THE McHKNRY PLAINDEALBR, MeHBNRT, HL THE FEATHERHEADS «H| ' i . K J , " YES MP FTATmERHEAE) VWELL, COME ON OVER MY NAME IS WERE AND MEET THESE BEA5LEY Y \ \FPIEND5 OF MINE. b6WLMF«n .NVt»nu»|i wZ Matnn JOHN, SHAKE HANDS WITH MEASLES NO , 'NO - NOT MEASLEY - ITb BEASLEY Can You Beat It? HAMBONE'S MEDITATIONS BOB , MEET MR. CHMSLEY I NO, NO - NOT CHEASLEY -BEASL EYj~ 6EE, ThAT FELLOW ALWAYS )REAL ESTXTt WANTS EVERYTHING HIS OWN WAY 7. MISS LUCY WANTER KNOW VHHOT US l>OOE? WEN |>R WHITE FOLKS VISIT US CHU'CH, BUT BO^T PE FU5' THING VS GM'ally- DOOES IS STOP DF UF.ETiM1 EH pass j»t HAT:! /.f *£Y PEEVES A TACTLESS MUtt S JUUASHtATTl SHE ALVMNT SWS, •^nrtttSETTiMSFwr' MICKEE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Charles Sughroe CWcMcm Ntwypw Uiia MAW SA\D ME8BE NOUt) UKE TO SEE VW KID SISTER. * SHE^I A SEAR. OLD AUP SMART AS THEM MAKE "THEJA CAU SHE DO | AWNTRICIC5* SUR.E SHE KiU * COME Okl/PAT, DO'SOUW STUFF • VJHAT DOES THE DOG0E SAY* VJEU-, WHAT DOES THE COW SAV? » UO? *THEU MEBBE VOU KIU SAV MAMMAE OR TEU US, U/HAT DOES THE . VCITTN SAN MUHIR UUBROKEU SILEWC6 HA\ UA\ SHE CAVXTBE. AS SMART AS SHE LOOKS S1LEUCE ANU, DOVJT THROW ME DOVJU UKE "THIS, PATRieiA'. TEW, US UOW, VJHAT DOES THE V OUSTER. SAM* A PERPECT IkAlTATlOU I V MOT A SOUMD 1/ *_S.U l(AJMPRcOe«S Along the Concrete Our Pet Peeve I 7 sieigrt petLy u 2h HOME WANTED FOR A BABY V€IL-Stt! NW ARE AT Tie (Right DOOR, t OD 601! { " OH Blltf 1 PLEASE , \ OONT TALK SO LPUDl NN I Mead »-> simple sputtincj I 6\V£ HtM SOME MILK. *-- 'AMD A COOKfc OH BIUH cor*e ams* •ZIHCJ 1 Ui \ All RIGHT, P£Tl ue. sTiU. -- i ITS MR*. ALUNGTOH -- <He 5AIS sue HAS AM exTfcA MATlMee "TICKET ArtO ^AnT* Nou To <so viflU rteft---, n SHALL i Ten HelUovme >u-7 Nol NO - I TeLL HeR. I'LL GO -- I TUIHK IT WILL do we gooo> Tt>. 66T OUT ; . ) POHT^YOU DeflR? No'. Titers : NO HOME! =. THAT* A ? > &LUFI« J where. oo New ~ Reckon, is A tfoop home, SIR9; ll«v" I DIOMT ReewxuNC THE tCLANCY KIDS A Lessos Well Learned By PERCY L. CROSBY C *>y th« McCIur« N«w»j)»i>et B/n4io*t* jee HIM, (Sooner WELL HCLR V/ORTH ABOUT FLFTV MtLLfOH DOLXARS pop jAVi ne'r v«-i AUJPU'- Rich cce; A SELF-FLATTERER ^1. (Bcarafully)--*on't eara what anyone thinks of me." She--"Don'H you flatter yourself by Inferring that anyone thinks of you?" A PENNY SMtO IS A P£NNV 6*<?N€0. i Not Enough The new servant brought the visiting card to her mistress. "There's two of 'em," she said, "one in the drawLugroom and one . at the door." "But why didn't you show them both Id?" asked her mistress. "They only had one ticket," answered the servant.--Pearoon'a Weekly- STAYED TO RECEIVE THEM Friend--"So you were the only one of the family that didn't go. away the past season?" Dad--"Yes, the rest would'nt have been happy If they couldn't have the opportunity to send picture postcards home." Sure of That "Yes," droned the guide, "this Is the scene of some primeval upheaval. Great rooks were tossed about by a giant hand. Streams were hurled down from their beds. As you see, confusion reigns everywhere." "I'll bet the apartment we sublet to strangers looks worse," sighed the tourist. HARDLY WORTH WHILE Eer Lover--"And when we're married, sweetheart, you'll take my name, won't youY" "Actress (many times wed)--"Well, I'll tfiink it over, dear-- but It may be for such a Bhort time, you know." # PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN m The Loafer hasn't doiie a Lick of. Work since the famous "Work or Fight" order, when he shouldered • Dinner-bucket and rallied to the Shipyards. The Loafer was Just naturally Born Tired and he's still Holding his Own. Besides that, He makes Everybody Else tired I TURN ME OVER 3uios"jt uodn p^defys* QOC&OS \£ Baran idPpeJ lofrv^p'Qbho THE ctmfUL emm Vitk »ur\ *r\d rwiv trd • $rouu\£ tkir*?» Tivsre.'* sometkjrs^ r\«W for «/«ry <£&y A pernors rve.v*r could tor%ci VA-fck N^lvr% %*img vp tKi» wvy! FRAGRANCE NOT WAtTF#.. True Eloquence "Have you prepared your sermon for tomorrow?" asked our southern friend of his man-of-all-work, who was also preacher at the African Methodist church. "No, suh," said he. "I doan' have to. Sometimes I preaches from a text. Then I got to study. Tomorrow I jest preaches from the extemporaneuin."-- Public' OplnlMU Anna -Host- Is so i<>\oly- always reminds mo ui ilit fiuwer born lu blush unseen and waste its fragrance-- Belle--Well, let me tell you now. ah* hasn't wasted any of that expensive perfume she user on the heir--he's going to marry her. A CATS A PET m ( , • "Does your husband ever call you by pet names?" "No. He calls ftf * 'cat.'"