Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1926, p. 3

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•J<«^#p»(i,i^pi» ji - J. -^rnipmmm ^ TBC M'HXHKY ftAIKDEAUnt, THTTRSD**, FSB: U, 1926 mm- F. 0. GANS, Auctioneer I wffl m at Public Auction 911 ?Mri Street, Hon Henry, on . Saturday Feb. 13 Beginning at 1 o'clock, sharp FOUR HORSES , Bay Mare, 12 years old, wt. 1,400 lbs.; Dappel Grafr, 11 years old, wt. 1,400 lbs.; Bay Gelding, 13 years old, wt. 14200 lbs.; Bay Gelding, 11 years old, wt. 1,100 lbs. 12 CHICKENS HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY 25 Bu. Oats and 5 or 6 tons Hay in Stack, Clover and Timothy. . .Three Heavy Truck Wagons, Bob Sleigh, 2 sets Dump Boards, Hay Rack Box, 2 sets Double Breeching Harness, McCormick Corn Binder, Hay Rack, McCormick Mower, Corn Planter, Cultivator, 2 Single Cultivators, Pulverizer, 1 nearly new, Emery Wheel and Grindstone, Fairbanks Scale, 3 Walking Plows, Harrow, 2 Dump Scrapers, 2 Log Chains, Picks and Shovels, and! other articles too numerous to mention. TEEMS CASH M. J. Freund WILL SMITH, Clerk. AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer We, having decided to quit farming, will sell at Public Auction on the W. E. Whiting farm, 3 miles southwest of McHenry, 7 miles north of Crystal Lake and 7 miles east of Woodstock, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Beginning at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 74 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 74 Consisting of 35 MILCH COWS, 1 STOCK BULL. 8 BROOD SOWS TO FARROW IN APRIL. 12 GILTS TO FARROW! IN MAY. 12 EWES TO LAMB IN APRIL. HORSES--Pair Roan Geldings, 7 and 10 yrsJ old, wt. 2900; Pair Gray' Geldings, 10 yrs. old, wt 3200; Black Gelding, S yrs. old, wt. 1000; Bay Marc, if yrs. old, wt. 1200; Black Mare, 12 yrs. old, wt. 1100. Hay, Grain and Machinery 20 tons Timothy and Alfalfa Hay, mixed; 20 tons Corn in Crib; 350 bn. Oats; 260 bu. Barley; set Heavy Breeching Harness; set Heavy Back-pad Harness; set Light Work Harness; Single Harness; Pine Tree Milking Machine; Fairbanks-Morse Engine, 3 hp.; Pump Jack; Deering Grain Binder; Deering Corn Binder; 12-in. P. & O. Gang Plow; Janesville Sulky Plow; Sattley Sulky Plow; Walking Plow; Breaking Plow; 16-disc Pulverizer; 3-section Drag; Buckeye Grain Drill; John Deere Corn Planter, 80 rods check wire; Keystone Gearless Hay Loader; 5-ft. Deering Mower; Straight Hay Rake; 2 single-row Cultivators; 2-row Cultivator; Manure Wagon; Milk Wagon; 2 Truck Wagons; set Truck Wagon Wheels, new; Iron Wheel Wagon; Bob Sled; set Dump Boards; Hay Rack; Combination Hog Rack, Grain Box and Hay Rack; Garden Cultivator Potato Hiller; 200 ft. Hay Rope and Pulleys; Buggy Pole; two 4-horse Eveners; two 3-horse Eveners; 4 sets Doubletrees; set 2-ton Wagon Springs; 600-bu. Portable Corn Crib; 13 Milk Cans; 2 Milk Pails and Strainer; 80 Grain Sacks; two 60-gal. Steel Drums; one 15-gaI. Steel Drum; 30-gal. Iron Kettle 1%-hp. Fairbanks-Morse Engine, nearly new; Moline Corn Binder; Forks, Shovels, Crowbars, Log Chain, and manyother articles too numerous to mention. Household Goods--Wooden Bed and Springs; 5 Kitchen Chairs; Oak Bookcase; Sink, 3x8; Cookstove in good condition; Iron Bed and Springs, nearly new. TERMS--All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of •i* months time will be given on good bankable notes, bearing 7 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. Anna P. Ekstrom & Son ISARL W. STENGER, Clerk RING WOOD Mr. <°and Mrs. Irving Waltar were Sunday callers in the Fred Walter home. Mrs. Rillah Fos* spent Monday with her grandson, Little Warren J ones. Dick Fleming of McHenry called in Ringwood on Tuesday morning. William Beth Jr. and .John Thompson spent Tuesday at their respective home here. Mrs. James Rainy spent Wednesday, with her mother, Mrs. Thomas of McHenry. . Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Wednesday at Janesville, Wisconsin. The Home Bureau met with Mrs. Lewis Schroeder on Wednesday afternoon. Floyd Hopper, W. E. Smith spent Wednesday at Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. George Noble and family spent Wednesday in the Harry Turner home at Woodstock. Mrs. George Stevens spent Tuesday at Richmond with friends. Leonard Brown spent Wednesday in MeHenry with his grandmother K. lit. Bradley was a McHenry caller on Wednesday afternoon. Abie Miller of Elgin called in Ringwood on Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Cropley of Solon Mills were Thursday, morning callers in Ringwood. J. V. Buckland and O. A. Tabor spent Wednesday at Kenosha, Wis. Miss Bonnie Hermance of Genoa City spent Thursday at the Ringwood school. Mrs. Oliver Laurence was a Thursday evening caller in McHenry. Roger Stevens left for Urbana on Friday morning where he will attend school. John Kottner of Spring Grove was Ringwood caller on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant of Woodstock spent Thursday evening in the home df his mother, Mrs. Emma Merchant. Mrs. Lewis Harvey and daughters, Shirley and Marion, spent Thursday in the E. C. Harvey home. Wayne Foss of Greenwood spent the week-end with his mother, Rillah Foss. Miss Frances Helms, of Elgin spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter. Miss Laura Welter spent the weekend at Hebron. Miss Ethel Bell of McHenry spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. Wayne Foss wass a Saturday morning caller in McHenry. Mrs. Stacia J Kane ia improving from her illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family called in Ringwood on Saturday morning. Mrs. Myrtle Tremayne and children, Ralph Jr. and Marilynn, of Chicago spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Harvey.' Dr. Rand of McCullums Lake, called in Ringwood on Saturday morning. Clay Hughes of McHenry spent Saturday morning in Ringwood. Walter Winn of Spring Grove was a Saturday morning caller in Ringwood. Floyd Hopper was a Woodstock caller on Saturday afternoon. Andrew Hawley of Elgin spent the week-end with his father, E. C. Hawley. Mrs. Delbert Bacon of Elgin was a Saturday caller in Ringwood. The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Schroeder on the afternoon of Feb. 2. Fifteen members were present, Mrs. A, W. Smith and Mrs. Max Beth gave very interesting talks of their trip to the conference at Urbana. The next meeting will be held March 2, at the home of Mrs. Lewis Hall. The topic will be "Dress" and slides will be shown by Miss Bennett Every lady invited. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McQuarry spent Sunday with their parents at Peotone. Miss Grace Pearsen was a Chicago visitor on Saturday. Will Gidding sp*nt the week-end with Hebron relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, spent Sunday morning at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fay of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey of Chicago spent the week-end in the E. C. Hawley home. Harold Bell of Waukegan spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. Mr. and ^klrs. Leslie Rauen spent the week-end with her parents at Spring Grove. Is that all it costs? That's what you'll say when we tell you the low price of aa Exide Battery for your car. Get out of your mind the idea that Exide quality costs more. II costs less and it does morel W. L. Howell & Co. EXIDE PRICES A.RE FROM $l2*e UP Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. There will be a dinner in the M. W. A. Hall on Feb. 17, given by the Ladies' Aid Society. Everybody cordially invited to come. A. W. Smith spent Monday in Chicago on business. Arthur Hitt of Elgin transacted business, in Ringwood on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Beth were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. ahd Mrs. Frank Hitchens and family. Fred Noble and son were recent callers in Ringwood. Mrs. Edward Thompson and children spent Wednesday with, Mrs. Nick Young. Miss Slotkings of Greenwood spent a few days with, Mrs. Will Walker Miss Adele Heimer of McHenry spent Thursday evening with, Mr. and Mr3. K. M. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Abie Laurence and Mrs. Lewis Hall attended the funeral of Father McEvoy recently. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended the K. C. carnival at Woodstock Saturday night. , Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall and Mrs. Karl Bradley and children spent Friday at McHenry. Leon Dodge while at work had a misfortune to sprain his ankle but is getting along nicely. John Stecker of Greenwood spent' Monday morning in Ringwood. Harry Turner and Earl Sherman of Woodstock spent Sunday morning with the former's sister, Mrs. G. L. Noble. Thomas Kane was a Ringwood caller on Sunday morning. George Young is moving machinery from his farm from McHenry. Mr. O. A. Tabor and Eli Chase spent Saturday at Greenwood. Maxwell Beth was numbered among the sick on Monday and unable to work. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and family spent Sunday morning at McHenry. Will Miller of Johnsburg was a Ringwood caller on Monday. Mrs. Mary Wright has returned to Lake Geneva after spending several weeks here. C. W. Goodell, alderman services for S months .... 15.00 C. Hughes, alderman services for 3 months 15.00 R. 1. Overton, alderman services for 3 months .... 15.00 J. B. Perkins, alderman services for 3 months .... 15.00 R. ,F. Conway, clerk services $$>r 3 months 30.00 Motion by Hughes, seconded by Frisby, that the reports of the treasurer, collector and clerk be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Goodell, seconded by Hughes, that A. H. Schaefer pay $56.00 for breaking hydrant near Community High School. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, "seconded by Frisby, that Kents addition be accepted by the city of McHenry. Motion carried. It was decided by the council to order the city vehicle licenses as soon as possible. Motion by Overton, second by Perkins to adjourn. < Motion carried. F. H. WATTLES, Mayor R. P. Conway, Clerk * Presidential Abode Following the attack upon the mtve mansion in 1814, It was painted white, to obliterate the damage done by lire. In popular parlance it was soon onlled by Its now familar name, although officially It was known as the executive mansion until Theodore Roosevelt put the stamp of his approval on the name "the Whlta House." TlTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, Feb. 1, 1926 The city aldermen met in regular session with Mayor Wattles presiding. Aldermen present: Frisby, Goodell, Hughes, Overton and Perkins. Aldermen absent: Doherty. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved by the finance committee: Thos. P. Bolger, vaccination supplies I McHenry Plaindealer, printing •••' Joe Engeln, Ibr. on hydrant 1.35 38.80 3.85 4.92 3.45 26.00 10.00 They "Aneuted" Little Billy Rlgby came In from playing with his wee trousers torn Mrs. ltigby was much put out and scolded Billy. "Well, mamma," ht said, "The boys wanted to play beai and they just ansistefl and ansisted that I he the bear, so they put me in a barrel and a big old nail sprang up and tore my pants."--Capper's Weak ly. Fix Up a Cozy Corner & cosy bbmer fa your honie"will be the n^sit used nook imaginable. A place for a quiet hour with a book or a chat with a friend. Let us sug- > gest the necessary items, * v Jacob Justen & Son Furniture and Undertaking McHENRY, ILLINOIS P O L I T I C A L A D V E R T I S I N G Natural Question Diner (to the doorman as heleavet expensive restaurant)--Er--tell roe-- Is there any charge for going out^ London Opinion. Power of Love If there Is anything that keeps the mind open to angel visits, and repels the ministry of 111. ft is human love. --N. I\ Willis. t30.00 2.88 4.00 3.00 3.30 50.00 Standard Oil Co. gasoline ... 111. Bell Tele. Co. calls Alev Lumber Co. supplies .,. Frank Hughes, lbr. on siren.. Walter Donavin, lbr. on htg. plant Western United Gas 4 Site. Co. Jan. bill ^...... Public Service Co. power for sewer lift 44.90 Public Service Co. mushroom lights Public Service Co. power for siren Public Service Co. power and mdse. ... Public Service Co. street lights • 148.85 Public Service Co. power for e l e c . pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Service Co. traffic lights Walter Donavin, lbr. as city plumber, pipes etc R. F. Conway Tele, calls postage and supplies .... Wm Simes Supt. of W. W. for Jan 25.00 H. L. Fisher, labor .... T.. \ 4.50 Weil McLain & Co. suppliaa J-* 27.33 Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp. supplies 58.50 A. H. Schaefer fgt. and drayage 2.65 John Walsh, Marshal services for Jan 115.00 John Walsh, services at sewer lift for Jan. Western United Gas A Elec. Co. Dec. Gas bill F. H. Wattles, services as Mayor 3 months P. J. Doherty, alderman services for 3 months R. Frisby, alderman services for 3 months DONT SUFFER FROM COLDS Amazing New Treatment for Colds, Headache and Neuralgia. Pink-n-White Tablets --a famous Doctor's prescription-- bring instant relief, safely and surely, from winter time ills. They are harmless -- non-depressant and not habit-forming. Get a 25c package today. Triple size 50c. Sold and Revbmmeaded by Thomas P. Bolger DRUGGIST To The Voters I hereby extend my sincere thanks to everyone of the hundreds of men and women throughout our county that are supporting me for renomination, and to nearly three hundred thai were kind enough tb write me a personal letter promising me their help, and to the scores and scores of others that have called at my office or met me in other/plaoes. and personally assured me of their sui I am continually receiving splendid reports from all parfcs of the county and I feel certain that a majority of the people favor my renomination, and I firmly believe that I will be renominated by a substantial minority. I expect to start my speaking campaign early in March and I will then, along with other facts, give you some indisputable evidence as to the very mportant part taken by E. D. Shurileff in helping to get Fremont and Clarence Hoy released from the state penitentiary at Joliet. Very sincerely yours, «Charles P. Barnes4 .00 93,60 3.25 15.00 87.80 16.00 15.00 15.00 AUCTION CHA8. JUEONARD, Auctioneer I will sell at Public Auction on the J. J. Doherty farm, 3 miles south of McHenry and 3% miles north of Crystal Lake, on the McHenry-Crystal Lake road, on, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Beginning at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, .to-wit: 19 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 19 Consisting of CATTLE---11 Holstein Cows, 3 Holstein Heifers, 1 Hoi stein Bull. HORSES--Brown Gelding, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1100; Bay Mare, 12 yrs. old, wt. 1100; Bay Mare, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1400; Black Mare, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1400. Hay, Grain and Machinery !, 600 bo. Corn; 200 bu. Oats; 10 bu. Seed Corn; 12S bu. Barley: 12 ft. Silage; 5 tons Hay; Ford Sedan; McCormick Corn Binder; McCormick Grain Binder; Osborne Pulverizer; 4-section Drag; P. & O. Gang Plow; Moline Sulky Plow; Emmerson Cultivator; 1 Cultivator; Truck Wagon; Wide-tire Wagon; Milk Wagon; 2 Hay Racks; 2 Wagon Boxes; Manure Box; Tank Heater; Hay Rake; Hay Tedder; Manure Spreader; McCormick Mower; Engine and Pump Jack; 3 sets Harness; 2 Single Harness; Grindstone; 60-gal. Drum; 6 Milk Cans; Pail, Strainer and Stirrer; 2Q Grain Bags and several snut 11 tools too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE--Purchasers who wish to take advantage of the customary terms of sale, see C. W. Stenger, Clerk, onj day of sale. Howard W. Cairns CAUL W. STKHOEB, Clerk T T T T T tT f ? ? ? T T T T T 7T T tt 77 « 7 7 7 7 77 7 T t7 T T 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 T 7 7T 7 •7 Your Dream House Is Here r t Let us aid you, with our practical suggestions guided by years of experience in home building, plan a home.that will be within your means, yet that will also be the home of your breams. Phone 46 IVf^MENRY LUMBER f (\ Xt JL JL Quality umd Service First \y • r

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