Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1925, p. 7

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-T ^ * - !«$• THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, BfBC. 3. 1925 LINCOLN CAR FOR I ORPHAN ASYLUM tings. ' va A very rich man made possible the fulfilment of the dreams of these orpran children. He bought a Lincoln Limousine and presented it to the asylum, perhaps in rememberance of the days when he sold newspapers on the streets of Syracuse and dreamed his dreams. METHODIST CHURCH IklfSf ta'es and dreams ever come true ? The tiny wards of St Vincent'? orphan arylum for girls at Syracuse N. Y., declare tha* they do--if one wishes hard enough and long: enough A nd they ought to know, for just see what wishing did for them. Being an orphan dosn t prevent one \ series of three sermons centering from wishing and for a long time these around the Chirs.mas theme will be little girls have concentrated on a poached by the pastor during the first wish for an automobile. Not an or.: three Sundays in December. The first d;nary automobile, but a big sleek number of the series which comes on limousine with wire wheels and shiny Dec. 6, will be on the subject, "Forsnickeled fittings that would glide sil- shadows of Jesus' Birth." ently down the boulevard and sweep, Epworth League social hour at 5:S0 up 4he hills with a mighty surge of p, m., and,devotional hour at 6:30, power. .And then, one day, there appeared at the door of the orphanage, as if by magic, just the car of their dreams. Sunday, Dec. 6, is Golden Rule Sunday. Last year fifty-one countries observed Golden Rule Sunday. Wherever possible, it is proposed that on Golden They rubbed their eyes and pinched j Rule Sunday all persons who are distheirhselves, but there it stayed with j posed to make a practical application the sun glinting on its nickeled fit-1 of the Golden Rule provide for their i Sunday dinner approximately the same I simple, but adequate, menu that is provided, when funds permit, by WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY CITY \S SEEN BT PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED IN BT OUR FRIENDS f M. J. Freund spent Woodstock. Tuesday la PRIZE DM .. ^ •> Louis Pavilioa Fox River Grove, I1L, SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 5, 1925 Billy Beljean and His 9-piece Orchestra will furnish the music The Pavilion is well heated Good Roads in all Directions Gome One Come All And enjoy the Saint Nicholas Night East Relief for the tens of thousands of war orphans of the Near East, who are under its care. The Near East Relief is an organization chartered by congress, charged with the responsibility of ministering to the unfortuna'es of war in Bible Lands. It is suggested that the money you save by eating a simple menu be given to the Near East Relief to feed the N. E. Barbian was a Harvard visitor Saturday. Miss Lenore Cobb spent the weekend in Chicago. John and Donald Givens were Elgin visitors Thursday. : Mrs. Nap Lezotte sprat .Tuesday evening in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels were Aurora visitors Sunday. Mrs. William Stoffel is spending Near a few weeks in Chicago. Dr. Fred Minick of Iowa was a Mc- Henry caller recently. Mrs. Jemmie Bassett is spending the Week in Woodstock. George Phalin spent Wednesday in the Metropolitan city. Albert Roch of Chicago was a Mc. Henry caller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fret£ were 35,000 orphans who are under its care! Chicago visitors Sunday at the present time, many of whom will starve this winter, unless we help them. Mrs. W. F. Vogt will receive your gifts and forward them to the Near East Relief. GOOD CROWD AT BAZAAR A very good crowd attended the bazaar at the K. C. hall on Thanksgiving <<ay. "Hie bazaar was sponsored by St. Mary's chtirch. The net proceeds amounted to about $700. The pastor and parishioners wish to e xpress their gratitude and appreciation for the way in which many of the Mc Henry people turned out to help make the affair a success. Sugar a$ Mcdicittf During the liist century of the Roman republic, the famous General Ponipey, who conquered Asia Minor came upon a people who used th« Juice.-of the sugar cane as a common heverage. Sugar was prwifhed a* a medicine by Galen in the Second century. A. D. were Two Day Sale OF A VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF VERY HIGH-GRADE FUR-TRIMMED LADIES' COATS. These Coats are advanced samples,of one of N#W York's leading manufacturers. Regular retail price from $65 to $85 For this Sale--Friday and Saturday Only S47.50 to $65.50 We were able to obtain only one dozen to sell at this time. Remarkably low- priced. First come, first served. Nobby Style Shop BARBIAN & FREUND McHenry, Illinois uy Christmas The |EARLIER you do your Christmas . shopping the better. In our store you will find useful, sensible, beautiful presents for every member of your family and your friends. PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY We invite YOUR business « ' <• Vf. K - Erickson Dept. Store Phone 154 West McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers Waukegan visitors Thursday. Miss Gwendolyn Overton spent a few days last week in Harvard. Miss Genevieve Knox of DeKalb *pent the week.end in McHenry. . Miss Agnes Peters of Woodstock was a recent visitor in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bickler of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Charles Egan of Chicago passed the week-end with McHenry friends. Clifford Buss of Chicago spent the week-end with McHenry relatives. Reverend Father Hackett of Fulton spent Thanksgiving day in McHenry. Miss Rosalind Nye spent Thanksgiving with friends at Coal City, III. Mrs. F. O. Gans and daughter, Mildred, spent the week-end in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and children were Woodstock visitors Sunday. L. F. Newman was in. Chicago Wednesday and visited his daughter and son. Stanley Gustaveson of Chicago visited ir. the J. E. Pufahl home Sunday. Rose and Henry Frepnd of Waukegan passed Sunday with McHenry relatives. Ira Ritter, wife, and son spent the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Ritter. Mrs. Mary S. Powers and daughter, Jeanne, spent Saturday with relatives at Long Lake. Miss Dorothy Matthews spent the week-end in the home of her parents in this city. Misses Grace Poli and Irene Small spent Thanksgiving week with Miss Helen Pries. Mr. and Mrs. J.*A. Conrad spent a few days the latter part of last week in Chicago. Vaughan Jones of Ringwood called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell Sunday. Mrs. M. McGinnis of Elgin visited in the home of Mrs. M. Givens and family Thursday. Mrs. John Bolger and Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock were callers in thir city Friday. Misses Loretto Steffes and Florence Conway spent the week-end with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schramm of Chicago spent Friday with Miss Blanche Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey of Chicago passed Thanksgiving day with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Steilen of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Steilen. Mss Angela Steilen spent a few days the latter part of last week with Chicago relatives. Mrs. Henry Dowe and son, Charles, spent a few days the past week with Chicago relatives. \ Mrs. Laura Kent, son, Roy, and daughter, Ruth were Chicago visitors Thanksgiving day. Paul Bonslett visited his sister, Mary Bonslett, at the Mercy hospital in Chicago Sunday. John E. Kilmer of South Milwaukee visited in the George Wirfs home over the week-end. Miss Clara Barbian visited a few days the latter part of last week with Woodstock friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle spent the week-end in the home of the former's father, John Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. George Goodman and son of Chicago spent the week-end in the H. Ritter home. Miss Helen Freund of Glencoe was a week-end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt of Belvidere spent the week.end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Miss Caroline Miller of Wilmette Bpent the week-end in the home of her parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and children were guests in the home of Chicago relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and son, Robert, of Elgin passed Thurs-1 \| day with relatives in this city. Ed Buss and daughter, Betty Jane. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mame Buss spent Sunday at Oak Park. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander of Chicago was a Wednesday morning caller in the home of Mrs. Martha Page. Mrs. F. J. Aicher, who recently underwent an operation in the Chicago 1 > hospital, has returned to this city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferwerda and $ children, Mrs. John Keg and Mrs. A1 Krause spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Bussley and children and Mrs. Elizabeth Gruenfeldt passed Saturday in this city. Charles Newman was operated on at the Swedish Deaconess hospital Wednesday and is getting along very well. Mr. and Mrs. Whiting of Lake Geneva were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Miss Dorothy and Walter LaSalle of DesPlaines visited Miss Floribel and Lisle Bassett over the week-end. Miss Elvina Engels of Spring Grove is spending the week in the home of Mrs. Christina Young. John Dowe and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsala and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Althoff at Pistakee Bay. Mrs. A. J. Schneider and Mrs. Jane A. Carr attended the funeral of Richard Lawson at Ringwood Friday morn, ing. Mr. W. H. Vastine and son, William Jr., spent the week-end at their cottage ""Glen View" on McCullums Lake. Mrs. Ed Buss was operated on last Wednesday at the Oak Park hospital. Latest reports are that she is doing nicely. Mrs. Charles Unti and daughter, Bern ice were Chicago visitors Sunday and attended a show at the Tivoli theatre. Misses Cecilia Aylwaf-d and Estelle Wilcox of Chicago spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mrs. Marguaret McCarthy. Mrs. N. P. Jus ten and son, Richard, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinsdorfer visited Crystal Lake relatives Thanks* giving day. Mrs. Barbara Englen ^returned from Greenville, Michigan, on Tuesday, where she atended the funeral of Freeman Baker. Paul Mullenbach, who has been visiting McHenry relatives and friends for some time, has returned to his home in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lawrence and children of Ringwood spent Thanksgiving in the home of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Wegener. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weber from Statesville, Iowa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer ih Johnsburg last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mrs. David'Johnson returned to McHenry Monday evening from Chicago where she had been spending the week with her husband. L. R. Donavin of West Chicago sffcnt the past week in the home of his ron and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and children, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels, and Mrs. Martin Smith and Irving Smith were Milwaukee visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel and Miss Mary Stoffel and William Stoffel visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs William Abisher at Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Al Krause and daughter spent Thursday at Elmhurst where they attended a family reunion. A number of the High School students sptfnt Tuesday evening in Crystal Lake where the Crystal Lake students and the McHenry orchestra gave a joint concert. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson at .Ringwood on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Marguerita Rice of Chicago, who has been spending a few Weeks in the home of Mrs. E'. Ingleharte for her health, has returned to her home feeling very much better. Misses Margaret Stenger, Elizabeth Vogt, Angela Petesch and Wm. Nye of Champaign spent last week with McHenry relatives. They are attending the University there. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber entertained as Thanksgiving dinner guests m their home Mr. ana Mrs. Kaiser and children and Mrs. Lausen of Elgin, Mrs. Howard and M|rs. Krause of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund entertained as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Neiss and Mrs. John F. Freund of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Freund of Solon Mills, and Mr and Mrs. Bernard Freund and family >f Johnsburg. Mrs. G. L. Robinson of Woodstock was a recent guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Welch. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin entertained as guests in their home Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and children of West Chicago. M iss Marjorie Phalin of Elgin and Miss Eleanor Phalin of DeKalb spent the week-end in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin. They were accompanied to Elgin in their leturn by their brother, George Phalin. Valuable Waterermm Tradition and Investigation batf given to watercress a very high pU<|» among medical men for Its real too§ value. One Extra Trousers Free With every suit to order during December. Place vour order early and save the cost of one pair of trousers, which is from We also make a reduction in cleaning and pressing Of ladies' and gents* clothes for the same period of time as,follows: > Ladies' ,Suits cleaned and pri*se<l'.X>: .$1.50^ :^fcftdie^ Dressescteane^^ ..... $1.50 up Ladies' Coats cleaned and pressed... .... .$1.50 Men's Suits cleaned and pressed ..... $1.50 Men's Ovearcoats cleaned and pressed $1.50 Men *8 Trousers cleaned and pressed 50^ Joe Dittrich Tel 118-R MERCHANT TAILOR lit and Workmanship Guaranteed M'HENRY, ILL. Handkerchiefs Linen and Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs to 50c Sweater Coats esnons for Men's Gifts A filie Assortment to choose ~ from in all the wanted colors Here Are Some Dandy House Coats An article that bat few ^ - men will buy for themselves, yet one that is worn almost daily until it is threadbare. > $7.00 $13.50 $4.50 to $9.00 OIFT HOSIERY Fine heavy silk, in plain . and mixed colors--all wool Hosiery in patterns and solid colors. In other words plenty of styles and colors from which to choose the Hosiery you wish to give. 50* to $1.00 Neckwear-- The kind that he will wear after Christmas Smart novelty patterns and" colors--*he very newest ideas from tiie country's foremost manufacturers. $1.00 to $1.50 Shirts--New Patterns* Decidedly the most attractive lot of Shirts we have ever shown"--and 1^ *. now they are just in time for gift selections. McGee's Clo. Store it McHenry

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