Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jan 1926, p. 6

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^vE*r if••W;•••- K: '. •" • .- . . '* - * V T ' . • • V . *• a-v::: TBI H'HENST PLAIITDXALEK, THTTBSDAY, JAK. *1,192# ir> J0HNSBV&G Mr .and Mr*. John Schmitt and ton trft Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Schmitt. Patsy Boley of McHenry was a caller here Sunday. Anthony Freund was a Ringwood __ Mr. and Mrs Ford Jackson and children of Spring Grove visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Frett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Freund. The Wide-A-Wake club met at the home of Miss Dorothy Bauer Sunday afternoon. The time was passed at playing bunco and greatly enjoyed. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Otto Adams, Miss Alice Freund and Miss Amelia Weber. The hostess served a delicious chicken supper at five o'clock. \ John E. Freund of McHenry was a caller here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Freund of McHenry visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Freund, Sunday. William Smith is a patient at St Anthony's hospital in Chicago, where he underwent an operation Friday. Math. Rauen of Spring Grove was a business caller in town Saturday. Pete Smith visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ray Horrick, at Woodstock over the week end. Mildred Schaefer was a visitor in McHenry Saturday. Father Nell of Effiingham, Ilkf visited relatives here and returned to hit home Saturday morning, being accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Christina Nell. Mrs. Ray Horrick of WooHstock was a visitor here Monday. J. B. Hettermann was a McHenry caller Monday. Frank Nell and Pete Smith mo. tored to Chicago Monday. Joe Pitzen of Volo was a caller in town Monday. J. B. Hettermann and Wm. H. Tonyan motored to Chicago Tuesday to attend to business matters. Mrs. Frank Kempfer boarded the Chicago train Monday. Miss Alice Steffens of Waukegan spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer. Frank N. Pitzen and Miss Eva Schaefer spent Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton M. Schmitt at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vogel and family were recent visitors in the John P. Schaefer home. y.r. and Mrs. E. M. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. John Freund of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schmitt of Pistakee Bay were Saturday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer. ; COFFEE, Excellent Blend spent Friday mi Saturday Specials STTOA* .10 LBS. FOR 60c 40tf MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI, Lake View-3 FOR 25tf CHEESE, Mild Long Horn, per lb. 31<fr COOKING APPLES, per lb. $$ EATING APPLES 3 LBS. FOR 25$ ORANGES, Sunkist Sweet, per doz. POTATOES, per peck " 25tf 80tf FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES fllverslde Drive Cash - Grocery & Market ALBERT BABBIAN, Prop. For Rent The John Powers Estate farm of 234 acres, located between Crystal Lake and McHenry. This farm is well improved and has rich soil. Apply to DAVID POWERS, Illinois, of~-- * North Crystal Lake, George L. Murphy WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS VOLO Frank Wilson and family Sunday visiting in McHenry. Several from Volo went to see the ski jumpers at Cary Sunday. Among those from this locality that attended the play, "The Fool," in Waukegan were Mr. and Mrs. Marshal! Smith, Mr. Tompkins, Mrs. L. V. Liisk, Esther Lusk, Dorothy Dillon and Elsie Tuttle. Misses Dorothy and Hazel Dillon spent several evenings this week in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus were callers at Round Lake Saturday Miss Orpha Russell visited her sister, Zelma, in Chicago Sunday. Miss Zelma is sick. Miss Catherine Hinkel 'spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Deck, in Chicago. Miss Kaiser spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. Frank Hinkel, Jr., spent Sunday in Waukegan with his sister, Mrs. Leo Brewer. A number of young people from around here attended a birthday surprise party in honor of Mary Vogt Monday evening. The Volo school visited the Roseville school Tuesday. Will Rossdeutscher is home from work at Statesville. , ' J. F. Vasey, A. J| Vasey, Mrs. Lloyd Benwell, Mr .and Mrs. Herman Dunker and son visited at the G. A. Vasey home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey were callers at the Wm. Dillon home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kautenberg and daughter, Mabel, of Waukegan and Mr^and Mrs. Kruger and sons of Wauconda were Sunday visitors at John Walton's. We are sorry to hear that Johnnie PPassfield has pneumonia. Misses Catherine and Angeline Hinkel entertained the Jolly Thirteen club last Thursday. Five hundred was played. Everybody reported a good time. A delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hironimus of Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Engeln of McHenry were Sunday guests at the Frank Hironimus home. Mrs. H. Stoffel and Miss Larsen were shoppers in Waukegan Saturday. Erwin Carter's father and brother from Milwaukee visited him Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hutfilz and family motored to Zion Sunday. A Filipino, Mr. Carino, will talk in the Volo Methodist chttrch next Sun. day, Jan. 24, at 11:00 a. m., in the young people's meeting. Come to hear him. He has many interesting things to tell you. Preaching services in the evening Sunday at the Methodist church will commence at eight o'clock. Everybody welcome. NOTICE 1095 MEALS TO COOK IN 1926 52 WASHINGS TO BE DONE THOUSANDS OF HOT BATHS V MONTHS OF CHILLY RETWEEN-SEASON WEATHER Special January Terms On All Gas Appliances to Do This Hard Work $2 Down and a year to pay- For the price of a single laundry bill, we install a system of hot water that makes laundry work easy. Just $2 J down, and a Range goes into your kitchen, or a Radiant ;: Fire Heater into your living room. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois, having let the contract for the improvements consisting of draining, curbing, grading and paving of Riverside Drive and other streets in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and popularly known as Paving District Number Jwo (2), and the same having been completed, and accepted by the said 5°"ion the 2nd day of January, A. I). 1926, and the said Board of Local improvements having filed in the County Court of McHenry County Illinois, on the 18th day of Januarv A. D. 1926, a certificate showing that said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construc °n of the same, the cost thereof, the amount estimated by them to be required to pay the accruing interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate the collection ofHhe assessment for said improvement, a hearingwill be had on said certificate, as trfhs of the facts therein # £r Court H°use, in the City of Woodstock on the 8th day of February, A. D. 1926, at 10:00 o'clock A. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said cause before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. i8P*tfd at McHenry, Illinois, this loth day of January, A. D. 1926. F. H. WATTLES, ROBERT J. FRISBY, « ^ , R' L OVERTON, °5 Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois. 33-2t NOTICE ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois, having let the contract for the improvements consisting of draining, curbing, grading , and WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS OF INTEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS pT OUR EXCHANGES Assortment of News Items In Condensed Form For Busy People More than 100 skiers, the largest number ever to take part in a skiing meet outside the Olympics, particL pated in the Norge Ski club's twentieth annual tournament at Fox River Grove last Sunday, officials of the club have asserted. Skiers from Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Colerain, Minn., Detroit and Grand Beach, Mich., New Hamp shire and Canada appeared in the club meet. Last Thursday afternoon^ while Roy Nish and Louis Johnson were sawing wood in the timber on the Nish JSarm near Burton's Bridge they heard a bark from Mr. Nish's dog as if he had encountered some animal. The two men went to the place from which the sound came and saw an oppossum on one side of the fance and the dog on the other. The dog had reached and killed the oppossum before Mr. Nish could reach the scene. Oppossums are very rare in this part of the country. A reduction in the fire insurance rates in North Chicago was effective on January 5, according to word received by City Clerk Jack H. Coyle from the Illinois Insurance Inspection bureau. The report stated that North Chicago, formerly in the seventh insurance class as to fire rates, has -advanced to the fourth class by the steady and marked improvements in the;r fire fighting apparatus. Arthur Ritta of Mundelein had a narrow escape from death or serious injury recently. He was returning from Waukegan and as he was approaching the crossing of the C. M. & St. Paul trac ks at Roundout the gates were lowered to permit a train to pass. Mr .Ritta's car skidded into the path of the train, but the man jumped from the machine, thereby saving his life as the car was very badly damaged. Three fires occurred in Elgin last Thursday night, which caused an estimated total damage of $15,000, all of the conflagrations being reported as threatening and very extremely dif. ficult to extinguish. The First Baptist church of Waukegan, dedicated sixty years ago, anj long regarded as a land mark, is to be sold. This decision was reached by members of the congregation at a meeting held in the church parlors Wednesday night, at which time the trustees were authorized to execute a contract for the sale of the property for $125,000. It is expected that the details of the transaction will be completed within the next two weeks, Charles Bruner, residing on a farm, three and one-half miles east of Sharon, suffered an accident which came very near costing him his life recently when the premature explosion of a charge of gun powder struck him in the face and eyes and rendered him blind for several days. The finance committee of the board of supervisors has practically decided on a retrenchment program, If adopted by the county board at the adjourned meeting next week it will mean a yearly saving of some $30,000 to Lake county according to reliable reports. At the close of one of the largest meetings ever held by the Crystal Lake local of the Milk Producers" association 112 farmers recently signed contracts placing their cattle under state supervision pending the settlement of the situation which has arisen in Cihcago over the question' of the purity of its milk supply. Fred Moede, retired farmer living at Big Foot village, is seriously ill as a result of injuries received early last Monday morning, Jan. 12, when* he was struck by an automobile on state highway 23 a short distance from his home. Attorney John C. Friedland, for the past year and a half a practicing lawyer of Elgin, has opened offices in the Dairyman's bank building in Marengo, formerly occupied by Judge E. D. Shurtleff, and will be hereafter located in that community. Hit Order "Tea, laddie, I was a commerclll traveler once, but not a success, old boy--not a success In the part. 1 was on the road four weeks, and the only order t ever got was the one from my firm telling me to come home ln--London Opinion. identifying Artists One way of proving the Identity of • canvas Is by the examination of the brush stroke. As one art critic has aald: "The brush strobes of a painter are as individual as (the handwriting ef a writer.* Uncle Eben "De world is glttln' better an' better," said Uncle Eben, "but it's got to Improve mighty fast to make up fob some o' dfe people dat's glttln* wiiss and wuss."--Washington Star. "Donkey Wells" Obsolete Only two "donkey wells" now re» main In England. The one at Kenworth, netir DunstuMe, was built about 1GG0. In these wells donkeys wiilk Inside a huge wheel, cuusing It to revolve and draw water from the depths ef the earth. \ , , Toy• for the ~aby The .In rlnct "M a baby Is to pl| everything into Its mouth. A mothet should i-liuost for it toys that are smooth, tliHi ctin lie euslly washed and kept rleud toys without loose parts tliiit may be detached and swallowed. Brightly palmed toys should never-MP considered. N• ?•v. A?TAAff AT Tl!A,T .a.T AV. ,rT \ 4 "LL" Recreation Pailor ^ WEST M'HENRY ' ^ BILLIARDS, POOL AND BOWLING Alleys can be reserved by appointment Bowling Tournaments Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings To ftiake room for new stock we are offering HOUSE DRESSES, Best Percale, Regular $2.15 value for $1.79 ENGLISH PRINT. DRESSES, Regular $f 45 value for _ $3.49 CHILDREN'S DRESSES TO EMBROIDER, $1.00 value for • - - . 59tf STAMPED DRES3CR SCARFS, 65c quality -49tf LUNCHEON CLOTH AND NAPKINS, Embroidery Cottons $1.00 TENNIS FLANNEL, Regular 20c quality 16^ MANY GIFT WARES MARKED ATTRACTIVELY DURING THE COMING WEEK AT THE, *]Agatha Shop ^ 02* \ '• • tif OSTENDt Last Monday morning the sleet was so bad on the cement road it was almost impossible for horses to stand1 unless sharp shod. Arthur Hoppe made two trips with milk Monday morning with the automobile. Mrs. Clara Harrs is reported not feeling so well as common. On acpaving of Main Street andother count koif- thae •de ath .oVf MDr.u Me ul el lelerr sshhee Streets in the Tifv " ' « was obliged to make a change and it WE INSTALL AT ONCE ' You take your time to pay, enjoying the appliance every day. $2 Down puts these into your home Gas Ranges, Gas Water Heaters, fog Jtadlant Fire Heaters and Gas Irons. /•^Westeri)Ui)ited Gas va* EtectricO^mpaoy » i , « > Streets in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and popularly known as Paving District Number 3, and the same having been completed, and accepted by the said Board on thp 2nd day of January, A. D. 1926, and the said Board of Locai Improvements, having filed in the County Court of McHenry County, Illirvois^ on the 18th day of January, A. D. 1926, a certificate showing that the said improvement conforms substantially to the acquirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same, the cost thereof, the amount estimated by them to be required to pay the accruing interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate the collection of the assessment for said improvement, a hearing will be had on said certificate, as to the truths of the facts therein stated, at the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, on the 8th day of February, A. D. 1926, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as thebusiness of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said cause before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. ' Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 18th day of January, A. D. 1926. P. H. WATTLES, ROBERT J. FRISBY, R. I. OVERTON, Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois: 38-2t takes a new doctor some time to understand new cases. Mrs. Nina Sherman, husband and little son were Sunday dinner guests in the home of the former's parents. Mrs. Hoppe and son, Arthur, attended the ski slide at Cary Sunday. Harry Fay of Elgin was a busipesa caller in this section last Friday. Warren Francisco transacted business at "Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Kaiser and daughter, Clara; had quite a scare one day last week. Mr. Kaiser and sons were away from home and the chimney burned out. The wmoen made good use of the telephone and soon had the boss and the boys there. No damage done, only some badly wrought up nerves in those at home when the fire started.. Mr. Moore was called to Chicago on Tuesday to attend the funeral of a friend. The road north of the C. B. Durkee farm is being graveled. It had got in quite a bad condition and the rural mail carrier found it quite difficult getting through in wet weather. Escaped by Camouflagm Matilda, daughter of Henry I off England used camouflage to escape from Oxford In 1141. Clothed tn white, tinder cover of a heavy snowstorm, she passed unnoticed through the bealeging army of King Stephen. Years Of Unused Mileage A guaranteed used Ford car, purchased from any Authorized Ford Dealer, is a good investment Ford cars accepted in trade by Authorized Ford Dealers and offered as guaranteed used cars are thoroughly reconditioned and backed with a liberal guarantee. You can buy a used Ford car from ac Authorized Ford Dealer with assurance that it will give you thousands of miles of good performance. His knowledge of Ford value and his interest in Ford cars and Ford owners makes him the best man in the community with whom to deal. A small cash payment will get you immediate delivery of a guaranteed used Ford. The balance can be paid in small monthly payments. And when you are resfdy to buy a new car, you are assured a fair trade-in allowance from your Authorized Ford Dealer. used l JU -•4 / . 4* K KNOX MOTOR SALES McHENRY, ILL, - PHONE 3*

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