- ;™ " * > J -"; • *f " ^^.V-V* ;F" ^! - ~,1S V, .1 fetwaiwis^aNBBHrag^^ 1 '-^~ - «£•«<* *i »i"sa»* -w«f v 'r* ...<»»,,-C- M'HIKRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JOTI 24, STING HINTS >R THE FARMERS Compiled by U. S. Department ,p of Agriculture. ifc' • A spri* of mint is good with jteas :' Of lima beans. Paradichlorobenzene is effective as a moth repellent and may be used just as napthalene flakes are used. Do * not use soda in making cream of tomato soup. It changes the good flavor and affects the vitamin content. * . Iron rust stains on white enamel may be removed with a solution of exalic acid. Keep it out of the childrens' reach. 1 A two-day dish closet in the wall between the kitchen and dining? room is a great convenience. If, on the kitchen side, it adjoins the sink* it will save still more steps. Anemic children need iron-rich foods. Give egg yolk, prunes, raiisins, orange juice and green vegetables, especially spinach as often as possible Liver has been found especially valuable to persons having sucti trouble. Swine Sanitation Boosts Pork Yields Five Counts Against Stumps Stumps in cultivated fields are • serious liability. They occupy valuable land, foster the growth of Weeds, mar the appearance of otherwise smooth fields, shelter harmful insects and animals and prevent the efficient use of machinery. The weight of a fleece is influenced both by density and by length of the staple. Recent studies by the United States Department of Agriculture show that length of staple offers more of a leverage for increasing wool yields than density. Don't Wound Plants Avoid wounding or breaking plants when cultivating or working around them. In harvesting fmits and vegetables to be stored, avoid bruising, as decay most frequently begins where the protective covering is broken. Certain insects, such as the potato tuber moth, gain access at points of injury. With hot weather-* You wTTV- want to coifte here for. a delicious malted ; |nilk, a soda or a cold drink. Wo are expert* .at K A R 1,5 Riverside Drive - \x. ' . ^ McHenry fz \ • i YOU'LL LIKE Ice Cream nr a cons as tfife purest, better than st, Mc- Henry Ice Cream vis made frar cream, properly flavored and frozen tary factory. / TRY A CONE OF McHenry lee Creai Company reen and Elm Streets What Canaries Like Canary seed alone does not furnish food for canaries, but in combination with hemp and summer rape it forms a good ration. Much of the rape seed put up and sold in cartons is of a kind that even wild birds do not eat because of its pungent and bitter flavor, says the United States Department of Agriculture, but all birds relish the mild taste of true summer rape. f Rotation Means Food The rotation of crops is nearly as effective in increasing soil productivity as is the use of farm manures and complete fertilizers, as based on experimental yields of wheat, corn and oats, taken collectively. When rotation and the use of fertilizer are practiced together the one practice adds to the benefits of the other, "and increased yields are greater than from either practice alone. ' The Tattoo Tracer A simple tattoo instrument has been devised for marking hogs as thejr leave the farm for the market so that they can be identified after the slaughter. Such identification makes it possible to trace diseased animals to the farm where the infection originated. A tattoo mark properly put on resists all attempts to remove it. Such marks are valuable in establishing ownership of hogs in cooperative shipments as well as in combating disease. Ill-Shaped Udders Bucket-fed calves often acquire the habit of sucking each other. The vice has several harmful possibilities says the United States Department of Agriculture. In the case of heifer calves, the result may be ill-shaped and pendulous udders,' which distract seriously from the beauty and value of the animals when mature. Also there is danger, especially in the case of well-bred heifers, that sucking of the udders will stimulate virgin milk secretion. In time, this milk secretion dries up and a ruined udder is the result. Many cases of cronic garget or hardened udders reported of virgin heifers are no doubt duetto the sucking habit. f Keeping the calves securfe in strong stanchions for a time after feeding from the buckets will tend to reduce the desire to suck when turned loose. A handful of grain given immediately after the calves have finished their milk will also help to remove the desire to nurse. Seven thousand pounds more pork from ten litters of pigs represents the difference between raising pigs the ordinary way and raising them under the swine-sanitation system devised by. the Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, according to the experience of one Iowa farmer. He reports that he raised one lot of pigs from four sows under the conditions that had prevailed in the past on his own farm. For comparison, he raised another lot from six sows under the system of swine sanitation, which prevents roundworms and related diseases and ailments. The first lot of sows farrowed thh*tj|-fhte Jpigs, of which nineteen survived and weighed 35 pounds each at the end of October, 1925. The second lot farrowed fortyone pigs of which forty survived, one being killed by accident; the forty pigs weighed 130 pounds each at the end of October, 1925. Reduced to pounds of pork, the results show that the four sows kept under ordinary conditions produced 665 pounds of pork, or 168 pounds per sow. The six sows kept under sanitary conditions produced, on the other hand, 5,200 pounds of pork, an average of 700 pounds more pork than a similar sow handled in the ordinary manner. For ten sows this would mean a total of 7.000 pounds more pork due to sanitary conditions and methods of handling. Such a large difference is, of course, unusual but striking increases, both as to number of pigs saved and gains made, an common. The system of swine sanitation, now well known through the Central West, involves keeping young pigs away from permanent hog lots which are likely to be infested with the eggs of roundworms, a serious swine parasite. Instead, the pigs are raised on pasture under worm-free conditions. W'V cts Favorably* ' National Highways ciple, strong political opposition to the Dowell bill developed during the past year in certain states. "Following the passage of the bill in the House, an attempt was made by opponent* of the measure to defeat it by permifting it to die on the Senate calendar. However, through the efforts nrf t,h« A. /A. A.. affiliated motor clubs, Consideration of the measure was secured last week and its passage by an overwhelming vote followed a short debate or the floor of the Senate." PERSONALS Misses Margaret and Mame Mc- Cabe of Waukegan street, spent Sunday in the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lavelle of^Sftreator spent several days visiting in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. J. p R>». 1 Percolators Construction' work on the national system of interstate and transcontinental highways is now financed for another three years as the result of the recognition by Congress of the Federal government's obligation to support financially these recognized means of communication and transportation, the Chicago Motor Club announced last Friday. Passage of thp Dowell bill, authorizing appropriations of $165,000,000 for Federal aid highways for the two year period ending Juhe 30, 1929, definitely assures the middle west the financial assistance necessary to permit the continuation of the program of highway construction laid out. Money from previous appropriations is now available for use of the states during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1927. "The overwhelming support given' the Dowell bill when it passed the Senate last week with only six opposing votes, definitely establishes the Federal aid principle in highway construction and is practical assurance that when the funds now appropriated are exhausted, Congress will continue appropriations until the Federal aid highway system is completed," according to a statement issued yesterday by Charles M. Hayes, the president of the Chicago Motor Club. The Dowell bill authorizes appropriations of $75,000,000 annually for Fderal aid highways for each. of the fiscal years 1928 and 1929 and also provides appropriations of $7,600,- 000 annually for each of these two years for national forest roads and trails. Reviewing the campaign which has been carried on for the past year to secure the continuation of the Federal government's support in the highway building, Mr. Hayes declared that passage of the Dowell bill by the Senate concludes one of the greatest good roads campaigns carried on by the organized motorists of the entire country. He commended particularly the efforts of the American Automobile Association tfhich has worked in close cooperation with its 810 different affiliated clubs in developing public sentiment to the Dowell bill so effectively that it passed the House without a dissenting vote and was approved by the Senate with only six contrary votes. "Passage of this measure, which is the lifeblood of highway construction, in the western states, was not secured without a great deal of organized effort on the part of the motor clubs affiliated with the A. A. A.," Mr. Hayes declared. "Owing to a misconception of the Federal aid prin- TERRA GOTTA Almost anything in canned goods and fresh vegetables can be had at Erickson's Dept. Store. , ftftss Jennie Thompson .of Elgin called at the Frank McMillan home Sunday. Edward Roche of Elgin was a retent visitor here. - Irving Laurenz of Chicago visited at the home of Henry McMillan, on Sunday. Miss Jennie Hogan and T. Bernston of Elgin called at the home of ,B. J. Shine Sunday evening. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry visited at the home of her brother here Thursday. Mrs. Henry McMillan ' spent tha first of the week in Carpentersville. Mr. and Mrs. James Green and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. - Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ernst and son, Howard, of Barrington, were calling on friends in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Ellen Frisby of Elgin spent the week-end at her home here.» Misses Florence Knox and Vera Doherty spent the week-end with friends in Chicago and attended the Eucharistic Congress. - . Mrs. H. Hill and son, Francis, were Elgin visitors recently. Mrs. Earl McMillan and daughter, Ruth, spent a few days last week in Chicago. M. Knox and daughters, Mabel and Marie, were Woodstock callers Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Porter were visitor^ at the home of H. Hill Sunday. Miss Florence Knex left Monday morning for Stevens Point. Wis., at which place she^ill attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hociihaa of Park Ridge are spending a two •weeks' vacation in McHenry. Miss Helfn Justen of Chicago spent the week-end as the gue l of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., rfpent Sunday with her parents VK~ this city. r <" 'fr #1 ti'J-Vi ' DeLUXE » • " * ' .j, > -.a.. BR0S> 1 %Jt \ . . . ^ "ft*-"*" 'V - - [• "i- \ *•' r-- f •*S?4riV; >DS PREPARED BY AH EXPERT SIX SEPARATE l?lNim}ROOMf OQRNER GREEN AND ELM STREETS X' r ' . " ^ ,-V I I* svvia &•&- -' >• Wy.v":* | We btvi id em in • numbei of charming ttylM. This Federal 9> cup size $9.00 Toasters Crisp golde n toast is popular at every summer meal. ThiaTurnait Toaster $8.00 Grills This Grill to a wonderful balp in preparing quick breakfasts and dainty suppers. It toasts, f r i e s , b o l l s . --call on these electric servants Lm these modem cooking appliances save you the bother and discomfort of preparing meala m «n overheated kitchen. With them you can cook in coot comfort right at the table, on the porch, or anywhere there is an electric outlet They not only make cooking easier. but allow more hours of leisure. Remember that under the new low rates for general lighting service, effective May 1, 1926--the cnst off operating these cooking appliances • greatly reduced. isconsifi Minnesota Colorado Yellowstone Utah California Pacific Northwest* Jasper rt- Black Hills 1 OP SOUTH DAKOTA UfSUfiu % Thoreau said--"If a man makes« m thing better than was knowr|^\ before, tho he live in the for-^.j, ests, the world will wear a beat-i v en path to his &oor.' Telephone 1207-J-2 P. H. MILLAR & CO. , Manufacturers of AW N I N GS HIGH CLASS WORK GUARANTEED ' ^Window Valances and Slip Covers, Porch y^ins, Canvas Specialties, Blain ><.' White and Waterproof' " Covers Our Motto: "Better Awnings" , LAKE GENEVA WISOOMStR Jacob Justeo & Son, Ageots y MeHenrj, 111. - <?-. Tel. 103-B j|r Economical Transport a tion yC H EV RQ L E T7I ElectrM Cookers Tbia one cooks whole meal at on* time. Mao keeps foods hot or cold on picnics • nd motor trips $12.50 PUBLIC SERVICB COMPANY OP NORTHERN 1LUNOI0 Telephone 280 Crystal Lake < A. Schatatk, Dist. Mgr. M in ¥ Wide skoi Stopover did through trsias. Ask for our popular booklet ^ "Fortr Wara aad More la Califoraia aad the North PasUf Cout." It will assist fraatly ia pha, aiag row vaeatio* trip. vmm'i .tm ' Oiia|ilinl«|i)|Mli|ia«iyee>|aart C. a'N. W. Tieket A«mI ' ' / touring . !510 Roadster- -510 Coapm m m -645 Sedan - - -735 I ^tmlan - - 765 '/2-Ton Trucks 395 {Chassis Onfr) 1-Ton Track 550 iChassis Onfr) AO rricee i. a. h. fM, Nldk OflFering ever? modern feature essential Co motoring satisfaction* Chevrolet is the world's finest low-priced car. It is winning new buyers by tens of thousands every month. Such worldwide popularity and gigantic volume production make possible Chevrolet's amazingly low price*. 8ee id Drive id Know the superior principles of design and construction that make Chevrolet a revelation in performance and value* ' y Jf fio Smooth - SoPowerftd H. 0 M. MOTOR SALES, McHenry, 111. QHAHTf AT LIDi# COST ^ -jWJViMSi " BStVjS^-irV,