U !W* ,w\ wwww **?*• v* *•* ^ V;" ?<• ':. " i <•*.. farm M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MAT $ Hfift M:S,m t ; ^ . * * 4 " v * " 1" ' ' • M ' . * < ' * ' ~ . : RINGWOOD k •'"•'.Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Htwley and two daughters, Marion and Shirley, were Wednesday callers at Woodstock and McHenry. Whatever you need," try first to get It at Erickson's Dept. Store, West -McHenry. Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, etc. Mrs. William Bacon of McHenry visited friends in Ringwood one day this week. I.:' -\ i, l(MJ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens spent the week-end" with friends at Peotone. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Beth, formerly of this village, but now of Chicago, announce the arrival of an infant son, born May 1. Weight ten and on.'- half pounds. Baby and mother are doing well. Mrs. John Karls, of Spring Grove, was a Sunday afternoon caller here. Bert Sutton of Solon Mills-called in Ringwood on Saturday. Miss Evelyn Bell spent Sunday in the hon\e of her uncle, Mr. Jame.- Bell. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Webster of Greenwood spent Sunday afternoon in Ringwood. - , Mr. Ed. Firpo and party of friends from West Chicago and Elgin were calling on Miss Wynne Kelley on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter arid family ,spent Sunday tnorning at M'e- IKi you accept an offer for your s used car : higher j than its j actual value, compare the new car offered with Buick. BUICK MOlUR COMPANY JDMsioti of Qencr+i Motors Cot|h>ratio® FLINT, MICHIGAN Overton & Coven Harvard McHenrv Ir. E*o Herbes was' ja Ringw6o«l caller recently; •" . X ' J. Edmund Whiting was > }«,'. Suiiihiy morning caller with Brown, Mr. and Mi's. Clay Rayer and lam ily were Richmond callers on SurKlay. Mr\ W.. R.JGiddings spent^h«: w^k; end with- Ilebron relatives. ^ 'Mrv.and Mrs. Floyd 'Merchant; spent Sunday "evening in- Ringwood... ' , Mr. "Wintering sjifent the we^c^fehd at New Munster. Wis. ...• : / Mr, and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, 'Adele, spent Sunday morning at McHenry. V Messers. William and Joseph, Duurence spent Sunday morning at McHenry. Mrs. Agnes Jeneke and daughter. Mary, of Libertyville spent the weekend with heujfather, G.. A. Stevens. < Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen spent Sunday with Richmond relatives. Mrs. Oliver .Laurence was a Saturday evening caller at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Justen atid family spent Sundaj^ with McHenry relatives.- - Mr. and Mrs. iC. M. Bradley entertained his mother from Elgin one'day this week. Mr. Dickie Russman spent Sunday afternoon at McHenry* Mr. William Coates spent Sunday morning in Ringwo«4.. Mr. and Mrs: Roy Neal and family were recent callers at Hebron. Mrs. Libbie Roberts of Dubuque, la., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Carr, for sevreal weeks. Mr. Edward Harrison who has been visiting in Florida, has returned home. Mrs. Jennie Cushman entertained her daughter on Wednesday. Mr! Jack Theis, of McHenry, called in Ringwood on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conrad spent Sunday at the I. V. Buckland home. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Wednesday in Janesville. Mrs. Leslie Olsen assisted in the drug store. Mi:, and Mrs. Charles Bacon were Woodstock callers on Wednesday aftoi noon. Mrs. Rilah Foss and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alec AndeTson. Miss Bonnie Hermance and mother, of-. Genoa City, spent Thursday at Ringwood school. Miss Norma Whiting spent several days last week with her uncle, §ibre Baldwin* of Chicago. Leo Herbes spent one afternoon in Ringwood this week. Mr- and Mrs. Dickson, who are just i'etuinitii* from Orlando, Fla., are spending a few days with their uncle, T. V. Buckland. Quite a few' from Ringwood ^attended' the class play at McHenry on last Thursday night. ;•,•'•.• Mr. Rowbottom of Bristol, Wis., -pent Thursday morping in Ringwood. Russpll Tibbs of Woodstock is working at Pistakee Bav and is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Coates. The Ringwood and Greenwood units of the Home Bureau are planning a play, to Be given on May 20 and 21. One night, in Ringwood, and one night in Greenwood. Watch, look and listen for more particulars, Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon spent Sunday with their uncle, Richard Thompson at McHenry. Mr. Robert Sheissel of Richmond did work in Ringwood on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Brown spent the day Wednesday at Janesville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting are moving to Irving Park boulevard on Monday, May 3, to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed. Thompson and family were McHenry callers on Sunday. - * A very small crowd was in attend- Mrs. Hannah Walker is improving, jan(jt. at the show in the M. E. church at this writing, and is able to be abodt | on Friday evening. again. I Miss Arlyne Hamsun spent the week Charles VogeL of Solon Mills was a ! entj with her mother, Mrs. Mayme Friday caller in Ringwood. j Hamson at West McHenry. | Dr. Klontz of McHenry was" a Ring- jir Wayne Foss of Greenwood was [wood caller on Saturday evening. /j a Ringwood caller over the week-end. Mrs. William Wilcox of Greenwood spent Saturday evening in Ringwood. The Home Circle will beheld at the home of Mrs. Frank Hitchens, the second Wednesday df May. Virginia Jepsnn is improving With the scarlet fever. Nick Freund of McHenry spent Friday morning in Ringwood.. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey entertained company from, Chicago on Sunday. Quite a number from "Ringwood attended the shows on Sunday evening. W.H. Reidel of Woodstock spent; Monday afternoon in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart of O.stertd spent Monday afternoon in this village. Mr. Dick Fleming of McHenry was a Ringwood caller ton Tuesday. Tom McLaughlin and Miss Katie McLaughlin spent Friday with their brother, Jack McLaughlin. Miss Laura Weter spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Miss Jayne Gould, who has been visiting her grandparents, has returned to her home in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe and son, Jack, spent Sunday yrith their grand parents, Mr. arul Mrs. Charles Bacon. Bert Sutton of Solon Mills spent Friday in Rngwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.' Trotstrud &nd Ison, Warren, of Chicago, spent Wed nesday afternoon in "the Lewis Hawley home. Mr. and Msr. B. T. Butler, of Chicago, spent the week-end with M*. and Mrs. A. W. Smith. Russell Larsen, of Chicago, spent for Economicmi Transportation m, ft***?.# f/j M *> t-~: Low Prices i" i --amazing values! louring or v Itaadxer. Coach ar $ Coupe* • GASFour Doer $ Sedan* • 753 1 $ 765 % Ton Truck * (CKauii Only) 1 Ton Truck 5 (Choj/i* Oaij) All prices fuUt. Flijtf, Michigi 395 550 In Chevrolet you get mfcrefor your money than in any other car built. You get every essential improvement developed by automotive engineers during the last twelve years of progress. Yoij get the greater flexibility of Chevrolet's 3-speed transmission -- the greater power and smoothness of Chevrolet's^ vai vy-in-head motor--the easier, safer hanj^jfig of Chevrolet's semi» reversible steering gear--the greater comfort of semi-elliptic springs. Buy no other low-priced car until you have compared it with Chevrolet, Check point for point--feature for feature. Know what you are actually getting for the price you pay. Let us give you a demonstration.' so Smooth--so Powerful Wednesday afternoon in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Quarry of Peotone. Evelyn Lerrn, of Chicago, was a Wednesday afternoon caller in the home of Mrs. Lewis Hawley. Miss Ethel Bell of McHenry spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. Arthur Hilt of Elgin was a Monday morning caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway and friends of Harvard spent Sunday afternoon in the Charles Bacon home. Miss Buelah Barthoff and friernf of Richmond were callers in Ringwood Sunday. 1 " Miss Frances Helms was a Saturday caller at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson aft nd Mrs. William Donovan of Chiajfo, who |had motoried to <Carriy unday morning for the day. Upon eceiving no response to their knock, hey gained admittance to the house h rough the basement window. They ound the unconscious form of Mrs. Jixbouer in a narrow hallway between he bedroom and dining room and in he adjoining room the dead body of Ir. Nixbauer lay upon the floor. Irs. Nixbouer died late Monday fternoon. It was at first thought he would recover, but she never reained conscibusness. Double funeral ervices were held from the Cary splhurch on Wednesday morning. The body of George Gindele, 28- ear-old son of Dr. and Mrs. George indele of Norwood Park, was found the DerfPlaines river about a quarr of a mile from Touhy avenue i-idge on last Thursday morning. M<%**» tha doctdf and his ,spn suffered p F. CONWAY, Clerk, galls of Spring Grove and Mr " ' ling and 24 votes in favor of it. In the second ward, Peter W. Frett received 122 votes for alderman, Math B. Laures received 92 votes for alderman and Peter J. Heimer received 164 votes for police magistrate; 126 votes were cast in favor of boving and wrestling anfl 68 votes were cast against it. In the third ward, John A. Thennes received 71 votes for alderman and Fred Ferwerda received 60 votes for alderman. Peter J. Heimer received 94 votes for police magistrate; 91 votes were cast in favor of boxing and wrestling and 27 votes against it. Motion by Goodell, seconded by Frisby, that R. I. Overton, having received the greatest number of votes, be duly elected alderman of the 1st frd; that Peter W. Frett, having jeived the greatest number ol< votes 'duly elected alderman of the 2nd f d; that John A. Thennes, having feived the greatest number of votes, 'duly elected alderman of the 3rd Vd; that Petef J. Heimer, having lejved the greatest number of votes, [duly elected police - magistrate, proposition of--whether boxing wrestling should be allowed as !lows: 241 votes were cast in favor it and 106 votes against it. fhe following officers were sworn klderman 1st ward--R. I* Overton Alderman 2nd ward--Peter W. ett Alderman 3rd ward--John A. Then- Police Magistrate--Peter J. Heimer ition by Frisby, seconded by Doher- . to adjourn. Motion carried. F, H. WATTLES, Mayor rs. Nick Young and Mrs. Edward Thompson spent Thursday with Mrs. Claus Lars o n . V , / John Wolfe and son, Jack, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon. Misses Sylvia and Gladys Larsen and Arnold Nickels of Woodstock spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Claus Larsen. Mike Dassow and Miss Stocking of Greenwood called on Mrs. Hannah Walker Saturday night. Mrs. Claus Larsen spent Friday with. Mrs. Nick Young. William Bacon of McHenry was a Ringwood caller on Tuesday. Mrs. Paul Meyers of McHenry spent Saturday with tier sister, Mrs. Edward Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were Woodstock shoppers on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter,^Jessie, and Ethel Whiting spent S&t^urday evenftig in Woodstock. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS MILLER'S STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE * A good place to Trail in all kinds of Weatht* \ ;; Phone 114-R Jos. J. Miller, Prop. McHenry, 111. . - j . . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - i n n - 1-iriihir-injuniaAnJuxi!ow Council Room, April 30, 1926 The city council met in session with Mayor Wattles presiding. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Frett, Hughes, Overton and Thennes. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, to adjourn. Motion carried. F. H. WATTLES, Mayor R. F. CONWAY, Clerk. V Garden Tools Now is the time to get busy on that garden. We have the necessary tools, /such as GARDEN RAKES, GARDEN HOES, SPADING . ^ FORKS, SHOVELS, SPADES, ETC. ifiker articles in our line are on hand v OIL STOVES, CUTLERY, HARNESS FE0TANE GAS, ROUND OAK KITCHEN; R Win. H. Althoff HARDWARE WEST McHENRY Delightfully Refreshing Paul B. fionslett West McHenry.. Illinois > * - .IM:, QUALITY AT LOW COST ' Council Room, April 30, 1926 The city council met 'in annual session with Mayor Wattles presiding Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Goodell, Hughes, Overton and Perkins. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved by the finance committee: Win. Ahrens, night watch, Apr. 11 $5 Carey Elec. Shop, labor and material $4.50 111. Bell Tel. Co., calls $6.00 Public Service Co., mdse 72 Public Service C?>., power for elec. pump $54.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., service $1.70 F. M. Ensign, Ibr. on streets $6.00 Western United Gas "and Elec. Co., Apr. gas bill 65 Wm. Simes, services as Supt. of Wws. for Apr $85.00 John Walsh, marshall services fo£- April "• $115.0#, John Walsh, services at sewer lift for April $15.00 R. F. Conway, postage and tel. calls for April $3.00 A. H. Pouse, salary as city attorney. . from May 1, 1925, to May i, 1926 $100.00 Earl Gorman, driving and jcare of fire truck from May 1, 1925, to April 30, 1926 $200.00 Mayme Buss, com. on collections since Oct. 1, 1925 $70.48 L. J. Huck, services as fire chief, Sept. 1, 1925, to Apr. 30, 1926.... $66.67 F. Ht Wattles, mayor services for 3 mo $20.00 P. J. Doherty, alderman services for 3 mo $15.0*. C. W. Goodell, alderman services fo* 8 mo $20.00 R. J. Frisby, alderman services for 3 mo $20.00 H. C. Hughes, alderman services for 3 mo '. $20.00 R. I. Overton, alderman services for ' 3 mo $20.00 J. T. Perkins, alderman services for 3 mo $20.00 R. F. Conway, clerk services for 3 mo :• - $30.00 Henry Miller, judge of election $6.00 Matt Heimer, judge of election..$6.00 Fred A. Cooley, judge of election $6.00 Maybelle Wheeler, clerk of election.... $6.00 Florence Cobb, clerk of election $6;0Q Alice Lindsay, clerk of election..$6.00 Mayme Harrison, judge of election $6.00 N. C. Klein, judge of election....$6.00 W. Gorman, judge of electoion..$6.00 W. Krause, clerk of election $6.00 Ella Newman, clerk of election..$6.00 Lillian Sayler, clerk of election..$6.00 John McEvoy, judge of election $6.00 Fred C. Miller, judge of election $6.00 M. M. Neisen, judge of election $6.00 Maude Rothermel, clerk of election.... $6.00 Mary C. Bonslett, clerk of election.... $6.00 Tillie E. Englen, clerk of election.... ,.... $6.00 Lovtis A. Erickson, hall rent for election Apr. 20, 1926 $10.00 Joe Englen, hall rent for election Apr. 20, 1926 $10.00 Motion by Overton, seconded by Perkins, that the reports of the treasurer, <col lector and clerk be accepted as read. Motion carried. Mayor Wattles appointed Goodell, Perkins and Overton to canvass the votes. They, having canvassed the votes, found that in the first ward R. I. Overton received 44 votes for alderman, Pfeter J. Heimer received 82 votes for police magistrate; 21 votes were cast against boxing and wrest- Delco Light Foreign Sales Increasing Foreign sales of Delco-Light plants on April 15 equalled the entire foreign saies of the company's light and power plants for 1925, according to figures just made public. One-seventh of the company's entire output is now going abroad. Better financial conditions, improved trade relations and an increased selling force are reasons for the increase, according to L. C. Shannon, foreign manager, who^is.now in Europe. Recent foreign installations include the Firestone rubber developments in Liberia, a shrine in a Buddist temple in Mongolia and some Norw'eigan trading points beyond the northernmost white settlements at Hahherfest. Water from a 6,000-year-old well in Jerusalem is drawn by a Delco-Light pump and plant. The McHenry Farm Electric Co., of Woodstock, is agent for this territory. Going to be' married ? See us about printing invitations or announcements. The Plaindealer. J That's what McHenry Ice Cream is, whether in bulk or bricks or in a soda The name McHenry, as applied to ice cream, is a symbol | | of purity. / When you say Ice Cream, don't forget l» , also say 1' McHenry." McHenry Ice Cream Company Green and Elm Streets McHENRY m to DELCO-LIGHT *HINK of it! A full / X automatic, non-storage battery Delco-Light for only $275 f. o. b. Dayton, O. This new automatic plant completes the Delco-Light line of farm electric j equip* ment. And every Delco- Light,from thelower'priced, self'cranking, non-battery plant to the largest storage" battery plant, carries the liberal guarantee of Delco^ Light Company and General •Motors. Write or phone and let us tell you how easy it is for you to buy a Delco-Light on the GMAC payment plan. ^ McHeury Farm Elec. Co. R. W. White, Mgr. 107 Dean St* Woodstock, IS,'. . DHJC&UGMT Company, sMb»<iiury »t Mow c*r»»ratio«, dattom. ohio y Jin \