Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jul 1926, p. 8

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• 0MB OF AMMlMIlft «WB CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE FLAY THK BEST** THUB8DAY - FRIDAY July 1S-16 1W plelm that wW New Yerk 'His People' **Dtaetves Netking but Prilw" New York World •The Picture of the Year" New York TelegAm / J nd the Comely -HARD LUC*" SATURDAY - SUNDAY With Special Sunday Matinee at 2:S0 Matinee Prices lfe, 2Sc BIG TIME "VAUDEVILLE" WITH FEATURE PICTURES AND COMEDIES iATURDAf ^ July 17 SANE GREY* «< Horse something new In melodramatic westerns, with VAUDEVILLE aad the Comedies "A BEDTIME STORY" "AESOP'S FABLES" SUNDAY July 18 • 0 • RICHARD DEC in • K . - , '.-.j HA MIII Host five" • • f. with • ffi^SSs;" • 4-*- .-1 • , VAUDEVILLZ and the Comedy "FLtlNG WHEELS" fs1 • " . N..- Tuesday - Wednesday July 29-21 *,' * MARSHALL NEILAN'S "Mike" Witt Sally CNteiD, the Mew Wonder girl, and a real cast. J ^ 'J\ and the Western ; & ' v * "RIDERS OF THE PASS" • r THURSDAY - TODAY July 22-2S 'The Little Gnat" Starring den Hunter with Edna Murphy and Da-rid Higgins And the Comedy THE HANDY MAIP* COMING NEXT WEEK-- THE COHAN'S AND THE KELLEY'S As Seen By Plaiadealer leporters Mid PtflHhHl In By Oar Mends Mrs. William Bonslett spent Tuesday in Chicago. ) Mrs. John R. Knox waa a Wkuconda visitor on Friday. Mr. and Mra. Gerald Cany were Wilmot visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Steffes spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Miss Rose Huemann is spending several days of this week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. Justan were Ringwood visitors on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. Lewis McDonald were Monday callers in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. James Carey of Wilmot, Wis., sprat Wednesday in Mc- Henry. Robert Fontaine and M. Ryan of Evanstou were McHenry visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. A. Fuller and daughter off Elgin visited in the diaries Pieh home on Sunday. Dr. S. L. Minkk of Washington, Iowa, visited friends In McHenry on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rasmussen were Sunday visitors In the Frank Ward home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks and Mrs. Ed. Kelter motored to Woodstock on Saturday. Mrs. E. E. Whiting and daughter, Marjory, are visiting relatives in Chicago this week. Mrs. Irene KHnger of Lima, Ohio, was the guest of Mrs. Robert Thompson on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maxwell of Chicago called at the mck Weber home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom of St. Charles were Sunday visitors in the L. F. Newman home. ^ Miss Pamela Rietsel spent last week in Chicago, where she visited friends and relatives. Leo Conway of W aukegan spent the week-end visiting friends and relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mri Clarence B. Martin and daughter, Grace, were Woodstock visitors on Wednesday. Miss Irene Heff of Chicago waa a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunn of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent a recent evening with Mrs. D. A. Whiting. Alvin Kattke of Evanston was the guest of Elmer Moerner on Friday and Saturday of last week. Mrs. Josephine Smith ofj Woodstock was a visitor in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith on Thursday. Mrs. A. Schukmell of Chicago spent several days of the past week visiting friends and relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Chicago Is visiting McHenry friends and relatives for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe, son, Charles, and Mrs. Mame Harrison were Mundelein visitors on Sunday. Miss Florence Trent spent several days of the past week visiting with friends and relatives in Crystal Lake. Francis Bonslett, of Chicago, and Kenneth Ryan of Kaukauna, Wis., were McHenry visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Heimer of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. Josephine Heimer, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks, Mrs. Ed. Kelter and Mrs. Lacy OTfawegan motored to Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vastine aad son, Willis?", Jr., had as their guests in their summer home on McCdhan's Lake over the week-end: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McPhwrson, Miss Blanche Monahan and Cheater Vastine, all of Chicago. Mr- and Mrs. A. Wagner and son, Harold, Mrs. Flora Rossi, Mrs. A. Wagner, Mrs. A. Dunphy, Mrs. Ed. Wagner, Mrs. Ada Byziskien and daughters, and Miss Anna Doherty, all of Chicago, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kelter. Foi SALE-Sxl* ft floor Made of J>r !! COOMBT8 BAFCnnFIBD GUMLZ 4 H, hoards on a Sxf stringers. CaU CM, or write Bbx 188, BMnoia. I* FOR roam bungalow on Green and Broadstreets,wHh one car garage, all haprovements, paved street, etc. Let is ttxISS. Will sell for fM0®: HUM down and balance on tanns. Joe Dittrich. 6 FOR SALE--36 acres of timothy hay. Inquire of Ben Stilling £ Son, McHenry. / 0 FOR 8ALB--Agas range, |S5.00; two gas plates, $3.00; and one sanitary couch, 33.00. Inquire of Emil Laaeh, McHenry 6* to* Bali ftp MeHenry. touma allar .ill tail*. >. J. E. Wheeler, Waat 88-tf Ux.paifi lbs. J. 8, Mrs. Martin MMNn WhL, visited iMtitives afWheat- FOR range SALE Round :v: * yte? i'r r Used Machinery for Sale THSSI MACHINES ASS Of 000D OOMDITIOM, AMD THE PRICKS RIGHf Case Threshen 28-46 Rumely Thresher 22-34 Minneapolis Thresher 36-56 Anltman-Taylor Thresher 36-54 Red River Special Threshtf 8-16 International Tractor - 2 10-20 Titian Tractors ,, 30-60 Case Tractor ^ Fordson Tractor, He#^'ifc 22 h. p. Advance Rtoniely Steam 18 h. p. Huber Steam Tractor 25 h. p. Minneapolis Steam Tractor 20 in. Case SiloTBler t 16 in. Type A International Filler - 3 Bottom P and 0 Tractor Plow 3 Bottom Oliver Tractor Plow 1^ 2 Bottom John Deere Fordson Plow . We are also distributors for the following machinery: Hart-Parr Tractors, Wood Bros. Threshers, E-B Plows and Discs, Oehl Silo Fillers, U. S. Ooodhne Hnskers. DRUCE SrtHELDON Phone 100 GLrayslake, 111. FOR SALE--Building lot 50x134 ft, on Waukegan street, 1-2 block from business district. Only $600. Kent A Co. « Oak kitchen Reaaonahia priee. Call Mc Henry 65-J. Sl-tf FOB SALE Choke lets on Center •toot In Waal McHenry, 2 blocks t*am depot. ftldewelke, gas, water, •lactate Kfhts. $800 per lot F. H. Wattiea, West McHenry. 4S-tf. LEADINQ CHICAGO MANUFACTUBBB has a fine Piano and Flayer Plana In the vicinity of McHenry slightly used and partly paid for. Wonderful opportunity for parties willing to complete small monthly Write quick for fell, confidential information to P. O. box 172, Ckkage, Illinois. FOB RKHT FOR SALE--Cherries on trees at Thos. Dofoerty's farm near Ringwood. 6* FOR SALE--Ford runabout, truck box, good running order. Mrs. Joe H. Jttsten, R-3, McHenry. 52-tf FOR 8ALE--31 choice Holstein cows and heifers, TB tested. Being a termer, I prefer to deal with a farmer. Price reasonable. Charles King, Glenwood City, Wis. 6-2 FOB 8ALE--140 acres, all new buildings. Every foot can ha plowed if wanted. Will sell reasonable and on easy terms, lira. Joa H. Justen, McHenry, IlL 27-tf ROOMS FOR RENT--Also for light housekeeping. Centrally located. Phone 124-J. 5-tf FOR RENT--ft-roam flat Bast place for office. Inquire of B. Popp, West MeHenry. 2-tf FOB RENT--Modem flat in Wast McHenry. All modern convenienoes. Phone 147-W. 47tf, l> IdflfcMt an4Wtdneed«y in the hone of Mr. Mi Mrs. Henry Me> Millan. Mra. Geo-g* Dvnkley of Efein spent TueaiHy with friends here. Mr^ aaf Mrs. U. Kneoc and daughters, ifshat and Huh, visited In lbs Courtfeey home (1 Waueonda Sunday. Mr. Iryine Lauwna of Chicago visited Meads hare Sunday. Sr. ud Mrs. Hiram Bay of Chicago nnd Mis* Alice Lefcmer spent Wednesday In Lake Geneva. Attorney P. G. Bradbury and sen, Stanley, of Chicago, vidted Mr. and' Mrs. Flunk G. Schreiner on tlnvsday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank HftbaA, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lesser and ehBdran^ and Miss Edna Herfcaeh of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mrs. B. Jooa. The paity enjoyed a motor trip to Cary in the afternoon. Saturday tacy flAT.y, SL '*> ,>5^ ; FOR tion. RENT--'West side service See M. L. Worts, McHenry. 47tf COWS--Yes, we have them, in the woodrf on the old Hanly farm. 150 head of first and second calf heifers* Reds, Guernseys and Holsteins, also Guernsey bull, weight about 700 lbs. About 1 1-2 years old, all TB tested and will =ell "rder 60 days re test from the day they were tested. Wm. Steenen. West McHenry, 111. Phone 613-W-l. 4-8 -- MISCELLANEOUS LABORERS WANTED--At once, by McHenry Artificial Stone Co. 6 PIANO TUNING--Regulating and repairing. C. J. H Diehl, 219% Benton st., phone 191-J, Woodstock, 111., or leave order at A. E. Nye's music shop. 62-tf. LOST SrOfcfcN M STRAYEfe--A collie dog, answers to the name of Sandy, on Wednesday morning. Reward. Call Mrs. M. Tinnes at McHenry, or phone H. Asmalsky, McHenry, 628-JL 6* FOR SALE OB BENT--The William Schaefer house on Green street. Inquire of Mrs. N. Bohr, or phone 140- J. 6-2 and their PERSONALS Misses Anna Frisby, Alice Sutton and Mrs. Mary McCabe and William Sutton were Sunday guests of Round Lake friends. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Pigeon and daughter, Shirley, of Chicago, spent Thursday and Friday in the Walter Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fi: daughter, of Chicago, guests in the home of Walter Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murray and daughter, Jeanne, of Chicago were Sunday visitors in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 0*Flaherty and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frisby of Elgin were Sunday callers in the home of Miss Nancy Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gallagher of New York City are spending their honeymoon visiting friends in McHenry and vicinity. ^ Miss Arlene Warner returned to her home in Elgin on Friday, after spending several days visiting friends and relatives in this city. Mrs. Raymond V. Powers and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pouse of Woodstock drove to Sturgeon Bay, Wis., where they spent the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain of Milwaukee, Wis., spent the past week as guests in the Joseph J. Mertes home at Pistakee Bay. INTERESTING HINTS FOR THE FARMER8 Compiled by U. S. Department of Agriculture Dewn With TB On Jtfne 1, 1926, practically fi per cent of all the counties in the United States were actively engaged in the eradication of tuberculosis from all cattle within their borders. The estimated cattle population or these 762 counties is 21,000,000. Spruce Wood 2,set Tears OU A piece of wood from a barge or yacht of ancient Rome has recently been identified by the wood technologists of the United States Department of Agricluture as a species of spruce. The specimen was recovered from Lake Nemi, near Rome. This lake, still famous for its beauty, was fashionable resort of Roman nobles at the time of Caligula, about 40 A. D. It is possible the yacht fragments had bean eabmerged nearly 2,000 years. Profit in Low Spot* Farmers Who have marshy places on their lasid that they contemplate draining should first consider the possibilities of these low spots as places for producing muskrats, grow ing fish, or attracting waterfowl. The Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture has information on this subject and will be glad to advise interested persons about-the possibilities of profit in the increase of wild life. Fight Late Blight Early When cool moist weather occurs in July and August* late Might of potatoes often causes great losses, particularly in the Northern States. The disease spreads very rapidly in favorable weather, killing the plants in a few days. Late blight can be controlled by thoroughly spraying the plants. with 4-46-0 Bordeaux mixture, beginning when the disease Is first open. Repeat the spraying every 10 to 14 days in dry weather and every ponent 7 to 10 days in moist weather. LILY T.Aira Mr. and 'Mrs. J. G. Steinbeck, of Rogers Parte, Chicago, well known architect, who supervised St Peter's church in Volo, spends many weekends at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Setfisch of Irving Park boulevard have been spending week-ends, rain or shine, on their entire block No. 58, purchased when Lily Lake opened. Mr. Seilisch made another purchase of an entire block. This parcel faces three streets, one on Nob hill overlooking Lily Lake. V "1 The east part of the property faces Sheridan Road. This wonderful block is without a doubt as choice a residence site as any lake property in this country. Dr. Ackerman of LOy Lake analised the drinking water and reports Lily Lake water 99 per cent pure. Air, sunshine and pure water may keep the doctor away. TTie residents of Lily Lake were surprised to be awakened the other morning to learn that nine carpenters were busy building a new home for one of the newcomers and later in the day the roof was on. Some fast workers in Lily Lake. Lodz's lunch counter business has increased so that an extension was made necessary. Good food and the best of treatment brings friends and the mazumen. For information regarding Lily Lake, phone 612-J-l, and ask for Mr. Davis. ^ The Harrisons and family, wall known North avenue merchants, operating Harrison's Department stores, checked up their Lily Lake investments while spending KHeir 'Weekend. While on the ground, Mr. Harrison flatly refused a nice profit on a block of lots purchased recently. Grand opening of Lily Lake, held July 3, 4, 6, was attended by many people. So rapidly were sales made that on a number of occaaions duplicate reservations occurred twice, yes thrice. It is astonishing to note the rapidity in which Sampson Sex and Co. have developed and improved Lily Lake and how quickly new homes and families are making this their permanent playground, especially for vacation days. Mrs. Gertrude Strauss of Maplewood avenue, Chicago's reeent Lily Lakites is in her new home on the Sampson* Sex subdivision and are at home to their many friends. Matthew Stuarvestant Barley's had their house warming. Many friends and relatives attended. Josef Lenzen, well known garage owner, of Volo, will soon announce 14a opening of an oil station at Lily LaMe. Miss Persis Weaver, of Bulgaria noted diver, gave an exhibition fancy swimming. Her fancy stroHs1 more than equalled the charm of A. Kellerman. A. D. Davis, veteran real estate * j dealer, enjoyed his ^feck-em^ l%i! ! wonder how his good wife allows her charity duties to keep her from Abe's side when she is fully aware that ao many charmihg damsels do not miss their week-ends at Lily Lake. The Four Horsemen of Lily Lake, Harry Gaiter, Charlie Newman, Check aad Jack Holden Harry and Chatty almost broke all records and their backs making forward passes sewing 168 touch downs in tossing boulders and completely whitewashing the enemies (said stones.) Two of Sampson, Sex aad Co's. fat boys are holding a pie eating con- x test for the season. At present Charlie Newman Is 28 pies in the lead. Prospects look favorable for the op- Charlie dislikes rhubarb Before the days of a Camera, we had to depend 190M bmbmif description by wprd of food vacation days. But now the Oamjra Ihe story with a vivid and lasting reoonL Get one today and keep « reoord of your pleasaat trips. ~ 1-ftenr Servtae Whitmans Candy Summer Novelties "M McHenry Drug '-WWi vs~ <- ^ '•fffi" * L~ „ ' Is the Man Who Whtt te yttur etperieiice yon fiad saved yon oodd have shared in an opportunity thai we«ld hav% made yon many There is only oae s opportunity knook* start savinf ntm for tfc* r#f. :W\ %% Interest on J4S J®;;' • V "The Bank That Service Built** ^ , "t t*Asf _ • A ; * *" ' "p. •'.** - - i J' m 1 i. h • i u •# • * itk£

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