ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs. Carolyn Schiessle, daughter, Bertha, and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schiessle saw "The Miracle" in the Auditorium in Chicago last Tuesday •evening. Miss Genevieve Knox, who has been visiting in the home of her parents in this city, has returned to DeKalb to resume her sudies in the Normal school. FredWeinschenker and family have moved to their new home on Waukegan street, the old Peter J. Freund residence, from the Carey house on Main street, West McHenry. Among the McHenry people who spent Monday in the metropolitan city were John W. Bonslett, John R. Knox, A. P. Freund, F. H. Wattles, Thomas A. Bolger, Frank Blake, William Spencer and G. A. Stilling. .(:'aYv>* Talks to Science Class . On Friday, March 5, H. J; Murdock, plant superintendent of The Coal Products Manufacturing Company of Joliet, 111., gave a talk before the Science class of the McHenry high /School. His talk was highly educa-; . fional and interesting. Arrangements for this talk were fnade by George R. Rudolph of the I'ublic Service Company, through the Public Relations department at Crystal Lake. ' "Old** and "Young" Nick The use of the name "Old Nick" applied to Satan originated la the comparison drawn between the machinations of his satanlc majesty and those of Nlccolo Machiavelll. one of the greatest Florentine statesmen, born 1469. He was crafty and dissembling, a Arm believer In "the end Justifies the means." Samuel Butler in his "Hudibras" in writing of Machiavelll, says "Nick Machiavelll had ne'er a trick though he gave his name to ovr old Nick." Old Chrittmat "Dane*" One beautiful feature of the "Men de Gallo" In the great cathedral of Seville Is a strange mystical dance on "Interweaving the steps" by the choir boys, who thus dance before the high altar. This reverent dance, which Is given but twice a year. Is marked by the chanting of the choir boys, who carry tall lighted candles as they cross and recross up and down' the wide choir steps. One of the occasions is the celebration of midnight on Christmas eve. %;/r:pr'er William* ti|"';*rooii some folks don't act wise Is kaze wisdom don't stay wld 'em long 'nuff ter git good acquainted. --Atlanta Constitution.. A Serious Word to Home Builders The Builders' Hardware you choose is important. Whether you are building as an investment, for resale, rental or as a permanent home for yourself, you'll get the greatest profit and satisfaction from careful selection. The right kind gives an impression that establishes at once the value of vour house. THK M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, "1988 Iff!" I l l P U f . * ft." A SPORTING PROPOSITION First Insurance Man--Well, I wrote $5,000 on Olesport today. Second Ditto--What! I've been after that old fellow for a year. First--You don't know how to tackle him. I offered to bet him $5,000 against the amount of the first payment that he would live another year. - • NOTHING TO DYE -You say you love me more than life? And would you die for me? He--I have nothing to dye. NOT TAKING ANY RISK *.*• The First Cost Can Be the Last Cost Then, too, there's the item of cost to be considered. Good builders' hardware costs but little more at the start. It costs no more to put in place. You avoid early and premature replacement, so common when the so-called cheaper kind is subjected to everyday use. A Complete Line from Which You Can Choose Make this your builders' hardware headquarters. We have in stock or can get for you exactly the patterns that fit the architecture of your house and our long experience in this line may save you considerable expense. We shall be very glad to have the opportunity to figure with you on your requirements in door, window and cabinet hardware, sheet metal work and heating, paint and screening. _--^ it ig a pleasure to extend--7 this service. Call on us. JOHN J. VYCITAL Phone 98-M McHenry, 111. • TOO GREAT A RISK "Although a truthful man, he won't talk about his golfing, you say?" "No, he says it's too great a risk for • Christian to take." JVmmdmd Sporty Apparel And yet croquet might have be* come the national ^unie if somebody had thought up a snappy oostuiu* for it.--Rochester. Times-Union. •BE A GOOD SCOUT.' V BEEF! BEEF! BEEF! jf Fancy, Fresh, Prime-Quatlity < > - i > The tl AND nest Of Smoked Meats On Sale Saturday March 13 AT SHINNER PACKING HOUSE Richmond, Illinois (OPPOSITE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN DEPOT) For many months we have been besieged with requests for Fresh Meat, so we are staging this great sale to satisfy, the enthusiastic demands of our hosts of friends throughout this section. BUY DIRECT AND SAVES ROUNDS, 50-60 lb. average, per lb- - CHUCKS. 50 60 lb. average, per lb. PURE HOME RENDERED LARD, in tubs, per lb SUGAR CURED, SMOKED, SKINNED HAME, per lb. FANCY BREAKFAST BACON, per lb. * ' -14^ -121# 16£# -25* -27* MARK THE DATE, FOLKS, SATURDAY, MARCH 13th £ Come and Bring Tour Neighbors! j; E. B. Shinner & Co. f PHONE 103 Richmond, Illinois 103 PHONE A ••• ALLEGED BOX CAR ROBBERS ON TRIAL Accused of Staging Holdup' at Ridgefield A battle "of legal wit is now under* way in the Woodstock court house in the trial of the People vs. Jeremiah Lenihan, Frank McGee, Walter Mc- Grath and Alexander Monroe, charged with robbery of a string of box cars on the Chicago and Northwestern tracks near Ridgefield last fall. The state is represented by State's Attorney A. H. Pouse and his assistant, J. J. McCattley. The quartet is being tried jointly. Attorney V. S. Lumley is representing McGrath and Attorneys Henry Cowlin and D. R. Joslyn, Sr., are representing the other three alleged bandits. Joslyn is taking the place of Attorney William Carroll, who was appointed by the court to represent the . defense, but who was reported confined to his home with sickness Wednesday morning. The trial began at 10:30 Wednesday, with a large crowd present to hear the much-talked of case. At the very beginning of the trial Pouse and Joslyn disagreed on several points of law. Joslyn objected to haying Lieutenant Dixon of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad detective bureau occupy a chair near the state's attorney, stating that Dixon was the one who framed the case. The statement brought Pouse to his *feet with an objection. Several times during the trial the state's attorney and Mr. Joslyn engaged in legal tilts, much to the enjoyment of the court fans. Hans Kallhauge, proprietor of a billiard hall in Woodstock was convicted of operating slot machines by a jury just before the box car case was begun. Since the opening of the March term of court, Attorneys Pouse and McCauley have secured four straight convictions and feel rather proud of their record. Members of the Crystal Lake Country Club have given $224.50 toward the Camp Algonquin fund, the check being received by the Chicago Tribune Feb. 27. The sum represented the contributions from individual members and will be applied with other money toward the maintenance of the camp. The good the camp does for tenement children is something of great worth and the help given by the country club members shows that golf is not the only activity that members there have a part in. .CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS'. Wadding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause were very pleasantly surprised by twentyeight friends last Sunday in honor of their twenty-first wedding anniversary. A delicious dinner was served at six o'clock. Five hundred was played during the evening, prizes going to Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Krause were presented with a beautiful candy dish in re-! raembrance of the occasion. Council Room March 1, 1926 The city aldermen met in regular session with Mayor Wattles presiding. _ (" \ • Aldermen present: Frisby, Goodell, Hughes, Overton and Perkins. Absent: Doherty. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. t 7 7 7 7 7 ? 7 7 7 7 7 •V 7 ? ? 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 tX The following bills were read and approved by the finance committee: Meyer A Wenthe, dog licenses • $ 3.38 Vogt's Drug Store, formaldehyde 130.15 Thos. P. Bolger, vaccine and shields 5.10 111. Bell Tele. Co. calls ...... 4.90 John Walsh, Marshal service* for Feb 115.00 John Walsh, services at server lift ...i.... 15.00 Western United Gas and Elec. Co. Feb. gas bill .65 Alex. Lumber Co. coal 15.66 R. F. Conway, phone calls postage and supplies 2.75 Public Service Co. power fot electric pump 49.00 Public Service .Co. power .for sewer lift 60.26 Public Service' €&« Mushroom.. - lights ................ i/. 4.00 Public Service Co., . traffic. l i g h t s . . . I - V l - V • 1 . 5 0 Public Service Co., street lights 148.85 Public Service Co., Mdse» .... .70 William Simes, services as Supt. of W. W. for Feb .... 25.00 Martin Stoffel lbr. on W. W. 3.50 Motion by Hughes, seconded by Perkins, that the bill of the i city collector for collecting special assessment be paid by the treasurer. Motion carried. , Motion by Overton, seconded by Frisby, that the reports of the treasurer, collector and clerk be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Hughes, seconded by Frisby, that the clerk be instructed to write to Attorney , A. H. Pouse in regard to the printing of the new city ordinances. Motion carried. It was moved by Hughes, seconded by Overton to adjourn. Mjotion carried* . F. H. WATTLES, Mayor R. F. CONWAY, Clerk CHEVROLET And Now Mother--Bobbie, did • you shake hands with the pretty manicurist In the store? Bobbie (a natural kid)-- Naw, don't you know she's one of these women wot cleans yer nails? Mystic Workers. The next regular meeting of tht Mystic Workers will be held at thi home of Worthies Peter and Nettii Weber. •. « Kyis Perry Home N. H. Petesch has purchased the Perry home on Richmond Road, which he and his family have rented for a number of years. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE . While Zenas and (Augustim Barrantes, the North Chicago leper, hsve been deported to Mexico, North Chicago residents have again started a row over the fact that the mother and sister of the two boys are still living in the city, going about in public places, riding in street cars and taking part? in civic affairs as usual. When Dr. J. L. Miller discovered the lepers, it was nearly nine months before he was able to get the federal g^oviernment in action enough to send them back to Mexico. At that time he attempted to have the entire family deported on heir admission that they had smuggled themselves into America by employing the ruse that they were crossing the U. S. border from Mexico to do some buying in a ^mall border town and would return to Mexico at night. f t ? •7 ? 7 7 7 7 7- T 7 7 7 7 T ? 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 t7 7 Tax Reduction Allowed . .Effective at one3. the delivered prices of all Chevrolet models is reduced. . Chevrolet Jwyers will be given the benefit of the recent tax reduction, though it does not become officially operative until March ** 29. Thus for the third time since the first of the year Chevrolet emphasises its supremacy in dollar for dollar value. First--Reduced" Prices Early in January Chevrolet announced sweeping price reductions. Then--the Improved Chevrolet Shortly thereafter the improved Chevrolet was announced at these reduced prices. Instantly it met with such an increase in popularity that it became neccssary to break all previous production records lor January and February. And Now--A Further Saving e> Although the reduction in automobile taxes does not become officially effective for some time, the full amount of this reduction is now passed on to Chevrolet buyers. . Thus Chevrolet again emphasises that principle of value~on which it has built the greatest success ever attained by any manufacturer of modern gear shift automobiles. .Coine in! See the improved Chevrolet! .One ride will be a revelation. Paul B. Bonslett West McHenry Illinois Your New Home Is Only as Good as the Materials You Use Naturally you are building your Home to last for years. And you want it to look good always. Our Lumber and other balding materials stand the test. Let us prove it. Phone 46 M^HENRY LUMBER PA ^ Xt JL^^JL J. Quality and Service First J