Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1926, p. 7

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TO WHEH&T njUWDEALKl, TRTOSDAY, RB. 11, 1988 QUIT QETTINQ UP M10HT8 THE LATKST NEWS A D,H„ J 111 DAYS 0* WE* D«y 'C. N. Shuman, Republic, Ohio, says: "Before taking Lithiated Buchu (Kelletr Formula) had to Ret six or seven times each night. Now I do not get up at all. You may use my name if it would benefit anyone with bladder trouble." Be- careful not to tak« drugs that check the action of the bladder. You may have to continue its use. lithiated Buchu (Keller Formula) increases t!he action during the day. It cleanses the bladder as epsom salts d« the bowels driving out foreign matter, neutralizing excess acids, thereby relieving the irritation which causes "Getting Up Nights." The tablets coat 2c each at all drug stores or Keller Laboratory, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Locally at Thomas P. Bolger's Drug Store 144 Plaindealer Items Twenty-five Yean Ago Mrs. C. >Alten a resident of Ringwood for nearly half a century passed to the higher life Saturday, Jan. 26, 1901, aged 80 years 9 months and 16 dayB. Her husband, ffcro sons, and two grandchildren survive her. J. W. WORTH . PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT? Audits Systems Income fend Inheritance Tax Matters Member of Public Accountants. Association of Illinois Phone 206-J McHenry, 111. Phone 126-W. . Reasonable Rat^s A. H. SCHAEFER . Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS McHenry Upholstering Shop P. J. L ANDT Furniture repairing and made to order Refinishing and Antique Work a Specialty. Phone McHenry 57-J tasnre-h Sure-Insurance WITH Wm .G.Schreiner |_ Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHENRY, ILL Drs. McChesney & Brown (INCORPORATED) DENTISTS Dn L W. Brown Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 45 years and still doing business at the old stand Pioneers in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices. Ask your neighbors and friends about us. S. B. Oor. Clark & Randolph St. 145 N. Clark St., Chicago Daily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to II Phone Central 2047 NORTH SHORE AUTO WRECKERS Cars bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for used cars. We handle parts for all makes of cars. New cores for all Radiators. Phone Wellington 8830* LEVINSON'S ^ 3360-62 No. Clark St. ^ CHICAGO V Telephone No. 10B-R. Stoffei & Reihansperger Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS KUNZ BROTHERS Local and Long Distance Hmling Phone 204-J McHenry, 111 Buckwheat Cakes This is the season to prepare for those buckwheat cakes each morning. We have the old-fashioned buckwheat flour and also make a self-rising buckwheat flour. Just add the water and milk and it is ready for the griddle. Try it now and be convinced. Aak your Grocer for it. McHenry flour Mills West McHenry. HI. Miss Sarak Givens died at the Sherman hospital, Elgin, Feb. 2,v 1901, in the 45th year of her life. Her funeral was held from St. Patrick's church, McHenry, Feb. 4th, Rev. M. O'Neil officiating. She was followed to the grave by a large concourse of sorrowing friends who came to pay their last tribute of respect to one whom they will sadly miss. The floral offerings presented by loving friends were very beautiful. She leaves to mourn her loss an aged mother, three sisters and two brothers her father having prceeded her into eternity some twenty years ago. The late Henry McLean whose burial took place in Woodland cemetery from the Universalist church in this village on Jan. 21st was born in Pen. Yan, N. Y., March 10, 1807, and died at the residence of his daughter ni Chicago, January 19, 1901. He was instrumental on the laying out of McHenry county in the thirties, where his home has been for 30 many years. He was a man of (-wide range of information and an unusually forceful public speaker. The funeral services for the late Lewis Daniel Lincoln were held frotn the family home on Wednesday and the body was interred in the cemetery at Nunda. Eilert Schumaker passed away at the residence of his . son in this village oq Wednesday evening of last week. The body was taken to Milwaukee for burial. The station on the St. Paul road formerly know as Nippersink, has been changed to Fox Lake, and the former Fox Lake station is how Ingleside. The grounds near Lake Geneva, comprising forty acres, have been purchased by Morre, the Diamond Match magnate who is putting up a POLITICAL ADVERTISING million dollar residence near that point. ' A masquerade ball will be given in Riverside Hall, Thursday evening, February 14. Music will be furnished by Reed's popular orchestra with trap drummer, of Chicago. A costumer will be in attendance ready to serve the guests and a royal time is assured all who attend. Celebrate St. Valentine's day right and enjoy a dance on an elegant floor with the best of music. The Current Event Club will meet with Miss Julia A. Story Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, at the usual hour. Suit for $40,000 damages against the sanitary district of Chicago was filed in the circuit at Joliet. The complainant is Patrick R. Bannon, who owns 300 or 400 lots along the west side of the river. He says this land is now almost totally submerged and its value almost totally destroyed by the constant flood coming front the drainage canal Master Edwin Owen is a'victim of the mumps. The silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and RJrs. Charles Harrison of Numda was observed by about forty of their cousins givinp them a surprise last Saturday. A fine dinneif was spread and the couple were given tokens in honor of the event. May this anniversary mark only a third of the length of the married life of" Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Mrs. William Strubing of Marengo met with what might have proved a fatal accident one day last week. While coming down the steps of jrttr home she accidentally slipped and fell to the ground, striking her head on the side of the coal pail. A surgeon was called and it required eleven stitches to close the wound. LIVES DEPEND ON YOUR EYES Every time you drive your car your own life and the lives of those you hold dear are entrusted to those two faithful lookouts--your eyes. Are you sure of them every waking minute? ^ Do they always afford sharp, clear vision near or far without strain orxdiscomfort? If you wear glasses, have you had an examination recently? These are pertinent questions for all ef us to consider if we would drive and live and see in comfort. An examination is the best eye insurance, and takes but a few minutes of your time. Why not arrange for it today? Dr. Henry Freund,Optometris Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111. Every Even in* from 7 to » except Saturday. AU da7 Wedneadav* from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., Main office. W auk eon. III. VOTE FOR DON F. HIBBARD CHEIF DEPUTY SHERIFF Republican Candidate for SHERIFF OF M'HENRY COUNTY Primaries, Tuesday, April 13 1926 On my record as Chief Deputy Sheriff during the past four years I respectfully solicit your support and vote and if elected I pledge myself to serve the people as sheriff to the best of my ability. VOLO Mrs. Grace Kirwin was a Ring wood caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Townsend spent Wednesday at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dillon called on, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson of Rigdeiield Wednesday. Miss Mary Vogt spent several days of last week with her sister Mrs. C. G. Benwell. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and son spent Friday at the G. A. Vasey home. L. V. Lusk and family were Sundaycallers at the Raymond Lusk home. George Passfield spent Wednesday visiting his parents at Volo. Four pupils of the Roseviye school have been absent with colds the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daughters of Libertyville were Sunday callers at A. Townsend home. Maurice, Irving and Earl Townsend attended the ekating club at Long Lake Sunday afternoon. Misses Orpha Russel, Elsie Tuttle i Agnes Larson attended the Teach- . Meeting at Lake Bluff, Saturday Vlr. G. A. Vasey and son Walter •nt Saturday afternoon at Antioch. Vincent Martin has sold his farm t«> a Chicago party. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary spent Friday with relatives at Maywood. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dillon and family, John Walton and son Jason spent Sunday at the Henry Kreuger home at Wauconda, helping celebrate Mrs. Kreuger and Walter Dillon's birthday. Mr. and Mr§. Frank Wilson and family spent Sunday afternoon at the Passfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vasey and son spent Sunday with relatives at Gurnee Clifford Benwell was a business caller at McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBridfe were Sunday visitors at the Fred Converse home. The masquerade and bunco party which was to be held last Friday night at the Fort Hill School house, was postponed until Feb. 12. , Mr. and Mrs. Ja> Vasey and family spent Sunday afternoon at the Harry Passfield home. Mr. Arthur Peterson called at the Andrew Eddy home Sunday. Frank Wilson has installed an electric light plant. Arthur Vasey, Howard and Clarence Hironimus spent Sunday afternoon at the Fred Converse home. Mrs. L. V. Lusk, Miss Elsie Tuttle, and MisS Fannie Troyer are attending the Standard Sunday School Teachers Training Institution, at Lake Villa and Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wait were business callers at Waukegan Tuesday. Letah and Jessie Benwell have been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Stroker of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker and daughter of Gilmer, enjoyed an oyster supper at the D. V. Wait home last^ Tuesday evening. Mr. Paden andMr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daughters, were callers at the Dell Townsend home Sunday afternoqjj- Mr. Joseph Vogt and son, Bernard, were business callers at Chicago Friday. William C. Dillon, L. V. Lusk and Fred Converse attended the Guernsey Breeder's Assn. Meeting at Libertyville Monday night. The Blomgren family were dinner guests at the Raymond Lusk home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter, Marjorie were Sunday visitors at the home of Andrew Eddy. Foss Lauri and family of Elgin spent Sunday at the George Case home. A family from Sandwich havf moved into A. B. Comb's tenant house. There will be a basket social held at the Vasey school house Saturday night. Feb. 13. Ladies, please bring baskets. Gents, don't forget your •pui'se. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vasey and |4» family called on relatives at Elgin Saturday. Miss Madge Pfannenstill was a Sunday visitor at the C. G. Benwell home. Mrs. Bernie Geary is spending a few days with her sister at Little Rock. , *• Twenty friends of Clarence Hironimus helped celebrate his fifteenth birthday anniversary Saturday afternoon. Games were played after which a delicious lunch was served. All had an enjoyable time. The young people of the Volo M. E. church are invited to attend a banquet given at Lake Villa Friday night. The All-Day Ladies' Aid society held a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogt, which was well attended. A delicious dinner was served at noon and all had a very enjoyable time. Edward Lusk left Monday for Champaign, after spending a few days' vacation with his and Mrs. L. V. Lusk. Sunday evening service at the Volo M. E. church Feb. 14, commences'at 7:30. After the service there will b* a social hour for the young people. Miss Dorthea Stroker of Madison, Wis., was a Tuesday evening guest at the Eb V. Wait home. Mrs. William Vanderboom entertained her sister, from Salem, Wis., Sunday. Heavy Shipping Lost 1 Nearly 4.S55 vessels were lost dm* lng the World war. j Friday and Saturday Specials > VEAL SHOULDER, for Roasts or Stew, per lb 25<^ POLITICAL ADVERTISING D. T. Smiley Candidate for County Judge Solicits Your Vote s> at the PRIMARIES, APRIL 13, 1926 •»••••»»< Wanted! i: --Poultry, Veal and-- i; Eggs ;; MARKET PRICES^) HONEST WEIGHT GiveJJ«-tfuall, Our Trucks Will Haul E. 6. Shlnner & Co. Poultry Plant Richmond, Illinois Telephone: Richmond 103 . T. McOormack, Manager The Coupster The Greatest Closed Car Value Quality, Economy and 20^ More Power LOW COST TRANSPORTATION PRICES, f. o. b. Lansing, Michigan STAR FOUR Commercial Chassis. .$426 Coupster $610 Roadster 525 Coach 695 Touring 525 Sedan .. 805 STAR SIX Touring $695 Coupe ...!..$820 Coupster 745 Coach 880 Schaefer Star Sales PHONE 49 M'HENRY PORK SHOULDERS, by the whole, per lb.- 21c FRES# PORK SHANKS, per lb... 17£ FANCY DILL PICKLES 5 FOR 10^ SAUERKRAUT, per qt: 10 * We have a full line of Fresh and Smoked Fish and . Oysters for Lent WATCH FOR OUR DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS NEXT WEEK i r. Central Market Telephone 80-M ^ Wm. Pries, Prop. Orders Promptly Delivered National Tea Co. GREEN AND ELM STS., M'HENRY EVERY ARTICLE On sale at a National Tea Store is carefully bought from reliable producers and subjected to careful tests at time of purchase and rigid inspection upon arrival at our warehouses FOR YOUR PROTECTION For Friday-Saturday February 12 and 13 Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 3 CANS FOR^OC FarinaQUAKER BR P A1D Pack£a ge 9c EAGLE CONDENSED Can 17c Grapenuts Package 14c Star NAPTHA POWDER Large Pkg. 19c Karo 3 CANS FOR SYRUP, Blue Label, l'i-lb. Can • 25c Baking Powder CALUMET 1-lb. can . 29c Ginger Snaps SBA i 12c Pir»lr1«C AMERICAN HOME Q A 2 Row Dills, Quart) Kidney Beans No. 2 Can lie Saurkraut A1T^N H0ME' lie Coffee CHICAGO BLEND, Per Lb. _ 40c Minute T apioca 8-oz. Pkg. 12c Olives SPANISH GREEN, Full Quart 50c Peanut Butter FINEST QUALITY, Per Lb. 21c Flour GOLD MEDAL, 24':-lb. Sack _ $1.39 FULL LINE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES

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