* , , i , .<-3- > '«?;<V y ; -.»t • ' fc . V* «a> MWii tYP] ' '•+4c> r lifer"7 m; Of Dancing •* KX1CKHAN 8, KOUItP LAXX WKDNKSDATS, SATUMSLYS, t " ikr sixzmoki tad fnramlhl Absfc • Gentlemen, 75c wr. ..,. _ , _ J»adli*, 25c No chargs for parking at any time be and daughter, and Mr*, i. at Irving H3/^ •• ---. . _ , rs, . T.f. Waving ^ , EaVjSiSk :i .... TBfe WAVE WITHOUT A PHOTO WAS MADE FROM ONE OF OUB QS1G3NAL WAVB& Iter information, oall at , Near Oak Park Hotel Pistaka* Bay, MeHenry i" •: ^ -,r .. •*'»*». £?>•**- "'** J, ' " >|¥S^V; •.!'«»*& '•'.-.-,i.--.,ls-5.-t^- v.i« ,5 ." , '«•• WmT'< ?M,W'-4^-- C T Pri. % " >X' $ ' 4 V-v*? *--.VV * V - ^ -jrf-AtT 7 -*s» i % • - ' •»* ^Vir' S t'f t i Z'fci 3k- ** < '•& <• A. '*" & sy and Mrs. Karl isday evening Callers Mini Pwi» Wwt jfunl Thursday with MiaaLoraa Jepaon. Karl Bradley of Lake Geneva spent Wednesday morning: with his wife and children. Mr. and lire. Frank Hitchens entertained company on Wednesday evening. The Home Bureau met with Mrs. Walter Harrison on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Agnes Jeneks of Libertyville is spending a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and two daughters, Shirley and Manor., and Clarenrs May spent Thursday evening at Crystal Lake and Wood- WiOfam Beth; Jr., spent Friday at Chicago. John Kottner of Spring Grove was a Ring-Wood caller on Wednesday. Mrs. E. C. Hawley Is entertaining her cousin, Mrs. Coleman, from Indianapolis. William B. Tonyan of Johnaburg was a Ringwood caller on Friday morning. Mrs. John Hodge «of Alabama Is spending a few days with Mrs. Mary Hodge. Mrs. Leslie Olsen spent Thursday on the Charles Olsen farm. David Hodge is entertaining his brother from Wisconsin for a few days. Whiting of boulevard spent Friday h» ding a week t, Mrs. And- . Mr. a* St* Jufca MiUer audi togfci* in th# of tlnit •asw r she luu bf^i visit- Mr- ltt»d Mrs, Oliver Lawrence and George Sheph t Friday evening evmOt At WIBstock HjLaln. m Jllra. Hannah Walker, sinee ing kmoe from the hospital, Is getttef along, M?, anAJtbm. W. A. .Dodge has mowli to Sngwuod, where they will wood. Miss Byrd Hodge of SoIm Mills spent Monday with frjenda'Jn Ringwood. ; Mrs. Alma Thomas of MeHenry was a recant caller with her daughter, Mra. JftfMfi' Rainy. •tap.llay of Chicago !• assisting L«Wtt Hawley in the meat market. Bruno Butbr of Chicago spent Friday witJi hie wife at the home of Mr. ami lCra. A. W. Smith. m SKM and ArdU Whiting of Irving Park boulevard spent one day recently in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and family of Greenwood spent Friday evefrfng in Ringwood. MatbGloasen of Ostend and daugh-* ten apent Friday evening In the Joseph Toung home. Mrs. Wright of Lake Geneva called on Mrs. Mary Hodge on Friday afternoon. She is on her way to the coast. Mr. §nd Mrs. Joe Nett and daughter, Marie, of Johnsburg, were Ringwood callers on Friday evening. Mrs. Oliver Lawrence spent Friday evening in Solon Mills. Mr. and Mra. Roy Neal are entertaining company this week. nk «t Mm Tiny Carlson and two LaonArd and Fkad, of Chicago, Mada? with her slater, Mra, Lewis "iwtoy. • Mra. Grace Schaoadsr aadi ; j|pee of 8yracqas, N. Y„ spent tlm 'wmAr end tar the E. C. Blawlejr haiie. m r.v mp • ft-.av; ' y%-*W . • W- •A. v?-'>* .i-'V j T?"t / A.. Details tell impressive story of quality standards strictly maintained '«»; - y'} •&' V-' u' -- . $» ,r.,.. » \ "}-»« " *' • • ^ - I -v-• * .• n1 ' s>'Lr •-M-fg* .v * •>.' I , ' - 3 j s ? j ^ » ' «&f 4«f. H Unprecedented sales prove how well the public knows that Dodge Brothers Motor Car is sturdier and more dependable than ever before.. Delivers more miles at lower cost-per-mile. Stands up under harder going. Calls for fewer repairs. Provides greater safety. Excels in ' V? ' •'*»'> iV ' § a'V^. : *£•&,< j j*, ' ' " Misees ®ylvia and Qladys Larsen of Woodstock spent the week-end in the home of th«ir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claua Laraen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the week-end in the fe. C. Hawley home. 4 : Mr. Wintering spent the in the home of friends at New ter. Mrs. Julius Smith and son, jjgpne, who has been a month with son Hodge, left on Satnr^sy OoiliBg for Urbana, HI, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson of this village spent Sunday with their hrother, Charles Carr, and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Sanborn, of Spring Grove, spent Sunday evening with her mother, Mrs. D. A. Atjfeott. Mrs. Ben Brefeld and son, Jotaph, spent Friday at Irving Park boulevard with Mrs. Harold Whiting. ' Dr. and Mrs. Rand of MeHenry were Saturday morning caller* in Ringwood. Robert Thompson of Chicago spent the week-end with his children at the Hall home. i Mr. and Mrs. OUie Hawley rf Elgin spent, Sunday in the home & his brother, E. C. Hawley. Mike Dassow and Miss Stocking of Greenwood spent Sunday at Mrs. Hannah Walker's. . Quite a few from Ringwood attended the circus at MeHenry on Saturday. 'j, Mrs. Karl Bradley and ehiHten spent Sunday with her parents,] and Mrs. Henry Heimer of McH Misses Viola Rager and Julia McLaughlin spent Monday afternoon with Miss Florence Olsen. Joseph Young and family spent the day Sunday with John Young of Spring Grdve. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carr spent Sanday afternoon at Dundee. 1 . Mercedes Whiting of Irving Bark boulevard of Chicago is spending a week with Jessie Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers of jMc- Henry spent Sunday evening With Mrs. Ed Thompson. |r . Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young sjpent Sunday evening at Woodstodc. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chandler, of Racine, Wis., and Wilbur Hamilton, of Ripon, Wis., spent Sunday with relatives in and around Hlngwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughters and Clarence May spent Sunday evening at the county seat. Mrs. Jennie Cushmann entertained her - sister from Volo on Saturday afternoon. Miss Olive Jepaon Is visiting her uncle, Lee Huson, of Libertyville, Ibr a few days. ,, Mrs. Lewis Hawley and two fen of this village and Mrs. Carlson *n& two jboys of were Sunday afternoon callers |Ir. and Mrs. Edward Trototrudi of MeHenry. . I. Lester Carr and Andrew Hawley have left for a trip through the west. . M r . a n d M r s . M f l t e n H o p p e r ^ > e n t tNnBay evening with Mrs. Ruth Hop- _ Miss. Ariyne 1 -MxMm, '• 8pent Sunday afternoon a*nSBrBay. Ar^nr Httt Of'BSgin spent Tuesday morning in Blniwood. Bfdwt Bacon, of Grant, Iowa, is vlMtlog his brother, C. D. Bacon, for a few days. Mr* and Mrs. Roy Neal are enter* r ^ talfrfn^ her sister and ^family frwn iK'll Bell ' spent Saturday /«* 'j the home of her parents, i\ -#> James Bell. od Prayer Band and held their annual picin comsuix with j d^kious iundl and ice ei%am and: good roung all. Sun- .-ivsw.^ Going to be marriedt See as about printing invitation* or an-• nouttcemm^ The 0g|pdealer. rods that gtafftioff on » J. i *• & 11 *A ^ w* j§\ i*-y* js*w" '•% i-l •" ^: fiA . * -Is- *•• "WW' ~5H ' it has been fortunate enotyfh to secure tlw iwtvloei of <1 V. ^ cfL- e' C - ' r' ;i;?r • -••• 'J* ' • \ i and featuring Andy Rixzo, Hiisk 0'Hare's premier aeoorunder the direction of Johnny Constantino, • v throughout the season on Wednesday, Sat- • <;. i* orday and Simday nights- -v t- Vi?a-R Manager and Director 53 of Husk O.Ifare's Orchestras ."ate 'f r>:%v •' !i • 0. NIESEN, "'Ji'SfjSS *. Kfwia In fact, you have only to check any chassis part against its own past best--engine, axles, gears, bearings, frame, springs, shafts, electrical equipment--to prove how strictly and consistently Dodge Brothers have preserved and improved the basic goodness of their Jflsoducf^. : . Routing Cat Eoadster -- ••>4*. v!1 ^ »W J % • "™3 • -vj > ^ ,« *•• ; r V ' i , • 4';±'~ fcii'• l }r'- <ji~ .* / 1 i ^ v?A • M-, #&$ %•. i tv£.-. '••ft *£<*4 > £ -;<v k 796 F. 0. B. Coupe Sedan $84^ 89£ fif. t JAMES MORROW & SONS Waukegan and West McHejuy : +JA- ;*-* .» . yt ' £jap^ .£^4^'- - -• -~H' •• »• <>• » • -".'*4' „ >*'• MOTOR UTi-J: *p«v; - 1 . k.J * \ -r*. .5.^; •>:p' '• * •&J-' v • • i'.,- ' '•* - -- . &j£'* /•% • i flit iMni -'*• jJg:'v-' apsSStrSit;; > '* J- _ WT)* J, „•! f-- -iTiv *XUfS5ii, -X'r> -r-' T erlng LAMES' •'V^C-V '•••'ii -'<4<#L- -e ' • A nice variety to sele<$ from. Silk Silk Rayon, Voiles and Georgettes. Sises 36 to 50; Misses 14 yean to 20 years; Children* 2 yean to,12 yeac^j nfj. i. vJ1-VJ- -t h* ..v. • *f' •» • J:. ' :M4 |'"||J'.'1! 4'pinty "IF* -vVC-r; irifw|jiijjii»ui '-v? W h -V«i ::i : wj^- X- 3^ fv -- * & ATAQBXAT SAvno DTOWG bra i#v;« DAT'MUSS SALE MSviEMEOT) fia* Thnul Silk pw jitr --„ -- 85d 3pairs. 'ii '""' $2.50' OHirroire, «a iiik --SI.75 3 pain $5.00 ::sarfe^" '.;SfeX.iC SHOP HMdimet BarbUa and rrennd HoBSRBT, ILL JO -3r> ^ ' X * • i "7^ -V y*-4 'ii •- • tit" ;• -v *i<•-,?> H- • V, jC-":.- • n •