# * :iM • - - • - : . ; ••: ' *< A .. «.i»>*J. <* ^'**1. --* " " Krai t1 jrfiiiti --ft • jr-h i , • THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEE, THUSiDAX JAN ' r-EOTOD LArfT" M": •' -- - Mrs. Naomi McCandless was a Waufcagan caller Monday. '^Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Balanski of Milwaukee, Wis., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Steffes. George C. Eatinger and daughter. ' "Mrs. Edw. Hendee, visited the former's brother and sister at Western Springs, 111., over Saturday and Sunday. I*eri>er*f Human Nat arm Wlint Is remote und difficult of su<*> cess we are apt to overrate; what !• really best for us lies always wlttilo oar reach, thmigh often overlooked.-- Lonirfellow. WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS OF INTEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS # OF OUR EXCHANGES Do the Odd Jobs Yourself With a few Tools at hand, you can do : many odd jobs 'ronnd ^me that would cost you many dollars to hire done;. Drop in and look over our display of home Tools. •" G in. Ilibbard Plyers -- --25<^ Half-inch Embossed Chisels --30tf ----$1.65 -- <--65 Sarjent Hand-axe _1 Sarjent Tin Snips Ratchet Brace, lO-in? sweep_$1.50 WM. H. ALTHOFF HAKDWAR* PHONE 65 J WEST M'HENBY i * * • • 9 Save Money •*«£' The hatchet goes into our PRICE when first we mark our HIGH QUUALITY goods and cuts the price LOW. But we have made ^ DEEPER CUT IN OUR PRICES. 7JT*. Come in this week"&nd you will go out ^appy to have bought the things you need at these unusual MONEY SAVING PRICES. We invite YOUR business. Erfckson Dept. Store Phone 154 West McHenry Assortment of News Items In ed^ Form For BusyHPeople lilie of the most disastrous fires which has occurred in Crystal Lake in many years completely destroyed the W. J. Riley home on Woodstock street in that city recently. The house is known as the old Rollins homestead and was purchased last summer by Mr. Riley from Paul S. McNett. The total loss is estimated at $20,000. About $10,000 in insurance was carried oil the house and contents. Delbert^ Morse of Grayslake was shot in the left hand recently while cleaning a revolver. The weapon was accidentally discharged and the bullet, a 22-calibre, passed through the flesh between the index and the middle fingers of the hand. Damage estimated at from $150,000 tot$200,000 resulted early Tuesday morning, Dec. 29, when subsidiary buildings of the Kerber Packing Company's plant at Kerber Station, one mile south of Elgin, were destroyed by fire. The New Year ushered in a new newspaper in Elgin. Only in name however, is it new, for it is a consolidation of Elgin's two strong newspapers, the News and the Courier. The consolidated newspaper will be backed by ample capital and an organization that promises all that is desirable in the field of journalism. The new newspaper will be known as the Elgin Courier-News and will be issued from the Courier plant. Mrs. Leo Rapheim of Waukegan was seriously burned Thursday afternoon when a bottle of stove polish she was using on a hot stove exploded and set fire to her clothing. Her body was terribly burned before she was rescued by her neighbors. The mint-vending machines which are a common sight in many establishments in Lake county are gambling devices, according to a reruling just given by Attorney-General Carlstrom and, as sucn, are unlawful. It has been a common belief in Waukegan that this type of machine did not come under laws prohibiting other types of slot machines. Police Magistrate Walter A. Taylor of Waukegan has been found to be $1,137.40 short in his accountings to that city,' which will be swelled to $1,365.15 unless he can account for $227.75 in receipts for money supposed to be represented in state cases in a report received and adopted by the.city council Monday night of last week. At a special meeting of the, village board of Antioch that village decided to have a night watchman. Frank Mastne has been appointed to the position at a salary of $100 per month The business men have subscribed o fund of $75 per month for the hiring of a night man, and the village board will pay the balance. Rev. John W. Walsh, former pastor of the First Congregational church of Elgin, and present pastor 6f the Wheaton college church at Wheaton 111.,«has been appointed acting president of ^Wheaton college to succeed the late, .president, Charles A. Blanchard, who died at the DuPage county seat recently. Following the death Tuesday morning of Alex Cook, a 78 y^Sr old resident of Burlington, Wis., who was fqund in a dying condition on the roa.i a mile and a half west of Burlington- Lyons. highway, Ralph Pentz, drivei of one of the -E. G. Shinner Packing Cp. .trucks, is being held oh $1500 bonds pending investigation of the aged man's death. The hearing is set for Friday,vhrnUary 8, at Racine. Richmond stepped into the class of other progressive .villages Tuesday when the village board in special session signed a contract for the purchase of a modern fire truck equipped with 800 feet of hose and all the essentials for combatting the flames. The state has granted a charter to the First State bank of Fox River Grave with a capital of $25,000 and a surplus of $10,000. With the sickening crash of the Charles Rippberger company, re-i garded as a public calamity, officials of the Elgin Bar association recently called a special meeting of its members to attempt to take co-operative action on the $1,000,000 worth of claims. The lawyers unanimously voted to extend every possible aid with the maximum of service and the minimum of fees. ture taken at Woodstock last Saturday. Her trouble seems to be gall stones. She is improving at this writing. * Arthur Holtdorf of Wilmot was a caller in Ringwood last Thursday morning. Mrs. Henry Heimer of West McHenry passed last Thursday with her daughter here. Mrs. Alma Thomas of McHenry is sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Rainey, in this village; Jack Thies of West McHenry was A business caller in town last Thursday. ... The Home Circle will meet with Miss Agnes Bigelow the second Wednesday in January. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bell of Hartford, Mich., and Mrs. Nick Roos and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oxtoby and family of Spring Grove spent New Years in the M. L. Welter home. Mrs. Joseph Brown and family of Spring Grove were Ringwood callers on New Year's day. Miss Regina Rauen spent New Year's day with her parents at Spring Grove. Miss Ethel Bell of McHenry spent Friday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Bell. Mr. and Mrs. M. ,L. Welter attended church at McHenry on Friday morning last. Little Mary Jencks of Libertyville is spending the holidays with .her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin of Woodstock spent New Year's afternoon in Ringwood. ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and family of Greenwood spent Friday afternoon in the Irying Merchant home. , Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, spent last Friday morning at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Esh and family of Spring Grove spent Friday afternoon last in the home of her father, Ed. Bell. Floyd and Lyle Hopper spent last Thurday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens and son, Byron, have returned home after a visit with relatives in southern Illi METHODIST CHURCH "Religion in the Home"will be the subject of the sermon for Sunday morning January 10. Epworth League at 6:80 p. m. Rev. Land on will be the leader. Sixteen younir folks took a bus over to Volo, where they attended the Watch Night servire last Thursday evening. After an interesting programs,lunch was served by the Volo young people Then all joined in a community sing after which Dr. Schermerhorn of Evanston, Ilk, spoke on '"The White Triangle." Jt candle-light service concluded the evening's program just as t'ie old year passed out. fOHNSBURG nois. Harold and Elmer Bell of Wauke gan spent Saturday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bell of Hartford, Mich., are visiting relative? In Ringwood. Wayne Foss was a Saturday morn' ing caller in McHenry. Mrs. Bernard Tonyan was a Saturday morning caller in Ringwood. Harold Roos, who attends college in Chicago, spent New Year's day in the M. L. Welter home. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Allen of Chicago spent the week end in the Frank Hitchens home. W. R. Giddings spent the week end with Hebron relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carr and Mr and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. C. W. Harrison attended to business matters in McHenry Saturday afternoon. E. J. Hopper spent last week with his sister in Elgin. M. L. Welter nd daughter, Frances, were Saturday afternoon callers in Woodstock. Mrs. Oliver Lawrence was a Saturday evening caller in McHenry. Miss Mickey Whiting, who has been visiting her aunt in Chicago, hps re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams and family spent Sunday-morning at McHenry. Miss Ethel Bell of McHenry was a week end guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Bell. Rev. Hoover and family of Green* wood called on Ringwood friends recently. Harold Bell of Waukegan spent the week end with his parents, Mr and Mr^. James Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener and daughter, Marian, of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hawley and Mrs. Deltfert Bacon of Elgin spent Sunday morning in Riijgwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley an nounce the arrival of a baby daughter, born Jan. 3, 1926. Misses Mary and Catherine Althoff spent New Years at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sattem and daughter, Lorraine, of Woodstock were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff Sun ' day. George Tonyan boarded the Chicago train Monday. A number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huff Thursday evening last ,where they enjoyed a New Year's party Miss Hildegard Schaefer of Elgin visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Schaefer, over New Years. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hettermann and Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann motored to Bassett Station, Wis., Neifc Year's day to visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blake of McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hettermann last Thursday. * J The home talent play, which wits given at the parish hall Sunday night, was well attended. S. W. Smith boarded the Chicago train Monday morning. Anthony Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stillin* motored to Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday, where they visited their daughter, Lucille, who is a patient in the hospital there. She is getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen motored to Chicago Sunday and returned home Ihe same day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller passed New Year's day as the guest of McHenry relatives. Frank Mathieu is spending a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bishop and daughter, Jeannette of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen and son, Arthur, and Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund Sunday. George Oeffling and John Huff motored to Chicago on Monday of this week. nmpi ' . *»-! f CETBALL GAMES n md Sunday qjpg wol Gym ATTEND T Saturd or thirsty, visit RIVER R DRIVE EALER EVERY WEEK RESULTS AN AD IN THE PLAI WILL BR m VOLO (Too late for last week) The Stanford family have a new Buich sedan. , Esther Lusk visited Wauconda high school last Thursday. Will Dillon and family spent Xmas with C. Dillon of Round Lake Blanche Converse visited Gurnee high school last Wednesday. Frank Hironimus' family entertain ed relatives from McHenry Christinas day. Miss Vera Vasey is home from Dekalb Normal school for the holiday vacation. M iss Bernice Johnson of the Fort Hill school is spending her vacation Schools opened on Monday after at her home in Chicago, the Christmas vacation. j Miss Elsie Tuttle of the Volo school Mr. and Mrs. Grover Allen, who i is spending her vacation with her parspent the week end in the Frank lents at Graymont, 111 The Telephone's Inheritance TN its material cquirmentthe telephone wis bom poor . 1 The art of telephony inherited little -from oldtf . branche. of the art of communications that muH hel? x its tedknical progres. to«ard its destiny of usctulneb>. , There was a spiritual hmtage, however, tor the ttlophone worker i.as heir»the tradition that had grown with the years among tta* <»l>° undertook to transmit or transodrt tli^) words oM.v n. The message inust go t ough!GxttV runner Roman • courier, King's messenger, ::r.d Pony Express rider, sped to their distant goals ^ll-urged bv & consciousness that 4 human need was being served. At the switchboard cr telegraph key, in ti e mail car or airplane, the manifestation of this urge is t'v rr-cenc* . ,. , Telephone service bv its very nature inherits tht* Spirit of Communication. I'or the men and women who comprise the organization that is to-day responsible tor the delivery of 50,(KK),i»*) messages a day, it is the endowtnent with which their service began. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy One System - Universal Service I ^RINGWOOD-- a« » Try to Match Our Prices on These Items I'Qm surpass, or even match the values we are offering in Overstuffed pieces, you can do better than we have been able to do. Every item a guaranteed quality. -Jacob Justen & Son , Furniture and Undertaking Hitchens home here, have returned J to Chicago. John Kattner of Spring Grove was a Monday caller in Ringwood. Little Shirley Hawley is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Eleanor Bacon, in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen spent Sunday with Richmond relatives. Miss Frances Helms is attending Ellis business college at Elgin for three months. Arthur Hitt of Elgin was a Monday morning caller in Ringwood. Miss Agnes Thompson spent a few days recently with Miss Viola In^galls at Spring Grove. Mrs. Henry Heimer of West McHenry spent last Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. K. M. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers of McHenry spent New Year's with Mr and Mrs. Edward Thompson. Quite a few from Ringwood attended the dance at McHenry New Year's night. r Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were Saturday evening callers at WoodstockT Arthur, Frank and Elizabeth Stanford visited their niece, Mrs. Ethel Meigs, in Evanston, Christmas day. The Ladies' Aid of the Volo M. E. church wish to thank Mr. Schlottsman, editor of the Grayslake Times, for the five-pound box of candy which he presented to them for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. A. Paddock, who are spends this winiter at Mtt (Dora, Florida, write that they arrived there Thanksgiving day, driving there in eight days, a distance of 1,350 miles. A Sunday school teachers training class has been organized at Ingleside and Volo under the leadership of Miss Baxter. The class will meet once a month at Ingleside and Volo alternating. The next meeting will be at Volo. Mrs. Will Dillon, Dorothy Dillon, Grace Duesing and Mrs. L. V. Lusk attended the meeting at Ingleside this month. The Volo Sunday school sent ita Christmas gifts for the Lake Bluff orphanage by Mr. Sherman of Grayslake, to the orphanage last Thursday. They had $9 in money, which was NATIONAL SHOW WEEK JANUARY 9-16 Exhibiting the Improved Ford Cars and Featuring the Latest Ford Equipment From January 9 to 16, all Ford Dealers will hold a National Show--exhibiting the improved Ford cars and featuring the latest Ford equipment* » This will be the finest display of Ford passenger cars the public has ever seen* It will give you an entirely new conception of the beauty and utility of the various Ford body types. Even if you . have already made a careful inspection of the improved Ford cars, you should see this Display--for it is something entirely new. The Show will begin Saturday morning January 9, and will last until Saturday night, January 16. Be sure to see it! • l ' Sponsored by UCK. # I » " •"-- ; Misses Sylvia and Gladys Larsen of taken up in collection at the services Woodstock spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. vClaus Larsen. • \ ^.-ray ILLINOIS i Mrs. Wm. Beth had an Dec. 20. ftne bushel of potatoes, do-1 nated by Earl Townsend, clothing and toy? were donated by the different I Sunday school classes. Knox Motor Sates Exclusive Ford and Atwaterfcent Dealers Phone 30 and 31 f McHenry, Illinois ! ± ..j*. J