"/J »V *"'t v'* ell motored to AUrHft flfalKtoy speattha day at the hom of Mr. adilliii Awlrie Jones sitter at OtyiW y evening until o SLOOUBI'S LAKE be #e*pt«6 Willard Darrell and William Fink of near Waueonda attended an flliam Brooks of Wauthe week-end with boms of Qi|yu Lake callfttfca I|i and Rsfr Bowefl homes of the Eye, and doing I (Also treatiaf Bar, N ecutiv* meeting of the Farm Bursa* at IabartyviUe last Tassday eveniag. Office Hoars--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and ; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment ' Office at IsafiSn co---Kent Sooth of Cfty Hall, Wai ; ^ Plume 181" McHenry, HL WEL M. OAERO Lawyef flee with Kent &. Company Every Wednesday Mildred Hoffman and Miss Myrtle Darrell spent iaat Thursday in Chicago. ^ .. Mr.: and Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litnrler at Round Lake. Arthur Wackerow and Rollin Dkrw- Xatthewi callat Crystal Ifr. a*d Jofaa'Tfatinenstni and iqtd son, Arthur, had i Sunday at the home of -Anna BfoonfMd at Elgin. Miss Myrtle Darrell visited at the telephone No. 1084L ^ Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the boat companiee. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS KUNX BEOTHEES Local and Long Distance , HuhHHI Phone 204-J McHenry, 111 \ "BUILD NOW"ii dLod Jtock yonr putry with peirti (Ma «ar FboneUi-K 'S STORE Jo*.;. Hilar, Prop. ,111. home Bonin aad tvo i sons Crystal Lake-last lataml wsr* uiCMBMrs. 'Helen Boainof spent the wash aad bars. Mrs. Raymond Lvk Of Lake spent Sunday at the home. Grantham spent Sunday ilaaday in Chicago. $, Meyers of Crystal Lake 'ednesday afternoon at the and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mrs. Harry Matthews and lbs. Willard Darrell ware afternoon and supper gosstfe at tfea Mat of Mr. and Mrs. Virden I amb at-43*irnee. Misa LBIfen Tidmarsh of TecunMeb| Okla., who Is visiting friends at Waaeonda, called on Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, spent Sunday evening at thf home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett* Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grantham of *;i7* 3. w. woeth ;; ; PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN^^ . . Audits Systems Income aad Inheritance Tax Matters Member of * .... I#' _ Public Accountants Association ' of Illinois i Phoae 296-J McHeary, IB. 1S6-W. Reasonable Rater A. H. BCHAEFER Draying McHENRY, TLLINOIS •vs Insure-Is Sure-twaa WITH - Wm.G.Schreiner ^• 3 Auctioneering OVfiCE AT RESIDEN Phone W-R McHENRY, ILL f4"* 'S0 daioke* »•••»•»»•<•'> j Gary mf. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree and daughter of Elgin spent Sunday • . • . . iJK ^OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of ->* Fox River Valley State Bank : Located At McHenry, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 30th day of Jtuie, 1926, as made to the Auditor >of F|ihliG Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RK8(mRCBS.^;^ "\0 ' L Loans ofl Be&l Bstate (la) ^4----- ^ 38,432.54 2. 3. 4. 6, 7. 8. 9. Loons 1m Collateral Security ilb) Other Loans (lc) _--4 ---- Overdrafts (2) Other Bonds and Securities (4) __---- Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Other Real Estate (6) (5). Dtw from Banks, Cash and Other Cask ' Resources' (7, 8, 9) --J 2,381.00 7^515.09 982.47 24,750.00 21,720.47 32,936.71 25,802.97 otal Resources 4226,521.25 LIABILITIES Capital Stock (1) Undivided Profits (net) Time Deposits (4a) Demand Deposits (4b) >- Bills Payable (7a> r_4. nee • council flalmty of Eflbary, State el imnolfe: faiHoB 1--That tbsta ha«iand is heretr aif;B|>Hal<il JWai ^aay money that ia sov*ar aayWli^iiyin in tha city trtaapry-trf the etty af Mcpurpeae herein •psiefted, to defray the nirdhsaty: tt^enaM J^Uitiei of-aai4 «l«r-f*r the fiasal ia--Mug on the 1st 4ay «f Hay, A. D. 1S26, viz.: . For For sidewalks For stteet pod alleys F<w wataar works Foryabtte yn»eity Enghanilnf ftmd Special assessment. ..... For fira protection «, Contingent Bond redempthm fund .$ MOMS 2^500JOO W94*0 i nan tw "SJS! 4,000^0 e^oouoo i^OO.OO 6,000.00 4,000.00 Total $57,000.00 Section 2--fhat this ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten CHy Clerk. ' % itat * \Jd Jidy 16^ UMU, Motion by Frett, saamM by flta^Ms, that M. L. Warta ha yald $60^0 per year fwr rrot of the public csrri^d. Motion by Frett, to adjourn. F. R. F. CONWAY, H. WKSTLIS, Mayor AY, Clerf. <3> 50,600.00 69.49 73,426.50 90,325.26 12,700.00 W« jtrry • ftsll line «f chicken feeds for baby r I chicks and laying hew. WanwMrfantare same t of our scratch feeds and I mashes, and can saw 1' J®® *a ,i.v. ^ H:\ •Mas] FHir Mills Waal . %. * > , Total Liabilities 4226,521.25 I, D. G. Wells, President 9f the Fox River Valley State Bwk, do solemnly swear that the abovo statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above corresj>ond with the items and amounts shown in the report ^iade to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pnrftiiant to-law. ^ & <*• jnBLLS, Presid« STATE OF ILLINOIS, S? -V'* J- ^ - COUNTS OP MoBffiiSBt.-t • :£ #* . St -to 4? • Submpbed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July, 1926. . (SEAL) ^ r N. H. PETESCH, Notary Public at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Offii Grantham. Albert Bates of Evanston is painty ing the G. J. Burnett house. Harold and William Brooks, CheS** ney Brooks and their aunt, Miss Lillian Tidmarsh, of Tecum seh, Okla^ were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Fannie Carr at Spring Grove. Those from this community attended the circus at McHenry oa Saturday evening were: Mr. and Mra. Birt Dowell and children, Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, John Rlomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Merwia Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nellis of Terra Cotta spent Sunday afternoon at tha G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonin and two daughters and two sons enjoyed a picnic dinner and visited at the different parks at Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Gilbert Larabee and Lee, Olive and Charles Larabee, of Bristol, Wis* |di8s Frances Lundquist of Kenosha, Wis., and Mrs. Sonia Elmergreen of Janesville, Wis., spent one evening last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Liturler of Round Lake called last Thursday at the G. J. Burnett h<«me and were accompanied by Mrs. liurnett to Crystal Lake, where they called at the Warren Turner and Ritt homes. Mrs. Charles Bonin and two sons called at the home of Mrs. Nick Peterson near Crystal Lake last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. H. L. Brooks and daughter, Mrs. Lodis Rohman, of Barringtoa, called on friends at Kenosha and in Bristol, Wis., last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rajio of Chicago and Mrs. Mort Ritt of Crystal Lake were Saturday afternoon and supper gueete at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrelll aad' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Crystal Lake. City Cornell • V" -- Mil- J| am£•4i a rew reames To Cook a Full Meal rpr: *4 tn^^ shaking of Prolarie 1 rai,uiarU^e 2|owa Homemaker a publication issued by the Iowa SWt 'toliege, Ames. Iowa, says •Ak % " "This fuel has been oted m some experiments for the ^ |M8t few months at Iowa State College Many types of food have been prepared Vegetables and meats have Wen cooked on the top burners of Ux stove Bread, ^ ^ » cakes and pies have been baked w the ovsn, with thoP> ® ouhglysst^aclwrewlte.^^ Y* ri.f,* :<dt, v-"* i#r ' i • • - 3^ imfr, • 1 ^ J* j ;%5 t Drs. MoCnwney % Brown qWCORPOE4f»P) DEHTUnn !Di. L«f. Browm ^ ^ Wuiktt atoul^nomurM ia First C8a«a Dentistry at Moderate Prtesa. -Ask your neighbors and friends * about us. jB. X. Oor. Clark & Randolph 81 145 H. COarfc tt, Chicago 666 j a Preacriptioa fa* COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA. * It kills the RIG DROP IN 8 the ties we hati sold foe 11 YPAE3 .4 6.9S _ 13.60 14.50 17.64 18.54 i -• >%;: * • 4 S0x3% I|x4 S2x4 S2x4H *8x4% : Diamond BaDoon Tires S0X4.4O --9-9f S0x4.9S V •0x6.25 1J-8J |lx&26 .... ....-I. ---- i».»a S0x5.77 17-80 S$x6.00 ' 4-- 2166 Mill us year order with check « draft, and It will be seat the day received. SipitVs automobile was oqnipped with the best ofaains Money covld bny, mid lie was driTO^ «l*wly. Wo traffic laws w«re broken, sfiB there was an accident Someone killed. Smith was "f»ni(l^ed.M Do your eye glasses meet driving itqniwuiwiu? Make sure tomorrow. Phone for an appointment. -1 • ? • v.>vT-. a ... •..... • 'f. Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist PRIES BUILDING OVER NATIONAL TEA STORE Every Evening from 7 to 9, except Saturday f> - AU day Wednesday from 10 a. au to ® p. m. Pkaaa HI > . ' Prolans ?^Wi la aa^ a only economical, but clean, efficient, easy and safetouse Investigate^. = this woadtrfU hiw at once. . '* • ---breakfafi, luncheon, and dinner--may be prepared for ax pevsons with a Pralane 8ys> ten at a cost of less than ten cents for fueL This shows the economy with whichJfVotaas ,4«aissarheased . . * •! (Sir fS.'< • a; -S? •M. Hwdwsr* * Altfeoif Waat McHenry m' >:*4 -t To CHICAGO fmai HteHenry--Grmym Lakqt * Convorfiit, dependable service by North Shore Meter Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry Lv. Grays Lake 6:50 aai 7:31am 11:45 am l&ttpai StOOpa 3:41 pM 7110 pa 7:51pm S:lSps tesar sts txz .sss Arr.hChmdwe fJOaas StlOpai St 90 pa lOtlOpas AUTO SUPPLY *,«?'; I.. Local Agents , IllinaH Council Room, July 6, 1986 Hm 4ky aldermen met in ugidsr session with Mayor Wattles preaiding. Aldermen present--Doherty, Frett, Frisby, Hughes, Overton and Thennaa. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read aad approved by the finance committee: John Walsh, services at sewer lift for June --• IM® John Walsh, services as marshal for June 118.00 Public Service Co., power for electric pump for June. WO Public Service Co., street lights for June .-- 14RJJ Public Service Co., power for sewer lift for June --••• Public Service Co., mushrooai lights for June Public Service Co., traffic lights for June 111. Bell Telephone Co., calla and service An^eri^an Mexican Refining Co., road oil Smith Bros., mdse., broom, John Brda, supplies -- Western United Gas ft Eke* Co., June gas bill Overton & Cowen, water worits supplies - Frett Bros., sidewalks J. W. Worth, auditing city books - Andrew Hansen, labor on water works John J. Vycital, turpentine .... Jacob Freund, hauling gravel 2SS.50 R. F. Conway, phone • calla, postage and supplies William Ahrens, hauling gravel - crushed rocks, etc McHenry Plaindealer, printing Weil-McLean A Co., service boxes ..................... Charles Ensign, labor on water i Works S0.00 William AlthofT, supplies ».16 Knox Motor Sales, supplies .... 1.00 Frett Bros., sidewalks -- 116.20 John Mulch, salary for June.. >0.00 Ambrose Schaefer, freight aad drayage -- Bernard Newman, labor streets Union Iron Products Co^ street signs 46J10 Monogram Lens Corporation supplies Freight on car of oil Motion by Doherty, DE. HENRY O and Staff of Physicians Office over Bolger ^ Store r r*.:' "Hi m 10 to 2 every ^Thursday and Saturday . j* " **"': ^ v: SPECIAL SEDAN ( I £ I you will KNOW this Special x Sedan leads its field one# you've tried out its yourself* Cote U* 8.07 221.69 seconded by EAMD