xk f. \t. SI.. , _ . .A. t-w '" •?.' ; s"/ •' * !*.t; m : * ^ ^ • . ;•* ^ ^' w.^rr-*< -^ .. wpr ^jnpj •»»***.* • •*' ' ' " 1" ' / • «. >*"1 • • • v ?\ •>*' v""« • ^ WHS M'HENHY PLAINDXALK&, THOTSDAY, APRIL 8, 192* / , -i" ' r * •Hf r " ' V v,-. <v ;V": . ; ;: n •V P O L I T I C AL AD VIR TI SING for # Has a Record for Public Service and Community Leadership Seldom f^!s? \ ^ Born and Reared in Algonquin Township The Voters of McHenry County are invited to read what they say about him where he lives: NO more important office lies within the gift of the people than that of county judge. This official must bear many grave responsibili~# ties. He is charged with the protection of the estates of those who have perhaps spent a lifetime of toil in acquiring what they have hoped would be a competence for their loved ones and dependents after they' are gone. He is the guardian of the rights of widows and orphans, as well as of the insane and incompetent--truly a sacred trust. He must not only be learned in the law, but vested by nature with a knowledge of the ways of humankind, that his judgments will invest the homes of our people with the assurance that their interests will at all times be protected. • With a true appreciation of the importance of this office, of its close relationship to the rights and interests of those most in need of the law's protection and with a feeling of concern that this office shall be presided over and dignified by a man mentally and temperamentally qualified, of unimpeachable integrity, of clean and good moral character and of a sympathetic and service-loving personality, his neighbors living in Algonquin township, who have known him from birth, and have an intimate knowledge df his entire career, to whom his life has been an open book, recommend their neighbor and fellow-cifcU^ zen, Charles T. Allen, and urge the men and women of McHenry county to vote for and support him for County Judge at the primaries on April 13, 1926. A man still in middle age, Charles T. Allen has been progressive, a builder in this community, forward looking, broadminded and above suspicion in his dealings with his fellow citizens. / 5-' 'A-& • 4 x T"\V ^ "s 1SJM., - t , .i a:, r,'M> M' Well Qualified for County Judge TENT ALLY and temperamentally Mr. Allen is well qualified for the responsibilities of a good judge. His work among his neighbors in Algonquin township oyer a period of many years has proven this. His methods have been those of fairness and conciliation between his neighbors and the protection of their rights and happiness, rather than lawsuits and litigation. He represents them before the courts of McHenry county and has justly gained their confidence and good will. During the late war he was an active leader and worker in every cause in Mtpport of the American flag and of the American soldier in the field. He devoted his time and money in the promotion of the important work of those trying dayB. For years he has been active as a member of the Milk Producers association in the promotion and protection of the interests of the farmer and dairyman of this county a|id district. i • >"• s"-t V «>* In the business affairs of his home community he has worked for and materially advanced its prosperity. In his home town he has been active in banking, in real estate and in the upbuilding of the material welfare of this region. He has liberally supported with his influence and from his purse every good cause for the betterment of humanity through the schools, the churches and other organizations for the moral uplift of the community. He has never held or sought an important elective office, and his neigfc^ bors are now almost in one accord in support of his candidacy for County Judge, which office they believe, if elected, he will fill with credit and honor ftfr the benefit of all of the people of the county. This endorsement of the candidacy of Charles T. Allen for County Judge comes to him as a voluntary contribution from his neighbors in Algonquin township, who take pleasure in subscribing to their faith in him and urging the men and women of all parts of the county to give him their support on primary day. They will not regret it. His Neighbors Believe in Him and Urge His Candidacy for County Judge to the Favorable Attention of the People of McHenry County -j