nrvrr J"•' x < , > > • * - j ? * \ - ^ ^VS5*Y* ^ * r > ; . £ ? $ ? r r v ; ^ " « s ^ - . T * i ^ ' " , '•. • . :. >'---. '.• **• ..k1 • , • <-" -a •". % *: JUl . > a, . jf/'j, w ,."««> .,»••• Yx<ty^. %>.•••• • ' «« -•<*• * •<•«»• • •»!'»*•••-« -• ".- v. ..I/- . .i.. .*' 4 .• .J" v., ,.; -,2" . .. .> THIKUXET KJUERMJUitt, THURSDAY, JULY IflM *y }-*< 1 % I '• *-&k of the Ey«, ad doing Oflk* PuM< .§•:.!» 9 «• Bn 2 to 4 and to 8 p. av>aadays bjr Appointment of CHy KaB, Wtokegm St 181 McHtniy, m IMHHHlif «' urtf <irfnVfc"irvifMw^^i njutinj l WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer with Kent & CompsM0r Svttj Wedaetdaf 34 MoBsary, HI No. 108-R. Stoffel & ReihampersM' Insurance agents for all classes of. property in the bast companies, j* f WK8T McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS &UNS BROTHERS Iml uri Long Hauling Phone mj McHenry, HI QrrxRt8mv6 nuni FOR THS FARMERS U. s. Agriculture Bensol is effective against worm infestation in livestock. IaforutiM Hflk should be kept at or.fceknr 60 dcgteaaJf, the Mflkhtr ^ Experiments have shown that slow milking may rcdbee the percentage of butterfat in the milk. Select tfc* My tod the The color of oannad --lym indh **tes the vnrtoty rather tlen the (fcality. There are several kinds ef salmon and these vary in color •ft* canning from a bright red to aiwhite. Meat Hark People often wonder whether the purple meat-inspection mark is harmful. The purple dye Mid all other ingredients of the marking fluid as applied by the Federal Meat Inspection Service are entirely harmless. £ J. W. WORTH , PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT jjludits Systems Income aid Inheritance Tax Matters Mentor of 'l|Wi Accountants Assorirtwi ef Illinois MM McHenry, 01. Reasonable Rater ; 'A3tA *7W M. MBAUM -Dtnying tPMaHENRY, ILLINOIS Snre-hsnruce WITH Wm.G. Schreiner . i .. Auctioneering OOVICE AT RESIDENCE; ' Pkos* W-R McHENRY, ILL Chicken WunyaftdlUMflf chidrw foods for baby chicks and laying hens. We manufacture some of our scratch food* and marina, and can saTe yoii monay* • • •"I ." *-•' ' * " - Ndeio Flu Mills Dri. McOhcsBay St Brawn DC.LW.BK«ii .• Dr. B. M. wafe* Bstahlished over 45 jsan and still doing business a^ha old stand. Konsars inTintQaas Dentistry at Moderate Prisea. and friends 8. S. Oor. Olaric ft Randolph St. 145 H. Olark St., Chicago "-"ArbSSKA-11 "BUILD NOW" 'i-il shelvea MILLER'S STORE JTw. J. lOhr, Prop. f*Eone 314-R 'WMewcjl ill ; h«ai ihm tkal tkt v apUi «#v 4fe^nc «a .a sliit nk »Wa iu. •MM to a hsiWqr plazft wttkin Wl tifWiili patlod of feeding oa *• UitjNr. Aaaiwl>wati*i of nhMipmdwm wft--fc M p«0ttptly and ns cob- "as groatot nnmbers. 32 ******* * i *iri*M*<%">T>ruV\ArLPlAAAfUV>Af "f Are Ybtt Afty l^^rel to Tour '•DREAM CASTLES" dnUat »« 00m* •van In this hurtling, narrow, strennons aft. yX \t But they become realities for the men and Wt» \ " men who add planning to wishing^ ; _ *~j-- Whatever your Dream Oastie mayLttkjW gotng :•#;'•> to take money, isn't it? Hot a bit too early to start saving. You'll find , x« it easy, and you'U know your money is safe In i this f&mly established Bank; !- McHENRY The Bank that helps you gat ahead ^ ^ ILLINOIS Pride Geeth With PairiT^i Don*! ftqut tiw Mail box w£rn yen have your 9«fiet lcnsh handy. Undo Sam is urgioa a& rural postmasters to snake a nillrtle effort to got all mail boxes and support posts pahitsd white with titf fstra'a name in black letters one inch high on each side of the box. Paint protects, preserves Pickle Cever piekleg the Best cover1 for the surface consists of a circular board about one inch in thickness and two inches loss in diameter than the inside of the receptacle in which it is used. The bast covers are made of oak or i>her hard woods, never yellow of pstch pine. Before use, dip in molted parnffifi a«4 Jlw* over with «i fiaino. TB Widespread Approximately 70^)00,000 animala passed before the Federal meat inspectors in 1926. Post-mortem inspection of these animals indicated that tuberculosis in both cattle and swine still continues to be the most widespread malady of meat animala at time of slaughter. In fact, it was responsible for considerably more con* demnations than all other diseases and ailments combined These facta merit the attention of livestock producers and are further indication of the necessity for continuing the cam* paign of eradicating tuberculosis with the utmost vigor. • Good Fee*--Extra Hog* . While hens will live and even Iteeff in fair health on poor rations, wellbalanced, palatable feeds are essential to good egg production, says the United States Department of Agriculture. The additional cost of a good ration compared with a poor one is repaid many times by the extra eggs obtained. As a rule, the simplest feed mixtures composed of home grown grains and their byproducts, supplemented by sweet or sour milk or some animal feed rich in protein, such as meat scrap, will prove most profitable and will produce eggs at the lowest cost. All changes in the feed should be made gradually, as sudden changes may <10* crease egg production materially. so convenient that you d^ee your hoars In tt to a tWggests the Bursau of Homo JSconntas of the United States Dfcwrtsnt of Agriculture. How is i«u kitchen situated in reftikm to $0 dining room, the front id back doors, the telephone, the Oar and the pantry? Makn, ft you in, in the competing all lafcween tiw ttfchNt atf# also place the Alt ddJolfeiat this cupboard on the kltchaa cida, yon will save many stops in handling these dishes and silwar which are kept in the cupboard. Group the equipment in the kitchen into working centers for preparing raw food, cooking, serving and dish washing. Store food supplies as near the food preparation center as possible in cupboards or receptacles proof against dust and household pests. Provide good wall or drop lights, or lamps in brackets, over the sink and stove and any other work ffoTeJTlHri* a sink yea will find and wood-^ cany a. cosgftetnBIt finishes for floor, walls #ork that are easy to hasp risnn, durable and pleasing to tfeis eye. Sot sink, work table and otfcar largo^ equipment at such a height that thaf| worker does not have to stoop over; Cant> ttnd card 'eases to tiiafe' ^ Plaindealer office. Ask to see thani;|^ ',.1 r 666 DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU Smith's automobile was equipped with the best "i r>Via.iw money could buy, and he was driving slowly. No traffic laws were broken, still there was an accident. Someone killed. Smith was "farsighted." Do your ey# meet driving requirements? Make sure to Phone for an appointment Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist PRIES BUILDING OVER NATIONAL TBA Every Evening from 7 to 9, except Saturday All day Wednesday from 10 a. bl to 9 p. m. Phono 188 W a Preacrlptiwi for COLD8, WffH FLU, DBNGUB, BILIOUS WEI AND MALARIA. It kills the iMgDropia : Diamond Tires 4 18.60 14.6(f 17.64 18.64 Balloon Tires $ 9.90 13.65 14.6flr us check draft, and It, Robinsanft AUTO SUPPLY Hmt» Still andCSiicago Stcaati Elgin, IU THJSH LINE To CHICAGO From RMtenry--Graym L»k0fg Cotmnknt, dependable service by North Shore Meter Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect nt Waqkegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking yep to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." £•. McHenry Lv. Grays Lake AjT.Waokegsn Anr.C" Arr.l 6:50 am 7:31am 8:15 am »:89am 9:30 am S^Opm Sa41pm 11:45 am 12:2S pa isc JSS 3:10 pm StSO p«i 7:10pm 7:51 pm S:3Spsa 10:08 pa* 10:10pm WEBER A SGHIESSLE, Local Agents W«st MoHenry, Ulinoia Hints for Hot Hogs A hog will find shade in hot weather if he can, but if the shady place he finds is also hot Tie does not seem to realize it, and will stay there and from overheating. For this reason it is best to close any buildups that are not cooi, rorcing hogs to get shade elsewhere. Tha natural shade from trees is preferable to any other. If trees are not available, a good artificial sh should be made by setting posts and building a cheap framework about 4 feet from the ground, covering it with brush, hay or straw. A shads of this kind is better than one mj of boards or sheet iron. If dust cumulates the covering should bo made wet with a hose or backet. This will serve the double purpose of cooling the air and settling the dust lauaigrant Plants Pests The board bill of introduced and fruit pests is more than a billion dollars a year. Two hours of every day's work on thfr farm or in the garden and orchard goes to feed these uninvited guests. They now include the mors import^ ant pests of agriculture and forestry in this country. Importation of plants and plant products before the establishment of inspection or safeguards were thf means of entry of practically all of these pests. The widening of world commerce to include vast areas formerly unaxploited has enormously added to thp risk. Irftsd'ng European countries recognized this need some fifty years ago and many of them now have reetris^f ions more drastic than ov own. Floors Important to Hens Poultry houses may be t>uilt with or without floors so long as they are dry. Damp floors maKe damp litter, and dampness is fatal to both fowls and chicks. If the house is on dry •andy soil, a dirt floor is usually quite satisfactory, but as a rule it is mors damp than board or cement floors. Dirt floors need to be scraped down to the clean soil and fresh gravel p«t in once a year to keep taem sant* taxy. If board floors are used, so* that they are be/h tight and smooth so ii to make them dry and easy to clean. Place them 8 or 10 inches from the ground, if possible, to allow a circulation of air and in order that space may not be a refuge fo? Cement floors, especially for houses, are quite satisfactory, as they keep out rats, last much longer than board floors and are easy to clean. The floor of every poultry house, whether of dirt, boards, or cement, should be kept covered with a lsttsr from three to six inches deep at all times. Oat, wheat or rye straw Is the best litter, but if it can not be obtained, sawdust, chaff, dry leaves or pine needles may be used. As as the litter becomes damp or badly toiled, take tt out an" dry litter. •Tm * r«T# - S' .J TA 11 BOTTLED ' WITH NATURAL GAS In Suburban er Country Homes-on Camping Trips-on E V E R Y W H E R E ! ^ flrople Hviag in suburban or country homes no longer need envy their city frlenif* and relatives their cooking conveniences, for Natural Gas has been developed so it can be enjoyed in the country as fully as it is if you were located ^ right on the gas mains. U may also be used on boats or on ffT fijOTOTH, trips. Special equipment is provided for these purposes. ^ iffrataneGssisnataralptcea- Jehsld and "bottled" in strong Steel containers of a convenient ' sise It is the ideal fuel for use ifr^ localities not served with natural , gas. It burns with a clear, blu# ' ' flame of the hottest kind. There It absolutely no soot, no dirt, no odqt.l" -- cooking uteasilB are ahra#.^ !Wm. Hardware V- •. **»}?*• f : M. "V ' •••V- trt . •' Here are spadal syjhsarM -for burning Protane Gas for every ' household or commercial need, detugned to bum this wonderful fuel terf in the most economical and efficient manner. The gas is as easy and ssfe to use as ordinary pipe line gas. Ask for a demonstration of this fuel in your home today-* there is no'obligaUon. * • ' rim. ef Ffao Althoff West McHenry •C^ f - ,« ADVANCED *1990 M'l m f' i ' t A i .y;' -V DR. HENRY O, and ef Mbffice over Bolgor's Drug j - Store Powered with the great "Enclosed Car" motor this brilf Jiantly performing car has a full 25% more power and 23% swiftef acceleration. George A. Stilling Phone 28 fiWS^lcHenry, 111. : rt:- Z.pfyfk o mm Li-'il/: f*' ""r ii^i wmm