrs. Roy Davis attended the Eastern Star meeting at Grayslake Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Erlandson and Mrs. Victor Heard were Waukegan callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. King of Long Lake were in Round Lake on business Friday. Mrs. A. J.' Smith is spending a few days with friends and relatives at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kretschmer of North Chicago spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Leo Hendee. Mrs. Elma Peterkort, Mrs. Ada Daley and Miss Ruth McKay motored to Waukegan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hironimus, Phil Wagner, daughter, Florence, Sarah Rippberger and Velma Fitz attended the Harpo-Holt trial at Waukegan Friday. M iss Katie Cleveland of Long Lake was a Round Lake caller Monday. Mrs. Phil Flary returned home at Rounc' Lake after spending a few weeks with friends and relatives at New York. Harry Merritt and Martin Thelen mo'ored to Elgin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith motored to Waukegan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dietz, Joe Davis and Martin Thelen attended a show at Waukegan Sunday evening. Mrs. William Molidor and Mrs. August Hanson were Chicago business calleis Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Redman and children and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Dibble motored to Waukegan Saturday evening. Frank Drummond, Joe Amann, and Frank Winkle were called on Jury Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hoagaard entertained company from out of town Sunday. •-J LeRoy Hendee and John Rossendeutscher spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Mrs. Jim Curran, daughter, Mrs. Jim Luby and little Elinor motored to Grayslake Monday afternoon. , Mrs. Frank Drummond and daughter, Clara, were Libertyville callers Saturday. Mrs. Fred Diethorn and Mrs. Stubbie Smith of Waukegan visited Mrs. Joe Amann one day last week. Miss Marjorie Cleveland spent Sunday €!Vening with Celia Rosing. Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick Martin and little Eva Helen of Libertyville spent Sunday at the Frank Drummond home. Mrs. O. A. Howard, Mrs. Ray Rippberger and son, Howard, motored to Grayslake Monday., Mrs. Harry Geary and son, Norman, of • Grayslake called at the Milford Smith home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hendee of Grayslake spent Sunday with their son, Leo Hendee and family. Paul Avery of Lake Villa was a Round Lake business caller Monday. SLOCUM'S T.AIMP. •'Written for last week Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hughes Jr., of Lumbard fwere Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston. W. Brooks and son," Chesnej^, were Sunday dooming callers at ; Terra Cotta. Miss Fern Cook of Chicago was'a Sunday guest, at the H L. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Hippel of Terra Cotta were last Tuesday afternoon callers at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mrs. Lewis Rohman of Barrington spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Harold Williams and LilKan Brooks and their guest, Miss Fern Cook, saw "The Golden Princess" at the Elite theatre at Waukegan Saturday evening- • • , . Mrs. Jullie Green and daughter, Edna, of Oak Park and Mrs. Florence Green of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston Saturday afternoon. A1 Staples returned to Evanston Saturday afternoon after enjoying the Pheasant season at the G. J. Burnett farm. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks werej business callers at McHenry last Sat. urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and fam-1 ily of Fremont township were Sunday afternoon and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonin. j Those from here who attended the i funeral of Mrs. J. Turnbull at Wau-{ c o n d a s u n d a y a f t e r n o o n w e r e : M r .j and Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Elvira Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett, j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Granger, Mrs. I C l a r a S m i t h , A r t h u r a n d W i l l P f a n -j nenstill, and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and j son, Chesney. " l Mr. and Mrs. W. Burkett of Shell j Lake, Wis., who are guests at the W.; E. Brooks' home, spent a few days: last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook near Wauconda. ) W. E. Brooks and M. H. Detrich of Chicago were business callers at Wau-1 kegun last Saturday afternoon. -»»- | John B'omgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Peter. Anderson hoitoe at Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Volo spent last Thursday afternoon at; the Blomgren home. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and1 Mr. and Mrs. Qllie Grantham attended the Wauconda Euchre Club party entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs.' Owen Paddock of Wauconda at the Ray Seymour home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were pleasantly surprised Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Budd Ford spent the| when relatives from Crystal Lake and week-end with the latter's sister, Mrs,. I Cary took possession of the Darrell- Emma Huson. Matthews home in the act of perform- Little Bobby Sherwood spent a few jng a party which they had planned, days with his parents at Lake Villa. I Games and music were enjoyed and at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford White, daugh- ^ eleven o'clock refreshments which the ter, Merle, and son, Walter, were out quests had provided were served of town callers Sunday afternoon Mrs. Cora Martin called on her sister, Mrs. Zella Davis, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peterkort, daughter, Julie, and Lilah Brown attended a show at Waukegan Sunday evening. Mr. Shurman, Mr. Lamb, Mr. Lob Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Matthews and two children of Cary, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford and son, Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. La Doyt Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Rowley and daughter, Adell, Mf. and Mrs. Earl Matthews and two children, Mr. and dell, State Highway department of j TVJrs. Thomas Staneck and Robert Mat- Elgin, Mr. Paddock of Wauconda, Mr. | thews of Crystal Lake and Mildred McDermott of Waukegan were out j Hoffman. hunting at Round Lake Wednesday Laura Epsten spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Wineberg of Chicago called on friends here Sunday. _ ,. Mrs. Floyd Renehan, sons, Buddy and litle Glen, called at the Fits home Wednesday. Mrs. Ray Rippberger and Martin Thelen motored to Waukegan one day Igst week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kennedy and daughter, Mary Lou, of Long L*ke spent Sunday aftiernoon at the Sumner Bauer home. Mrs. C. G. McCandless and daughter, Eloise, and Velma Fitz motored to Waukegan Friday. t . Mrs. B. K. Tucker, • and Valoise Smith spent the week-end with friends and relatives at Chicago. Martin Thelen's Garage was b£°*en into Friday evening. 15 tires, 8 Ba- RIDGEFIELD" A. G. Levy was an Elgin caller Friday. William Ormsby served on the jury iu Chicago last week. N. Cadwallader and Mrs. B. Dufield were Woodstock callers Wednesday evening. J. K. Splinter made a business trip to Chicago last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were Chicago shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant were Woodstock visitors Friday. Mrs. A. H. Skinner and children of Chicago spent part of Thursday and Friday here with her parents. A. G. Levy and wife and Miss Etta Irish were Saturday shoppers, at Woodstock. Ed Anners of Crystal Lake visited McHenry 18 Offices McHenry 45-R m loon tires, 24 tubes, 400 spark plugs j in the home of his brother here Sunand other 'automobile accessories were taken. The lost estimated about *500. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith motored to Chicago Sunday. O. A. Howard an4 daughter, Sarah, motored to Waukegan Friday. William Dillon was a Waukegan caller one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Luby and daughter, Elinore, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim ClM™nand Mrs. Nick Molidor of Volo called on Leo Hendee Saturday even. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Townsend and Mrs. McCracken of Iowa spent Tuesday evening at the Sumner Bauer h°Mr.' and Mrs. William Willmington motored to Waukegan Monday. Miss Ruth McKay returned to her home in Chicago after spending the week at the Jack Dailey home Mr. and Mrs. J. J- "f Lake Villa called at the A. M. White home Sunday. M. B. Huson left Monday at noon for Florida where he will spend the winter months. / Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith (nee Adeline Frost) and Mr. and Mrs. Parkington of Chicago called at the William Frost and William Huson homes Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merritt and children spent the week-end with relatives and friends in Genoa. Ester Fortin of Chicago spent bunday with her sister, Mrs. Mable Lit- W1)er. Mrs. Clayton Harrison and son, William, spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Milford Smith. day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs left Friday morning for an extended visit with their daughter, Mrs. A. H. Skinner in Chicago- Mrs. Myrtle Linscott of Madison, Wis., was a pleasant caller at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Belle Dufield Saturday. Mr&. Austin and children and Miss Hazel Nehberg were shoppers at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jurs and Mrs. N. Hansen of Chicago were dinner guests in the of Mrs. Jurs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch. Mr. Rehberg and daughter, Hazel, and son, Harry, enjoyed Sunday dinner with relatives in Eloin. Ole from Minn giveTl by Daniels Show Co., in Abbots hall all this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson of Hartland and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clausen and two children of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the Gus Persson home. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited Monday and Tuesday "with the latter's brother, C. W. Allen and family at Milwaukee Wis. Mrs. Rose Moddard was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. Miss Bessie Johnson spent Friday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. M. Otto have moved back to Crystal Lake for the winter months. 'lh? proceeds from the L. A. society supper and bazaar last Thursday evening amounted to about $325. There was a large number from out of town present, Charles Splinter motored to Crystal Lake Monday. NATIONAL TEA CO. QUALITY GROCERS Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry, 111. THANKSGIVING;P SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS Pliisti Pudding fr! IOC Pumpkin GLEAN DRY PACK No. 3 Can . IOC Sweet Potatoes N».N2CcYanS0UD PACK 15c h» APRICOTS nSc^1 ®0ME..... 4%'Vtt AMERICAN HOME A v(lvllv9 No. 2'/i Can A '5c Cherries BSftr1.: 4?c Pineapple 25c Currants 4*1X7 So""™1' 15c DROMEDARY GOLDEN 10-OZ. PKG XI* SMYRNA BRICK 8c THOMPSON SEEDLESS tic DROMEDARY SLICED CITRON " J ""G J ORANGE OR LEMON 4 o*. 21 c 13c Walnuts ^rRN!A;S0FTSHEI-L 35c Walnut Meats ^rrAUXIMP0RTED 69c HARD and FILLED MIXED MOTT'S RUSSET, GAL. 79^--QUART 24c MafShlliallOWS C&mpfire, per lb. ... 36c Fruit Cake SUNSHINE BRAND, 2$1.70, NT 85c Cherries MARASCHINO STYLE, 3 oz. Bottle ... 12c OlflVPC SPANISH GREEN, 16 0 1 . . . . STUFFED MANZANILLA, 4'i oz. . . 31c 25c Pickles HEINZ SWEET GHERKINS, Med. Oct 38c Poultry Seasoning Per Can 9c Grape Juice AMERICAN HOME. gts. 47c pts.. Ginger Ale HAZEL BRAND DBY PALE, Bottle. 18c Jello ALL FLAVORS, Pkg. loc Cocoanut \ BAKERS SOUTHERN STYLE. Can ...... 16C TEA NATIONAL U. 0. JAPAN '> lb. Pkg. ... COFFEE CHICAGO BLEND, p«r lb. . .. 40c Vi • •,-3 "•M '-:4 . -if • "•'•'As! COOKIES SUGAR, LEMON, COCOANUT, per lb FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES h - :.m- M