Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 May 1926, p. 8

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'/tlW1 •*- -i * \_- **, ^ ,- .v THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MAT 20, 1996 j : ; r m Z S ^ ¥ ^ MCHENRY'S HOME OF AMUSEMENT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" THURSDAY -. FRIDAY May 20-21 Charlie Chaplin In his Latest and Greatest . 'The Gold Rush' The Chaplin Genius switches the hardships and the heart breaks of humanity every-da^Kfe into hilariou^Jfun and uproarious laughter. ^ Yet there is the Chaplin the whole world laughs at, Chaplin in the big shoes, trick derby, little cane and the fuuny shufflinp walk. SATURDAY - SUNDAY With Special Sunday Matinee at 2:30 Matinee Prices 10c. 23c BIG TIME "VAUDEVILLE" WITH FEATURE PICTURES AND COMEDIES SATURDAY ~~ MAY 22 PETE MORRISON and the wonder horse "LIGHTNING" 'Blue Blazes' A Melodrama of the West* - with a Metrocomedy AESOPS FABLES apd VAUDEVILLE * SUNDAY MAY 23 'The Shock Punch' With RICHARD DIX ft's 'a Paramount Special With VAUDEVILLE tt=; And the Comedy "BUSTER'S NIGHTMARE" Tuesday and Wednesday * MAY 25-26 'Hogao's Alley* With Monte Blue, Patsy Ruth Miller Louise Fazenda, Willard Louis "It's a regular story of Regular Folks" And the Western feature "JUST COWBOYS" THURSDAY - FRIDAY MAY 27-28 Mary Pickford AMERICA'S SWEETHEART in 'Little Annie Rooney9 Saturday, May 29 THE NIGHT OF THE Green Street Carnival, HOOT GIBSON in 'Arizona Sweepstakes" AND VAUDEVILLE PER80NALS Rev. Father Nix spent TuesdMy in Chicago. Mrs. John Miller sp«lnt Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. A. G. 'Barbian is spending today in Chicago. * William Schreine* and son, Maurice, spent Tuesday in Chicago. Miss Elsie Velk of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. P. J. Schaefer. Mrs. Warren Pierce of Richmond spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. I ohn Keg. Misses Leone and Katheleen Given* and Pamela Rietsel spent Tuesday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaefer of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Peter Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schaefer of Johnsburg spent Sunday at the home of Peter Schaefer. Mrs. A. J. Ponsold of Chicago was a week-end guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. P. J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wurm of Chicago were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. P. J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer of Johnsburg spent Sunday at the home of their son, Peter Schaefer. Miss Adele Heimer, of McHenry, and Mrs. Carl Bradley of Ringwood spent Wednesday and Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and daughters of Rogers Park spent Sunday in the home of the former's father, John Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barron and Mrs. John Miller visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mix in Chicago the latter part of last week. jrsuL.""srjsi a*®® Every reader of the Plaindealer who was formerly a student in the Chicago Central Y. M. C. A. schools is invited, according to announcement, to send in his present name and address to the office of the alumni secretary at 19 LaSalle street, in order to receive a souvenir of great interest to every former member of the school. According to Mark Levy, president ^f the Alumni association, more than ^>0,000 men secured high school, college or business training during their spare hours at Central Y. M. C. A. schools. "Many of these men are now successful business and professional leaders in the community," Mr. Levy stated, "but, of course, addresses have been changed and the Association has difficulty in locating them. "It is for that reason that the Alumni Association inaugurated a radio reunion and roll call last Tuesday and expect to hear from many of its alumni, who have gone out into the business and professional world in. all parts of the country." WANTED--Small house in McHenry. Need not have improvements, but must be cheap. We have a cash buyer. Kent & Company, McHenry. 60 WANTED--Will pay cash for ashes. Call McHenry 623-R-l, after 6 p. m. tonight 50* FOR SALE--30 tested first calf heifers. Howard Wattles. Phone 208-J. 50* FOR S as newi A^LE--Eclipse gas range, good y Phone 78-W, McHenry, 111. 50 FOR SALE--One Cole's Hi-Oven kitchen range, burns coal or wood; also Eureka 3-burner gas heater, a powerful heater, just the thing for keeping- the house warm. J. M. Bonslett, phone 87-R. 60-tf Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Marshall received the sad news of the death of the former's mother at Richmond, Va. The body was brought to La- Grange, where she formerly resided, and on Thursday was laid to rest beside her husband. Notice A meeting of the stockholders of the McHenry Artificial Stone and Construction Company will be held at their office on Monday, May 31st, at 7 o'clock p. m., Central Standard time, for the purpose of voting on the proposition of dissolving the corporation and forming a general copartnership. Signed: Mathew Steffes, Jacob Steffes, George Bohr, " Frank ThurlwiE, i Wm. J. Meyer, George Wirfs, 50-2 Directors. -- George Reichow Dead Word has been received here of the death of George Reichow, who passed away Saturday, May 8, following an operation. His widow was formerly Miss Hetty Randall, i graduate of the McHenry high school in the year 1909. Mr. Reichow was engaged as a traveling auditor for a large Chicago jewelry firm and when taken ill and in need of an operation was in some city in Michigan. His wife, it is reported, reached his bedside just an hour before his passing. Funeral services were held at the Chicago home on Wednesday, May 12. West McHenry Bunco Club On Thursday of this week, the West McHenry Bunco club met at the home of Miss Clara Schiessle. The afternoon was pleasantly whiled away by bunco; the first prize going to Mrs. Mame Harrison, second to Elizabeth Laures, and consolation to Mrs .Frank Thurwell. Next week the club will meet in the home of Mrs. Frank Thurwell on Thursday afternoon. Motored to Indiana A. E. Nye and family returned to McHenry Monday night, aftej) a motor trip to Weisburg, Ind., Wnere Mrs. Nye's parents were visited. The I motor party left McHenry on Friday | morning at 6 o'clock in their Dodge | car, reaching Indianapolis, a distance of 275 miles, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. They also visited relatives in Indiana's capitol city. Attention, Knights of Columbus A class of eighty-five candidates from McHenry, Woodstock, Harvard, Elgin and Delaven, Wis., will receive the honors of the second and third degrees in the Knights of Columbus on Sunday afternoon, May 23, at the city of Woodstock. # Following the degree work, which will take place in the Moose, hall, % banquet will be given in the Armory, in honor of the newly initiated members. Those wishing tickets f$r the banquet can secure same froWi Earl Walsh or Roy Kent. Kindly make reservations as early as possible. Notice to Public Improvement Associations of McHenry Township Members of the public improvement associations of McHenry township and all others interested in the proposed Fox River Conservancy District are asked to call at either of the banks, postoffices or drug stores of McHenry and sign a petition for putting the above question on the ballot. Petitions can be found at any of these places. This entails no expense to the public. Barn Dance A tern dance will be held at» Dick Guyser's barn, Johnsburg, Saturday, May 22. A good time is in store for everybody. Music by an excellent orchestra- Dance tickets, 75 cents. Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the beautiful plants donated to our park by Christensen Brothers, Rosedale florists. THE McHENRY PAR$ IMPROVEMENT A3BN. Card of Thanks Mrs. Carl Strueh and son wish to, thank the members of McHenry lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M., R. G. Chamberlain, Worshipful Master, for their expressions of sympathy and assistance at the time of the death and burial of the late Dr. Carl Strueh. THE NEW DeLUXE CAFE UNTI BROS, PROPS. » QUALITY FOODS PREPARED BY AN EXPERT OHEF SIX SEPARATE DINING ROOMS CORNER GREEN AND ELM STREETS • ** McHenry Dam Repaired On Sunday, May 9, one section of the McHenry dam gave way and immediately the damage was reported to William H. Althoff, inspector of water ways of the Fox River district. Mr. Althoff, who resides in West McHenry, received the word at 6 o'clock hnd inside of ten hours M. A. Blanchard, a government engineer from Chicago, was on the job, made the necessary recommendations and the repair work was completed inside of twenty-four hours. Such quick action as this on th± part oi the officials is to be commended. Back to McHenry The following letter was recently received by the Plaindealer from Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, who hava been wintering at Seabreeze Station, Daytona Beach, Fla.: May 12, 1926 "Please send our next copy of the Plaindealer to McHenry, Emerald ] Park, as we hope to be there May 21 | to spend the summer. i "We have had a fine winter in the Land of Sunshine and Flowers, but are glad to return to McHenry, the City of Friendship and Flowers, also the Fox river." Yours truly, * Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong Surprise Party Mrs. James Perkins was pleasantly surprised on her birthday last week by a number of her friends. Bunco and five hundred were played. Mrs. Cora Rassett won first prize in five hundred and Mrs. C. H. Duker won second. In bunco, Stanley Cobb won first prize and Mrs. Ferwerda second. Lunch was served at an early hour and after presenting her with a very pretty gift, her friends left, wishing her many more happy birthdays. WANTED--To buy a good row boat. Call telephone 85-M. H. C. Hughes. 50 TO RENT--Four room cottage, furnished complete with all modern conveniences. Garage for the summer season. Mrs. E. Gruenfeld, phone 112-R. McHenry, 111. 50* FOR RENT--Room with or without board. Phone 84-J. 49-tf HELP WANTED--Girls for waiting on tables Sundays and holidays during summer season. Good wages. Phone McHenry 158. 49-2 Feet Shod With Hobnail* The skin on the foot of a native Blnghl In Australia la the thickest found on any human being, according to "Jim Crow," writing to the Sydney Bulletin. "One day an old Blnghl came to me complaining he had sore feet, and 1 •aw that their soles- were badly cracked. As a poor joke I handed him a bag containing a dosen hobnails, and told him how they were used. He sat down, stuck them Into his feet and marched off. Three weeks later I asked o^m how hla feet were. He proudly exhibited them--the hobnails were still In the flesh." Legendary Spaniwh Here Bernardo del Carplo was a celebrated semi-mythical Spanish hero of the Ninth century, who signalized himself by his deeds of daring In the wars against the Moors. He is a favorite hero in the old Spanish ballads and romances, and his exploits form the subject of several dramas by Lope de Vega. According to tradition, he defeated the famous Roland at Ronces- Valles. Finding him invulnerable, Bernardo lifted him In his arms and squeezed him to death, as Hercules dkl the giant Antaeus.--Exchange. Consistent advertising Is sure to bring results. Start in the Flag President Taft, by executive order, provided on October 26, 1912/for the arrangement of our flag's sta^g and for a means to their Identification by the states they represent. The stars are arranged In six horizontal rows of eight stars each. Beginning with the upper left corner, and following each row from left to right, the stars represent the states In the order In which they ratified the Constitution were admitted to statehood. Making Her Say It The prettiest girl sighed. All through the foxtrot her partner had been relating "curious facts", to her about everything under the sun, from pigs to parliament, till she was bored almost to tears. Now he was on the subject of heredity. "It's a curious fact," he remarked, "but my brother, who was born on the same, day of the yearns I was, but who's three years Adder, la joy exact opposite ih every respect /Do you know my brother?" * "No," murmured the 0rl, „ *%& I s h o u l d l i k e t « . John Brda, Green street hardware man, has just finished the painting of his building, which is occupied by himself and The Pantorium Company. The building now takes on a dressy appearance and John says he used nothing but DeVoe paints* which bw he carries in stock. Complete line of BPS Paints ana Oils and Builder's hardware at William H. Althoff's, West McHenry. Temporary quarters at W. J. Donavin's. A Sea Water Heavief Sea water will weigh about one and a half pounds more per cubic foot than fresh water at the same ^temperature. Joins Buick Sales Force Paul B. Bonslett, who has been the Chevrolet dealer in this territory for the past sc feral months, has given up that agency and accepted a position with Overton & Cowen as salesman for Buick automobiles. Mr. Bonslett will also handle used cars that have been reconditioned and put in first class order. These cars will be sold on easy terms and other cars will be accepted in trade. Short Faniily Name In England th£re are many threeletter names, bat In the churchyard round a ruined Dorset church there are gravestones erected In memory of Beveral members of a family named ' I| " This name was either changed or the family has died out, for none bear It todav. FOR SALE--A few choice big-type Poland-China gilts, bred for early fall farrow. James Hunter, R-2, McHenry. Phone 617-J-2. 49-tf PIANO TUNING--regulating and repairing. C. J. H. Diehl, 219V& Benton st., phone 191-J, Woodstock, 111., or leave order at A. E. Nye's music shop. 4fc-4 FOR SALE--Battery coffee urns, 6 and 10 gallons, in good condition. If interested, inquire at Dushnak'B Restaurant, Woodstock, 111. 48-4 FOR fiALE--Pure bred Holstein bull ready for light service. Herd under Federal supervision. Call McHenry 682-J-l. Walter H. Brandenburg. 47 tf FOR RENT--Modern flat in West McHenry. All modern conveniences. Phone 147-W. 47tf FARROW CHIX--May delivery. 100 lots Barred Rocks, Single Reds, Anconas; $12.50. Whito Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Rose Reds; $13.50. Minorcas, Wyandottes; $14.50. Leghorns, $10.50. Heavy assorted, $9.50. Light assorted, $8.50. Special matings, 3c a chick higher. D. T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, Illinois. 39-20 WANTED--Summer home sites, lots, lands and acres on or near river or lakes. We have customers. Chas. Bauman & Co., 3065 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 46-10 FOR SALE--Choice lots on Center street in West McHenry, 2 blocks from depot. Sidewalks, gas, water, electric lights. $500 per lot. F. H. Wattles, West McHenry. 46-tf. FOR SALE--140 acres, all new buildings. Every foot can be plowed if wanted. Will sell reasonable and on easy terms. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, McHenry, 111. 27-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOI^- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf tf Surveys jind Subdivisions «EO. E, THORNE Land Surveyor jyLGONQlJIN, ILLPhone 83-J FOR RENT--West side service station. See M. L. .Worts, McHenry. 47tf Memorial Day Plans Nearing Completion Plans are nearly completed for the Memorial Day services which will be held Monday morning,. May 31. Father William A. OHourke will be speaker of the day. Anyone wishing to donate flowers for the graves will please leave them at the city hall Sunday evening or early Monday morning. Program will be printed in next week's issue of the Plaindealer. M'HENRY Jolly Bridge Club The Jolly Bridge Club was very pleasantly entertained at their last meeting at the home of Mrs. Minnie Miller. The next meeting of the Club will be with Mrs. Andrew Eddy, at her home on Crystal Lake Road on' Friday afternoon, May 28. Consistent advertising is sure to bring results. Going to be married? See us about printing invitations or announcements. The Plaindealer. WHY NOT A Camera FOR THE STUDENT'S Commencement Gift * . ' Ther* if* few gifts that could be thought of that would afford more pleasure It would add new delights to the summer vacation. It's a gift suitable for either a boy or a girl. We can furnish any model in the Eastman line and there's no line that can compare with that. KODAKS and PREMO CAMERAS are here in splendid variety. Little ones that take 2*x3%, pictures, and the larger ones for 2%x4%, 3%x4 1-4, 3 l-4x 5H, 4x5 and 5x7. All prices from $2.00 to $25.00. Come in and see them and let us tell you all about their good points. , <5 We carry every necessary item of supplies in the very best quality and our prices are the lowest possible. Thomas P. Bolger FILMS PRINTED AND DEVELOPED 24-HOUR SERVICE -Gift Suggestions for Girl Graduates Wrist Watches Mesh and Beaded Bags Vanity Cases Toilette Sets Necklaces Perfume Atomisers Commemorate the Big Day - With a Gilt as Enduring as the Love that Goes With It Gift Suggestions for Young Men Graduates Watches Chains and Charms Fountain Peaf Cuff Links" "Rings Desk Sets Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop Pfcoie 123-1 West McHeary, Miaou & $ ALL YOURS, GRADUATES, if yoii save a part of what you earn 3% Interest on Savings West McHenry State Bank "The Bank That Service Built 99 tttll

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