0. w. KLCUffS, K. D. " thyiicUn and Surgtoii (Also trwtfar all «MMi ot the Eye, Car, Nose anS Timtt and doing Refraction) Qgfce Hoar»--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Oflke at Residence--Kent Home--*, Sooth of City Hall, Waukegan St, Phone 181 McHenry, III >-•? * * p Wit MO AREOLA Lawyer • *' . With Kent & Comp|iqr Every Wednesday Phone 34 -s„M McHenry, IU. * ^ ffeleuhona No. 108-R. /. Stof fel & Reihansperger > Insurance agents for all classes of ^ property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY. . ILLINOIS KUNZBE0TH8SS and Long Distanoe HnwHtig . 1 Phone 304-J McHenry, HI - 7; - i -- v;' J. W. WORTH Public accounta*#?*^- Audits Systems Income and ... Inheritance Tax Matters " '•} Member of Public Accountants Association of Illinois Phone M*-J McHenry, IU. 126-W. Reasonable Relet A. H. 8CHAE£ER r Draying • , - MeHENBT, ILLINOIS Iasim-k Sure-lBsariBce -- WITH -- Wm. G. Schreiner 1 Auctioneering Office AT RESIDENC* Phone 93-R McHENRY, ILL • «3; 7^ ; . Chicken Feeds We jarry aJuUlin^of j , j L k J . chicken feeds for baby chicks and Uyiog heps. A We manufacture some of our scratch feeds and mashes, and eta safe yon money. Manufactured by McHcan Flow Mills Waal Window envelopes and Statements save a great deal of labor and mis* takes. Ask about them at the Plaindealer office. DR. HENRY a. RAND . and *T Staff of Physicians Office over Bolger's Prug taq mr Store .-•*% .>&r' . Honrs: 10 to 2 every ^Thursday and Saturday , JteHKMtV,It£ Fe&A's JW V«i«p Faith consists tn tfce willingness to pursue untiringly the things tor which w« hope, ft is the power by which we dally to translate poesibllttiea realities.--John Herman • vM C/in"mt Drudgery "T\: Drudgery is ss necessary to call o«t the treasures of the mind as harrowing and planting, those ot.lfce ftt.rthj-- Mttfgaret filler. '*'•/* Switch Was Psychological It is estimated there were only one- Bfth as many books on child psychology when alder switches grew in every back yard.--Detroit News. MILLER'S STORE | » A good place to Trade , , ^ - te all kinds of weathifc'-"!-^;^^^; 3fos. J. Miller, Prep* rW I PhoaeH.4-E -- * > «*ieHewy^m IMnwd fHmww'»s The downJiuf of the' powWful Incas tribe of Sooth American Indians was caused by Internal disswislnas. The Spaniards troubles to took*-. advantage of these i attack" and conquer them of Arewfc Defined An arcade Ja a psflaa of two or archee and their columns. A. n arches when considered at a unit apart from the building, or the walk, Of Jj^bXpe^i l» an arcade. , , JMNGWOOD 4 Mrs. George Harrison, who has been visiting her daughter at Crystal Lnha,v4ma returned' hotte. William Bacon of MeHsnry spent Wednesday mnmlnt in Bligwoofl MSm. fMd Munshan of Sen Claire Wla* la vSlithff Mends in and around Ringwood for a few day*. Elijah Coates of Crystal Lake spent Thursday morning in Ringwood. Quite a few from Ringwood attended the dance at Solon Mills on Wednesday. Mrs. William Kelley andjgrandson, Dick, Miss Cora Beth an4 Miss Ellen Hill and Belle and Bo^ia Thompson Drs. McGhesney & Brown (INCORPORATED) DENTISTS Dr. L W. Brawn M Dr. R. M. Wa^Bsr Established over 46 years and still doing business at the old stand. Pioneers in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices. A«v your neighbors and friends •bout us. 8. E. Oor. Clark & Randolph St 145 N. Clark St, Chicago Daily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to 11 Phone Central 2047 • tiumssuM s 2 itm' ft "8 :a m Most of us hav6 to climb to Success. No matter how far you art from the :.!% 1 • •. rt V' 'fc< • ' m « r>; w ..yn " . J - S . s top now, you can get there by regular J&m saying HERE iii*I .r-1 l^r Bank thit he)ps yon get ahead 1 t * • HeHEllltV ')L ?**?,:?$ tumaA 666 •" i. H. a Preecriptiea far ^ COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA. It kills the geram. iiiII^vwvvvvvvvvvvv'MVV*'*'" * " ^1^ Diamond. Tires THE TIRE WE HAVE SOLD TOR 11 YEARS SteSH 81x4 82x4 88x4 82x4 88x4% 8 7 #$& „ 15.6CK . 16.50 „ 17^0 ,. 20.54 21.40 Diamond Balloon Tires ttxA.40 ... 111^ S»x4^6 80x5^5 81x6.26 - 80x6.77 M 88x6.00 ... M«li us your erder with check or draft, and fe will ha tent the day »- 16.6ft 17.6$ 18.9$ 21.80 26.66 Robinson's AUTO SUPPLY * f II. 8tate Stnwt _ E&m. mm :+ * V. fff %A.*mwv«; »•'** i ~i --i -^St --I --r --/ --L ONE EYE NEVER DOES A GOOD JOB The "Balance" of your eye muscles receives careful study in an examinatioii here. My aim is to develop the sharpest, as well as the most comfortable vision in ftVft Herary flreu^^Optoinetttst PRIES BUILDING OVER NATIONAL TEA STOBll Every Evening froaa 7 to 8, except Saturday All d|ty Wednesday from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. 188 To CHICAGO from Mclimrr--Grmy* Lak* . . _ Convenient, dependable service by North Shear* Motor Coach No.rth"Bhitfre M«tor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Snore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the"loop." Lv. McHenry 6:50 am 11; 45 am' tiOOpm 7zV0fm Lv. Grays Lake j Till am . UbMpa Srflpai 7:81 pa Arr. Waukegan 8:15 am 1:10 pat 4tSSpsa S: SSpes Arr.CUcaap tjsam 1ii0>--, ,MM* !$!?5P" Air.lfilwanfcee 9:30am StlOpas S:SO pa lOUOpm spent Thursday afternoon at Woodstock. i. Mrs. Clay Rager has be^h numbered among th^ sick this Week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and two daughters, Marion and Shirley, spent Thursday evening ifi Woodstock. The summer Bible school closed on Friday, July 2. Quite a number of little children took part in the program. Mrs. Hannah Walker is slowly improving at tihe hospital in Janesville. Mr. and Mrs. William Walkington are the proud owners of a new Hud sen cas, which they recently purchased. * CUcage forth WEBER ft 80HIEBSLE, Local Agents .... "West MtRmej, Wiaois / ^ Mrs. AHhUr Merrill, id Solon Mills, spent Tuesday with her sister, MM.' Lewis Schroeder. r Dont forget to take a bathing suit with you on your. trip. We have just what you want. Eriek son's Dept. Store. Julian Butler spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. Frank Hitchens. AWe Miller and son of Elfrin spent one day of the week end in Ringwood. Mr, and Mrs. Clay Stager r.nd faintly spent Fridry eveiHng in Richmond with relatives. Miss Jayne Gould is visiting with her sister^ and other friends in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday in the E. ft. Hawley home. William Beth, Jr., of Chicago h spending a two-weeks' vacation wfth his father and sister. Classified ads are winners William B. Tonyan of Johnsburg was a Ringwood caller on Saturday. John Thompson of Chicago is now spending a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe and son, Jack, of Woodstock, spent Friday evening in the home of Mr. and Mife. Charles Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuhn, the nowlyweds, will make their future home at Kenosha, Wis., where he has ' secured a position. Kirk Schroeder, who was quite ill for a couple of days, is improving. Fritz Rossman of McHejiry spent I Sunday morning with his brother, I Dickie. Mr. and Mrs.'^Srank Worts and son, | Francis, of Hammond, Ind., spent ! Sunday in the A. L. Lawrence home, i Mrs. Hannah Walker has returned ' home from the Janesville hospital, where she has been a patient. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Lottee anl three children, Elbert, Peter and | Elizabeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Welter ami daughter, Anna, all of Chicago/^p^t Sunday with their brother,^!. L. Welter, and family. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Revour and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Revour and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Revoir and family, all of Chicago, spent Sunday in the Abe Lawrence home. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Papene t children of Maywood spent Sunday in the William Beth home. Mr. and Mrs. William N. Merwin and family, of Gurnee, spent Sunday with her father, Frank E. Fay. Mrs. Layra Emberling of Niles, Mich., spent the Fourth with Abe Lawrence and family. Russell Hopper of Woodstock spent Sunday with his mother, Mre. Ruth Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. George Frey of Deerfield spent the Fourth with friends here. <- Cecil Rager, who was numbered among the sick, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family and Carlton Fay spent Monday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson spent Sunday afternoon at Woodstock* Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, and Joseph Young and family spent Tuesday evening at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huff and j family spent Thursday evening in the ! Joseph Young home. ! Miss Adele Young of Ringwood ! and Miss Julia Huff of Spring Grove and Joseph Weber and Joseph Freund of McHenry spent Monday at Aurora. Mrs. Karl Bradley and children spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer. of McHenry. Loretta Young is spending a few days with her cousin, prances Young. Mr. and Mrs. Nich Young spent Sunday at Woodstock. Miss Cora Beth and friend, Floyd Hopper, spent Sunday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schroeder and baby of Woodstock spent the Fourth in Ringwood. Mrs. Emma McCannon and Mrs. Lewis McCannon, of Greenwood, spent Monday with Mrs. Emma Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster family spent Monday afternoon in Ringwood „ „ Miss Ethel Bell of McHenry was a week-end guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Bell. .. Mrs. Ray Merchant is entertaining xidce from Kenosha this week Mrs. Florence Smith has returned home from Chicago, where she been in the hospital. Mrs. Emma Williams of Greenwood called in Ringwood on Tuesday after noon. ,, Miss Agnes Thorrtpson is working (n'the home of Edward BelL Mrs. Laura Brown spent Tuesday afternoon with her mother at Mc< Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and ehildren of McHenry and Mrs. Alma Thomas of McHenry spent Wednes day morning in the James Main] home. _ Mrs. Oliver Lawrence spent Tneadny evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown spent Wed nesday at Janesville at the hospital George Vogel and sons, of Solon Mills, spent Wednesday^morning in Ringwood. Mr#. Leslie Olsen, assisted in 8. W. Brown's drug store on Wednesday. Mrs. Glenn Each and two children of Spring Grove visited her father, Edward Bell, one day this week. John Kottner of Solon Mills spent Wednesday morning in Ringwood. Master Leonard Brown spent Wednesday evening in McHenry with grawtaother. Mrs. AmoTttafch ad *-- • Mills, spent Tuesday with her sister, Hrs. Lewis Schroeder j Andrew Hawley of Elgin is spend*! ing a few day* with his father, EL» C. Hawley. Bert Sutton ct Solon MOls Saturday rooming in Ringwood Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker and family and Fred Walker WGHt Fridar at Janesville. The "Pot Luck" supper that Was fetid in the M. -W- A. hall on WedStes-t day evening was quite well attended. * tiMi. ^ a !m J.wi J to m r it* ihf •Ml M UiMU At5 mm-* .viax \ii-sn --v * • * r 1 • *» % * v •••< •» in the Kitchen ! Coiififnfence Ev«^" llo«n^li|uld Ha?e ** ^ No need Vf.oI r go{i n.g • with.'oJ&lif lihe '.c3o. r*fyt tn•: ience 1»«df running™ hot > water, even if your home ^situated in a gasless diarict ^ *" Hot, running waterilightens'the work in the hqine and makesy H easy to keep the gla&v^hina and silver sparklit^ all the tune^ A Protane S>*«tem in your home^makes tins p<»ssiwl. ' '* awi'f. * - i St fcn*. ..^5 ,„r V<rVr • J*' !<ar;' M " » % S' igne<l so that the watei completely sur- •*' rounds the heat chamber, reducing heat loss to a minimum. It is equipped with 4 * • & ProtanV Wider fttater Is de-^r There am no smj.ll passages-fir eblfe to" All up with sediment or lime. There is a faucet at the bottom which makes it easy to Ausfcout occasionally, •> * ,iU kA a '• rn- " Other Protane Applisnces may he connected to the same system so that ' you may use the gas for cooking, heatlag and ether honsehold needs. i • X4*' ' a %>e<;lal Protane Burner which assures ecjmomy and efficiency of operation. The water jacket and heat chamber are msde from a corrosion resisting metal of great stsscigUi and durability. listed hf the Natisosl Boatd ef Fit* Uei>. iiil>neies •t ~')if; -WWl wm. Hardware fs-" Althoffi West McHenry v i "til over greatest previous Nash Juneti | inii -r»« ...r am % '4 ilfii «: V,i'. it' :>V;. ; • ",}*•*} t . 44t Rounding Into the last month of the i. half year period Nash sales and pro* *•' duction raced thru June to pile up a 6058 lead OVER the greatest previous m volume of Jmp bi^ess in all Nash history. 1 ^ And this record-breaking total also made June*1926, the 22nd consecutive month --with one exception--to surpass the mark setbythf! same month - . or/ ftLoe s rptnremvniAoHuCs ytrcp3o*f« -K^ ^ The reason Nash is getting the busi> «i| ne-- is simply because people are r'_x; buying where they get the MOST for the money--in greater VALUE, in greater QUALITY, and in finer performance^ ;T.jss-m^ t < w**-. ?mr >f : T j -•* 3 kt':. f- George, A. Phone ^8 ^ ,aw"McHenry. IU> a,- mm m