Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1926, p. 8

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APRIL 1, 1921 '!>. • -..v. Iv. - /* PLAINDEALER THURSDAY, in imrninnfflr » » »»»»•»»•»»»•»»»»»« 11 > > ! > » » » » , M I t'>•>•••»•»••»»» r / MCHENRY'S HO MB OF AMUSEMENT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" THURSDAY-FRIDAY APRIL 1-2 "FINE CLOTHES" • with • LEWIS STONE • . "HLMA RUBENS PERCY MARMONT RAY GRIFFITH and > EILLEEN PERCY A, Story of Poverty and Rfehes And the Comedy "MUDDLED UP" SATURDAY - SUNDAY With Special Sunday Matinee at 2:30 »*» • BIG TIME "VAUDEVILLE" WITH FEATURE PICTURES AND COMEDIES SATURDAY. April 3 ' "DARING DAYS" Featuring JOSIE SEDGWICK with EDWARD HEARN A Blue Streak Western with Vaudeville and the Comedies AESOP'S FABLES and "HONEYMOON HOTEL" SUNDAY April 4 It MAN OF RON" with LIONEL BARRYMORE and IMrville with the Comedy •PREP SCHOOL" Matinee 2:30 THURSDAY--FRIDAY April 8-9,^ "THE LAST EDITION" I with RALPH LEWIS It's the Biggest Melodrama in five years, so don't miss this one. ELECTION TO BE g A QUIET AFFAIR TDm Names To Be Ob Township Ballots The McHenry township election, which takes place on Tuesday, April 6, will be a quiet affair this year, there being only two names on the ballot to fill the offices of assessor and town clerk. William H. AlthofT, who has acted as assessor of McHenry township for several years, decided not to seek reelection this year. The name of J Joseph N. Schmitt of Johnsburg appears on the ballot as the candidate ! to be elected. Charles B. Harmsen, present town | clerk, is a candidate for re-election. ! In a number of townships in Mcj Henry county, supervisors are to be : elected or re-elected this year, but j McHenry township^s not among these i as Stephen H. Freund, the county ! supervisor, was re-elected last year j and his term of office does not expire for another year. i The specimen ballot for the ejection i on April 6 appears in another'column j of this issue of The Plaindealer. I The date of the city election is I Tuesday, April 20. Three aldermen | will be chosen at this time for a \term | of two years and also one police mag- | istrate. The three aldermen^ whose j terms expire this spring are R. I. ! Overton, Charles W. Goodell and | James T. Perkins. A special ballot will be put to the voters at the coming city election to decide the question of whether permits will be issued for bouts within the corporate limits of the city of McHenry. JAMES WELSH James Welsh, old resident of this vicinity, passed away^ -at his home near Hartland last Saturday morning | at the advanced age of 96 years, i He leaves five sons and two ! daughters to mourn his death. John, ! Thomas, James, William and Edward: ' daughters Mrs. Fred Ware and Mrs. William Fleming. And he also leaves | six grandchildren. All reside in and around Woodstock. Funeral services were held from St. ! Mary's church in Woodstock at ten ! o'clock Monday morning. Interment I was made in St. Mary's cemetery. | Mourners from McHenry were: • Messers Thomas A. Bolger, Charles jW. Gibbs, Walter Waslh, Jack Walsh, James Frisby, and John Gievens and i Mesdames Mollie Givens and M. McCarthy. E. F. Kelter returned home to McHenry on Tuesday after spending three weeks in Chicago on business. Miss Dorothy Powers of North Crystal Lake was a Saturday guest in the home of her aunt, Mist Etta Powers. Mrs. John Niesen spent several days at Kenosha, where she visited Mr. and Mrs. William Niesen and children. Drank From Father's Skull Rosamond, wife of the Oolhlc king, Alboln, was compelled'by her husband to drink out of the skull of her father, whom Alboln had murdered. Rosamond avenged her father's murder by killing Alboin while he, slept. Yoar taxes are now due and can be paid at the Fox River Valley State bank. 43-4 Annual Township Meetiag and Election Notice is hereby given to the local voters, residents of the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry, 111., that the Annual Township Meeting and Election of Officers of said Township will take place Tuesday, the «<xth day of April proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The Election will be held in the following places: 1st. District, Woodman Hall. Ringwood, Illinois. 2nd. District, City Hall, McHenry, Illinois. 3rd. District, Colby Building, McHenry, Illinois. * The officers to be elected are as follows: -One Town Clerk, One Assessor. The Town Meeting will open in the City Hall, McHenry, 111., at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. and after choosing a Moderator .Vrill proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to ppropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the Township, and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. Polls will be open at Y o'clock a: m. and close at 5 o'clock, p. m. Given under my hand this, JSnd, \ day of March, A. D. 1926. * -CHARLES .Br HARM SEN, •2 Town Clerk. PERSONALS Chi- Hats that bring for your choice a truly wonderful array of the newest and smartest styles for spring and early summer wear. An excellent collection of values at popular prices. McGEE'S McHENRY, ILL. CLASSIFIED DETAKTMERT WANTED--A to work at the Modern laundry, West McHenry. 43* FOR SALE--New Butterfly cream separator. Inquire of George Wirfs, McHenry. Phone 68-J. 43-2t FOR RENT APRIL 1--House on Main street. Bath, furnace, garage. Inquire of E. E. Bassett. 40-tf YOUR CHANCE--TO make a real investment in a building lot 60 ft. x 300 ft. In a choice residential district. For quick sale, $600. Assessments paid. Kent A Company, McHenry. 43 FOR SALE--10 brood sows, weight about 300 lbs. each, to farrow in April. Robert Knox. Phone 617-M-l. 42-2* FOR SALE--Goose eggs, duck eggs, also Plymouth Rock and White Leghorns from penned stock. A. Vales, river road at Emerald Park. Phone 605-M-2. 42-3t FOR SALE--DeLaval cream separators, 500 and 750 pounds per hour capacity. Electric and universal power drive. J. W, Schaffer, McHenry. Phone 33. 41 -4t FARROW CHIX--April delivery 100 lots Leghorns, $11; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, Anconas, $13; White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Rose Reds, $14; Wyandottes, Minorcas, $15; heavy assorted, $10; light assorted, $9. Other matings slightly higher. D. T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, 111. *39-20 FOR SALE -- Modern -seven-room, house in West McHenry. On Main street^ one block west of the Community High School. Sun porch, hot water heat, hard and soft water, sewer connected. Inquire of William J. Welch, West McHenry. 40-4 NOTICE TO VOTERS Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 20th day of April, A. D. 1926, at tbe City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, at the following places: First ward, City Hall; second ward, Erickson building; third ward, Engeln building, an election will be held for one alderman in each ward and police magistrate; also the question of whether boxing permits shall be granted within the city, which election will be opened at 7 o'clock in the morning and continue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the said day. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 31st day of March, A. D. 1926. 43 R. F. CONWAY, City Clerk., Announcement I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Assessor of McHenry Township and respectfully solicit the support of the voters at the coming election, Tuesday, April 6, 1926. J" JOSEPH N. SCHMITT. i. Material and supplies for making new crystalline lamp shades. Free instruction. Vycital hardware store. 43 Your taxes are now due and can be mid at the Fox River Valley State fr«»V 48-4 Roy Kent spent Tuesday in cago. William Pries was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss Helen O'Sullivan was a weekend visitor in Chicago. Edward Powers spent Friday in the Metropolitan city. John Givens was a Wednesday visitor in the metropolitan city. J. B. Kelter of Chicago was a guest of McHenry relatives Sunday. Joseph Yambrich passed the weekend in the Metropolitan city. Joseph W. Freund was a business visitor in Chicago on Tuesday. Arthur Boger erf Chicago spent the week end with McHenry relatives. Miss Floribel Bassett was a week end guest of Libertyville friends. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and daughter, Rita, were Chicago visitors Monday. P. M. Messe of Lake Geneva was a McHenry caller on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes spent Monday and Tuesday with Milwaukee relatives. N. C. Klein attended the funeral of a friend in Chicago on Wednesday of this week. Judge C. P. Barnes of Woodstock was a McHenry caller on Tuesday afternoon. Julius Keg just completed the erection of a new garage on his property oh Elgin Road. Mrs. Nick Grow and son, Raymond, of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. J. Stock. Mis^t Helen Schneider has been quite ill for the last two weeks and confined to her bed. Miss Ethel bell spent the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell in Ringwood. Mrs. Al. Wagner and Walter Brooks of Chicago spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. E. F. Kelter. Miss Cornelia Freund of Chicago spent the week-end as a guest in the home of McHenry relatives. Miss Ethel Whiting of Ringwood spent one day last week in the home of her aunt, Mrs. John Rellihan Miss Pauline Pufahl of DeKalb spent the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pufahl. .. Mrs. Mollie Givens, sons, Donald and John, Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Anna Frisby were Woodstock visitors Sunday evening. Thomas Bolger, Charles ,Gibbs, Walter Walsh, Jack Walsh and James Frisby attended the funeral of James Welsh in Woodstock Monday. Miss Caryle Oates of the high school faculty was unable to attend to her duties at school on Tuesday forenoon on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mosher are entertaining as a guest in their home Mrs. Mosher's mother, Mrs. Eugene Fontenelle of Decatur, Nebraska. The many friends of Miss Kate Weber, who broke her arm in a fall several weeks ago, will be pleased to know she is getting along very nicely. Martin Smith and family have moved from the Heimer house on Main street to the Owen house recently vacated by Mrs. John Young. Mrs. Rose Mueller and son, Lyman, of Pine Cottage and a party of friends spent Sunday at Racine, Wis. In the evening they attended a vaudeville performance at the Rialto theatre. Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye are now on their way home from Florida, where they have been spending the winter and expect to be in McHenry the latter part of this week. They will stopi at Champaign so that their sont William, who attends the University of Illinois, may accompany them this city. ^ ^ 6. .4a .4. .4A .4. Attention T Dairy Farmers We have been shipping reactors for. several weeks and * T T T ^ wish to remind the farmers that we are in the market to T^ ^ buy all untested herds at any time. V T I am also in position to furnish the dairy farmer with ?^A cattle that will meel with the regulations as set forh by <§• y the milk ordinance of the city of Chicago. FOR RENT APRIL 1--House on Main sreet. Bath, furnace, garage. Inquire of E. E. Bassett. 40-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING--From pure blood White Leghorn, high-producing strain. $1.50 per setting of 15, $7.50 per 100. Ray Page, McHenry, 111. Phone 620-J-l. 39-tf FOR SALE--Incubator Chicks. Leave your order with Mrs. Peter A .Freund. Phone 614-R-l. 39-tf FOR SALE--140 acres, all new buildings. Every foot can be plowed if wanted. Will sell reasonable and on easy terms. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, McHenry, 111: 27-tf FOR RENT--Four-room flat. Inquire of Jos. J. Miller. Phone 114-R. 38-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38?tf tf Surveys and Subdivisions GEO. E. THORNE Land Surveyor ALGONQUIN, ILL. Phone 83-J Subject of Moore'9 Poem Nourmahal, whose quarrel and reconciliation with her husband are the llioine of Thomas Moore's noem "Thi* Light of the Harem," was Vhe wifeo? the great Mogul Emperor Jehangir who ruled froin 160". ?o 1627. ' Don't Wait 1 • * , Get your separator now before the rush. .00 down puts a Beatrice cream separator on your farm, balance in monthly payments for fin months. . 600-lb. capacity 800-lb. capacity .. l|D00-lb. capacity . .50 $77.50 $85.00 machine is used on my farm. Get iR: touch with your local dealer. Right near Borden's creamery at the pickle factory. Paul Hildebrandt Agent 1 • Ik Do Yon Know What "HP." Means? MEMBER H.UNO0 SOMETIME or other you have probably noticed the initials "R. P." used in connection with our name. Those initials mean that there is a Registered Pharmacist in this store--a person whose knowledge has been passed on by the state. The state requires this store to have a Registered Pharmacist. No other retail business is so restricted by state laws. When you have a prescription filled here you are assured that it has been compounded by a competent and experienced person. When you purchase remedies or any merchandise here you/ have the assurance that they are recommended by a capable person. Trade here and | be dure of quality, accuracy and service. Remember, we are members of The Illinois Qualified Druggista. Thomas P. Bolger Phone 40 McHenry, HI. "THE STORE THAT'S ALWAYS BUSY" I will buy any excess butter that you may have Peter W. Frett A West McHenry, • Illinois 1 T X T t T tT • r roj For State Treasurer .j. A Banker Businessman and Executive Garrett D. Kinney Peoria, Illinois There are no strings tied to Mr. Kinney. He will administer the business of the State as efficiently as he has managed his own enterprises. Republican Primaries Tuesday! April J3 Taxes! Taxes! This bank is authorized by the County Treasurer to receive t,he payment of taxes. Save time and inconvenience by making tax payments here. We are ready to supply this service. \ 3% Interest on Savings West McHenry State Bank "The Bank That Service Built"

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