Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1925, p. 12

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w fr: jf HOME OF AMUSEMENT 1 J ' * ' < ' ' . . - + ' 4 , %$£*%$§& •**?.,•» - r. ^ t ' ^' * ** * * ' tf c •?*< * *V / £ ; ? * , , . , f- -T^ V' ' ' >« 4" - * " , „ ^ IT"'*- * - -.r^ -,5-: ^1 ,MKJ. 17,1*8 . , . *J 1 t V-'! ^4 w tiv.&Aj « , \ n'- •. • viv, '* S '•" J . --• ADDITIONAL PERSONALS "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" THURSDAY AND FRIDAY DEC. 17 and 18 AL WILSON World's Most Famous Stunt •• ' f r:~F|yer . „ *<: ." ^ ie Cloud Rider A The Broncho Buster of the --A Great Cast In a <3ood Story and / PATHS COMEDY S ^ • ; t SATURDAY-SUNDAY / With Special Sunday W^Mattaiee 2:J~ BIG TIME J.f • * ' tV • ' Si-M®' VAUDEVILLE 1 1 FEATURE PICTURE* AND COMEDY >, ^ •, SATURDAY, DEC. IT * HARRY CAREY in ». . Roaring Rails" A Cyclonic Smash with a Whirlwind of Action, with COMEDY and VAUDEVILLE . SUNDAY, DEC. 20 THOMAS MEIGHAN in Coming Throogh With Lila Lee, Wallace Beery and other big DUMB in the cast, wjth VAUDEVILLE and COMEDY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY DEC. 24 and 25 -DELAINE HAMMERSTEIN and LOU TELLEGElf in the Gothic Masterpiei)*' Parisian Nights You're going to like everyond of this mighty melodrama John Phalin was a Woodstock visitor Sunday. Ed. F- Kelter is visiting in the met. ropolitan city. Mrs. W. J. Donavin spent Sapatday in Chicago. * Mrs. Louis McDonald was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Clois Wagner was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian were week-end visitors in Chicago. Mrs. P. W. Frett and daughter Charlotte, sptent niursctay in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and children were visitor* »at Rockford Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Gruenfeld of Chicago spent Sunday in her home in his city. Mrs. Nick Grow and son, Raymond fpent Sunday in the home of Mrs acob Stock. Mrs. B. Hiller, Mrs. Ellen Englehardt, and Mrs. H. Ritter were Waukegan visit-ors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Langren of Crystal Lake were callers in the Frank Weingart home Wednesday.' Miss Doris Bacon. Ci£ Algon<{uin was a week-end guest in the home of her parents in this city. Mrs. Lydia Beirbaum of Chicagc spent the week-end in the home of hex mother, Mrs. Jacob Stock. Mrs. T. H. Rogers of Glencoe is spending a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Welch. Mr. and MrsJ. Glen Robinson of Woodstock were recent visitors in the home of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bishop and family visited in the home of the latter's parents at Johnsburg Sunday. Mrs. Laura Kent and daughter Ruth, and M. J. Kent and family spent Tuesday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson were Elgin visitors Saturday. Miss Mildred Ahrens of Elgin spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ahrens. Miss Eleanor Phalin of DeKalb spent the week-end in the home of her narents, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen of Spring Grove were Tuesday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and son of Oak Park were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. Miss Oliedene Foot, Maud Granger and Charles Owen were guests in the home of Robert Thompson over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser at Johnsburg Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Freund and children and Miss Emma Freund of Johnsburg called in the Louis Bishop home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. r. "W. Frett and daughter, Charlotte, and Mrs. Fred Schneider attended the funeral of Mr tlerman Kasch at Hillside Wednes- HARI^MITCHEIX Ckfa9<* finest I Jailer * J t> ' Orchestras at Barrington Hie two High School orchestras-- Crystal Lake and McHenry--which gave such a splendid entertainment here a short time ago, will put on the same program at Barringtdn ndxt Tuesday evening. SOCIAL JWD CLUB MS OF WEEK Celebration at Country Club Members of the Anniversary Club enjoyed a birthday celebration at the Crystal Lake Country Clubhouse Sun-, day ever ing, Mrs. A. Edgar Nye being the honored member. A very fine chicken dinner was served and dancing enjoyed by all. The dance given by Mr. C. W. Stenger and Mr. William Spencer in the role of Topsy and Eva was especially entertaining. Later in the evening Mrs. Nye was presented with an appropriate gift in remembrance of her anniversary. Crystal Lake can well be proud of its clubhouse situated on its lake of crystal. The character of the work in this building is ornate in detail yet interior furnishings are in accord with modern style. The charm of the building lies in its enduring worth and beauty. It was through the courtesy of Mr. C. W. Stenger, who is a member of the Crystal Lake Country Club that the McHenry folks were given ian opportunity to spend a delightful ever Ring in the club house. -s. Mr. and Mrs. Schoewer Enterttfti Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer delightfully entertained a gathering of relatives and friends at their home Saturday evening of last week. Bunco, games and music furnished the amusements. Those who attended were the Misses Ida, Rose and Ruth Leu, Mrs John Stedronsky and daughter, Mildred, Mrs. Frank Hejmalik, Mrs. Joe Schoewer and daughter, Ruth, and J. Miller, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. P J. Schoewer, Mrs. K. Young, Miss Theresa Knox, N. C. Klein and daughter, Mildred, of McHenry. The winners in bunco were: First, Mrs. Frank Hejmalik, P. J. Schoewer and N. C Ktatn. SUITS W OVERCOATS M'HENRY ATHLETIC •*. CLUB LOSES (jNPKMBl 'i. for Jira. Keg Mrs. Roy Smith gave a surprise party at her home Thursday afternoon Dec. 10, for Mrs. John Keg, in honor of the latter's birthday anniversary Those present were: Mesdames William Marshall, James T. Perkins Charles Ferwerda, N. F. Steilen, David Johnson, John Keg, S. E. Warrington, Roy Smith, and Henry Meyers. Bunco furnished the afternoon's amusement, the winners being Mrs William Marshall, Mrs. Henry Meyers and Mrs. James T. Perkins. Aftei the game those present partook of a delicious luncheon served by the hostess. All departed soon afterwards wishing Mrs. Keg many more happy birthday anniversaries to come. R. N. A. Christmas Party River#View Camp, Royal Neighbors of America, will hold a Christmas party lor the'm^mbers and their children Tuesday evening, December 22 The party will commence at 7:30. READERS A new line of silk and wool hosiery at the Nobby Style Shop. Women's Fine Silk Lingerie. At the Nobby Style -Shop. Two Table Club Members of the Two Table club met at the home of Mrs. Joseph W. Rothermel Wednesday afternoon. Bun- •o was played the prizes going to Mrs George Bohr, Mrs. Will Bishop, and Mrs. F. O. Gans. A very enjoyable time was had by all present. "f t Friend« and ^W'fetever the number of a ttftifs friends, there will be time In bl« life when he bas one too few; but If be has only one enemy, he la lucky Indeed if he has not one too """j --• Bulwer-Lytton. { \ Everything* first Class Made to Order . A ASWngof'N) to*15 is ~ tfUvnnteedonewy, HARRY MITCHELL 16-1S8e Et. Satastt€ J aancdk Wsoanba Bsh lvd. 4QC 5 ^ BL • at w Qive Greatest •• : MOTHER-- * Fair or Two of Shears Waffle Irons ElectricJPrqrc*. Casseroles I . , - Serving Trayf Sugar and Cream SetlL Aluminum, War© Everything to delight ^ Youngsters--Sleds, Skis. Wagons, Dolls, Trains, Dishes, Furniture, Skates and many other toys. ' Also full line of Cards, Wrapping Cords, Tissue Paper &UQ &e&18. '<*' • Tree Ornaments TOR DAB-- i Razors Lunch Boxes Flashlights Pocket Knives Hammers Shaving Sets Ash Trays Auto Tools Electric Light Sets tor Tre§ ^ WM PHONE 98-M John J. Vycital M'HENRY Forester Christmas Party A very good crowd attended the Christmas party given by St. Clara Court, Catholic Order of Foresters, at the church hall Wednesday evening, Bunco furnished the evening's entertainment. Kids' Party The Seniors of M. T. H. S. are giving a kids' party at the High School Mond&y evening, Dec. 21. day. The second Teachers' Reading Circle meeting of the term was held in the high school auditorium Friday afterikoon with Mrs. Ethe> Coe pre tiding. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McClannahan and daughter of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs Edward Krepil and daughter, Shirley Mae, of Round Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ritter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund, Mr and Mrs. Ben Freund, and Mr. and Mrs. Nick N. Freund and son* were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schaefer of Arlingtoi Heights. Miss Mary Bonslett has been ill at the St. Joseph's hospital at Aurora for the past two weeks but is getting along very nicely and will probably be able to return to her home in two weeks. Plaindealer Ads Get Results. Give Useful Gifts They are appreciated most BLANKETS GOWNS TIES TOWELS AND TOWEL SETS 4 SUSPENDER AN© GARTER SEtS UNDERWEAR SHAVING SETS ASH TIJAYS CHINA SALAD BOWLS OOLASHES ; ^ _ • John ' Stof f el New Clnb Opens Season at Woodstock The Woodstock Alumni Athletie club triumphed over McHenry in a close battle at Woodstock Armory last Sunday afternoon, 36 to 29. Manager Romo Bobb and Captain "Zeke" Bacon took their fleety Orange and Black quintet to Woodstock last Sunday afternoon where they met the W. A.,A. C. of Woodstock. /The Black and Reds were very confident of an easy victory over McHenry but were very much surprised to find so fast a team as they encountered. Zeke Bacon and Jess Whiting kept the big boys pretty busy and no one could have stopped Zeke as he dribbled {lown the floor time after time for McHenry points. Dutch Bacon who was being counted on as one of the McHenry scoring aces, was taken sick with a very bad cold and could not take part in the game. When McHenry came on" the floor a few minutes after the Woodstock boys they were considered as well as dead by some for every Woodstock man was close to a ^six-footer" and weighed nearly 160 or 160 pounds, while our little &-foot 3-inch men, weighing only 130*to 145 pounds were to play against them but every one found that size does not count. During the first few minutes of play Bacon dribbled down the floor and was fouled by Eppel and made both of the free throws. Schwabe of Woodstock followed up with a basket shortly after tying the score, then with Sweetland and Weeks both mak ing ringers, giving Woodstock a four point lead over McHenry. At the end of the first half McHenry was at the losing end of -a 20 to 12 score. After a few minutes rest l>oth teams came back ready for more action with Winkel substituting for E Walsh at guard, and the whole team that had been taken out during the second quarter were placed back in for Woodstock. • All of McHenry lacked the push during this part of the game except Zeke Bacon, who still held his own and kept up his usual whirlwind game, keeping Woodstock worried every minute till the whistle blew for the end of the third quarter and McHenry had not gkined a bit and still behind $4 to 20. | Jesse Whiting was forced to retire from the game on account of injuries sustained wh^n Weeks of Woodstock thought he was riding steers at the Rodeo and brought Jesse to the floor beneath him. During the final quarter Leo "Red" Winkel showed his stuff by putting in three free throws and one field goal on a\ pretty long shot from cen ter, and Bonslett, Bacon, Whiting and Freund all played a great defensive game, holding Woodstock with but one basket which was a lucky one by Weeks. t Bacon proved to be the outstanding star for McHenry with eight free throws and five baskets while Schwabe and Weeks were the leading scorers for Woodstock. Next week-end the McHenry Athletic club will stage their first home game at the new McHenry Community High School Gym, December 20 against the Notre Dame Chicago club This team which was the St. Nels High School team of 1924 and 1925 was coached by the famous Paddy Driscoll ah^ won the national Catholic league championship. This will be s CLASSIFIED DETARTHENT FOR SALE--Two fox hound pups. Five months old. Inquire of Henry W Ahrens, phone 58-M, McHenry. 27-2t FOR SALE--Trick body for Ford. Also other repair parts. Inquire of Robert H. Fuller, Route 2, McHenry. Phone 619-J-l 27-tf FOR SALE--140 acres, all new buildings. Every foot can be plowed if wanted. Will sell reasonable and on easy terms. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, McHenry, 111. 27-tf FARM FOR SALE--120 acres. In quire of John Pfannenstill Route 1 McHenry. Phone 633-J-1 27-6+ FOR SALE--Two Ford Sedans, one 1923 and one 1922, East Side Garage. 28-tf USED CAR BARGAINS--Chevrolet sedan, Lexington touring car, both in good condition and very reasonably priced. G. A. Stilling Garage. 27-2t . v - v "u , ""w.l very good game and every one who is a lover of the basket ball sport should not miss it. Remember the McHenry High School Gym on December 20, 2:30 p. m. Admission 50 cents. Line-up Fer Last Sunday's Game McHenry 27 Woodstock 86 H. Bacon F. /Jfehawbe F. P. Bonslett F.';.H.,; "'fWeeks F. A. Freund C. . ' ^ Grant C. E. Walsh G. , , Sireetland G J, Whiting G. Eppel G Substitutes: Hdfcnry L. Winkel for E. Walsh; E. Walsh for J.'Whiting; J. Whiting for P. Bonslett. Woodstock Jenson for Weeks; Courier for Schwabe; Moritz for Grant; Billings for Eppel; Steussey for Sweetland; Johnson for Steussey, Smith for Billings. Don't miss next Sundays game or you will regret it. ^ you not only attend, the games, but remember the men who made it possible to have a team. ? ; Schedule to Dale Dec. 20--Notre Dame Chicago CHrib at McHenry. Dec. 26--McHenty High School at McHenry. . D^c. 27--Lake Zurich at Mclicniy Jifa. 6--Lake Zurich at Wauconc^u Jan. 24--Franklin Press of Waufcie* gan at McHenry, Jan. 31*--WOodslock A. A.C. «t ifijK Henry. FAVORS BARNES' RE-NOMINATION POLITICAL ADVERTISING 'M BASKETBALL OAM§ ' 4 V HEEE SUNDAY 'ast in speaking of tht announcemeht« Judge Charles P. Barnes, for re-nomination, said: •J: i appears the formal announce-; Ba "On page five of this issue ' County Judge Charles P. Barnes, as a candidate for redenomination to the office which he has so capably filled As ^usiial, the Barnes announcement Carries the usua' snap and straight-from-the-shoulder message and it will please you to reread the Judge's announcement. It goes without saying that % 1<'1 udge Barnes has made an enviable record as County Judge : his announcement to again become a candidate for the -^office has come after repeated requests from all parts of the "county on the part of his countless friends. In his announcement, Judge Barnes states that he will put on a speechmaking catn- * paign later on and will no doubt in thiB way be able to meet ! : more of the voters of the county than in any other way and as he is an able and fluent talker it is a safe bet that there will be a good attendance at the Barnes meetings." ' a Do Your Christmaar Shopping at the • •v ^Drug Store NOTRF Dame-Ohicago Club to Play Locals Sunday afternoon, at the Community High School gym, the local team plays its first home game, when it meets the fast Notre Dame-Chicago Club team of Chicago. Thi3 promises to be one of the best games on the locals' schedule. The visiting team last year won the International Catholic Club championship and is coached by the internationally known athlete, Paddy Driscoll. The local team is in far better condition than when it met Woodstock last Sunday and we can look forward to a fast and clean game Sunday. Come out and show the boys that you are back of them in their under-! 4 taking and help them win. This will \ | Lovely Perfumes in dainty individual boxes at $1.00 up. make it possible for you to be assured of some good games on the local floor this season. The McHenry Athletic club wishes to take this means of thanking the business men for helping to make it possible for McHenry to have a town basketball team this season. They have contributed to the fund with which the boys started the season, and the members of the club urge that I! GIFTS for WOMEN and GIRLS H HOME FOR CHRISTMAS^ to enjoy one of those oldfashioned home-made dinners only made complete when .cooked in one of our newly designed gas ranges •with the instantaneous lighter and the wonder oven heat control device that enables Mother to cook her faultless dinners in less time and without the necessary drudgery* and worry that naturally accompanies a big dinner. SEE THESE RANGES # lo dhr show rooms. A free demonstration will be giveja^tyour convenience. T BUY ON TERMS 10 per cent with your order. Balanpe in easy monthly installments. r WESTERN UNITED OAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ' • 0. E. Collins,. % District Managir Beautiful Perfume Combination Sets at $2.00 to $10.00. Stationery in ttie latest packages at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00. | Gold and Silver Finish Vanities, Compacts at $1.00 up. '?• Toilet Waters in handsome packages at. $1.00 Clocks and Watches at $2.00 and up. ;; Exquisite Toiletware Sets at $8.00 and up. Vacuum and Flashlights at $2.00 and up. < • Cameras and Albums--all styles at |2.50 and up, ;; Fountain Pens at $1.00 and up. Automatic Pencils at $1.00 and up. | Candy in jars, boxes and bu^^^jpq^ J Toys---a varied choice. -V AND MANY MOBE. i«> GIFTS for MEN and BOYS Choice Cigars at all prices. f '1 Tdbacco at all prices. Watches and Clocks at $2.00 up. Men's Stationery at $1.50 ^ Boys' Stationery at«50c up. - Fountain Peflis at $1.00 up. ~ Automatic Pencils at $1.00 0$. - i Vacuums at $2.00 up. -y •••:£ Cameras ai $2.50 up. Safety Razors at $1.00 up. ' Razor Blade Stroppers, $3.00 HP. ^ Shaving Comfort Sets at $1.00 ugl Flashlights at $1.50 up. Billfolds at $1.50 up. / Candy in#jars, boxes and bulk at ail prices. AND MANY MORE. » \ .$ "4Ehe McHenry Druggist" _ Phone 40 McHenry, T T T DEAD AND FALLEN STOCK taken care of. Reasonable price paid for old horses. H. Witt, Ringwood, 111. Tel. 651. 27.4t Wonderful Gift for the Family FOR RENT--7-Room house on Riverside Drive. Newly redecorated throughout. Right-of-way to river. R. F. Conway, Phone 91-W. 28-tf tf Surveys and Subdivisioi GEO. E. THORNE ^ Land Surveyor JULGONQUIN, ILL. Phone 83-J WARNING--A state law was passed by the Illinois legislature July, 1925, which makes it a penalty of $200 for each offense for anyone to practice public accountancy or any phase thereof without a state certificate by examination. I will take necessary steps to prosecute any person or per sons violating this law. J. W. Worth,1 Public Accountant. 28-31 FOR RENT--Farm 1% miles south of McHenry. Mrs. Henry Kennebeck. 25-4t $1000 REWARD--For the name of the party or person who mutilated trees cn the George J. Sayor Farm No. 1 across the road from the drive way to Mr. Sayor's summer home sometime between October 10 and 11. George J. Sayor. 21-tf A Bank either Savings or Checking, is the one be«t Gift that can make the members of your family. It frees your wife from annoying you with the smaller details of home finance--it teaches ^your children valuable things about business life which will profit theip later. Join our Christmas Savings Club and be prepared for your Christmas next year. A little each week Will do it. Let us explain the plan. FOR SALE!--Brunswick Graphonola with records. As good as new, $10 Bedroom set: bed complete with dress er, small rocker and chair, $15. Also new gas heater. Inquire of Mrs. John Niesen. ^ v. ' t** . ' 1 "Thev Bank That Service Built z.2(. jt •-.-j,'-- . •. i i

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