Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jul 1926, p. 3

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-:2 "-<V CITY JMCE1PTS AND DOSIJinBIENTS 5" FOR THE YEAR 1MB - • '• A " 'dtjr treapurer's renort, statement of receipts and disooraenients for the etty of HeHwry, uteois, for the year en#** April 80, 1926. I, N. H. Feteech,Treasurer at the City of McHenry, IDhnrfs, do hereby certify that the following statemeat of the receipts -and disbursements of the City funds fin- the year ending April 30, A. D. 1926, is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. N. H. Pptesch, Treasurer State of Illinois ) County of McHenry ) BS. Subscribed and swan to before me J^thisflrst day of May, A. D. 1926. v Edw. J. Buss, Notary Public RECEIPTS Balance on hand May 1, _ 1925 8,055.32 County treasurer 9,96846 City warrants ..-- j 9,500.00 Water rents ....... 2,435.53 Water Taps ........-- 1,782.50 Vehicle Tax 1,188.75 Miscellaneous water extensions, etc. * 870.97 Licenses --.«^..»......w... 119.00 Dog licenses ......................... 28.00 Insurance loss 196.00 Fublie property , - > J6.00 Fines 85.00 Sewer Permits « ,....„ 180.00 • Y^v:/' . „ m , *r£ TBI M'HKDLX njuroSALB, TWMMT, JTO.Y «, IMS \ PiPW •ppj Total receipts from May 1, 1925, to May 1, 1926 *25,589*1 Total receipts including balance on hand May 1,1925..<28,645.23 DISBURSEMENTS FnMic property .... $ 2,98ft*8> Waterworks .... 5,426.02 Contingent -- 817.47 Sidewalk 1,456.02 Special Assessment 677.06 Salary - 2,980.25 Street and alley 6,709.86 City Warrants 8,596.7® Total disbursements .^...$24,596.54 Balance on hand May 1, 1926 $ 4,048.«9 DISBURSEMENTS Pnblte Fxepetty Fm^ Order • Now .* 98 John Walsh, salary at' sewer lift .....f 15.00 99 B. F. Conway, phone calls and postage .... 2.76 106 Crowe Name Plate (k, plates, vehicle tax W 67.98 191 Mrs. Delia Matthews, damage to house from standpipe 100.00 tOS John Pint, labor. ..... 2.00 108 Knox Motor Sales, sup-* S8 p»il]i es Barbian Bros., 7 chairs.. 1.00 8.50 Western United Gas A Electric Co., April Gas «... 106 <^has. S. Ensign, labor \on sewer . 107 111. Bell Telephone Co., calls, City Hall ........ -Hi OL Bell Telephone Co. calls 109 L. F. Newman, labor .... 110 Valvoline Oil Co., oil 111 Nic Weingart, 5 loads of gravel 112 L. M. Hanes, typewriter.. 86.00 118 Bi-lateral Fire Hose Co., 860 feet fire hose 886.00 It# Larry Huck, supplies for fire truck ..... 114 ffi. Bell Telephone Co, calls 116 m. Bell Telephone Co. calls 116 J. A. Conrad, insurance on fire truck ..... 160.00 117 Larry Huck, repairing Are truck lit L. A. Erickson, flag and rental 21.70 119 W. U. Gas A Electric Co., 9.12 82.00 4.60 1.10 9.00 4.00 6.00 47.78 2.95 6.10 .... 12.00 120 Knox Sales, sup- .66 plies 8.00 121 Peter Pirsch A Sons, supplies for fire engine..- 14.60 122 Marriott & Niles, printing bonds 146.90 128 Jacob J us ten, 6 arm chairs .-- ,. 86.70 Itt W. U. Gas A Electric Co. June Gas --» >66 126 Thomas P. Bolger, paint and oil 8.00 126 Public Service Co., power, May, June, 1986 142.76 1ST Public Service Co., power for siren, July 2.60 128 Ohio Chemical Co., 80 gallons oxygen 2.66 129 Knox Motor Sales, one creeper 2.00 180 Wm. Bacon, tower 146.00 181 W. U. Gas A Electric Co. July gas at City Hall 182 H. J. Schaefer. McHenry Band, Aug., 1926 .... 80.00 188 H. J. Schaefer, McHenry Band, July, 1926 -- 184 Thomas P. Bolger, supplies 186 Wm. Bacon, labor on well 60.00 186 Walter J. Donavin, labor as City Plumber 168.88 187 G. L- Trvon. surveying city property ........--. 188 W. H. Althoff, supplies... 189 Andrew Hansen, labor on •waterworks .-- 140 Valvoline Oil Co., oil and gasoline ...» 141 Thomas P. Bolger, supplies -- •--......... 142 Jacob Justen, supplies... 148 W. F. Burke, labor at 144 Public Service Co. iights at city park, Sept. .... 146 Public Service Co., power at sewer lift, Sept..... 146 Public Service Co., faSe lifhts, Sept, 1926 147 McHenry Band, services £>ept, 19261 148 W. IJ. Gas A Electric Co* .66 80.00 646 70.00 2.16 2.25 12.81 2.95 2.00 ».75 .50 48.78 18.00 80.00 149 August gas ....--.~ Valvoline Oil Co., 3 gaL 160 W. U. Gas A Electric Co. Sept. and Oct. gas... til Larry's Tire Shop, stor- * age on fire truck to Nov. i, 1926 162 Alex. Lbr. Co., suppUea 168 H. L. Fisher, cutting w«eds 164 Hany Lindahl A Co., Hir. on fire truck --• 166 L. J. Huck, storage on fire truck, Nov. 166 Valvoline Oil Co., oil .... 167 HL Bell Telephone Co„ yil« at Green street ICS W. U. Gas A Electric Co. ns, Nov., 1925 ...... 169 Public Service Co., fire siren, 3 months ...... W. J. Donavin, heating rt at City HaU... 440.00 Newman, labor..- 2.00 162 Larry Huck, 1 pr. 4x8 Atim .... 168 Louis Althoff, labw .-~~~ McHenry Lbr. Co., coaL.. 4240 PubUcService Co., pidse. .66 2M 160 161 1M 89.09 .70 2.50 21.00 26*0 8.76 8.16 1.66 7J0 SOJOO 5.00 168 W. U. Gas A Electric Co. gas for Dec., 1926. 37.80 169 Frank HugBes, labor 10.00 170 Alex. Lbr. Co., coal 2640 171 M. Engeln A Son, sapplies /..._ 8.85 172 Standard Oil Co., oil. 4JM2 178 111. Bell Telephone Co., calls for Jan., 1926 MB 174 Public Service Co., power at sewer lift, Jan., '26 44^0 176 Public Service Co., light at City Hall SjOO 176 Public Service Co., Mdse. .70 177 W. U. Gas & Electric Co. Feb. gas 178 Public Service Co., mushroom lights ' 4.00 179 Alex. Lbr. Co., coal 15.66 180 Public Service Co., traffic light L60 181 HI. Bell TeleplM>ne Co. calls • 4.90 182 Public Service Co., mushroom light, March, *26 4.00 188 ftiblic Service Co., power at sewer lift S&49 184 J. A. Conrad, insurance on fire truck, 1926....157.89 I8fr Meyer A Wenthe, license plates, 1926 70.29 186 Alexander Lbr. Co., coal 24.65 187 Alexander Lbr. Co., coal 16.11 188 Valvoline Oil Co., 6 gal - oil - 8.76 189 Independent-Times Print* . ing Co., election supplies 21,70 190 R. F. Conway, phone calls and supplies 191 Public Service Co., final bill on fire siren... 192 W. U. Gas & Electric Co. gas for March, 1926.. .66 ff_t> Total .... Waterworks 86.60 27.80 9.60 12.90 49.95 24.95 946 OA -... 196.00 on .$2,988.08 81 A. H. Schaefer, freight and express % 12.48 82 Mayme Buns, collecting / water rates 100.98 88 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on water 'works 84 J. J. Leonard, labor. 86 Worthington Pump Co., water meter 86 Fairbanks-Morse Co., repairs for engine ...... 87 Mueller, supplies "j88 Crane Co., supplies for water works 216.47 09 Public Service.Co., pumpin «* City Hall, 2 mo. 72.60 90 Nap Lesotte, labor on water works 46j80 91 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on water works -14.60 92 Worthington Pump Co., supplies 9.82 98 Crane Co., service- boxes 46.75 94 Mueller Co., water work supplies 96 Crane Co., 6 service Iboxes - 96 H. E. Buch, labor water works 97 Nap Lesotte, labor water works 98 Nap Lesotte, labor water works 21.16 99 J. J. Leonard, labor on water works 109 A. H. Schaefer, freight and drayaKe 101 Nap Lezotte, labor on water works ........ 102 Crane Co., supplies on water works 170.61 108 Crane Co., waterworks supplies 104 Fairbanks-Morse Co., supplies V ........ 106 Fairbanks - Morse Co., motor supplies 76.40 106 Weil McLean Co., lead pip* - 107 J. B. Clow A Sons, sapplies on water ........ 108 W. J. Donavin, labor on water works 109 Elgin Water Dept., 6 curb boxes 110 - Mueller, water works supplies 111 Public Service Co., lamps U2 Public Service Co., power # at sewer lift, April and May 126.16 118 J. J. Leonard, labor on waterworks ............. 114 Nap Lezotte, labor on water works 116 Geo. Kramer, 26 ft. lead pipe - 116 Wm. Bacon, 1 6-ia. coupling --•-- 117 Weil McLean Co., lead pipe 146.97 118 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on water works 119 Pfcblic Service Co., power for May 120 Map Lesotte, labor on waterworks 121 A. H. Schaefer, express and freight 122 Nap Lezotte, labor on water works 128 Nap Lesootte, labor on Hiller extension 124 Weil McLean Co., supplies on water works 126 W. J. Donavin, labor on Waterworks 126 M. Engeln A Son, supplies and labor on water- "WOrkS 127 Worthington Pump and Machinery Co., meters 16640 128 McHenry Flour Mills, pipe and lathe work 1240 129 B. D. Wood A Co., suplies on water works.... 189 Public Service Co., pumping, June --... 181 Nap Lezotte, labor on water works 182 J. J- Leonard, labor on water works 132 Nap Lesotte, labor on waterworks .............. 184 A. H. Schaefer, freight and express 135 Nap Lezotte, labor 136 Hersey Mfg. Co., 10 water meters ............ 11&.6V 187 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on waterworks 188 Valvoline Oil Co., oil...--' 139 Weil McLean Co., service boxes and supplies... 140 Public Service Co., power, < JWy 141 ML Engeln A Son, supplies 142 W. J. Donavin, labor on water works 141 Fitter Pirsch A Sons, 16 charges ....... 144 Andrevt- Hanson, labor on water works -- 146 Nap Lezotte, labor on water works 146 A. H. Schaefer, freight „ and express --.--~~» 147 Nap Lezotte, labor1 ell water works -- 148 Nap Lazotte, labor on water works ... 149 H. C. Kamhols, 1 lb. rubber packing .60 SC.'M) 66.00 28.42 2640 46.75 10.00 26176 40.78 ... 7245 12.00 82.48 .76 16.00 42.00 10.00 8.00 11.00 45uOO 12.00 61.48 Z 42.50 80.00 60.66 71.10 8548 7.70 64.00 .... 66.60 440 16.00 8.69 1040 740 2.40 1649 6742 174* 88.70 14.60 246 86.00 840 1840 1849 160 Neptune Meter Comnaay BOPPUV*.. 9946 lte J. J. Vycital, nails 107 HI. Bell Telephone Co. 6.95 .16 1.70 meters and --„ H61 Windsor Manufacturing t Co., 10 coils lead pipe 29443 162 Chas. Ensign, labor on waterworks 4246 168 Wm. Ahrens, labor on w a t e r w o r k s .--140 8. W. Ahrens, labor on sidewalk -- 82.10 164 166 H. E. Bash, labor at City 166 Nap^Ltn&te, Ubir'"oa WT A. H. Schaafar, freight end express 158 Nap Leaoue, labor on water works .... .. 169 Nap Lazotte, labor " on water works 160 Public Service Co., power at City Hall 161 J. B. Clow A Sons, supplies on waterworks* 162 J. B. Clow A Sons, sen. vice boxes ......... 168 J. B. Clow A Sons, supplies 164 Worthington Pump Corporation, meters 166 Weil McLean Co^ fire hydrants 166 Weil McLean Con service boxes : 167 Weil McLean Co., service boxes 188 Walter J. Donavin, labor on Water works 170 Chas. S. Ensign, sewer at Oberstadt, property 171 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on water works ......... 172 Wm. Silnes, salary, Sept, »25 178 Mayme Buss, collecting water r«nts 17,4 A. H. Schaefer, freight and express - 176 Jacob Ston el, labor on water works 176 Carl Pomeraning, labor at m n.p"*i2?£, labor on water works 178 Weil McLean Co., supplies on water works 179 W. J. Donavin, labor oa water works 180 J. J. Vycital, hose 181 H. F. Kamholz, labor on WAflro 182 M. Engeln A Sons, lab^'r on water works 188 Public Service Co., July light and power and October sewer lift .... 184 Wm. Simen. labor on waterworks, Oct 186 Weil McLean Co., invoice Nos. 71,688 and 71,- 088 186 H. B. Dowe, labor on water works 187 Nap Lezotte, labor on water works 188 Nap Lesotte, labor on water works 189 W. D. Wentworth, refund on water tap .... 190 Nap Lezotte, labor on waterworks 191 Nap Lezotte, labor on water works 192 Public Service Co., power at pumping station, 2 months 198 John Pint, labor on water •works ......... 194 W. J. Donavin, labor on works z" 196 M. Engeln A Son, labor on water works 196 Worthington Pump i Machinery Co., water meter 197 Rev. C. S. Nix, Lezotte's labor on water extensions 188 Public Service Co., power, pumping 199 Public Service Co., power at sewer lift 200 Public Service Co., fira siren 201 Public Service Co., lights at City Hall 202 Worthington Pump. Co., water meter 206 City of Woodstock, 1% Corp. cock 204 W. J. Donavin, labor on heating plant 206 A. H. Schaefer, freight < and drayage .............. 206 Weil McLean Co., sapplies 207 Public Service Co., power at City Hall 206 W. J. Donavin, labor and supplies 209 H. L. Fisher, labor ........ 210 Martin Stoffel, labor on water works 211 Nick N. Freund, oil 212 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on waterworks 218 W. J. Donavin, labor on water works 214 Public Service, Co., power at City Hall 216 Weil McLean Co., 2 coils r le^ti pipe 1146 26(50 mi 1740 24.00 6426 US 2344 646 9049 182.00 24.00 6.00 8240 2640 83.60 28.00 6145 448 740 140 4240 2140 86.10 148 8.60 9.76 86.16 26.00 68.46 8.00 17.00 9.00 8240 1740 ^140 84.00 7.60 >946 1040 4040 6848 240 L40 68.60 2.00 180.00 2.66 2748 60.00 9849 440 8.60 845 1146 42.76 44.60 62.64 27 28 29 80 81 82 88 84 86 86 87 88 89 « 41 42 68 44 46 46 47 61 E Total 45,425.02 Qontingeo* Hand M. Engeln A Son, supplies $ 1740 Mc Henry Plaindealer, printing -- 112.75 W. Gorman, election ...... 6.00 John McEvoy, election .... 6.00 H. J. Miller, election 640 Vera Purvey, election 6.00 Mabel Wheeler, election... 6.00 F. A. Cooley, election..... 640 Florence Cobb, election.... 6.00 W. A. Krause, judge of election 6.00 M»>uie Harrison, judge of election 6.00 Raphel Spurling, election. cleric 6.00 Lillian Sayler, election clerk 640 Josephine Conway, election clerk 6.00 Barbara Krause, judge of. election 6.00 Donald Givens, judge of election 6.00 Mary Bonslett, election^ clerk 640 Elizabeth K. Miller, clerk of election 6.00 Lillian E. Hack, election* clerk 640 Delia Matthews, election clerk 640 R. F. Conway, supplies, cal* i. S.75 F, G. Schreiner, printi n g . . 1 7 4 5 Thomas P. Bolger, oil.... <26 P. F. Pettibone Co., supplies, Police Magis- - tratp 29.02 McHenry Band, services June 80.00 John F. Brda, supplies...77 R. F. Conway, f>ostage - and calls 140 111. Bell Telephone Co* Calls, June 4.10 P. J. Schoewer, labor .... 8.10 J. Worth, auditing books 26.00 N. J. Justen A Son, chairs and misc 16.00 Hyde West, M. D. X-ray, Mrs. Burke 10M> Public Service Co., power 240 111, Bell Telephone Co. calls, July, 1925. 8.70 XL F. Conway, postage and supplies 245 R. F. Conway, supplies and telephone calls.... * 846 111. Bell Telephone Co. calls for August* ' 1925 6.45 Public Serivce Co., lights in City park, August 140 68 Pablie Service Co., powir PUiridiiUri 66 S. 66 Ohio plies 67 Fred C. Miller, 68 111. "£f Telephone cii, dog tags... I Co., nop- 69 Join Brda, supplies....^ 70 m. Ball Telephone Co* caBs, October, 1S25.... 71 R. F. Conway, supplies nod calls 72 Mc Henry Plaindealer, printing, city 78 Thomas P. Bolger, fumigators 74 R. F. Conway, caBs, poatage,etc --. 76 Wm. Althoff, 14 gallon pails 76 Jacob Justen, glass ....... 77 DL Bell Telephone Co, calls 78 Public Service Co., lampa 79 R. F Conway, supplies... 80 Thomas P. Bolger, fuai- 81 gators Pub„liicc Service Co., power for 3iren and mdse... 82 R. F Conway, supplies.... 88 W. If. Gas 6 Electric (^o., gas, January, 1926... 84 l^pas P. Bolger, &up- : plies 86 Thomas P. Bolger, stopplies ....*. 86 Vogt's Drug Store, fumim « 246 240 2.75 140 846 4.76 8444 640 240 4.90 140 .66 46 2.80 V-16 8.40 8.25 gators and supplies.... 180.15 87 Public Service Co., power 6046 49.00 89 90 91 96. 94 86 •6 #7 96 91 180 Public Service Co., lamps 181 M. J. nwad, labor on _ . water ^rks 188 LOIHS Schroeder, labor Jolm'wa^ wwer lift, October... 15.00 R F. Conway, salary to November 1", 1926...... 80.00 F. H. Wattles, mayor serricesto November l >20.00 Mtt nlfeby, .alderman 2049 20.06 20.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 . at sewer lift 88 Public Service Co., power afe City Hall 89 Mayer A Wenthe, dog tags and supplies .... 90 R. F. Conway, phone calls and supplies 91 Public Service Co., traffic lights, March 92 III. Bell Telephone Co., calls, March, 1926 .... 98 John F. Brda, supplies.... 94 Knox Motor Sale?, sigfea- - total ..ZI$817.47 - Sidewalk Fund 9 Henry W. .Ahrens, 4,630 square feet of sideiwalk (247.60 10 Keiu y TV. AnfctiS, Side- Walk 11140 11 Frett Bros., sidewalks.... 122.20 12 McHenry Artificial Stone Co., 424% ft. sidewalk 85.00 18 Louis Althoff, supplies .... 7.00 14 Henry W. Ahrens, 1107 ft. sidewalk 228.08 16 Artificial Stone Co., new sidewalks 821.62 16 Henry W. Ahrens, new skiewulks 102.22 17 F. M. Ensign, sidewalks.. 68,20 120 18 H. W. Ahrens, sidewalks 6.65 19 Frett Bros., sid^valks .... 68.20 20 H. W. Ahrens, 254 ft. Sidewalk 50.80 21 McHenry Artificial Stone Co., 835 ft. sidewalk 41,75 Refettt services to November 1 H. C. Hughes, alderman services to Noveasber 1 lames Perkins, alderman services to November C. W.'&^7flfcraui sMview to November 1 R. I. Overtos, cMenina swviees to November 1 P. J. Doherty, alderman services to November 1 Jehn Walsh, salary, No*» ^ ember, 1925 115.00 John Walsh, sahtry at sower lift 1640 William Simas, salary, Noveaiber, 19C6 26.00 Mayme Baas, psmmisoien on collections to December 1 206.00 John Walsh, salary, Deeunbar, 1925 115.00 John Walsh, salary at sower lift, DQIUIBIIIHI. 1126 15.00 William Simas, salary, •superintendent 'water works, December 26.00 B. F. Conway, salary, city clerk 80.00 John Walsh, salary, January, 1926 115.00 John Walsh, salary at sewer lift William Simes, salary - * water works H. C. Hughes, alderman services C. W. Goodell, alderman services James Perkins, alderman 188 George Meyers, labor on ^ water works Hi- Public Service Co., mushroom lights, Septem-* _ ber lw A. H. Schaefer, freight and cartage 186 Linus Newman, special police 187 Public Service Co., street _ lights, October, 1925 188 Public Service Co., traffic post, October 1925 ... .60 XtJOO 140 1140 189 149 141 142 148 146 146 Pfeblic Service Co., whhirooa lights, October PtebUe Service Co., lamfv Geos0» Meyers, labor «n John Sttith, labor on ItMtt ........................ Overton A Cowen, gaslabor on C. L» BnBock, labor oa grader, 2% days -- TVMsarer of State of Illinois, use of tractor (Continued to page 6) 441 41 <49 1441 147 19.00 TBE NEW ' " "^1 ****** - Exlde Radio P»wer Unit 16.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 Total : $1,456102 Special Assessment Fund 6 R. J. Frinby, 14 meetings, Konrd of Local Im- rovements .*$ 42.00 Overton, 14 meetl »urx. Hoard of Local Improvements 42.00 1 D. 0. Wells, 14 meetings Board of Local Improvements 42.00 79 9 Mercantile Printing Co., printltK •; 85.00 80 10 McHenry Plsindtealer 81 prlmnflr 186.00 11 Marriott ft Miles, printing bonds ' 62.66 {If Mc Hanky Plaindealer printing bonds 41.15 18 Marriott A Miles, printlite 48.60 14 G. E. Still, special assessment fees 9740 /16 Mfe^lenry i Plaindfealer special assessment notices 61.06 16 Mc Henry Plaindealer, Invelopea, Mayme UBS 8840 t ttotal $17746 Sslsry Fund 81 C. f f - Goodell, alderman Services to November 1 $ 16.00 44 C. W. Goodell, alderman aervHfles 1640 58 A. H. Pouse, salary to May 1, 1925 128.00 54 John Walsh, salary, April 116.00 55 R. F. Conway, salary and special meeting... 8840 56 Peter J. Doherty, aldorservices to May 1 1640 57 C. W. Goodell, alderman services to May 1,... 15.00, 58 Robert Frisby, alderman ^ * services to May L... 15.00 59 R. I. Overton, alderman services to May 1.... 15.00 60 J. T. Perkins, alderman services to May 1...... 16.00 61 Dr. D. G. Wells, mayor services to May 1...^ 16.00 62 John Walsh, salary, May 1925 --. 115iW0 68 John Pufahl, salaryju -health officer, 1924, 1025 64 George Bohr, salary as health officer, 1924, 0925 IWw 66 Dr. N. J. Nye^salaiy aa health officer, 1924, !925 - 15.00 66 John Walsh, salary, June 116.00 67 John Walsh salary at sewer lift, June 16.00 68 William Simes, salary, jjune w*-00 69 R. F. Conway, clerk services to August 1...... 8040 70 Robert Frisby, alderman services, August 1... 26.00 .71* John Walsh, mars hall «»- vices, July --UObMw 72 F. H. Wattles, alderman services to August 1 26.00 78 Peter Doherty, alderman services, August 1... 74 H. C. Hughes, alderman services, August 1 .... 75 C. W. Goodell, alderman services, August 1 .... 7« b T. Overton, alderman services, August 1 ... 26.00 11 j. T. Perkins, alderman services, August 1 .... 78 William Simes, salary, , water works, July ... 26.00 79 John Walsh, salary at sewer lift, July ....... 80 John Walsh, salary to August, 1925 116.00 81 John Walsh, salary at sewer lift, August -- 82 William Simes, salary - superintendent water works., August 88 Lines Newman, special police, September 6, 7, 26.00 25.00 26.00 26.00 16.00 84 Linos Newman, special SoKce, June 21, July , 4, 5 -- 86 "^Darwin Granger, special police, July and August -a. v*;- *1- 15.00 26.00 26.60 8246 20.00 121 122 128! 124 126 186 B. I. Overton, alderman services R. L. Frisby, alderman services F. H. Wattles, mayor services 15.00 Pfeter J. Doherty, salary 15.00 John Walsh, salaiy, February, 1926 115.00 John Walsh, salary at sewer lift 16.00 William Simes, salary water works, Febru- _ ary 26.00 Peter William Frett, balance salary, fire chief 67.00 John Walsh, salary, for March, 1926 116.00 John Walsh, services at sewer lift, March 15.00 William Simes, salary March, 1926 26.00 Andrew Hansen, labor on water works 4.60 William Ahrens, salary as night watchman 5.00 85 86 87 91 92 98 94 96 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 108 104 106 106 107 101 101 110 111 112 111 114 116 116 116 117 11* 119 120 121 122 128 124 126 126 127 128 129 ~ Total 82,91646 Street and Alley Fund George Meyers, gravel and hauling $ 60.76 Henry Quinn, labor ....... 16.60 Essco Mfg. Cot, 6 traAc iights 441.00 Essco Mfg. Co., light control 11848 Essco Mfg. Co., light and noet 277.84 Pablie Anrviee Ca^ street lights, ApAl 14644 H. C. Kamhola, winut. 6.49 Gus Sattem, labor 1940 John F. Brda, supplia*.. 646 Alex. Lbr. Co., supplies 28.48 John Walsh, salary at sewer ltft 16.00 L. F. Newmaa, special police, May 80 and 81 ............. 1140 William Simee, anlarfr May, 1926 26.00 M. J. Freund, labor on ^ stveeta 4240 George Meyers, gravel and hauling 88.76 Pablie Service Co., street lights, May 14846 Ghieago A Northwestern Asflaray Oompany, ^ freight on 10,000 gallonsoil 21940 T. H. Gharrity A Son, labor on streets ..... 194.60 George Meyers, hauling gravel 96149 John F. Brda, suppliee*.. 2640 M. J. Freund, labor on 4tiysets • J. M. Majsch, special police, July 4, 6 12.00 Henry Quinn, labor on streets 840 Mrs. B. Joos, rent of had for road 2540 Ben Hiller, special police 640 Public Service Co., street lights, June 14846 American Mexican Refining Co., road oil 29042 McHenry Lumber Co., supplies .»v 12.12 Charles S. Ensign- labor on streets 246 C. A N. W. Ry. Co* car service, oil car ........ 6.00 M, J. Freund, hauling gravel --28,00 Ttapical Paint A Oil Co* paint - --- 27.12 Alex. Lbr. Co., sewar pipe 160 Pablie Service Co., maeh- • roam lights, July .-- 440 PibUe Service Co., lights for tnffc post, July.... 18.00 Pablie Service Co., street lights, July 148.85 E. B. Rich, cutting weeds 8.40 Marriott A Miles, printing bonds 86.10 Weil McLean Co., 550 ft. caat iron pipe 209.09 Wei McLean Co., 12 curb cocks 27.00 Weil McLean CO* 24 corp. cocks -- 41.50 Weil McLean Co., supplies on water works 4.00 Pablie Service Co., power for water works . 5646 Pnblic Service Co., power at sewer lift, August George Meyers, labor and gravel - McHenry Lumber _ Co* lumber and supplies... 160.12 H. L. Fisher, catting - weeds L®® Public Service Co* street lights, August 148.86 Public Service Co* tznAe post, August 18.0C Public Service Co., mushroom lights, August... 4.00 Carey Electric Shop, putting in lights 61242 Pablie 8ervice.Co., sjreet lights, September ..... 14846 4244 13.75 ^Phis latest radio invention replaces bot~h the old clumsy, mnssy -"tA" battery and the charger. Exocpt when the receiving set 4s actually in nse, this battery is being charged at a low rate, technically known as a trickle charge, sufficient to replace that which has been withdrawn from the battery, yet insufficient to . harm it. It is necessary to refill it with water only about once a year. Liberal Allowance far your eU BATTBBY STATION Kim Street McHenry m * , V, 'S *# . &.v yfy A * ^ * • Readiness J * '• • " r*? - • •> V: 1 v 411 over the then-known world the runners and atooaiad ** menengers of ancient Assyria bote the dtcwi aad * edicts of their rulers. Trsiaed for fleetness sad endunuKBfc these message bearets of a vanished empire Mod at (Mr posts, stripped for the task, pre pared for instant dispatch of> whatever was given them to speed to distant points. The universal message hosier now is the telephone. Ill nation-wide range has comeabout through a far-dung system « of wires, cables, switchboaKlf and supplementary apparattjpb Through the cooperation of a vast army of men and women it daily transmits the thoughts and desires of ""Hi--« 11 is because of unceasing inspection, wa tch/ulness, co-orxft. - nstion sad sll else that makes for instsnt rssdiness^hat Aa>c»t icans to-day, anywhere, can talk tt> one another, say timar^; fcLMOIS MELL TELEPHONE COMPANlf PELL STSTCM > < One System • Ual--snl Ssiiis> iff *•7^-^-™* TILIfHONl'l r i F T I I T H YB A a -- 1 9 2 6 • 1 p-4 :»s CREDIT BUYB MORS THAN ALL THX GOLD IN UOBTAKOK CREDIT today is the most wonderful thing in the Commercial world. World bankers float billion dollar loans on the " faith man has in the integrity of his fellowman" upon CREDIT. It has1 made millionaires over night. Each individual is born into the world with an equal call upon CREDIT. It is withheld from none. It is merely a matter of integrity, linked with determination to fee honest. 4 The HONOR SYSTEM, Inc., with the home office in Janesville, Wis., is now operating in more than 700 towns and cities in Wisconsin, Illinois and adjoining states, and is organized to furnish accurate information. If a person has abused his credit at a certain store, or any business place, has not paid his account in a reasonable time, the other members will all know it. If you pay your bills promptly, it opens all doors to vou, making you a welcome customer everywhere. THE HONOR SYSTEM is not organised^ embarrass anyone, but is organized to protect you as well as its members. „ The members of the HONOR SYSTEM is your city ore now prepariiig a credit information, which includes the whole trading radius for miles around. This will be tabulated and returned to each member of the HONOR SYSTEM. If you have been neglecting your accounts with the merchants and professional men, pay up before this tabulation is complete. Oet the habit of paying your bills promptlv. YOUR CREDIT DEPENDS UPON YOU KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD and you will be able to look the whole world in the face. You will maintain your self-respect. * ' j - YOUR CREDIT C * *^ KEEP IT GOOD. f-\4

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