Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1926, p. 10

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ft- '" **;\ •*• * 4"i." '.f: Irr v • - , </ . V ~ ' >'W: ir V ' Section 9 Section 10 ...... [. .; , Section 11 Section 12 ?: Section 13 ;j Section 14 Section 16 .--,. Section 16 ... ,, Section 17 . . Section 18 > Section 19 : .«..v t Section 20 Section SI J 160.00 236.36 212.03 186.60 136.63 , ..... M».63 163.50 689.88 160.00 576.67 *U-. 186.50 _.... 219.62 103.60 Total .T. .,$5,708.30 We recommend that each member of this Board consider himself a part of the County Highways Organisation and -feel free to make suggestions for the betterment of the work, withia the means at hand. The financial status of the McHenry County Koad fund Is as follows: Balance on hand April 28. 1926 $ 624.06 Additional amount appropriated April 28. .^12,000.00 teymKIHWii May I, $12,524.06 1928 6,043.16 . . | 7,480.60 Less expenditures June 6, 1825 5,708.30 l;::f * Ej w- .c Balance on hand June 8, 1926 $ 1,772.30 Your Committee estitmates there .will be necessary for the care of the County » Patrol System of Roads until the September meeting of this Board, a further sum of money In the amount of |22.60ft- •iiKUl of^HMch is respectfully sulMBitttd, • 1>. M. WRIGHT. £ A. H. HALE, ,H. M. TURNER, S. H. KREUND, E. F. KUECKER. « Miss Mable Hobbs, County Nurse In the employ of the McHenry County "Ttibercijosis Association made an oral report of the activities of said Associai tion for the past three months, also stated that she had made written report direct to the members of the Board of the work prior to that time. Dr. Hyde West also appeared and urged the Board to make appropriation to this Association to aid it for the ensuing year in < carrying on the work, stated that in his • opinion an emergency appropriation should also be made to be available under the direction of the Board to enable this Associatiin to give Sanitarium care to such cases as wore found necessary. It was moved by Supr. Haeger that * there be appropriated by this Boardr and paid to the Treasurer of said Association the sum of $1,500.00 to be bysaid Association used in carrying on Its work and that there be further appropriated the sum of $500.00 as an emergency fund for Sanitarium care, said emergency fund to be used only under the dlrectiton of a Committee rif three of this Board, said committee • to be appointed by the Chairman. Said * motion was duly seconded and on roll call unanimously carried, and the clerk * directed to issue an order on the Treasurer payable to the Treasurer of the McHenry County Tuberculosis AssociR- • tion for the sum of $1,500.00 Therei upon the Chairman appointed as such | Committee Suprs. R. E. Haeger. L. A. Stockwell and H. G. Durkee. to supervise the expenditures of the emergency fund. The committee on Elections made the following report, which was on notion, ' adopted to-wit: Your Committee on Elections would beg leave to present the following list of Judges of election as selected by , the two political parties represented on this board, together with the polling place for each district: _ ' Riley: Polling Place, Town Hall: Judges, L. A. Stockwell, Frank Oriebel and H. H. Barber. » Marengo 1st: Polling place. City Hall: Judges, James Cleary, John Kitchen and C. D. Carpenter. •Marengo 2nd: Polling place, Kelly Oarage; Judges, D. M. Wright, William Dunker and O. J. McKeown. Dunham: Polling place, school house district 128: Judges. H. E. Whipple. . M. L.illibridge and George Whipple. kChemung 1st: Polling place, Gas Of- . Judges, J. J. Shields, Eugene nders and T. P. Marshall. emung 2nd: Polling place. Engine ». Harvard: Judges. W. H. Ward, Beck and J. A. Sweeney. mung 3rd: Polling place, Coan tg at Chemung; Judges, Elmer s, S. F. Dean and E. J. Burr. Polling place. Town Hall; , G. Durkee, Garrett Fitsgar- Henry Kolls. id: Polling place, Cooney's dges, Wm. Desmond Jr., Thos. John Paulson. Polling place, Town Hall; 'w. F. Kuecker, Dan Kana- M. Bean. 'oiling lpace. Village Hall; Chas. H. Ackman. J, T. Brill A S f*65fck Grafton: Polling place. Village Hall; Judges. John Conley, H. F. Heinemftn and Louis Baungartner. Dorr 1st: Polling place. Room under ' County Clerk's Office in Court House; Judges, E. H. Thompson, D. F. Coak- < ley and Chas. F. Renich. Dorr 2nd: Polling place. Police Magistrate's office in the City Hall; Judges. F. A. Walters, John Bolger and Gus Vogel. Dorr 3rd: Polling place, Room tinder Sheriff's Office in the Court House: Judges, W. P. Lounsbury, E. A. Schroeder and E. F. Meyer. j Dorr 4th: Polling place, Abbott's Shop, at Rldgefield; Judges. C. E. Lockwood, Ralph Walkup and Walter Cobb. Greenwood: Polling place. Town Hall: Judges, Leslie W. Thompson, John Burke and M. C. Doolittle. Hebron: Polling place. Town Hall: Judges; H. M. Turner, E. A. Mead afcd Vanus Begun. Richmond: Polling place, Memorial Hall; Judges, F. B. McConnell, J. B. Richardson and John Collison. Burton: Polling place. Town Hall; Judges. Frank May, Joseph G. Wagner and Jos. Lay. McHenry 1st: Polling place. Woodmen Hall at Ringwood; Judges, C. W. Har- . rison, Peter Freund and E. P. Flanders. McHenry 2nd: Polling place. Town Hall in McHenry; Judges Wm. 81mes, WSan. J. Welch and Peter M. Justen. McHenry 3rd: Polling place, Colby gliding in McHenry: Judges S. H. Freund. M. A. Conway and Henry J. Miller. Nunda 1st: Polling place. Anderson's Garage at Barreville: Judges, -J. Gracy. R. E. Knox and T. W. Ames. Nunda 2nd; Polling place. Town Hall in Crystal Lake: Judges, F. W. Covalt, W. B. Rice and T. L. Flanders. Nunda 3rd: Polling place. I. O. O. F. Ruilding in Crystal Lake; Judges, A. H. Hale. Earl Bryant and H. H. McCollum. Algonquin 1st; Polling place, Village Hall at Algonquin; Judges Geo. Keyes, Henry Leeseberg and Frank Dvorak. Algonquin 2nd: Polling place, Crystal Lake Council Rooms, in the City of Crystal Lake; Judges. Paul Rosenthal, John Bnehler and Thos. Leonard. Algonquin 3rd: Polling place. Village Hall at Cary; Judges E. W. Meier, £B. j'li. LeGros and Paul Wium. All of which is respectfully submitted. • L. W. THOMPSON, A. H. HALE. >, . H. E. WHIPPLE. \ »,• Wm. DESMOND JR., j ii FRANK MAY. certified copy of the Report of the arav Ofahd Jury was presented and read and on motion placed on Ale. Bupr. McConnell stated that the appropriation heretofor made for the use of the Comrnlttee appointed to supervise the expenditure of the appropriation for the eradication of Tuberculosis in cattle would be exhausted prior >to the next meeting of this .Board and moved that the Board appropriate the sum of $4,000.00 to be used or so much thereof as necessary as designated by the committee under whose directions such fund shall be expended in aiding in the eradication of such Tuberculosis. ; Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Haeger and on roll call unanimously adopted. Supr. McConnell thereupon made a motion that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to enter into contract with the Veterinarian and supervise the expenditure of said appropriation, and that the Clerk draw an order on the Treasurer for said sum payable to said Committee to enable said committee to make payment in Accordance with the contract to be entered Into. Said motion was duly seconded nnd on roll cn.ll unanimously carried. Thereupon the chairman appointed .as such committee Suprs. Walters, McConnell and DesmoniJ. Supr. Whipple offered the folowlng resolution and moved Its adoption towit: BE IT RESOLVED. That the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, do hereby authorize and direct the payment of a bounty on ground hogs, crowa'. heads, and erow eggs for the year ending July 1st, 1926. in the same amounts, manner ana form as provided in the Acts of the General Assembly of the year 1907, for the payment of such bounties. Said resolution b«ing neces- «*rp to comply with amendments to Mid acts made by the General Assembly of the year 1909 said motion to adopt was duly seconded by Supr. Hale and on roll call unanimously adopted. A. H. Pouse, State's Attorney made the following report of his expenditures tinder former appropriations of this Board in expenses of his Office and asked for an additional appropriation of $750.00 for this purpose. It was moved by Supr. Whipple that said report be approved and that there be appropriated and paid the said State's Attorney an additional sum of $750.00 used by him In the administration of his duties as State's Attorney. Said motion was duly seconded and the roll being called, the motion was unanimously carried. Said report is in the words and figures as follows, to-wit. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors af the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, Aforesaid:- The undersigned. Alford H. Pouse, State's Attorney .of McHenry County, In the State aforeaald,' respectfully presents, the following .report of expenditures by him from March 1st, 1925, to the date of this Report: ing report on the matters before t?iem. stock. Illinois: That they met at the Marengo Bridge I Gentlemen: over the Kishwaukee River, on the 22nd onderi arid on roll call said resolution ! C. M. Adams, Mdse. Mrs. Peter unanimously adopted * „ T | I am submitting hereith to your hon-I Clerk presented lists of Claims ?! . receipt of in for ma- 1 orable "board my report from the first a Wist the County and >on nfbtlbn the tion that the Mate was about to wreck Gf my term to the present date as to ®ame were referred to the proper Corhsaid bridge and replace same with a receipts nj»d expenditures of monev ap- mltteea lor report and. .the .Board adwider structure. It was d^Wed to , j)ropriated by your board-for my use. Joufned to 1:30 P. M. for Committee move one 70 foot spandI of said bridge | At the p^n, time I would like , wortj. - i^«trretS oontrurt Wfts ^nnnttfetrr^edu Iinnttoo Sl h HHnnrrrrvy a(SnKo0th0 er apDprnolpisriifa<tiioi*n hohf a Fiinv e Hunudarmeda I ll30 V. K. * Klemming of Marengo, Illinois to move ; 0iass' 0t Work and n little l»t«r 'nn r ' Roard met pursuant to adjournment, said bridge the distance being about \0 Present same members. ThaOamanMtee miles for the sum of $175. 00. It was for mv necessarv exoenses in the c^e ; ?.n CL .J""'Labor fe*»s and supplies made! decided also to take out Insurance cov- f th<; i»eool<1 of thp nf |,.i®®,^|the following Report whioh vas.on roll ering^ said work so as^ to protect this V8 Charles P. Barnes and Vincent S. 'caU ^n'mously adopted, to*w»: < Said work | ljUnl|ey (}en No 21972, the expenses of iM. . r-n• L „ . ' handwriting experts and assistance in' -- Chairman and Gentlemen of :*be prosecuting. However, those bills will be submitted later when the correct amounts are known. Very respectfully yours, A. H. POUSE. State's At- 1M4-- Dea ltth. Allowed by Board ^».| -M0.00 1»3(~ Mard> 44th, Allowed by Board , 7*0.00 Total amount allowed by Bokrd $1,250.00 Previously reported expenses from Dec. l?th to Mar. lot, 1925 --t M1.6» Expenses from March 1st to t ' present date:--- -* ... Investigator expenPM --• Office supplies, . Chemist costs. Paid on Polly Prim Costs Jerry Stefek- Appellate Court 494.59 Grand Total Balance f 213.83 I hereby certify the above and roregoing account to be true and correct to the best of my information. ALFORD H. POUSE, State's Attorney. Supr. Freund introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, towit:- WHEREAS. the City of McHenry, Illinois, is building a paved street from the west end of the bridge over Fox River in said City, to the corner of Green and Waukegan Streets, and are making plans to pave Waukegan Street from Green Street to the easterly line of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway, AND WHEREAS: the State Division of Highways of the State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings has designated State Bond Issue Route 20 from said Waukegan Street westerly to the southeast confer of Section No. 20 In the Township of McHenry. said point being the east end of the now constructed State Hard Road that leads to Woodstock. AND. WHEREAS, the County and the City of McHenry has secured the required Right-of-way for said uncompleted portion of aaid Route 20; AND WHEREAS: the unpaved portion of Route 20 has been Impassable for the traveling Public In the Springtime of the year. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, requests the State' Division of Highways of the State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, use every effort to construct. this year, the unpaved portion of Route 20. between Woodstock, Illinois and the east line of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway at Waukegan Street in the City of McHenry. Illinois. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Honorable Len Small. Governor of the State of Illinois, to the Honorable Cornelius R. Miller. Director of the Department of Public Works and Buildings. to the Honorable Frank T. Sheets, Chief Highway Engineer and the Honorable Georce N. Lamb. District Engineer. for said' State of Illinois. Supr. May introduced in the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS. The road from Fox Lake through Spring Grove and Solon Mills to Cropley's corners is under the $100,- 000,000 Bond Issue be it resolved that is the desire of this Board that the State Highway Department designates this piece of road as one of the first Roads to be constructed in McHenry County under said Bond Issue. Said motion to adopt was duly seconded and the resolution unanimously adopted. Supr. Turner stated that this was the time Of the year that the Board had been accustomed to discuss the holding of their annual picnic and suggested that such picnic be held this year at Geneva Lake. Upon motion it was decided that the outing of the Board be held at Geneva Lake and that Supr. Turner act as a committee of one in making arrangements therefor. John D. Donovan representing the County Federation of Bankers appeared before the Board and urged additional and more modern equipment for the Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Edinger wan called and supplemented the remarks of Mr. Donovan by detailing the need of his Office as to further tire arms, faster automobile and additional help. It was moved by Supr. Wright that a committee of three be appointed by the Chairman to investigate the needs of said office and report to this Board. Thereupon {he Chair appointed as such committee Suprs. Thompson, Conley and May. Supr. Freund stated that the Auditor's Report shows a fund of about $11,000.00 in the hands of the Treasurer known as dog fund and suggested that the Treasurer be requested to distribute said fund in accordance with the Statute. The following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors foi the September Term of the Circuit Court, and on motion the list was •• proved and the Clerk directed1 to certify the same to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. . ' Riley-'-Wallaie Echtemach, t Marengo--John Wallace, Ralph Joslyn. ' '• Dunham--<Fred _Cli Cttern u n g--J udkon Baccus. Alden -George Bevis. Hartland--Jas. Hallitey. Seneca--Fay Wright. Coral--Frank Guhrke. Grafton--W. 8. Conover. Dorr--D. B. Nichols. Frank fii&Uett. Greenwood--Walac% Babco<Jt Hebron--Mark B. Spooner. : Richmond--Jesse Alden. Burton--Frank J. Wagner. McHenry--C. W. Harrison, W m. Spencer. Nunda-^fc. W. Colby. Ed. Schuneman. Algonquin--Anton Zemlow. John Rohr. *t was thereupon moved by Supr. Haeger that this Board adjourn subject to the call of the Chairman. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and unanimously carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. CHARLES H. ACKMAN, _ Chairman. Attest: O. E. STILL, Clerk. Proceedings 4>f Regular September Meeting, 1925 x The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois met in annual session at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday the eighth day of September A. D. 1925 at ten o'clock A. M. < The meeting was called to order by the chairman Charles H. Ackman and the roll call being called the following members responded to their names towit: L. A. Stockwell. D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple. W. H. Ward, Wm. Desmond Jr.. E. F. Kuecker, Charles H. Ackman,1 John Conley, F. A. Walters, L. \V. Thompson, H. M. Turner, 8. H. Freimd and A. H. Hale, constituting a quorum. The records of the last preceding meeting were read and on motion approved. The Special Committee on Cleary Bridge in the Town of Marengo made the folowlng report which waa oft roll call adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry Countl. Illinois: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of building a new bridge «tr,.t,U^.,8ite known as the CLEARY BRIDGE, in Section 4, Town of Marengo In said County, over Rush Creek, would beg leave to submit the follow- County In case of accident. was at once completed. That the cost of said insurance was the sum of $121.00. Your Committee again met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 1st day of August 1925 to receive bids for the construction of said CLEARY BRIDGE. The bid" of W. A. KNAPP of Marengo, Illinois, in the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred forty-eight dollars and seventy cents ($2,748.70); was the lowest bid received and said contraot was awarded to him. We therefore recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on the County Treasury in favor of Harry Flemming, for the sum of $175.00, and one in favor of the Commercial Casualty Co.. of Newark, New Jersey, for the sum of $121.00. • ' ' All of which Is respectfully submitted, Wm. DESMOND JR;, W. H. WARD, H. E. WHIPPLE. The Special Committee on Brookdale Culvert in the Town of Hartland made the following reports which were on roil call adopted to-wit: Woodstock, 111., June 13, 192S At a meeting duly held this day at the site of the Brookdale Culvert in section 29 in the Town of Hartland it was found that said bridge was completed substantially in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract, except removal of false work and clearing stream bed. and it was decided to allow as a partial payment on said contract the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00). We therefore instruct you to draw an order on the County Treasury for the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) in favor of the Contractor W. F. * iittyti Qi Woodstock. 111. "*>. •• , a Respectfully submitted: > L. W. THOMPSON, . aj, H. E. WHIPPLE, I, C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent of Highways for McHenry County, 111., hereby approve the above partial payment for the aaid contractor, W. F. Lang. C. L. TRYON, County Supt. of Highway*. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of th« Board of Supercisors, McHenry bounty. Illinois: Your Committee to whom was referred ..the matter of constructing the BROOKDALE CULVERT in Section 20 in the Town of Hartland, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That said bridge was completed in substantial accordance with the plans and. specifications and contract, and duly accepted on the 29th day of July 1925 and 9o per cent of the contract price ordered paid. That there is now due the contractor. W. F. Lang, of Woodstock, Illinois the sum of One Hundred Twenty-seven dollars and fifty-eight cents $127.58). said sum being retained in accordance with the Law. We therefore, recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on the County Treasury for the sum of One Hundred Twenty-seven dollars and fifty- eight cents ($127.58). lleapectfully submitted. L. W. THOMPSON, W. HI WARD, _ „ H. E. WHIPrLfc. The Special Committee on Rights-ofway made the following report which was on roll call unanimously adopted, to-wit: Woodstock, Illinois, September 8th, 1926. In conformity with resolution of the County Board of McHenry County, Illinois, adopted at a special April meeting held on April 24th, 1923, the undersigned Special Committee of said Board appointed for that purpose, hereby certify that the following is a complete list of the deeds of dedication for Right-ofway for State Bond Issue Roads, together with the amount of damages approved by said Committee this 8th day of September A. D. 1825; together with the names of the grantees to whom the damages are awarded and for which warrants are to be issued by the County <slerk in accordance with aaid resolution. Joseph Doyle, Mary Doyle and Margaret McCormlck, Route 22, Algonquin Twp $725.00 Wm. Ratray, Route 22, Algonquin Township ^..J. 60.0V Fred, Kline. Route 19, Algonquin Township SI8.00 D. M. WRIGHT, S. H. FREUND, . H. M. TURNER, CHAS. H. ACKMAN, Committee. Roy J. Stewart County Collector called the Board to the Personal County Tax of the following named persons which said tax was due and unpaid and said i>artie8 having removed from this county and having no property within this County from which said tax could be collected, Hoyt Brackett und Archie Mitchell, Kane County; Sam Botema and Robert Ward. Cook County; James Crosby and Clara W. Bradln (by Jas. Crosby), DeKalb County; Brummel Kroupe and Wear U Well J3hoe Co.. Cook County. It was thereupon ordered by the Board that the County Clerk issue warrants to the Sheriff of the respective Counties to * which said parties have removed for the collection of said tax. The Department of Public Works and Buildings presented the folowlng resolution to-wit: RESOLUTION OF COUNTY BOARD FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STATE A,Vr«,I.V,\yKL !NO MACADAM ROADS WHKRKAfe. The law requires "That when a ffravel or macadam road is constructed. the county shall pay one-half or the cost of its maintenance/' and WHEREAS, The law requires that th'1 maintenance of all state aid roads is jnder Jurisdiction of State Superintendent of Highways, and WHEREAS, It is necessary to pay promptly all maintenance bills to secure satisfactory and economical results. therefore, be It < RESOLVED. By the County Board of McHenry ( ounty that there is hereby appropriated from funds in the hands of the County Treasurer, the sum of Two Hundred Ten Dollars ($210.00), or JH much thereof as Is necessary to defray the county's portion of the cost of maintenance of State aid >road known as Section (s) G, for the period ending December SI. 1026, and be it further Resolved. That the county Clerk is hereby authorized to draw orders on the County Treasurer in the payment of th»* maintenance cost of said road upon receipt of itemised bills properlv approved by the State Division of Highways. It was moved by Supervisor Hale and seconded by Supervisor Desmond that said resolution be adopted, and the roll being called all members present voted aye. and the resolution was declared unanimously adopted. The Clerk presented the certificates of the various Highway Commissioners of the County of the Amount necessary to be raised by taxation for the construction. maintenance and repair of roads and bridges in the several Town ships. It was moved by Supervisor Wright and seconded by Supervisor Turner that said certificates of Levy be approved as read, and the roll being called Supervisors L. A. Stockwell. D M. Wright. 11. E. Whipple. W. H. Ward. Wm. Desmond. Jr.. E. F. Kuecker, John Conley, F. A. Walters. L. W. Thompson. H. N. Turner. 8. H. Freund and A. H. Hale voted aye. Nays,--none. The President of the Village Board of the Village of Algonquin presented a petition asking for County aid in replanking the Bridge over Fox River within said Village of Algonquin. It was moved by Supervisor Hale and seconded by Supervisor Freund that said petition be received and that a committee of three be appointed to represent McHenry County in the replanking of said bridge. Thereupon the Chairman appoinfed Supervisors John Conley, F. A. Walters and L. \VI Thompson as such Committee. Alford H. Pouse. State's Attorney presented the following report, to-wlt:- September 8th, 1925. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, Woodtorney, McHenry County. Illinois. AHPlO'C. P. S.--Also you will find report of fines and^fees collected to present 4Amo.t-- Total amrfunt taken In fines and fees $8,776.06 Total amount expended out ,af money allowed ... 1,842 36 Difference 984.59 Xaeapltulatloa December 1st, 1924, to September 8th, Total allowed by Board of Supervisors ......$2,000.00 Total amount expended l»y State's Attorney 1,842.36 Balance on Deposit ..f 257.64 Respectfully submitted, ALFORD H. POUSE, State's Attorney, McHenry County, Illinois. I hereby certify tirat the above and foregoing statement of moneys allowed me Is true to the best of my information. ALFORD, H. POUSE. State's Attorney, McHenry County, Illinois. • It was moved by Supervisor Whipple and seconded by Supervisor Turner that said report be approved and that an additional appropriation in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars be made to said State's Attorney for payment of the expenses of his office and that an order be drawn therefore. And the roll beinp: called said report was approved and the appropriation made in accordance with said motion. Ethel C. Coe, County Superintendent of Schools made the following report which was on roll call adopted, to-wit: Beport of Institute Tund. Year Endinp June 30, 1925. To the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: I, Ethel C. Coe, Superintendent of Schools of McHenry County, respectfully present the folowlng report of aH moneys received and the neoeaaary expenditures from the Institute Fund of this office: Beoeipts . Balance on hand July 1st, 1084 $ 678.08 Received during yeiar ending June 30, 18«S 624.00 Total $1(808.08 Xxvenditnr«| s Sept. 4, 1924-- C. E. Avis ., Emanuel Sternheim M. L. Whlttaker -- 100.0') 100.00 81.00 40.00 20.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 Clyde L. Tryon S. Lincoln Smith . Emma Schultz C. L. Lynon Wm. Michaelis Elmer Rasmussen Hattie C. Dake G. A. Phillips Total $807.00 Balance on Hand June 30. 1926 ..$596.08 Respectfully Submitted. ETHEL C. COE. The following resolution was presented by Supervisor Turner who moved its adoption, to-wit: , Whereas. There are a number of old, neglected graves and cemeteries in-various parts of McHenry County, in which are buried some of the pioneers and earlier settlers who rendered such great servfee to succeeding generations and did so much toward the development of our present civilization; and Whereas, Through lack of care and interest many of these Kraves and cemeteries are overgrown with weeds and brush, their tombstones are tilted or overturned, their fences haveslallen into disrepair, and their generalvondition has become evidence of a lamentable lack of devotion and respect; and Whereas, The Legislature of the State of Illinois In Its recent session passed Senate Bill No. 133 which was signed by the Governor and became a law of the State of Illinois on July 1st. 1925. providing for the care of,-Old neglected graves and cemeteries, 4Se it RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that Dr. J. G. Maxon be appointed as supervisor of old and neglected graves and cemeteries of McHenry County and whose activities shall conform to Senate Bill 133 qf the 54th General Assembly or the State of Illinois. And be it RESOLVED, that the sum of $300.00 (Three Hundred Dollars) be appropriated for the year ending July 1st, 1926 and paid to the person herein appointed and that the clerk issue an order on the Treasurer of this County therefor. J G. Maxon, mayor of the City of Harvard, spoke briefly as to the purpose of said resolution and urged its adoption. The motion to adept was seconded by Supervisor Ward and the roll being called said resolution was unanimously adopted. Thereupon on motion of Supervisor Walters, duly seconded. Dr. J. G. Maxon was appointed Supervisor of old and neglected grave* and cemeteries for McHenry County. Application was made by the Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois for permission to extend its Pole line in the Township of Greenwood along the State Aid Road leading to the Village of Greenwood. And the following resolution was introduced by Supervisor Thompson who moved Its adoption, towlt: y Be It Resolved by tne Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry: SECTION 1.--That permission be, and the same is hereby granted to Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, ' its tmccessors and assigns, to erect, operate and maintain uppn and along the Westerly side of the public highway which follows the West section lines of Sections 26. 23, and 14, from the East and West highway through the North One-half (N 1-2) of Section 26. northerly to the southerly village limits of Greenwood, In the Southwest Quarter (SWV4) of Section 11, all in Greenwood Township. McHenry County. Illinois, poles, wires and equipment necessary and convenient-for the transmission and distribution of electric current. SECTION 2.--Said polee, wires and equipment, shall be so placed as not to interfere with public travel on said highway.' and the Board reserves the power through the County Superintendent of Highways to supervise the erection and maintenance of said poles, wires and equipment, so far as may be necessary to protect the public in the free and safe use of said highway. SECTION 3.--The permission here given abalj continue for a period not to exceed twenty years from the date :of the passage of this resolution, provided that the continuance and exercise of this permission shall be subject at all times to the public convenience in the use of said highway as determined and declared by said County Board: and provided further that the said Public Service Company of Northern Illinois wiU pay all damages to the owners of the property abutting upon said highway which they may sustain by reason of the placing of said poles and wires, the same to be ascertained and paid in the manner provided by law in similar cases. SECTION 4.--This permission shall not become effective until a written acceptance thereof by said Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has been filed with the Board. SECTION 5.--The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to order a change in the location of said poles or any pf them at onv time to a different location in said highway or highways, to conform to possible conditions that may arise by giving said Public Servlcu Company of Northern Illinois, its successors, lessees, and assigns, reasonable notice of the necessity for such removal and its reauest so to dn and In case said company fails so to do. said Board of Supervisors reserves the right to remove said poles at the expense of said Ptiblio Service Company tt( Northern Illinois. . ' Said motion to adopt «rM duly sec- Burial Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and < red>rnmend -the payment of the folowlng, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders -on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as. follows, to-wlt: r- f f^ttlbone A Co.. Supplies kW^e^fulle, Mdse Wm. Roth . Co. Off. u....^ -'"'.ii""" (Geo. F. Keh roeder, iMdse. -Mrs. . .n ) Tornow ' J. Miller, Mdse. Mrs. Tornow American Law Book Co., Law • Books .7...:.. .a.'... Lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., lMr books J5.00' Callaghan A Co., Law Books .... 10.00 County Audit. Ctr; Auditing Cir- . cult Clerk's books -- 200,00;. Miller Bryant Pierce Co., Type w. Ribbons. Cir Clk 7.00S Wm. M. Cooney, Collecting taxes for Treasurer Z70.00' John Collison. Collecting taxes _ _ for Treasurer 10.00 Fred Dean. Collecting taxes for Treasurer 809.66 Woodstock American, Blanks, Co. < > Treasurer 128.00 Woodstock American, Blanks Co. Treasurer 18.00 Woodstock American, Blanks.Bd. of Review & Sup. Sch 26.60 Harvard Herald Co., Bids on Garage ± 4.00- Harvard Herald Co., Blanks Bd. of Review i.00 Harvard Herald Co.. Pub. AasraA. Roll (Aid. Dun. Chem.} 79.16 Harvard Herald Co., Pub. Assent. Roll (Hartland) 4.S& McHenry Plaindealer, Pub. Assmt. Roll 67.80 Hebron lYlbune, Pub.. Assmt. Roll 21.40 Republican News Co., Pub. Assmt. Roll 119.90 Richmond Oasette, -Pub. Assmt. Roll i 25.40 A. S. Wright, Mdse. Sup. Sch. r & Treas f.60 Dr. N. L. Seelee, Post Mortem* Geo. Schofleld i. 17.77 40.39 Brits Jos. J. Miller, Mdsel Geo. Beckwfth Alden-- BaMock & Stroede, Mdse. Geo. Anthony and Mrs. Holland Nunda-- A. H. Hale, Care-G. L. Hubbard Chas. .Tohijson,- Exp. Mrs. Fred Goelstrofci Meier Bros.. &Mdse. Mrs. Helm F.' W. Kruger, Mdse. Burt Maynard Dr. H. D. Hull, Sery. Mrs. Heine ll,!o Seneca John J. Stafford & Son, Burial Mrs. C. Smith Marengo-- 63,91 10.00 68.6i 2*60 7749 «M0 John J. Stafford & Mr. Campbell .... Coral-- Chas. H. Ackman, Wid. pen-Elsie Winkleman ; Chas. H. Ackman, Rent-Mrs. Tornow 60.00 a^Lto SJUo H.l 9 23.48 «»88 60.71 Section 1 ."^•Section 2 . Section 3 Section 4 Section 6 Section 6 Section 7 •Section 8 . Section 9. Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section ISSection 16 Section 17 Section 1 Section 1 18.24 M0 120.16 138.06; 147.60 98.10 18.86 18.00 7.60 13.01 3.60 37.60. 43.47 15.00 29.25 26.00 111.75 98.24 347.52 22.94 46.60 2.00 i!!i 6.76 4.60 Herald Pub. Co., Pub. Assmt. RolT Woodstock Daily Sentinel, Pub. Assmt. Roll ..s Woodstock Daily Sentinel, Bnv. Blks. Co. Officers .> Ilia. Bell Tele. Co., Service^. Toll 140 R 4. Zlon Inst. & Ind., Mdse. Sts. ^ Atty. Treas, Cir. Clk ...... Alice Weld. Services for Sts. Atty - Woodstock Dry Gds. Co., Mdse. fehf Schlmmel - El. Shop, Mdse St serv. Shf. T. R. Riokert, Mdse. Shf. ............ S. IX Child* & Co.. Mdse. Shf. Huntington Laboratories, Mdas. Shf. Hillyard Chemical Co., Mdse. Shf. Rochester Germ. Co., Mdse. 8U. Inter Chemical Co.. Mdse. Shf. .... A. D. Osborn. Mdse. Shf Dacy Lbr. Co., Mdse. & Coal Bhf. Browns'. Window shades C. H J. T. Holcomb Mfg. Co., Mdoe. Shf A. S. Wright, Mdse Shf Wilcox & Koblentz. Mdse. Shf. Hoagland Elec. Shop, Atdse. Shf. Bodenschatz & Sahs. Mdse. 8%f. Wlens Dept. Store, Mdse. Shtj\... Dr. H. W. Sandeen, Services Prisoners & exam. Mrs. Holtftpd blind ..... Lester Edinger, 8hf. Expenses of Car .'.u 166.89 Lester Edinger, 8hf. Expense 8heriff L_ - 136.69 Lester Edinger, Shf. Expenses raids Loren Edinger, duties Depty. Sheriff Wm. Cooney, Bailiff Cir. Ct. * G. Jury --....^ Gus Vogel, Bailiff Cir. Ct. A G. Jury ......... Gus. Vogel. Services Dep. Shr Paul Smith. Services Dep. Wit. Fred Eickler. Services guard, with Deputy Clyde Miner, Service Dep. Shf Thomas Law Book Co., Law bks. Cir. Court ; Illinois Office Supply Co., Mdse. Cir. Clk. Ethel C. Coe. Exp. of Sup. Sch. Office Twin City Prtg. Co.. Mdse. 8up. Sch W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., Mdse. Sup. Seh. Ills. PrtR1. Co., Mdse. Supt. Seh. Johnson-Randolph Co., Mdse. Sup. Sch Woodstock Dry fltoods Co., Mdse. Sup. Sch Harvard Herald Co., Prtg. Sup. Sch McHenry Plaindealer, Prtg. 8up. Sch Richmond Gazette, Prtg,'Sup. Sch. Republican-News. Prtg. Sup. Soh. City of Woodstock, Elec. lights.. 801.66 Donald F. Hibbard, Sal. Dept. Shf. June-July-Aug Vestie Buldoon. Sal. Janitor . C. L. Tryon, Sal. R. A B Com. May, June. July. Aug Daisy V. Moore, SaL As. Sup. Sch. May. June, July, Aug, 800.00 Frank B. McConnell, Spl. Com. Work - R. E. Haeger. Spl. Com. Work .... F. A. Walters. Spl. Com. Worjc .... Wm. Desmond Jr. Spl. Com. Wlc. A. H. Hale. Spl. Com. Work Chas. fit Ackman, Hpl. Com. Vlt. The Hoy Pharmacy, Mdse. Co. Officers Chas. F. Hayes, C»r. Clk., R6C. Dedications Chas. H. Ackman. Service Auto Bd. of Review Jacob Olbrich. Services &,-Auto Bd. of Review John H. Higgins. Service Bd. of Review 618.00 Wm. Desmond, Service Bd. of Review 618.00 Bayrd Still Service Bd. of RevtMT 814.00 Pantagraph Print. A Sta. Co., Mdse. Co. Clk D. B. Nichols. Mdse. & Lab. C. H. and Jail I,. W. Thompson, spl. Com. Wk. C. L. Tryon. exp. Co. Supt. Hys. E. F. Kuecker. Spl. Com. Wk. . S. H. Freund. spl. com. work ... John Conley, spl. com. wock ... W.H. Ward A Son. Lab. C. «. ana Jail W. H. Ward. Spl. com. work H. M. Turner, spl. com. work .., W. F. Idtng, Cement work, jail ... D. M. Wright, spl. com. work ... H. E. Whipple, spl. com. work .... A11 of which is respectfully submitted, D. M. WRIGHT, Chairman, A. H. HALE. L. A. STOCKWELL. The Committee on Claims, County Poor made the following report- which was on roll call unanimously adopted, to-wlt: September 8th, 1926. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: Lincoln St. Sch. A Col., Expense Co. patients $48.66 referred *tb State's Attorney. Dorr-- • 'fx F. A. Walters, Wld. Pension- * ^ Florence Sheehe $ SOi.OO Peteit & Sahs, Mdse. Mrs. Olson "11.86 T. H. Brown. Exp. bringing Ctrl Anderson from Wis. 4.60 Old People's Rest Home, Board- John Miller and Wife ISC.00 Geo. Burger Coal-Mrs. Marytn.... 8.0( McHenry-- S. H. Freund. Rent-Mrs. P. Brits ' A Becktvith Board-Otto " Abrahamwitch Henry V. Hompel, MIlli-MrS. Peter Brits Dr. A. Mueller, Serv. Mrs. Peter Brits ,120.00 • 81.60 10.50 28.00 7.00 7.00. 836.00 26.61 24.81 26.26 60.00 ¥35.00 61.48 47.60 .99 .60 .60 .70 <76.00 *80.00 300.00 13.80 29.60 13.20 27.80 97.TO 64.36 8.75 70.86 690.0tf 626.00-! 6.08 120.06 28.60 6R1.6X 109,80 100.70 10.00 70.00 48.60 44.30 146.40 182.6ft 23.40 66.00 16.76 40.00 90.00 4.86 181.00 34,00 J*' 18.00 7.00 80.00 60.0% 8>4» fo.o V '4.#Q 40.10 19.00 89.60 80.00 8.85 W. F. Koch. Mdse. Mrs. Tornow Chas H. Ackman. Qas-Wm. Roth 1 H. J. Miller, Mdsje, Mrs. Wm. Roth W. G. Miller, Milk-Wm. Roth Richmond-- H. L. Ehorn, Funeral-Frank Bascombe : Frank B. McConnell, Coal-Mrs. Mrs. Bascombe Algonquin--- R. E. Haeger, Wid. Pen-Mrs. Nuhn and Rent- Mrs. Ooles .... Dr. H. D. Hull, Care Mrs. Coles Dunham-- •, ' . . Cottage Hospital, Care Louise Hockrath Greenwood^-- L. w. Tlvompson, Pen-Mrs. Nichols and mdse. J. Williams 64.36 J. F. Stafford, Burial Vanhoozen 60.00 Burton-- Frank May, ser-Mrs. Roy Norton DP. J. C. Furlong, ser-Mrs. Roy Norton Dr. J. C. Furlong, ser-John Clark H. L. Ehorn, funeral Mrs. Norton Grafton-- , Dr. Harry D. Hull, Serv. Ernest Brottle John Conley, Pension-Elisabeth Coon Chemung W. H. Ward, Pen- NelHe Bartels, Mrs. Lee Hawley, Rent-Ruth Keeler 166.00 George I. Walker, Mdse. Frank Holllster 71.98 Dr. J. G. Maxon, Serv Wm. and Edw. Dellne .... SOtfO Dorr-- ,, Lush Vermilya and Co., Mdse. Geo. King Chemung-- Hoge and Bauder, mdse. Gladys Utech Dr J. G. Maxon, Serv. Walter 1 Giles J. J. Shields, Mdse. Ike'Wlckerts 81.04 Marengo-- Dr. W. C. Gooder, Serv., Mrs. Geo. Barnes .'. Dr. W. V. Goodef, Serv. Mrs. Theo. Beck D. M. Wright, Exp. Wm. KUtz Dorr-- H. E. Whipple, Mrs. Welch 83.80 H. E. Whipple, Pension Hochrath 76.00 All of which Is respectfully submit- P3T JH. M. TURNER, WALTERS, ' 1 FREUND. r The t!4MBiittee on Relief of BlTii made the folowlng report, which was on roll call unanimously adopted, towlt: _ , ®®Pt. 1»2G. Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the - Board of Supervisors: VftV, Co.mmittee on Relief of Blind" Would beg leave to submit the following Report on the matters before them: Tha% the appropriation heretofore made for the relief of blind persons was exhausted on the first day of July, A. D. 19215. We would therefore recommend that the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (250.00), payable quarterly, commencing July 1st., A. D. 1925 and payable October 1st, A. D. 1925, Janur ary, 1st, A. D. 1926, April 1st, A. D. 1926, and July 1st, A. D. 1926, be appropriated for the following persons, under the statute, to-wit: Johanna Ritt, Frank W. Miller. Ellen Boyle, George Hanson, Walter J. Freund, Lynn H. Fillmore, Mary Frickel, Henry Burger, Alvah J. Rugg, Wilhelmine Schuldt and Thomas Newton. That there has been presented to u«» the application for relief of the following person: Emellne Holland which we recommend should be granted. They recommend a total appropriation of $3,000.90 ba • made to wake aaid payments. All of Which is respectfully submitted. v Wm. Desmond Jr., CI|MWtn tF. -KUECKER, 'l •*>• ; . H. WARD, ^ v M. TURNER. tee on Roads and Bridges 'made the fallowing report which was on^ roll call unanimously adopted, to- Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee, would beg leave to submit the following report on tM matters before them: That they met at Woodstock. TIHnoi*.1 on the 7th day of July A. D. 1925. and audited and paid bills of a general nature, chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads as a whole, under Materials, a total of $141.44 Bills chargeable to the various Sections of the Patrol System of Roads, were audited and paid as follows: Section^ 1 Section 8 as a whole for the sum of Bills chargeable to the various Sections of the Patrol System of Koadf, were audited and paid as follows:- Section 20 Section 21 .$1238.3* JL60.08 167.60 m4:si 160.00 1#9.7 ti 164.23 .1*8.60 170.60 460.23 169.70 193.62 117.20 .417.94 808.93 146.00 Jl».09 160.00 160.62 160.89 , 118c80 --64 -669&M8 • \h IB'. "H'. Section 3 Section ..... Section 6 ..... Seetion 4 Section. 7 ..... . J-Sect ion -• ...„ Section J Section 10 ... Section 11 Section 12 ... Section 13 ... Section 14_ Section 16-- ... Section 16 Section 17 .« Section 18 ... Section 19 ... Section 90 Section £1 ... Total .....:.$io95.i8 ...... 195.80 166.-60 160.00 265.20 167.10 ...... 172.10 183.25 ...1,-- 222.12 168.12 167.00 .... 203.35 .... 186.42 366.56 170.00 _..-- 281.34 152.2U 788.43 199.97 167.25 244.48 $5,732.81 Your Committee again met it Woodstock, Illinois on the 6th day of August A. D. 1985 and audited and paid bills of a general nature, chargeable to the Mcliepry County Patrol System of Roads 'as a whole for supplies and repairs of County Machinery for the Sum of ..$394.49 Bills chargeable to the various Section of the Patrol System of Roads, were audited and paid as follows; Section 1 Section Section 3 Section 4 Section '6 Section .6 Section ' 7 Section 8 . Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 13 •action 13 8ectlon 14 Section 15 Section 16 Section 17 Section 18 Section 49 ... Section >80 Section II Total .... $ 385.13 164.60 . 140.80 517.30 , 181.40 223.40 251.68 242.03 166.00 165.00 146.20 179.87 189.97 255.60 ..... 168.20 152.8# -- 187.00 1133.68 * 165.60 -- 178.16 103.60 $5670.76 The matter of fixing the price per day for use of County Tractor and trader for doing heavy grading work for township was discussed and it was decided to make a charge of $25.00 per day for use of said outfit. County to pay operators and fuel costs. The Townships •to make payment to the County Treas- • urer Tor Crt\inty Road Fund. r •*' Your Committee again met at Woodstock. Illinois, on the 6th day of September A. D. 1936, and audited and paid bills of a general nature, chargeable . . ... ... „ to the McHenry Patrol System of Roads Haeger, constituting a quoru .<•'! I'I -i cn'.ji Total --............... ................ f The financial status of the McHenry County Road Fund is as followa:- Balanre on hand June 8. 19B& 6 O78.80 Additional amount appropriated June 8th, 1925 83,000.00 Refund on account of voided cotHract <ant- wl»Btting Potter road lo.oo 683.888.30 Amount on hand ...... x.„....$23,828.80 Less expenditures Julvfth ..$ 5,748^1 r * - I18.06M9 Less expenditures August 6th f,6f0i76 Less expenditures Septem- *12'41*73 ber 5th 6,968,43 Ba 0 1.a.nce 1 hand September ~ »«i ,1926 $S.4«6.S0 . T"ur Committee estimates there Will be necessary for the care of the Cottnol of Roads until Secember meeting of this Board, a ftr- $U 000Um money in the amount of ted1" °f wh,ch respectfully submit- D. M. WRIGHT, ehatrnan* A. H. HALE. H, <M. TURNER, * 8. «. FREUND, „ E. F. KUECKER. Tne Committee on Finance to vten was referred the matter of the County s toawit^Vy made *he f°Howlng; rejMrt^, .•• . The Committee on Finance made the •' following report, to-wlt: » Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry Cnnty. State of Illinois: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of County Tax Levy • ' i fofr the year A. D. 1925, would beg leave ' to submit the following report on .the £ matters before them. << • Yfl That we have ascertained the a«veral items of necessary expenditures •, for the County purposes as nearly &a ' 1 possible, and recommend that the sum of One Hjyidred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars be levied as county tax on all taxable property of said County and State aforesaid for the year A. D. 1925, . and that the County Clerk is heraby irtfctructed to extend said amount on • all taxable property in the County, In - " accordance with this report for the following purpose, to-wit: Salary of County Judge $ 3.606LJI0 County services. County Clerk, ' Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer 8,640.00 Additional compensation and ' office expenditures, Co. Supt. . * of Schools 1,000.00 Supplies, stationery, postage, > express Co. officers .. 2>S0QK)O Rer diem. Board of Review .... 8(000.00 Clerk hire, witness fees, etc. Board of Review W0.00 Mileage and per diem, jurors 8,000.00 Coroner's and Coroner's juries fees- at inquests 600.00 Fees for birth and death repts. AM.OO Salary Probation Officer, Co. Court tOO.OO Salary Probation Officer, Circuit Court 900.00 Bounties crows, ground hogs, etc • 1,600.00 Indigent poor at poor farm and asylums 6,000.00 Support of county paupers .... 8,000.00 Fuel, light, water, etc.. Court ' . ' House and Jail 1,660.00 Relief of Blind 3,006.00 Repairs Court House and Jail 9,000.00 Repairs Poor Farm 8,000.00 Janitor Service 1,600.00 • Supplies, Court House and Jail 3,000.00 . Dietinft Prisoners 8,000.00 Salary. Dpty Sheriff, livery for Sheriff, etc. 1,680.00 u Court Reporters 1,000.00 County aid in building brgs 9,280.00 Furniture. Ct. House and Jail 2,64)0.00 Contingent expenses, labor, law books, etc 2,00^.00 Per diem, mileage and special ' \ '• committee work, members of Board of Supervisors 6,86f.OO Cpuntv Highway Tax mainte- 3'. • nance State and State Aid .... 48,000.00 Countv Highway Tax, Remov- : ing Snow - 8.000.00 County's proportion for main- . _.- talning roads now built--.... 2,000.00 Mother's Pension 6.500.00 AJ1 of which is respectfully submitted, F. A. WALTER* W. H. WARD. • JOHN CONLEY. D. M. WRIGHT. It was moved by Supervisor Walters and duly seconded by Supervisor Turner that said report be approved. The roll was called and Supervisors L. A. Stockwell. D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple. W. H. Ward, Wm. Desmond Jr., E. "• P. Kuecker. John Conley. F. A. Walter*. L. W. Thompson, H. M. Turner, S.-1 H. Freund and A. H. Hale voted aye. Nays- None. And the report was declared unanimously adopted. Supervisor Freund a member of the Committee on Public Buildings reported orally that the committee on Public Buildings had caused to be prepared plans and specifications for the construction of a three-car garage to be located on their property at Woodstock; That due publication of notiee of receiving bids had been made; That two bids had been received, of Which, (tne bid of W. H. Ward and Son was the lowest: That in as much as v\ «. Ward was a member of the Committee on Public Buildings, the Committee desired to report to the full Board. It was moved by Supervisor Wright and seconded by Supervisor Whipple that the proposal of W. H. Ward and pon be accepted by the Committee on Public Buildings. And the roll being called the motion was unanimously carried. The Clerk presented proposals of the American Coal & Supply Co., of Chicago and the Dacy Lumber Co. of Woodstock for furnishing the necessary requirements of the County for Coal -for the ensuing year, which proposals were upon roil call referred to the Purchasin « Committee with power to act. L. W. Thompson, Chairman of the Special Committee made an oral report of the investigation by said Committee of the needs of the Sheriff's office. It was moved by Supervisor Wright that this meeting adjourn subject to'the call of the Chairman. Said motion was duly seconded by Supervisor Whipple and unanimously carried. Thereupon said Board adjourned. CHARLES H. ACKM> Chair Attest: Q. E. STILL, Clerk, / f Proceedings of Regular J^cm* ber Meeting, 192§ The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met in Special Session pursuant to the rules of the Board In the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Monday the 14th day of December A. D. 1926 at tea o'clock A. M. The Meeting was called to order bjr the Chairman, Charles • H. Ackman and the Roll being called the following members responded to thetf names, tofit: L A. Stockwell. D. M. Wright. H. E. Whipple, W. H. Ward, "H. O. ITurlcee, Wm Desmond. Jr., E. F. Kuecker, Chaa. H. Ackman, John Conley, L. W. Thompson. H. M. Turner, Frank B. li. « . S. H. Freund. A. H. Hale ana -- / V"-

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