tWFVlS* • A&. Y» /«iir J-': THE M'HEMBY PLAINDEA1BB, THUE8DAY, JAM. 31,192| ' ' :,• "• •• ' -- --}--A 1 wi-.i--£•• W W" t Clearance For the Ladles \; Beginning January 23 at 8a. m. • ^ f *" v. • . Seven Days of Super-Values~the Climax^of Our Clearance -. O SAVE MONEY on your purchases is what you desire--and now is the time that you can satisfy that desire to the utmost in* our storey Wide January clearance, beginning Saturday. a We have a great deal of merchandise that must be disposed of and all stocks cleaned up and condensed to make room for spring lines now beginning to arrive. Ladies' $1.50 All Wool Hose, per pair $1.19 Ladies' $1.95 and $2.00 Silk Hose, per pair -$1.49 Ladies' $1.00 Silk Hose, per pair -89* Ladies' 75c Rayon Silk^ oae, per pair 59c Ladies' and Children's 50c Lisle Hose, per pair : . 39* Ladies' Wool Knit Gloves, $1.25 value, per pair 98* Ladies' Wool Knit Gloves, $1.50 - and $1.75 value, per pair $1.19 Silk Scarfs, $3.00 value, each L. $2.29 Silk Scarfs, $2.50 value, each $1.79 Flannel Scarfs, $3.00 value, each -- __-- $2.29 Kotex, per pkg. _ 49^ Imitation Leather Waterproof Boston Bags, each 39* Children's Needs Infants' White Woolen Mittens, p*r pair 35* Children's Blue or Tan Woolen Mittens, per pair 35c Children's Woolen Mittens, $1.00 value, per pair 79* Infants' Knit Jacket, Bonnet and Bootie Set, $3.50 value, per set 1_ $2.69 Infants' Sweater, $2.25 value, each $1.59 Infants' Sweaters, $1.50- value, 98* Children's Knit Caps, $1.00 and $1 .25 value, each --: 79* Children's Sweater, Cap, Mittens *nd Leggings Sets, $5.00 values, each ------$3.98 $6 .75 values, each $4.98 Girls' Knit Woolen Cap and Scarf Set, $3.75 value $2.79 .Girls' Knit Woolen Cap and Scarf Set, $5.00 value $3.59 >st bargains of die season will be offered in this season-end clearance sale, so we advise and urge you to take every advantage axid supply present and future needs during this sensational selling when you can save money on everything you buy. , I v % DISCOUNT ON ALL WOOL AND PART WOOL DRESS GOODS. WE HAVE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM AND YOUR SAVING ON THIS ITEM ALONE IS GREAT. % Some Real Values in Groceries American Family Laundry Soap, 10 bars for 55* Parlor Broom, a good quality for each --------49* Ferndell Matches, full size and full count 0 6c boxes for 29* Standard Grade Corn, per can . Krispy Soda Crackers,' * 3-lb. box • 49* Gray Goose Peas, per can 11* 11* Jap Rose Toilet Soap, 4 bars for • Kirk Olive toilet Soap, 4 bars for r"~ Palm Olive Toilet Soap, 4 bars for, " 25* 25* 29* Mixed Candy, per pound _ 15* Northern Grown Potatoes, per peek Snider's Catsup, . large bottle Kirk's Hard Water Castile Toilet Soap -- --; 4 l**rs for 29* Heinz' Catsup, large bottle . -75<t 22c -25* Campbell's Tomato Soup, per can_, 9*, 3 cans *or 25* King Osear Sardines, in pure oliye oil, per can -- -17* • King Oscar Kipper Snacks, per can . 8* Bulk Rolled Oats, best quality, 0 pounds for 25* It's an Opportune Time to Buy That Radio Look at this-- One 4-tube "Zenith" Radio, without equipment, at ! $39.95 One 4-tube "Glarodyne" Radio, , One 5-tube "Clarodyne" Radio, without equipment, $35.00 without equipment, $58.00 Look at These Money Savers Full size Comforts, 100 per cent New Cotton Filling, covered with good grade Cotton Cb all ie, $4.50 value, each $3.49 .'Mb. Comfort Size Stitched Cotton 'Batts, each . ..." ----79* 36-inch Outing flannel, per yard -- --22* 9-4 Unbleached Pepperell Sheeting, per yard Another number in Comforts, same size as-the other, best quality < cotton filling with medium grade covering, $3.25 value, eaeh_$2.79 -- 43* Real Bargains for the Men and Boys •• 1 ' ' One Lot of Men's Work Shoes, wonderful values, per pair --$2.19 3 pair Men's.Cotton Flannel Gloves . for _------ ,.25* Men's Cotton Work Socks, . 3 Pair for 50* Men's leather palm gauntlet gloves, per pair 19e Men's Genuine Buckskin Woollined Mittens, $2.50 value. now, per pair $1.98 Men's Horsehide Mittens, $1.50 value, per pair . $1.19 Men's Flannel Night Shirts, full cut, large and roomy sizes, $1.75 value, now $1.39 Men's Winter Caps, $1.50 value : Men's Winter Caps, $1.00 value --i79* All Sweater Coats . at Greatly Re* / duced Prices Boys' Pull-over Sweaters, Lumber - Jack style, green and black and red and black plaids, $5.50 value, each .-- ---$4.39 Boys' Part Wool Pull-over Sweaters, $3.50 value, each --$2.39 Men's Heavy All Wool Sweater Coats, $9.00 value, Clearance Price, each ^$7.39 Men's All Wool Sweaters, $6.00 and $6.50 values, each --$5.19 Men's Part Wool Sweater Coats, $5.50 value, each ... ----$4.39 Boys' Flannel Lumber Jacks, $5.00 value, each $3.98 Men's Flannel Lumber Jacks, $4.50 value, each . --$3.69 Men's Leather Coats, $12.75 value, each Men's Leather Coats, $11.25 value, each -$9.55 -$8.98 Men's Genuine Horsehide Coats, $14.75 value, each _ --$11.54 Men's Work Shirts, regular sizes, each -- 85* Men's Cotton flannel Work Shirts, each ^=79* Youths' Shirts, splendid $1.50 values, sizes 12%, 13, 13% and 14, each $1.19 Boys' Tapeless Blouses, sizes 8 to 14, each _ -- --89* Boys' 4' Little Colonel" Blouses, RlKAfl fi t.n 12, AHP.Vl -69* zo% Discount on all Ladies', Men's and Children's Winter Underwear. Shop early while the lines are complete. 20% Oon't forget the Dates 10% Discount on all one and four-buckle Arctics, Zippers, Felt Boots and Boot and Sock Overs. 10 Erickson Department Store Phone 154 West McHenry / m • 7 J 7t T T T Tt T T T T T T T T I: $1.29 f T T T T T ?t V T T TT ? J 7 T T T i I T f T tT T T 77 z 7 T T T T T tT T I I T T