Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1926, p. 5

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..««•«•!•* il.l| -/*• ' ' ' . \, , !".;: • ' • ' *T : .. ". > '.U* • ttrt M-HMfSf MAWfflBAHBE. TmTSSDftTJTTBTt, ttSff <& Ci WEEKLY PERSONALS GONERS AND GOERS OF 4 ¥£EK IN OUR BUSY CITY Robert Taylor passed the first of the week in Chicago. Bernard Althoff boarded the train for Chicagt) on Monday morning. Clois Wagener spent Tuesday in the Metropolitan city. Mrs. Prank Ensign spent Saturday at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Nap LeZotte and children spent Monday in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey of Chicago spent the week-end with McHenry relatives. Misses Leon* Givens and Pamela Rieteel spent Sunday as guests of Miss Helen Welch in Chicago. Mrs. M. Givens and family and Mrg. Nellie Bacon and family visited Elgin relatives Sunday. Mrs. Davis and little son of Joliet spent the week-end in the home of her mother, Mrs. Kate Stoffel. Henry Dowe and Herman Sehaefer attended the automobile show in Chicago on Friday of last week. Marie and Alfred Toyn, Mrs. Henry Kinsala, and John Dowe spent Thursday of last week in Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jorgensen and children of Long Lake spent Saturday with McHenry relatives. N. F. Steilen waa a business visitor n the Metropolitan city on Saturday <pf last week. Kent and Company report the sale of a lot on the Fox River to Joseph J. Weiler of Chicago. Misses ClaraTtfrid Lena Stoffel and Elizabeth Miller spent Sunday in Aurora. Mrs. J. H. Miller and daught, Elisabeth, spent the latter part of last week in Chicago. Herbert B. Medler, Woodstock photographer, was a business visitor in McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sterbenz have moved from the B. J. Brefeld house on Wa ikegan street to Chicago. Mrs. Frank Bogdausky of Necedah, AS SEEN BT FLAINDEALER KB PORTERS AND HANDED IN m OUR FRIENDS Paul Bonslett visited Miss Mary Bonslett in Aurora Sunday. Miss Lena Stoffel is spending tht "•reek in Chicago. Leon Thelen of Champaign speni Friday of last week in McHenry. Miss Jones and Mrs. C. W. Goodel •pent "TCiursda in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickaon and family spent Sunday at Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. John McDermott of Chicago spent Thursday in McHenry. Howard Wattles has returned to this city from a trip to California. William Simes spent Monday morniof? in Richmond. Edward McEvoy of Chicago spent Saturday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Miller and daughter spent Sunday at Cary. Mr. and Mrs. lEarl Brown were C a a y v i s i t o r s S u n d a y . ; Mrs. Ellen Ensign ' ft visiting friends in Volo. John Fay spent Saturday evening in Crystal Lake. NOTICE T* Church Orgnizations and Societies Let us show you how to enrich your treasury $100 to $5,000. For full details write IMPORT SPECIALTIES ASSN., Sloan Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio Circle® Hews Vol. 1 Feb. 11, 1926 No. IS Published in the latereets of the people of McHenry and vicinity by the Alexander Lumber Co. Geo. H. Johnson, Editor We can sympathize with February. It's a little short. * ' • *,> * " ' . JAst received another car of Pohahontas. Just give us a ring--No. 5. Have you noticed that the days are getting longert" HaVe you figured out your income below in the pit tarn grate bars. Who clears the accumulated and outworn prejudices from beneath his mind find it the brighter for the rernova^ v We are expecting reports about the first robin within the nex$ few days. Call us up when you see one. Eastern Star dance at Ringwood Friday night. Better take your lady and have her te#ch you the Square Dane*. We've believed a lot of these radio stories. But Louis Erickson tells us that he got a male quartet the other night, and with his radio set he was able to tune out all but the tenor!. Can you beat that one? Is your home up to date? If it isn't we can make it so. ^ 4' There's only one tvay to keep from getting old, and that is to die first. Did you know that you can get plaster in small cartons? Just the thing for patching those holes in the walL OUR OWN WEATHER (Check us up on this prediction) Rain, followed by sleet storm, snow and much colder. ' "I like Pocahontas coal," says one customer, * because it holds the heat so well. I have the Anest bed of nice red hot coals in the morning you ever saw." Another thing we like about rubber heels--they don't scar up the desk. If it isn't in a checkerboard bag it isn't Purina. Kicking won't get you anywhere unless you happen to be a chorus girl. ALEXANDER LUMBER COMPANY Phone 5 T. B. Tested Cattle Wis., has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Sterbenz. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fay. Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler were Elgin vicitors on Saturday. Mrs. John Knox and Miss Mabel Conway were Chicago callers last Friday." * * Miss Mary Altoff of Elgin visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loufa Althoff one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bishop and daughter visited Johnsburg relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in West Chicago. Mrs. Ed Krepil of Crystal Lake was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. LeZotte on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nap LeZotte and children were Chicago visitors Sunday. Misses Elizabeth Vogt, Alice Miller, and Genevieve Carey of Champaign spent a few dpys last week in this Miss Mary Pender WalgfTspent a few days last week as a guest of her sister, Ellen Walsh in South Bend, Ind. 'Si Mr. and Mrs. William J. Welch spent Sunday in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Glenn L. Robinson at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. James Burke visited in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Burke, over the weekend. Frank C. Sullivan anddaughter Norine, of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. MisseS" Lena and Clara Stoffel and Elizabeth Miller visited Miss Mary Bonslett at St. Joseph's hospital, Aurora, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. lEdward Freund of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Emma Freund. Joe Wiler and Arthur Lind of Chicago, who have a summer home in the McHenry Country Club addition, were- Sunday visitors in this city. Mrs. Mary S. Powers and, daughters, Jeanne, passed Sunday afternoon in the home of Mrs. M. Stanton at Long Lake. Eva Stilling, Lillian Stilling, and Albert Barbian were week-end guests in the home of Leonard Frett in South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of their parents in this city. j „ Misses Beulah Carey and Alvina Engels of Spring Grove spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Christina Young. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund received a few cases of oranges, grapefruit, and tangerines from their daughter, Lillian, at Miami, Fla., recently. TVlr. and Mrs. Bernard Bauer, Joseph L. Bauer of Ingleside and Mrs. Bernard Kennebeck spent Mon day with Mrs. Nick M. J us ten at Milwaukee, Wis. All ladies wishing to help in the Methodist church bazaar are requested to make two iron-holders and send them to Mrs. Frank Cobb before Wednesday afternoon. Edward B^ss and family moved from a flat in the Brefeld building on Waukegan street, West McHenry, to the Pouse home on Main street which he recently purchased. Mrs. John P. Sehaefer and Mrs. Math J. Miller called on Mrs. John M. Frett Tuesday. The Just No Card club met at the home of Mrs. John Mertes on Tuesday of last'week. Prizes were won as follows: Mrs. John Thelen, first; Mrs. John P. Lay, second; Mrs. Joe Huemann, third. On Monday night a party was held by the same club at the home of Mrs. John P. Lay. The first, second and third prizes were won by Mesdames Jacob Schumacher, Joe Huemann and John Thelen. Mrs. John P. Fay entertained at cards Monday evening. The winners were Mrs. John Thelen, Mrs. Rose Schumaker, and Mrs. Barbara Huemann. At a late hour dainty refreshments were served. The young ladies held a card party at the parish hall last Sunday evening. Quite a good crowd was in attendance. Bunco and "500" were played. The winners in bunco were Mrs. Joseph King, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freund and Mrs. John Frett. Mrs. Joseph N. Huemann entertained the Ladies' Card club Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Schumaker, Mrs. Mary Thelen and Mrs. John, Mertes. , A dainty luncheon was served following the game. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Adams attended a bunco party in Chicago Saturday evening. Mrs Emma Jung and fapiily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sehaefer and, family. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Adams spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Miss Margaret Huemann spent a few days with Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huemann. Mrs. John Mertes entertained the Ladies' Card club last Thursday evening. The winners were: Mrs. Mary Thelen, Mrs. John Fay and Mrs. Joseph Huemann. A delicious luncheon was served after the game. • CLEVELAND - MODEL 43 SEDAN ' • ; We have taken the agency for Cleveland Motor Gars,^^ haTe Tar!(ms models on display.* Call us and we will be glad to givte-you a demonstration. VV--^ PRICES F O B: CLEVELAND #' MODEL 31, ; ^ .. MODEL 43 touring » 946 S^Tourii* _ • ; 1 0 2 5 C o u p s Coach , • - 1085 Sedan Sedan 1090 jDeLuxe Sedan _ DeLuxe Touring' .$1145 1295 £ 1225 _ 1295 _ 1345 _ 1595 CENTRAL GARAGE HETTERMANN BROS , Proprietors Phones McHenry 200-J and 200-R Johnsburg, I1L * 1 % ] ••J5 FOR SALE Springers and new milkers in all quantities from one to^ a carload. Orders for future delivery taken for any breed X of dairy cattle. EARL E. MONEAR, McHenry, III Phone 122-J E, M. AYLWAKD, Hebron, QL Phone 11 X ••• Abraham Lincoln a conviction that part of his business was to save regularly, Abraham Lincoln started a bank account at the earliest possible moment in his life. Back of this determination to save was the experience of the first 23 years of his life, years of hard labor, when produce, and not cash, was the reward of his industry with the ax.- r When he*married at 4n«brtefrotn the Law was about $25 a week. The General Store which outfitted his home also served as his bank. In spite of small earnings, he always managed to keep a little ahead of the game. In spite of moderate charges for his services--he always managed to save something. As we honor Lincoln for his sterling Americanism, his great, tender heart, his courage and his vision--let us remember, too, • that he built an estate through industry and thrift. Lincoln's 12, this Jtw fox River Valley State Bdnk The Bank that helps yon got ahead JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund and chil dren were guests at the home of Mr." and Mrs. Henry Thelen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Jack Thies and Miss Kathryn King of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs, Steve King Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and chil dren of Wauconda spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling. Mrs. Catherine Freund of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan and William B. Tonyan and daughter, Esther, mqtored to Oak Park Tuesday to visit with Mrs. William B. Tonyan. Mrs. Nick L. Freund of North Da kota#is visiting with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Frank Kempfer boarded the Chicago train Saturday. J. B. Hettermann and William H. Tonyan motored to Chicago one day last week. Bernard Althoff of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan and daughter, Gertrude, visited a few days with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diethorn of Waukegan were callers here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sehaefer of Chicago visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner and children of Chicago visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith Sunday. Miss Leona Regner of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regner. Miss Mildred Sehaefer spent a few days with her aunt, Rose Pitzen, at Volo. Joe L. Freund, Nick Pitzen and Anton J. Schmitt called on Anton M. Schmitt last Friday night. Alois Steffens from Waukegan called on John P. Sehaefer Sunday. Arthur Klein from Spring Grove was home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein, over Sunday. Ben Schmitt and one of his friends; from Chicago were with Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schmitt on Sunday. Mrs. William Oeffling and Mrs. Math J. Miller were McHenry callers one day last week. Mrs. Joe M. Sehaefer accompanied her daughter, Dora, to Milwaukee, where she entered the St. Joseph's Convent, Saturday, Feb. 6. Carl Bradley of Ringwood was a caller here Sunday. Alvina Schumaker called on Eva Sehaefer Sunday afternoon, v 1 There is only on$ explanation of the new low prices announced January 7th by Graham , Brothers. That explanation is--overwhelming dp-, n ian d. Ttf,. Demand increased so rapidly In 1925 that Graham Brothers attained undisputed Leadership among the exclusive truck manu»l! facturers of the world. Such demand calls for expansion. Expansion • means still greater production. Greater pro-'; duction means savings in manufacturing costs. . Graham Brothers have expanded tremendously, both in buildings and equipment--and are now passing the savings on tp the buyer. » • -v".- New Prices 1 Ton Chassis - IV2 Ton Chassis - ' MBM Low Chassis $1030 $1300 $1350 Delivered $ A F. A. Morrow & Sons McHenry and Waukegan GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS SOLD BY DODGE BROTHERS DEALERS EVER.YWHERB - i "

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