• -f. ,c.->' "" "' THE H'HXNXT PLAHTDXALER **.77. •mm MAY 20, 1926 VISITORS TO ATTEND CONGRESS (Continued from Page On*) >"15 n at Soldier Field on Tuesday nd Wednesday with the heirarchy of he church and laity attending. f On Tuesday scenes will move to "jMundelein, Illinois, forty miles north- west of Chicago, where the papal delegate will celebrate mass on the campus ,x)f St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, the largest and said to be the most ^beautifully appointed seminary in the •United States. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be given here also, and it is estimated that nearly one-half million persons will receive Holy Communion from the hands of the three thousand priests, who will assist in the distribution. Following Benediction there will be a gigantic procession which will be made up of the heirarchy of the church attired in the distinctive robes of their office, and the laity. The procession will be headed by Cardinal Bonzano carrying the Sacred Host in an Ostensorium beneath a golden canopy borne by papal guards and Knights of St. Gregory. The profession will wend its way around the three-mile shore line of St. Mary Lake in the seminary Circle ® Hews Vol. 1 MAY 29, 1926 No. 29. Published in the interests of the people of McHenry and vicinity by (the Alexander Lumber Co. ;Geo. EL Johnson, Editor The best way to be ontented with your lot to build a home on it. If yoti are looking for an artistic face brick, we have it. They're called Bo-Kays. They make a beautiful job. "Hey, get off that cement. Can't you see it's wet?" "Oh, that's all" right, I have my goloshes on.' One customer told us last week that he hadn't lost a chick and that they had all been very Btrong and healthy since he commenced feeding Purina Startina. Tony Schneider aayi: "The city man who tries to raise a garden doesh't wonder that farmers sometimes get discouraged." Protect your family. Equip your home with good screens. Have you noticed our growing neighboring, city Lily Lake? First stop east out of McHenry. How many of you like parsnips and egg plant? We just want to know. We've had an argument with the cook. -0 , The foundation % being put in for Mrs. Laura Kent's new home on Riverside Drive. S. H. Freund has the conract. The next attraction in this community will be the sweet girl graduate. No fly has ever yet learned the combination on our screen doors and windows. We've never seen it miss--the lady always climbs into the front seat of the Ford first and then lets the man contortionate himself behind the wheel. Frett Bros, have their new machinery installed and in operation, manufacturing cinder blocks which will be used in the construction of P. M. Justen's new furniture store. One arm at the wheel plus one arm around the waist equals two in a hospital. Another eommdruiw-- What is it that has fbur legs and flies all about? Ans.--A dead horse. If this little space doesn't pleasyyou. You have no cause to yelp, Unless you sometimes come across And lend a little help. This spring raise your chicks the Purina way. Then you'll know why Purina feeds are regarded so highly by experienced poultry men. Another thing that disconcerts us and that is meeting a bevy of small boys on roller skates. A woman can sharpen a pencil all right, if you give her plenty of time and plenty of pencil. ALBXANDBB LUMBER COMPANY Phone 8 of this book and over paper were required in tion. Many changes have been made in the rules and premiums offered, and also in the general make-up of the book. Conforming to the uniform rules laid down by the association of fairs and State Department of Agriculture a change will be made for hay and ^alraw but the premiums offered in the horse and cattle department have been increased more than enough to offset this. Several new changes have been added to the horse department, among them being the gaited saddle horse contests, one for five and another for three gaited saddle horses and a team pulling contest. The premiums in these new classes added to the increase of premiums in the old classes make an increase of premium money of approximately $1,000 in this department. The premiums offered in the cattle department have been increased, the hog department was increased last year and remains the same this year. The poultry department has been listed making it easier to make entries and minor changes have been made in other departments. An entry blank is bound in each book. All entries must be in by 6 o'clock of the Saturday preceeding the fair and must be in place by Monday noon unless special arrangements have been made with the superintendent of the department. JOHN ROSCH Decoration Day & Will open the summer season. *This ice cream parlor and lunch room is ready to serve the thirsty and hungry with quality goods and prompt serservice. K A B L S Riverside Drive McHenry QUALITY PLUS SAVING Shinner's Packing^ Plant OPPOSITE C. & N. W. OEPOV MCHMOND, ILLINOIS Buy Direct - - - Save Half Special Bargains Good All Next WeeM HEREAFTER WE WILL REMAIN OPEN ON SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK FRANKFURTS, per lb. 22tt PICNIC HAMS, sugar cured, per lb. 22c SUGAR CURED SKINNED HAMS, per lb. 28<t LITTLE PIG PORK SAUSAGE, per lb. 224 PURE LARD, in 30 lb. tubs, per lb. 16** DRY SUGAR CURED BACON, per lb. " 29* SMALL LEAN PORK LOINS, per lb. 29* PORK SHOULDER ROAST, per lfc . 19* BONELESS SIRLOIN BUTTS, per lb. 21* PURE PORK SAUSAGE, 5 lb. for 85* ;: DRY SALT PORK, per lb. 22* • BOILED HAMS, square and skinless, per lb. 45* AMERICAN LOAF CHEESE, 5 lb. box, per lb 36^ :i FULL CREAM BRICK CHEESE, per lb. 26* :: CHOICE NATIVE STEER CHUCKS, per lb. 16* FANCY STEER HIND~QUARTERS BEEF, lb. 21^ BRING YOuk POULTRY, EGGS AND VEAL TO US, ? WE PAY CASH PHONE 103 (E. G. Shinner & Co. ' Incorporated """'tf ^ttl f ft t fttttl MM MMMMn' grounds, starting and concluding at the seminary chapel. Choirs will be stationed at intervals around the lake so that a continuous chant may be maintained throughout the entire procession. Every civilised nation and country of the whole world, even to the smallest principality, will be represented at the congress. It is estimated that thousands will come from Europe, especially from Italy and France, to attend the services. In the religious sense it is one of the most glorious and pious events of the world ritual of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. As nearly everyone knows, Mundelien is only eighteen miles from McHenry, and it is expected, because of the proximity of our city to the locale of such an t unusual and wonderful event, that most of the local people will try to attend itr 0 i"_: -- Elkhprn Fair Premium - Lists Are Distributed Vir • • • The 1926 Premium book of the Walworth county fair is ready for , distribution. There are 7,000 copies ^ two tons of its cons true- John Rosch, beloved husband of Katherine (Janisch) Rosch, was taken ill Saturday night, May 1, and on Tuesday, May 4, was taken to Chicago to the St. Elizabeth hospital and died May 9 at the age of 54 years, 2 months and 24 days. Deceased leaves-to mourn his passing his widow, and one sister,' Mrs. Anna Siefert of Chicago. Funeral services were held from the home of John Janisch, Mrs. Rosch's brother, 1631 Rascher avenue, Chicago, Wednesday, May 12, at 9:30 to St. Gregory church. Interment at St. Boni face cemetery. Mr. Rosch was a good Christian of Catholic faith. He was well known and loved by all who knew him in Crystal Lake, McHenry and Pistakee Bay. At the time of his death, he was just beginning to enjoy his new home, which he had recently built, and will be sadly missed by his family, neighbors and friends. Those who attended the funeral from Crystal Lake were Henry Hansen, Mrs. William Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. John Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Pierson, William Morris aad John Davis. DTCMM on Exhibition dresses worn by wives of Presidents rit Inaugurals from Martha Washington to and Including both Mrs. Wilsons, are preserved on «• bibU at Smithsonian institution, Wa4>- ington. The women say the gown of Dolly Madison Is the prettiest, the most artistic, made of heavily brocaded white silk, embroidered In bouquets of flowers ip natural colors, sweeping floor length, tiny walat, puffed sleeves richly simple, It surpasses all the others. Anyway that Is what a Ksnaas woman tells Herbert, says Capper's Weekly. GirPt £s*ajr on Men Prom a schoolgirl's composition: •"There are three kinds of men--husbands, bachelors and widowers. An eligible bachelor Is a mass of obstinacy surrounded by suspicions. Husbands are of those varieties-- prises, surprises and consolation prices. A widower Is s man someone has rescued as he goes down for the third time. Making a husband of a bachelor Is one of the highest plastic arts known to civilization. It requires science, sculpture, common sense faith, hope and charity, sspai lallj charity."--Exchange. Fssiow French Amemkly The name "French Directory" was given to the body of five Individuals (Lepeaux, Rewbell, Letourneur, Barras and Oarnot), to whom was entrusted the administration of public affairs In France at the time of the revolution. The directory was established by the Constitution of the fifth Frultldor (August 22, 1790), and ruled In conjunction with the Council of Ancients of Five HundrmL It lasted about four years, when, owing to its corruption and Inefficiency, It was overturned by the coup d'etst of the eighteenth Brumalre (November 9, 1TB0), planned by NapotaNi Bonaparte.-- Kansas City Times. CoUm Threade your heart free from lifita, ye«r mind from worry. Live simply; expect little; give much; sing often; pray always, Fill your life with love; scatter sunshine. Forget sell Think at others. Do as yoa would be done by--these are the tried links In contentment's golden chain.--M. L Me- Leod. ^ SNAPPY SENTENCES The path to fame runs over the hill of difficulty. Not much character la molded without anguish; First thing t ypung^ man\j»ractices Is unconcern, v f • T Words are but holy as tne deeds they cover.--Shelley. Ill writers are usually the sharpest censors.--Dryden. Carpet Is purchased by the yard and worn out by the foot. Don't fall to lay up something more than a borrowed umbrella. Do not hold everything as gold which shines like gold.--De Insults. It Is s fantastic notion that going to bed late makes life Interesting. A man who lives in the mountains, thinks the prairies a magnificent sight. A grain of theoretical wisdom may turn out to be a pound of practical folly. Whatever Noah's shortcomings were, ^ *£«w enough to go In when It Great men rejoice In adversity Just brave soldiers triumph In war.--- ;neca. ^•at one has wished for In youth. In oldy.age one has In abundance.-- Goethe.v The roair who knows/one thing well feels capableNtf giving advice on all subjects. If you always have your own way, possibly somebody rise Is msde unhappy by It. Little girls like to help their mothers in the kitchen when they are about four years old. Dog* Aid Scientists in Fight on Diabetes Almost all that we know about the cause and relief of diabetes has been learned from dogs, because they, being omnivorous, could be fed starchy food--meat, fat and any desired combination, says Dr. Walter B. Cannon In Hygela Magazine. Diabetes appears If the pancreas Is removed. An extract of the pancreas, if Injected into the body, can abolish the diabetes due to absence of pancreas. It has been estimated that In the United States alone there are now 1.000,000 people who already have diabetes or will develop it. Formerly It was a Quickly fatal disease in young people. B. P. Joslln, the distinguished American authority, has suggested thst every diabetic ehttd -sljould have a dog to care for In reoognultm^of the dog's life-saving service. Cat LIMI 25 Year a John Willie, a cat, living at Wellow, died at the age of twenty-flve years. He Is believed to have been the oldest cat In Britain. Probably also John Willie hsd posed before the camera more often than any other cat, for he was constantly being photographed on account of his age. A veterinary surgeon states that the average age attained by cats Is fourteen years. uTou can never lay down any hard and fast rule, however," he adda. "Cats are like clothes or human beings. Some wear better than others, but twenty-five years is a remarkable age for any cat to reach." She Didn't Care We had been going together for about six months. One Sunday afternoon In the fall we were out walking In a new addition of the city, where many young couples lived. As we passed one newly built house, I said, "There Is one house that young married people won't live In, because It has no heating plant" She Immediately turned to me, and, putting her hand on mine, said: "O, that wouldn't make any difference te me; I could get along with a stove." We are now married, but do not live In the house that has caused all our happiness.--K. P., In Chicago Tribune. Hi» Occupation "Whilst I was driving home town ylste'd'y," in the crossroads store related Lum Lumm of 81ippery Slap, "I seed a feller come running out of a bouse, grab up an ax and begin chopping on the side of the building. He cut s hole plumb through the wall whilst I watched him." "What the Sam Hill was he doing thst forT" asked old man Slathers. " 'Practicing,' he said, snd as he set down the ax and pulled a gun I 'lowed be mought know what he was doing, and drlv' on."--Kansas Gtty Times. rather His Choice Weary Willie--Would youse lose your life or your money? Dusty Rhodes--Me loife. I'm ssvln' me money for me old age.--Princeton Tiger. , Well Tried Excavation Contractor (to applicant) --Do you think you are fit for really hard labor? Hard Case--Well, sir, some of the best judges hsve thought so. Plant Millions of Tre§$ New Zealand nurseries hsve more thgn doubled their supply of timber seedlings since 1919, more than 10,- 000,000 young trees now being •••liable. imported Almonda The value of almonds Imported Into this country from January to October, 1925, exceeded that of any other Imported nut except walnuts^. Fomr-Dellar Gold Pleeoe **• er four-dollar gold ptec* was minted by the United States sOly In 16TB and 1880, and these Pieces now command premiums of from 900 te several bnndred. Weir Warning I just rsng te tell m, Mary, that If I catch my husband slsslng you again, one of you will Jtars to go I--London Opinion. 4,000 ILLINOIS GIRLS ENROLLED IN CLUBS There were 4,008 girls enrolled in club work in the state of Illinois last year. Of that number, 104 were in McHenry county. We were proud of this number of girls and of their accomplishments, but we believe that every girl should belong to a club and receive the benefits that may be obtained. County Program for 1926 MAY Boost club work. Organisation of clubs. JUNE ' Club tour, June 16, 17, 18. Beginning of regular dub' meetings. JULY Club picnics. ^ AUGUST County demonstration contest. Local achievement days. Aurora Fair, August 27 to Sept. 4. SEPTEMBER - Complete record books. OCTOBER Complete county records. Choose county champion. County achievement day. Achievements of 1928c Eight clubs. One hundred and four girls enrolled. Seventy-ohe completing projects. Nine demonstration teams trained. Eleven demonstrations given. Thirty-six exhibited at State Fair; Three hundred and seventy-five new garments made. One hundred and twenty-two garments mended. Three hundred and fifty-two pairs of stockings darned. • 1926 Outlook The project for 1926 are clothing and room improvement. Those enrolled in the clothing project will study the suitable wardrobe for the school girl. Each girl will make two garments and learn how to buy tho other articles to be worn with these. The girl who is enrolled in a room improvement club will study the proper arrangement of rooms, color schemes, and will make some article for her room. At present there are plans for two room improvement clubs and le clothing clubs. What the County Champion Says About Club Work Hazel Eichler of the Illinois club of Marengo was the County Champion last year. Hazel says that club work enabled her to do her own sewing, fcave Jier more doitfidence to speak before others and by keeping i r . t ord »f the cost of her clothes she irv realizes their value much more, .han before. 4-11 Club aim--To make the best better. 4-H Pledge--I pledge my head to clearer thinking; my heart to greater loyalty; my hands to larger service; and my health to better living for my home, my community, and my country. State Slogan--To win without boasting; to lose * without whining; to look the part, act the part, and honestly be a 4-H club member. A girl pastor in Maine announced she would continue to preach after getting married. "That's nothin', most of them do." I V. P. B. A. Annual Regatta at Louisville Two thousand dollars has been added to the cash purses to be raced for at Louisville, Ky., July 3, 4, and 5 during the 19th annual regatta of the Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association. This added sum makes the purses the heaviest ever raced for by hydroplane men in this country. Instead of three, as in the past, the Louisville Power Boat Association provides five moneys for each hydroplane event. The five standard classes, with free-for-all, will have more than $5,000 to divide. Seven, hundred dollars each goes into the five-way purses for the 151, 215 and 340 classes, instead of $325 in the 151 class in the past. Thfe. 510 class racing men will draw down $775; the 725 class purse has been boosted to $850 while $1,050 is to be divided by the big free-for-all class, in addition to the $2,500 Webb trophy which goes to the winneroTthis event. Modern bungalow living quarters for two men goes free to each hydroplane entry. "We figure that the most equitable way to award shipping costs to racing hydroplane men is to let the best boats win those costs," declare4 Secretary S. D. McLaren, in announcing the plan decided upon by the Louisville Power Boat Association. The plan was promptly approved by the directors of the Mississippi Valley Power Boat Association, and consequently the speed boat merchants have more cash to shoot at than was ever before hung up. Entry blanks for this 19th annual M. V. P. B. Association regatta are being issued from the Peoria headquarters of the organization today. Complete line of BPS Paints and Oils and Builder's hardware at William H. Althoff's, West McHenry. Temporary quarters at W. J. Donavin's. Wedding invitations $nd announcements beautifully and correctly printed at the Plaindealer office. The PANT0R1UM Co. Cleaners and Dyers PRESSING and REPAIRING Specialty; Rugs and Carpets Gleaned Window envelopes and Statements save a great deal of labor and mistakes. Ask about thsm at tho Plaindealer office. Never give a friend your correct address. He may be planning to send you a wedding invitation. Reading maketh a full it also maketh a lazy man. Plaindealers at Bolgers :• m •4 With Buick inechanical 4-wheel brakes, the brake on the outside •front wheel releases on making a turn. The outside front wheel needs to turn in a larger circle avoid •M Green Street McHENRY, ILL.1 Phone 188 West McHenry Agent, J. W. Freund LAKE GENEVA Classified winners Phone 508 skidding-- find Buick brakes let it turn. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY PMitaiufQwwrallUfnCnrMfrt-- FUNT, MICHIGAN Overton & Cowen Harvard \ McHenry Not only tlw> few/advertised, but quality grocorios at all times at money savin# prices. NATIONAL TEA CO QUALITY GROCERS QUALITY SAVINGS- - Lge. Bottle 19c i Gold Medal Flour 24% lbs. E Pet, Bordefis, Carnation Catsup Snider's P & G Soap The White Naptha 10 for 37c i 3 tall cans -28* Lux Soap In Toilet Form J for 25c Corn No. Sean 10c Tiger Lily Peaches American Home No. 2 Yi can 26c ji Kellogg'. 2 pkgs. Olives 8 os. jar Spanish Green Coffee Chicago Blend Fancy Santa Clara Prunes Sardines *>r17c H Nepco in Oil, 1-4 can Peanut Butter M#d Jar 18c .Beechnut 1 lb. 40-508 14& Spinach No. 2*> can National 20c ir National Tea Co. L0WKST PEICKS McHenry, 111. QUALITY Green and Elm Streets Quality Grocers Try a loaf of National's Best Breai Effective Friday and Saturday, May 21 and 22, 19*26 1 I I I > > < > » • » • » • » < »IM IIMMIHHttt"*"***"11"***'*******"""*'**1'1'111*'**