mmmmm Wmmmmm WJLI«#PP#..,« \ s" -#.V-*4V* -'* - J of the Eye, ®hro*t and doing V tatfe. i. m., 2 to 4 and by Appointment -Kent Home-- 'af'CKfy Ball, Waukegan St. isi f:Tm M. CARROLL ^ Lawyer Ofk* with Kent * CM^uf "4; Erery Wednesday -v-^>' Ffaone 34 McHenry, III No. 108-R. | Stoffel & Reihantperger I Insurance agents for all classes of ^ Jn-operty in tfea best companisa. WEST KeHENST. :: ILLINOIS 1 KOBSBSOTPqtSS i Local gad bone DIMUM >1^ HaaHng Hume SO*-J . McHenry, HI Retail and dealers in Canada di 17, have cars c pared last yeUj ! were mH," 56.5 per cent. The record of the best week last year, that ending April 11, when 6644 cars and trucks were sold, was surpassed by 816 ears or 12.3 per . During the tbvte weeks ending July 17, Dodge Brothers dealers in Unified of 7460 Cottt- _ July It en 47te7 ears and trucks gain is 2098 cth, or fhUm [THE sonigul of the __ _ _ bit |t«r" said Hr./tSmAmtaa, • James Morrow 4 tap, meal Dodge Brothers Man, "MN» how weU the palrfic reeognisea the exceptional values rtpwssented by these ears." Window envelopes and Statements sa¥e ft gr«**«•(*** 1M end misttkes. Afc tboOt Ifcmn at the Plaindealer office. * Intorprotmtions of thm Rwlm i "FT v- mf G«tf X p };•>£•* flWiw a*ow* | \ (Monoflkg MiMoi, TU I*** J. W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Iaheritance Tax Hatters Meariber of P*bHe Aeeounfaats Association of ftyinois V»om$S4 ' McBavy.nL | fttoM lM>f. Reasonable Bate? - - - ^ MeHBNBT, ILLINOIS •z v"*": **4*4 . hnre--Ii Sore -Itswuce -- with -- i.G.Schreiner Auctioneering &VPICB AT RESIDENCE Pfco^#.«2-R McHENRY, ILL Feeds 'tFo jarryafulllinoof oMckon feeds for baby ohfrksand lajinghtns. We manufacture some •four scratch feeds and mashes, and cut saYe Jl® :^P90T» r.\\ ,£' "V ; . . . . Manufactured tag M(Beif) Fliur lids pWMMdtatfF.ll; atffidol Drs. MoOhesnoy * Brown CDJ^ """ "i&ssst FirttOasa Dentistry *11 Moderate Prteea. Ask your ntigbbaf* tad friends about us. ft. X. Cor. dark 6 ih 81 145 H. 0 Daily S MILLER'S ttSKWUT. »KEOHAKX>ia|t »-V". A good |^aoe to Trade |in all kinds of weatKjwr Iv'^i a«-i lot. J.piter, m. T: h- ream *• .# *"i " -i'- ^ V^Cta-."' t. .. ^ v.v: With the harvest come millions of new wealthy •°d a <% Uie i*ork. * *Wer, TSe Aeiartwa i - f J fovrsomt wtu tUrtmg f«« wtVfc ^4»f4 « I sf8unt' Gnt of tk$ .. - *' ^ aiwl ^ " qUrttsinj %t for aa- ®Wf few***! t< a«u( <*• WI rsHsrf of tkt sand. Be put it boek mom «»d $omebody told him W>}ff ** so. 0<fc«r« tSr/f « ploysr *• «»«Isd /o r^lof« a ball th*t it occuhnWly rolUd off the 'Wkot is ihi cotrtet oopJiao- •f 1kt ndit tf, tin J ' ' i As the year's agricultural products are gather* . .- ••7fd apd sold, inspiration is supplied to other ;.i . jUpes of activity. More thanks due the fanner* ^*'*1 ! *:f4, V'it this bank, you'll find a service keyed n|> to " season's demands, jilnd oomplet«, t^Ni. : The Bank that helps jron got ahead McHXlfKY 1LLQIOJB Is a PreacriptiM far J0OLOS. GlffiTB, FLU, DSNGUE, muout fbvib and malaria, ' it kills the 80x3 Mb M BigDaropin DUunenil - . Tiret & ,^#s§v I'rL 18.60 14.50 17.64 lt£4 XHtmoiid Balloon Tim 29x440 $ SS3B4J6 V ^ JOkSiJS . „ .„. - 14.65 m SUSJ6 -- lfcw -* SQK6.77 • StxtAO u yoor order be £tofeinaon'a AUTO SUPPLY ^.*1^ A; F0EE8I0HT IN E^WQHT Nature never gives a guarantee ofc perfect health. Feeling fine now is no assurance you'll stay that way. Even slight eye strain should not be neglected. It's effect on the nervous system causes headaches, indigestion, dullness and other illnesses. Now is the time to find out about those eyet?r • * M+Mr.^3-- w£:l. -" '; - • „ Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist PRIES BUILDING . OVER NATIONAL IMA tTOBk v)* Every Evening from f te K ipscept Saturday All day Wednesday from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phaos Uadar certain conditions the clay er lrai ei^fned to tee the ball again, baf noT'wI^sit Penalty. He aiight have chofim to call tt nnplayable as It Say. mUl'baiDe ti><» case, he had the rfgh* i« Mir and tee It a fain under penalty of Iocs of stroke and dtetttifce, Eere Is hew his count would have resutted: Hie stroke on which lie mtised the ball was one. When be touched the ball and caused It to move off the sand was another. He hfliit take * aihltf stroke for lifting ftoin da uhptfjJIile He, so that when a# teed the ball a second time, It lay thrsa. Thoee whe contended that the player had the right to tee op again, It Is assumed without penalty, overlooked the fact that the ball had already been pat ta ptacy. When the player struck at tt although he missed It entirely, he mad* "V*ttroke, and a ball la In Way as soon as a stroke is made on the teeing ground. It was therefore Stibjtifef to the aaaal rules. A player Wattowed to rifettce a ball that rolls off the sand, or to move It or do as he saas St, before It has been put la Play. But once he has played a stroke, conditions are changed, and the ball Is then subject to the raHa until the hole Is played out. (• th« a«ll Syndlcat*. Im) KANKAKEE FAIR MEN £$£ TRAGK REVIVAL Inter-State Show Prepares for Jfhre Days of Fa*t Rating Evenfs. ' BbtW fast harness races are pitted at the Kankakee track during the week of the Kankakee Inter-State fair, August 16 to 20. The fastest trotters and pacers of the Oreat Weatemi drcutt will be entered in the harness events of the Ave days of racing. There will be two harness races sach day with numerous running riMs. Ifim than 200 speed harass were in the Kankakae barns when the eventa opaded tait year. " The bSilMss evehts for the Bva do> of radag are as follows: -- Monday, August 16. 2M Pace §400.00 TM Trot 400.00 RaanlBjl Race 200.00 Tuesday, August If, 2:16 Pace .............,.....#<00.00 3 til Trot ^ 400.00 Running Race 200-00 Wednesday, August 1A 2:10 Pace 1400.00 3#5 Trot <0000 fHintlng Race 200.00 Thursday, August IS. 3:S4 Pace :<• |400.00 2:16 Trot ....»ii'400.00 Jtace 800.00 Friday, August sa Pace HOO OO Trot doaoo Gtmb of Woodstock risilad CMcago s|M»Jhmdiy elUi Miss AMml McMitil»l an ia visiting ral- X >• J AC! 4B • > ^Itta' Mlttfc Kncz or McHasry bad a Tisit wttt fjlaUves and^Mbkds in this phffis one fey last week. ptts.*Prarik Iftfas of Elgif *vMtaA*af WMr. and M. Knox and daughters were visitors ia Woodstock last Tnsiday. °"Ut. aftmb.'YMMk tifcMlBan were SpBng'GwfW visMWa " < ^IKb. Artbhr PhLhks of (S&y visited at^Bie Mttb of Iter sister,'Mrs. Bar! 1Jprt" Hrien Knox, who has been at^idinrM^imMr achotf at Stevans Toint, Wis^rdCirnsff'FHday frtottter utf wfB speed tfcff wiaaindcr of the Mir/ and Mlb. SH»ry McMillan and son artf "dn^fcfcter <i|M»nt last Wbdaasday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lynatt Wheaton. H*ro» and Miss Marjorie PhaUn of weK recent callers in Hie hooNrof Friank MeMBten. "Rita and Lornrthe^hreen of Woodstodr visited fnoa ThuxWlay until on Stmday in the 'home^ of' thair • grrandliarents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox. Mrs. Frank MeMfflan and daughter, Eleanor, were Elgin Vititofto last Tuesday. T Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughter and Mrs. J. P. Green and daugh ter called at the home of W. F. Burke in McHenry last Thursday evening. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago had a week-end visit in the home of her parents here. New house aprons at Erieksoa's Department Store,^West McHenry. Dr. C. R. Draper was a caller in this vieinity Monday; OAMEJtro HBH HIWB William J. Stratton, director of the state department of Conservation, itti an intarHew ken today mads fabUs the program for reforestation ioc HHwms According to Mr. Stratton, one of the AM* ftepa was tbfr appointsaent of R15B. MUer as Chief RtfisHi in, fte rt»n«rfTTM«trt nt CaMiervatltm. Mr. Miller is a well known forester of' 'iridl experience. A srradnat* nf Wkhash eollegt and one year at Yale School of Forestry, Mr. Miller ha* biW many years of practical experb »nce. Ten years in the big tbbber region of NeW Brunswick and s«V4ral ySbrs at the University of Illinois, as WeH as service with the U. S. Btologitiri Survey, give him unusual qualifications for his present position. Mr. Stratton, in outlining his forestry program, stated that a thorough; survey and study of forestry conditions in Illinois will be made at once. Tlbxt will come the purchase and the development of forests in suitable locations, the protection and conservation of our present supply of timber and the planting; of new forests. According to suiveys now o»n file, it it* estimated that at least two million acres of land in this state are worth more planted to forests than for any other purpose. Added to the three million acres already producing valuabj* timber this would make fivie million acres of forests when the program is completed. Illinois last year produced 115 million tabic feet of lumber. The region of heaviest timber is along the Mississippi i//er from Alexander to Monroe county. Somewhat lighter timber tracts are "found dear across the entire state, becoming heavier in Gallatin, Pope ami Hardin counties on the east. Jersey and Calhoun counties rank next in the natural growth of forests with Jo Daviess' and Ogle countlsa folloing closely. A fair amount irf 08TSND A IHcHeat*ar " r• y^-- G*•<«» 9r m*••% ym & Lakm . (;V. • Coavenieat, dependable service fay 4: North Shore Motor Gos^i' North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains Jaking you to the heart of Chicago--Ae"loop.^ * 'M-r Lv. warsLak* Arr.Waakaaaa 630 am 7:31am 8:19 am 9:! 11:45 am B^ftpm ltitSpaa t^lpm ItlOpm 4tMpn iSS is? ' 7:10pm 7tSlpm StSSpm lOiOSpm 10:10pm Hi# fox farm in But! Valley Is still receiving material daily for the finishing of the pens for the animals. Mrs. Hattie WSIlis, and little granddaughters, Graee and Virginia, were guests in the Frank Kaiser home one day last week. Farmers in this section are nearly wild over the wet weather, four dayB of constant drizzling rain. There is still some hay to be taken care of and grain has ripened very fast. A few have barley cut, mole are ready, wheat and oats are a rich golden color and need cutting, but the ground is very soft. L. E. Jecks expects to increase bis dairy, not having replaced any that he sold'on account of not p test. " New house aprons at Erickson's Department Staore, West McHenry For all the bad weather this section was well cared for on Monday. In the morning a fresh meat delivery later groceries and dry goods, little later in the day fresh fruit trucks came to our door and afles this a medicine man. Four different towns were represented; Ringwood, Greenwood, Elgih and WobdltodkJ Are we way out in the Wilderness 7 Guess not! Miss Ammie Francisco is still able to be up and around the house, bat this bad rainy,^fenjp wwathdlrta haftl on her. She 4s rHauaaltkHissidea her heart trouble. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin are expected to return to their Illinois home very soon. Their son 'has reached the Florida home and will take care of business there. by Lewis B. This bOl, in addltkai to invitations and ed at tfcs *44 r# Wid.f Atag. *k At 2 iTu^ lli&art Time ' W« shall at pitHfc aaetiaa at tV WanasiJt'Petty PWM eot the Baad R«ad. oaa black sooth of the W#K eonda dty limits: | - - - 81 AaPDLE HORSBB • SHBTLAND PONIES 1 PAtftWORK BOURSES The saddle liorMs are all educated tfatmato and teva as school teM* Hey He gentle, vMf1 broke work. We shall Iso sdD stock saddles) 'pe*y • tearAaCM abd governgsb|l|eart, harness? ale.' t AH this psopssty wiM ha sold-to the highest biidst and will be shown *0 satisfaction and trothfnlly ijniriHii, SALE SURE--RAIN OR Wiocosdi o. a. m of I WAUCONDA -:- ILUNOIt 4/*. • WIN* * ^ «* If Set a generous, tempting mm. .1 J^enry Ice Cream Jiefore Jfour ^vui|- Jters and yon'll see a lot of fua. z' -i* ' It'U seem they can't got it fast a •• yMb }4 4 • 4 watch 'em "dig in" with their spoons. jj*f» if jg* •H «»*• v** nourishing. Rieh ia . • '»^v V C, • V,. CftWHSWV Running Race soaoo RECORD PURCHASE OF VAUDEVILLE BY INTER-STATE FAIR TMity Attractions Booked for Day and Night Shows at Kanktfcoe Xha purchase of nearly thirty vaetavfita and drcus attractions by the Kankakee Inter-StatS fair for the watt of August id to ao la one of the iHt«ast transactions of the amasemect aver announced la this section 01 (Jm United States. These acts will be In charge of s theatrical director to Insure continuity gad smoothness snd the contracts lndicats thst the show will be the most fefifflant ever attempted at any fair. The program will be staged from s mortally constructed platform la front ' 'tt the grandstand each afternoon and 'evdnlng snd will be in additldn wr the races IH the afternoon and the evening bone ahow and fireworks. Theatrical tfeattons in the past have eMnltedi Itankake« men With Spwidfag dM>n tor their attractions thsn arn otbar'falr in America. ' A t t Pre* Cxamlnatlona 11m State Department of Health tfar hate experts at the KsMIhkee Inter-State Fair during the Wb« of August 16 to 20 in Charge of 10 sep« irate exhibits sbowidfc'&ow disease Is and cozblMiMSt is Nash £**d» ih§ World In iKIDor Cm Advanced >Door $1990 The Reedy for R Kankakee Inte^Sute Fair improving Its tracks in anttdpatloQ tl the unusuatly large pn#wa of harness and runnftti rices August m •SSRY'-I ,;ac, <^M}> LWXBMt a SOHTSSST,!, V^r>Vxs S " " arnst 0. ted v staff of Fhysidant OfQpe over Bolger's Drug Store .Honrs: 10 to 2 every . •Anrsday and Baturjltjr Y?u will find a distinctly new de» light in the matchless pow^rsqaoothness of the big Nash 7'bearing crankshaft "Enclosed QfuP motor. Try it -t M •a? ^George A. Stilling Garage Phone 28 C l McHenry, iMjasi