"WE CANT I'LAY THEM ALL BO WE PLAY THE H1-:ST" THURSDAY, DEC. 31 and . ' FRIDAY, JANI ARY 1 |? C pLLEEN MOORE *"• in e Des lower She's a sand "waif full of pep and fun. Y.ist wi^* a h^aM tfc*t yeafns for I()V^ ^ : If8 a real picture ^iih jR support cast and a * -;.;*ATHE OOMEDY * . SATURDAY-SUNDRY . .-."J y . jy With Special Sunday' Matinee 2:30 , BIG TIMT3 FEATURE PICTURE AND COMEDY SATURDAY, JAN. 2 SAURICE FLYNN Speed Wild Hie Eight Cylinder Whiz*/ Bang Comedy Vith ,LE AND COMEDY SUNDAYXAAN The Miracle Melodrama of 3'.»Jr>. It's a great story with thrills galore, with VAUDEVILLE ANB^tiMEDf II - M MM'.'," Notice THE EMPIRE THEATRE WILL CLOSE i>ow?rf £ ^>»IONDAY, JAlfi 4 ( ^ REOPENING THURSDAY, JAN. 21 "Wishing All a Haj^py Jfew,, 'Year* . METHODIST CHURCH "The Meaning1 and Power of-Prayer" is the subject of the perm on for Jan. 3rd. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. "-y-i? "• You are standing at the _ threshold of a new year and, of course, you wish it to be a happyand aucrc ^ful year. You will not be disappointed .if vuu give God a share in your pitas. Be-4rV>ifch tier daughters gin the year right by attending the services of worship. The pastor and his wife wish you all a most happy Nc: Year. Miss A dele Pufahl spent Friday in Elgin. Miss Genevieve Bohr visited friends ut pesPlames Saturday. Donald (livens was a Chicago visitor Monday and Tuesday. Arthur Boger of Chicago passed ill's week-end in this city Roy Kent was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Miss Lenorre Freund of Libertvvillo spent the week-end in this city „ William "Nye of Urbana is spending the .holidays with relatives in this city Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay wert visitors in the metropolitan city Tues- ("lay, MissLillian Freund of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her parents' Leo Conway of Chicago spent Friday with McHenry friends and rela t.ises. - Mir. and Mrs. Walter Warner of Elgin visited McHenry relatives Christmas day Emil (Jeter spent several days last week us t-ht guest of his parents in Clikrago. Mis^ RofSe Freund of Waukegan visr ited her sister, Mrs-Ambrose Schaefer Friday. - Miss Alice Miller of the University of Illinois is visiting her parents in his city. Miss Caroline Miller of Wilmette spent the week-end in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and children passed Sunday at Crys tal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison of El- •>in visited McHenry relatives Christmas day. Miss Amelia Weber of Johnsburg visited Miss Mathilda Freund Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children of Wauconda are visiting Mc Henry relatives. Mrs. Emma Maginnis of Elgin spent Friday and Saturday in the home of Mrs. M. (Jivens. Mr. and Mrs., John Rauen of Spring Grove spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay and Miss Mabel Cox-of'Elgin were McHenry callers Wednesday. Mr. and" Mrs. John Fay and sons John and James, spent; Christmas day with KIgin'relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Do\yling of Chicago .spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs, F. O. Gans. Attorney C. S. Sengstock Of Des Plainer spent the weekend in the Ni-holas Bohr home. - Miss Martha Freund of Chicagt •spent Saturday "and Sunday in the John S. Freund home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whiting of Lake Geneva spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs. N.» EL Barbian. " Miss Mame Keg of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keg over the week-end State's Attorney and Mrs. A. H Pouse. of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives Christmas eve. Arnold and Arthur Rauen of Spring Grove visited JVIr. and Mrs. L. Bishop on Christmas day. .Tames Doherty attended to busines matters in the metropolitan city last Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Robinson Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Welch Christmas day. " Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loomis of Wood stock spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs. James T. Perkins, M isses Mildred Ahrens artd Sadie Warner of Elgin spent the week-end in the If. W. Ahrens home Leo Heimer passed Wednesday and Thursday last with his sister, Mrs Joseph Iloffman, in Chicago, Mr-'- A. -ft. Barbian passed the lat t< r part of last and first of this wee Chicago. pman of day 6*6sts Mrs. T. J. ITIONAL PERSONALS P. W. rett spent .Tuesday in Chi cago m McHENRY'S HOME OF AMUSEMENT TEE K'WNBY PLAINDEALIB, THintaBAi; 0X0. ^1920 ' " • i»ir-1*"- -i - - i • - - r i -- m :4! Mis. Peter W. Frett and daughter Charlotte- Rita, and Mrs. Jennie Gor man .motored to Waukegan Saturday Gladys Rietsel of Chicago is spend ing 'the holidays in the home of hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietsel •'Mrs. Laura Kent and daughter Ruth, and son, Roy, and M. J. Kent attended a funeral in Chicago Mon (lay. ' . , ' Mf. and Mrs. P. J. Sengstock of J^esPlai aits Were Christmas guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nichola William Kennebeck of Momence >S|>Rni Christmas in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Kenne beck. „ ." . ; * Mrs. George C,,.S|eilen and son Charles and Jack, passed several days this and last week with Chicago rela tives. Mrs. Ada Smith, Villa Smith and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith were visitors in tbe.home of Robert Thompson Sundav. has been 'or some time home in Cin of A$r. and Wobdstock in the honte Walsh. Miss Dorothy employed by H. E. past, has returned to cinnati, O. Mr. and Mrs. John Brda and children returned home Sunday irom a several days' visit with relatives in Chicago. • J. E. Barnes, who has ooen employed the- Plaindealer office for the last six months, has returned to his home In Alabama. : ! Mr. and Mrs. H; O'Brien and children, William Thies and Mrs. Gausden of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Thies Friday. Mi ss Pauline Pufah) of DeKalb is spending the Christmas vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pufahl. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Powers and son, Raymond, Jr., spent Christmas day as guests in -the home of, Attorney and Mrs. A . H. Pouse. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and son of Oak Park spent one day Jast week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs George H. Johnson. . Misses Angela Petesch and Elizabeth Vogt of Urbana are enjoying the Christmas holidays at the W. F. Vogt home on Main street. Mrs. Perkinson and Mrs. Peterson of Chicago passed Christmas day in the home of their parentts, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkel. Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph Hoffman of Chicago passed the Christmas holidays in the home of the latter's mother Mrs. Helena Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freand of Chicago were Christmas d»jt*guests in the home of the former's mother Mrs. Emma K. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fowler of Irving Park spent the week-end in the home of the latter's parents, M*. and Mrs. J. H. Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt of Bel* videre were Christmas guests in the home of Mrs. Sehmitt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mrs. Peter William Frett and daughter, Charlotte Rita, motored to Genesee'and North Prairie last Thursday to spend the day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gehrmah and Mr. ffhd Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chicago spent Christmas day with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wrede. Mrs1. Catherine Wegener spent Christmas day at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener, on Waukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh left this (Thursday) morning for a few days' visit in the home of their son, Richard B. Walsh, and family at South Bend, Ind. Mrs. Alsena .Smith, Maud Granger and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson spent Christmas in the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Alexander at Hebron. Miss Margaret Stenger, who is attending school at Urbana, 111., is spending the Christmas vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty of Elgin returned home Monday after a few days spent in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Ellen Frisby, on Green street. Mrs. Edward Buss returned home last Thursday from the Oak Park hospital, where she underwent a serious operation four weeks ago. Mrs. Buss is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld of Chicago spent Friday as guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sutton and children of Chicago and Mrs. William Marum and son, Billy, of Chicago sftent Christmas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Walter Freund is spending the hoil days with relatives at Cincinnati, O His wife and little son have been spending the past several weeks with her parents in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kohlman, Mr. and Mrs.' Matt Karls, Mrs. William Karls and Mrs. Christina Senten of Chicago spent Christmas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway and daughter, Betty Jane, and Misses Dorothy and Genevieve Knox visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting on Ringwood Road, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Schaffer and daughters of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary of McHenry were entertained at Christmas dinner in the fiome of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer on Waukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Knox entertained on Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda, and Miss Helen Bernier and Mr. and Mrs. John Dermont of Chicago. Joseph Adams of Johnsburg was a RingW$pj£!lar on^HsiwHrf. Missee&Wa andeUtiyrLarsen of] Woodstock silent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Claus Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley, who have been spending a few days hare, have returned to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter and family spent Sunday at Spring Grove. Mrs. Nellie Dodge and daughter, Eleanor, boarded the 8 o'clock train on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, spent Sunday, morning at McHenry. ' Harold Bell left for Zion on Saturday evening, where he has secured a position. Miss Mickey Whiting is visiting tier aunt in Chicago for a week. r John Kottner of Spring Grove called in Ringwood on Monday moro- >«*• OOHOl&T AT BABKINi IPBBA OOTTAU Eugene Leisner of 'Chicago spent Christmas d£y with his sister; Miss Alice Leisner. / Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knox of Aurora visited relative® here Christmas. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here Robert Knox visited friends in Chicago Sunday. Miss Eleanor McMillan of Elgin visited at her home here several days l&st week# Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Green and family of Woodstock visited at the home of M.-Knox Christmas, Mrs. Green and children remaining until Sunday. Misses Mary arjd Ellen Frisby of Elgin were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Frisby, over the week-end. Miss Lillian Riley of Chicago was a* guest of her sister, Mrs. B. J. Shine, Christmas. McHenry and Cryftftal Lake ip • JointCoiioart * Music lovers of Barrington were gi^hpn a rare treat last Tuesday evening, in a highly entertaining concert program given by the Crystal Lake- McHenry Community High School orchestras, under the direction of Prof W. N. Sears, in the Barrington High School auditorium. Each number is worthy of the highest commendation. The violin solo by Ernest Barbian, the cello solo by Ruth Dean, "Trombonium," played by Earl Conway, with orchestra accompaniment, and the violin solo by Margaret Schubbe, all. displayed rare talent and technique on the part of the performers. The- male quartette, Messrs. Con- Barbian, Stenger and Koerner jwhose voices blended so harmoniously, '•n aal gad In jjjjlllf that beautiful selection, "Holy NFtjffct," so appropriate to this season of the year.' as an. ensemble, numpieces, gave a - wonsympathetic interpretation of each orchestral number,- dimmnnti ut ing their individual as as their united ability as musical artists. Prof. Sears is deserving of special mention as the director of this orchestra in the masterful way m which he conducts^snd the alert response of the individuals to H-.L, I ' ... 'J. J mm,. - Supt. Dean of Crystal Lake Supt. Duke# of MCI$|MVj whose personal interest and HfeAring efforts have been such an iMpMas in organizing and perpetuating these orchestras, merit the appreciation of their townsmen in the existence of such organizations. The new High School auditorium was well filled with an' enthusiastic and demonstrative audience. It is hoped that a repetition of • similar program may be given in the near future by these same artists. The proceeds of the entertainment will be divided between the three schools, McHenry, Crystal Lake and Barrington. ^ ' CLASSIFIED KnWHBIT FOR SALE--140 acres, all new buildings. Every foot can be plowed if wanted. Will sell reasonable and on easy terms. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, McHenry, 111. 27-fcf FARM FOR SALE--120 acres. Inquire of John PfannenstiU Route 1. McHenry. Phone 633-J-l 27-8* FOR SALE--Two Ford Sedans, one 1923 and one 1922, East Side Garage. . ; 28-tf DEAD AND FALLEN STOCK taken care of. Reasonable price paid for HUBERT R. FREUND Hubert R. Freund, aged 30, filmed away as he slept early Christmas morning, December 25, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Freund, of this city. Funeral services were held at St. Mary's church at 10 o'clock Monday morning, Rev. Robert Freund of DeKalb preaching the funeral sermon. Interment was made in St Mary's cemetery. Deceased was born on a farm in Lake county, Nov. 2, 1895. Fifteen years later he moved with his parents and twelve brothers and sisters to this city where he had since resided. He had no special occupation, being employed at various kinds of day labor. He was an active member of St Mary's church and well liked by the members of the parish as well as numerous other friends. He is survived- by his parents and six sisters, Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer and Mrs. Ben J. May of Spring Grove. Mrs. William Huff and Mrs. Frank Masquelet of this city, and Misses Helen and Veronica Freund, who make their home with their parents, and six brothers, Peter W. of near Woodstock, Nick B. of Ringwood, Joe E., William W., John B., and Einest, all of McHenry. Card of Thanks " In this way we desire to ttiank friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during our recent bereavement. Also do we wish to express our appreciation for the many beautiful flowers which were given. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob -M. Freund and Children. * old horses. Tel. 651. H. Witt, Ringwood, 111 27.4t tf Surveys and Subdivisions v GEO. E. THORNJ5 I"- Land Surveyor v. - ALGONQUIN, IIJtiE. ^ , Phone 83-J WARNING--A state law was passed by the Illinois legislature July, 1925, which makes it a penalty of $200 for each offense for anyone to practice public accountancy or any phase thereof without a state certificate by examination. I >vill take necessary steps to prosecute any person or persons violating thi:? law. J. W. Worth, Public Accountant. 28-3 $1000 REWARD--For the name of the party ov person who mutilated trees cn the George J. Sayor Farm No. across the road from the drive way to Mr. Sayor's summer home sometime between October 10 and 11. George j". Sayor. 21-tf NOTICE--We will give away fifty box elder trees to anyone who cares to cut them for wood and take them away. E. A. Thomas, West McHenry. Phone 606-M-l. •• 30 Adviaing a Frimnd jQfve thy friend counsel wisely and charitably, bui leave him to his liberty whether he will follow thee or no; and be not angry If thy counsel be rejected, for advice Is no empire, an4 he Is not my friend that will be my, Judge w hether I will or no.--Jeremy Taylor. ANNOUNCEJ0GJ|HKJ|T - ' ' • s . - j hereby I ;im a Republican lidate fbr llu- 'nffuT' of (.Vanity Judge The PFHWJI M s Aptff l3,1926. if I alp' and I pledge myself aJlcf th# 8 All of the Hole. Charles T. Allen fa;'" y - RINGWOOD Miss Wynne Kelley was a Monday evening caller in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Beth spent Tuesday night in Chicago with relatives. • » .. Mrs. Martha Bradley was a guest of her spn on Monday morning. Louis Anderson of Chicago is spending his two weeks' vacation with Ralph Justen. W. H. Reidel of Woodstock called in Ringwood on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith spent Friday evening in the home of his brother, S. W. Smith. Mrs. Oliver Laurence, who was seriously ill on Saturday night, is improving. Mrs. Rillah Foss spent Monday with her grandson, little Warren Jones, of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kazelka of Minnesota spent Monday in the home of her brother, K. M. Bradley. The Home Circle will meet with Miss Agnes Bigelow and Mrs. Emma Brown at the J. C. Ladd home the second Wednesday in January. Mrs. Nellie Dodge spent Monday in Chicago. Miss Adele Heimer of West McHenry spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs Karl Bradley. Wayne FOBS was a McHenry caller on Tuesday morning. Little Mary Jencks of Libertyville is spending the holidays with her grandp*ipnt«, Mr. abd Mrs. A. Ste vens. !'-! "Glad to Get It at Any Price" * As we close the door of 1925 and step across the threshold of a new year let's pause for a moment and think how times are improving, in the matter of the ga# rates, for instance. } Sixty years ago, in certain districts, housewives considered gas service cheap at $4.25 a thousand feet, including a war tax. For years before that, gas had been so much more expensive that folks declared it would never be anything but a rich man's fad. Today, you see the almost universal Wfe of gas. For cooking alone, it requires seven million gas appliances to prepare the nation's daily food. Gas is «heap«r on t^e whole, better regulated, more helpful, more widely used thaiu&t any time in history. WESTERN UNITED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 0. E. Collins, . Piatrict LOST--Colored plush robe, east of Ringwood on Saturday evening. If found leave at Ringwood State Bank and receive reward. 29 NOTICE--Let us sell what you don't want--YOUR FARM. We will show you a good sound income. Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry, 111. 30 HOME BAKED GOODS FOR SALE by order. Mrs. M. J. Freund. Phone 110-J. 80-2 SALESMAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY Reliable, steady, intelligent* well recommended man, from 25 to 60 years of age, to sell farmers in this state Knowledge of farming and farm conditions desirable. Must be willing to work six days a week. Selling experience not necessary, personal training under local manager. Big pay every week. Good territory. All year work Permanent position. Advancement. State if now employed, when you can start and if you have a car. Address Home Office Sales Manager, Dept. CDW, Box 1632. Philadelphia, Pa. 30 bis leadership. vs.*! ig ofanodier year we 3%; sire to express our appreciation for the patronage we Jiave enjoye$ add also i$ wish Tor all our customers and friends • Happy and Prosperous 1926. BATTERY STATIO Grcena The good will of our patrons of our most valuable assets? spirit of the season feri ilgs Wi' inenewetf iKfP* fireciation of old associates and of the value of new friends. May success attend your New Year, is the cordial %ish of 4 * 4 > 4 > 4 • « • 4 * 4> i> 4> <> V' < > <> «!• < > 4> 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • that this year you will have a savings account • .' (Pi- v It is a resolution that you will, in the years to come, look backward to as the one best resolution you ever made. The possession of a savings account"aB8ures you protection! in time of need as wetl as ample opportunity to enjoy the good things of life whenever yon wish. m West McHenry State Bank *The Bank That Service Built" s ?